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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Hello to All,

    I am still working on the site...


    Let me know if it works ok.



    @UFO - Just love what you have up so far . . . . .
    when you start to play the video on UFOPOLITICS » MANKIND BIGGEST DECEPTION
    the sound is "xed" out and the viewer can't turn it on, all others seem Ok.

    Last edited by Hitby13kw; 07-15-2013, 06:49 PM. Reason: spelling


    • @Dana, cased JS Monster needed

      Hi Dana,

      You have been and are a blessing to have around.

      The Fire Blade AMEV1(Radiance) is almost under way. I have to present a flawless bike to the track officials before they even think about letting an EV join. The motorcycle shop owner is an old school famous engineer and racer. He likes EV bikes. Japan is small, he knows everyone. This is our best shot to get in sooner, than a lot later.

      I met some EE's. I like one, his prices are reasonable, he is well known and he likes what we are doing. He will do the wiring and electrical repairs when needed. He said he can make the JS boards but sometimes, we get lost in translation. My Japanese is not very good and I don't want/need any confusion with the JS Monster.

      The motor is all me. I'm using 18awg and ???awg for winding. I should have two rotors in my box. One for endurance and other for short track. I'm still waiting for my oscilloscope on back order.

      Dana, I need a special order...water resistant, hopefully compact, cased JS Monster. Food for thought, we will be running the Imperial at 72volts plus. I need the JS Monster working 100% and ready for action. I need it built right the first time. This is the start of our racing team.

      Keep it Clean and Green


      • R1 Value, Cornman, Boards are in

        Originally posted by JohnStone Post 2065 View Post

        And yes R1 shall be about 330 Ohms. Some of you tried (can't remember who) 1K and the opto did not work. Sorry - my miscalculation

        R2 is there for your convenience in order to use it either as pullup resistor or as series resistor - depending on the type of frequency source you have. You need to calculate the value for your setup.
        At Arduino it needs to be a series resistor.
        John, FYI Monster Driver 5.1 T3001 files has R1 at 470ohms. Any hints where to start to make that change ? Dana what are you using? I should get this right before I get the boards posted to the OSHPark Store. Maybe it works with both values?

        Checking to see if they will ship internationally right now... in the state of Washington USA.

        Please note this change by John. Check your email.

        @Kogs, R1 to 330, not R2
        Last edited by sampojo; 07-16-2013, 04:14 AM.
        Up, Up and Away


        • Thanks Hitby13kw

          Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
          @UFO - Just love what you have up so far . . . . .
          when you start to play the video on UFOPOLITICS » MANKIND BIGGEST DECEPTION
          the sound is "xed" out and the viewer can't turn it on, all others seem Ok.

          Thanks Hitby13kw, I had this site for a while...just abandoned dedicate to our motors...

          Yeah, that video...The FASCIST Country we are living IN...The United States of America...through You Tube and Copyrights BS...Pleasing MAJOR CORPORATIONS... took the DELETE MY AUDIO...Believe that?(If You go to You Tube site to watch it there will notice the yellow sign below screen)

          Of course WE ALL must believe things like this happens...after we all SAW with our own the FBI went to a FOREIGN COUNTRY...COWBOYS STYLE...and took ALL MEGA-UPLOADS Members/Properties...Under Arrest/ if they were Terrorists and USA THE INTERNATIONAL POLICE...and brought them to THEIR STILL KINGDOM AND MAIN RULER...The UK...


          So, what could we expect then, about a "Private" Video...made at Home...Not even "Google Ad-sense" Nickel and Dimes BS on it...?

          No matter what, I did it WITHOUT You Tube...enjoy the AUDIO NOW...I Upload Video on MY SERVER...Our own players...let's see what they do then...I DO NOT GIVE A DARN SH*T

          It is VERY Clear and stated at the end of video...I am UNDER the Provisions of "Fair Use" (Non Profit Broadcasting) Copyrights Laws...but they do not give a darn...


          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • testing 2 arduino programs and drivers

            Hi everyone

            I made a video, it wasn't recorded in the order I made video( it's made of four little vids). It is of the first program Dana wrote, then sub-pulse program at 12v and 3 neons, then 4 neons, then none. Also, I had no gate resistors, so as I add them, I'll make a video so you can see difference. I think/hope we can get this to work.

            I'm going to put 20 ohm resistors, to start, on each gate. I have probes on gate 1 and 2.

            Testing 2 arduino programs/ and drivers - YouTube

            Hey Sampojo, I hate to chime in, since mine isn't working right, but it seems good up to fets. I used the 470 ohm (r1), but no 1k (r2). The opto input does not share ground with r1, as schematic. The opto input, goes to a series 330 ohm, then arduino ground, not connected to driver.



            • High Frequency Feeding Coils...

              Originally posted by machinealive View Post
              Hi everyone

              I made a video, it wasn't recorded in the order I made video( it's made of four little vids). It is of the first program Dana wrote, then sub-pulse program at 12v and 3 neons, then 4 neons, then none. Also, I had no gate resistors, so as I add them, I'll make a video so you can see difference. I think/hope we can get this to work.

              I'm going to put 20 ohm resistors, to start, on each gate. I have probes on gate 1 and 2.

              Testing 2 arduino programs/ and drivers - YouTube

              Hey Sampojo, I hate to chime in, since mine isn't working right, but it seems good up to fets. I used the 470 ohm (r1), but no 1k (r2). The opto input does not share ground with r1, as schematic. The opto input, goes to a series 330 ohm, then arduino ground, not connected to driver.

              Hey Machine,

              Watched Video, and You are right (as Dana) Garry's Codes should work better...less spikes...Dana said was smoother.

              I tell You my Opinion, according to the "Noise" of those Coils, My Friend...I did not hear before what your Motor was "doing"...

              Motor Coils are being pulsed with "Too High Frequency"...according to the vibration noise they make...Motor will NEVER TURN this way my friend.

              Now You mentioned "160-170"...what was that?...Hertz?!...Dana uses 30 Hz my friend...

              To should lower Frequency in your Pot (if you have one of course)...or wherever you could do that...lower it

              So, the Symptoms I see...are that Coils are being energized with too much High Frequency Pulses...therefore, not "Enough Time" for Magnetic Field Generation from Hot at all...

              I could be wrong...

              Warm Regards

              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Resistors.

                Hello Machine, i completely agree, with UFO, from the sound your electronics/ motor coil make, i am pretty sure your gates are ossilating, causing the fets to switch way faster than they should,and causing excess flyback.

                It will be interesting when you fit resistors to gates, hopefully that will help.

                Regards Cornboy.


                • Thanks Joe.

                  Originally posted by sampojo View Post
                  John, FYI Monster Driver 5.1 T3001 files has R1 at 470ohms. Any hints where to start to make that change ? Dana what are you using? I should get this right before I get the boards posted to the OSHPark Store. Maybe it works with both values?

                  Checking to see if they will ship internationally right now... in the state of Washington USA.

                  Please note this change by John. Check your email.

                  @Kogs, R1 to 330, not R2

                  Thanks Soo much, Sampojo, have never populated a professional board before, it will be interesting. have emailed you.

                  Thanks once again,

                  Warmest Regards Cornboy.


                  • Originally posted by sampojo View Post
                    John, FYI Monster Driver 5.1 T3001 files has R1 at 470ohms. Any hints where to start to make that change ? Dana what are you using? I should get this right before I get the boards posted to the OSHPark Store. Maybe it works with both values?

                    Checking to see if they will ship internationally right now... in the state of Washington USA.

                    Please note this change by John. Check your email.

                    @Kogs, R1 to 330, not R2
                    G'day Sampojo
                    I did send JS a private email when he asked us to as he was really busy
                    I asked him this question
                    Q2 The connections to your driver are as I understand are that
                    K1X06 shows the connections from the Arduino or direct from a PWM osc. output to pin 3 to Opto "A" Pin 2 receives the ground from the PWM generator ground
                    The other pins are not needed at this moment?
                    His answer
                    Yes and no! It depends.
                    Given you have 5V at your generator or Arduino:
                    - pin 1 to GND Arduino
                    - pin2 to output Ardunino
                    - pin3 to pin 4
                    - pin5 to pin6
                    - pin 6 to 5v Arduino
                    - Please replace R2 1K with 330 Ohm

                    Twist all leads between driver and Arduino for less crosstalk

                    I did the wiring Just as he said and my Monster Driver worked OK

                    Perhaps John you may elaborate on this

                    Perhaps he was really talking to me regarding my project but my question to him was relating to his Monster driver Ver 5.1
                    Kindest regards

                    Kogs just making sure


                    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                      Of course WE ALL must believe things like this happens...after we all SAW with our own the FBI went to a FOREIGN COUNTRY...COWBOYS ....
                      Yea! The more an entity is organized the more fragile it is and they fear to be threatened. It does not depend if politics or scinece or business or energy supply.
                      See the story of Babylon: They built the tower as symbol in order to get themselves believe in their power. Why? In their deep conscious they knew they were extremely fragile (it is written there - read it!). In the end they experienced the so called "agency problem". Everybody did what he was supposed to do but the power of their community broke. BTW: The languages arouse long before (see 2 chatpters before). What they lost is being in line with their highly sophisticated and fragile community - the one only line accepted.
                      That's what we experience in todays powerful states: Babylon Syndrom and fragility and fear. The fear of stumbling giants. No consprancy required.
                      Please note that we act in this worldwide scenario - making the world less fragile.
                      And please note: Who were the people inventing technical solutions 150 years before: pastors and uneducated private men in UK. None university mentioned in realation to inventions at that time. Same observation all over the world.
                      So guys: Be keen and proceed with what you are doing. We are inline with nature's laws. And nature likes ANTI-fragility we are after.
                      Last edited by JohnStone; 07-16-2013, 01:16 PM.
                      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                      • @ Machine
                        I saw your video and attempted to duplicate it . The only way I could get it to do what your system is doing is to lower the voltage going to the pulse drive. I would suspect that you have a dead battery there or are not getting a solid 12 to 18 volts there. Check it out........???????
                        "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                        Nikola Tesla


                        • @ Machine
                          I also looked at your scope view and saw that your two pulses were not the same. Please select a different pin for probably pin 3 as it sometimes does not follow same timer exactly. Change pin number in program also to match your setup.
                          "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                          Nikola Tesla


                          • I already suggested...

                            Originally posted by prochiro View Post
                            @ Machine
                            I saw your video and attempted to duplicate it . The only way I could get it to do what your system is doing is to lower the voltage going to the pulse drive. I would suspect that you have a dead battery there or are not getting a solid 12 to 18 volts there. Check it out........???????
                            Hello Dana,

                            I already suggested (way back) to set a couple of Meters between Positive to Motor and Drains...One Voltage other IN LINE Amp least in one Channel/Gate...As I also thought it could be not enough V/A on Coils.
                            But after watching this last video, and hearing me, it is High Frequency feeding those Coils.

                            At this point, I don't know if your codes include a Fix Frequency already built in...or is it variable through a Pot? before at beginning of this Quad Driver Set Up?

                            I believe I read that you drive your Imperial at 30 I right?

                            Machine is mentioning 150-160?...but am not sure what He is referring to...

                            Machineeee!!...Where TF are U?!...LOL


                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Hey UFO

                              I'm right here.

                              Actually I'm just getting ready to head on home. First, I use a 15 v@ 1500 ma socket charger for drivers, I get a nice 12 v signal at gates.

                              So, in the last video, in the first test, I used the single pulse program. I started at about 50 Hz. The frequency is adjustable.
                              In the rest of video, I use the multi-pulse. Frequency is not adjustable. What I have is a main pulse which is less then 10 Hz, the sub pulse is about 300 Hz. These pulse frequencies are not adjustable. I showed were I turn up duty, until sub-pulse is 100 % duty, we get a nice square wave, which is the main pulse. The frequency, drops to less then 10 Hz, from app. 300 Hz.

                              Btw, thanks for idea, Garry, and Dana for program. That's quite a difference in operation.

                              Before I get home I will say that I feel it is also gate oscillations that are the problems. Watch the last part of video, where there are no neons. The gate oscillations are non stop( so yes, i think frequency is too high). That's what I wanted to show. I never went past 3 ohms previously, and after reading John's post on other thread, I am thinking that may be problem. Anyway, I will be putting on the 20 ohms, asap, might get to start tonight. If you didn't notice, look at the difference gate oscillations, with and without the neons.

                              And you noticed the sound is definitely different from last driver. It does sound like when a coil is pulsed too high.



                              • Hello UFO
                                The newest version is using pulse in pulse so to speak. It is a fixed 490Hz with variable duty cycle. As you know the previous version is fixed frequency at 30Kz and the version before that had all variable. I have versions of all three running all my motors. The smoothest and least amps is the latest one with pulse in pulse. All versions give total voltage at top end. I do not believe the problem Machine has is in the type of pulse. I have duplicated his symptoms by choking voltage through the monster and I hear the same high frequency squeal when only 5.75 volts can get through to fets. He just made a new fet board and has had that symptom since then. I am waiting to-nite when he gets home and we hopefully will find the cause. If not I am going to make a full one piece four banger and send it to him. I am short of fets but we need to have his Imperial running yesterday.
                                I mean no disrespect to you but this circuit will run even larger motors than the Imperial. People are not listening to JS or myself about its construction. JS has heavy gauge soldered thru multi-stranded wire soldered directly to the fets. I have not seen this being done. I think the reason my circuit works without issue of fets is I am not choking it anywhere. I have also seen fets with no heat sinks. I have found and reported before that any heat at a fet, even five degrees, is bad news and will cause a chain reaction in all others. I also wonder if everyone is using heat sinking surgical clamps when soldering in all components and especially the fets. It is most likely the fets were distressed while putting them in the board. They will check good at first but fail within a minute. There are as you know many of us trying to get Machine going.

                                @ All

                                If anyone else is using the monster on an Imperial, it would be nice to see pistures close up so we can all see versions of the detail. Has anyone had success with monster and imperial with a regular PCB without really beefing it up?
                                This monster is not just any old Radio Shack Toy, it is a Monster and Mine is built like it was a welder. I had fets blowing every day until I made one that had enough solder on it to weigh a pound.

                                "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                                Nikola Tesla

