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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • On a Monster Pulser Assembly...

    Hello Guys,

    We need to put together a LIST of ALL PARTS required to Assemble a Monster Pulser Single Module...with the best prices where to buy its Components...

    So, Part Numbers/Description of Part/Quantity required per One Module/Link where to buy them.

    I will Upload this Complete list in Ufopolitics/Monster Driver pdf Download Page, with "active links" next to parts.

    @Sampojo: We need to know if We have the mounting circuit boards all ready to go/order/prices... AS PER Sir John Stone Designed them we can include that link also. Thanks My Friend!

    I will be posting there also the Arduino Codes "Quad Blink" by Dana and the Gerry's one also...

    As also, a CAD of the whole connections Circuit Diagrams...from Batteries to Imperial...passing by Arduino/Four Monsters...etc

    As it will help me to start putting together My own Set Up...honestly, am "desperate" to start putting mine together...after seen all your nice builds working...!!

    Warm Regards to All

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-20-2013, 07:04 AM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
      WOW, Hitby, that is some seriously low amps, like UFO, i can hardly wait to see you load that gen head.

      Well done.

      Warm regards Cornboy.

      Imperial is driving with Four Monsters...or 25% Duty Max...drawing @ 3.0 Amps

      Imagine what your MAG3 driven by Six Monsters...or 16.6666% Duty will draw..?


      Warm Regards

      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • Proud.

        Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

        Imperial is driving with Four Monsters...or 25% Duty Max...drawing @ 3.0 Amps

        Imagine what your MAG3 driven by Six Monsters...or 16.6666% Duty will draw..?


        Warm Regards


        I'm getting there UFO, had to do some major mods on the commutators, because of my lack of knowledge, when i ordered them.

        Nearly got them finished, then it's on to the rotor.

        Sorry for taking so long friend, life has just overtaken me lately.

        Good news From Hitby eh, must make you feel proud UFO.

        Warm regards Cornboy.


        • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
          Hello Guys,

          We need to put together a LIST of ALL PARTS required to Assemble a Monster Pulser Single Module...with the best prices where to buy its Components...

          So, Part Numbers/Description of Part/Quantity required per One Module/Link where to buy them.

          I will Upload this Complete list in Ufopolitics/Monster Driver pdf Download Page, with "active links" next to parts.

          Warm Regards to All

          G'day UFO
          Here is the info. for the Fast Mosfets

          They come from: TOP SOURCE TECH <>

          Part number IPW60R041C6 INFINEON 5002906532

          I bought 50

          The price is $2.00 US

          Shipping cost by DHL: 35usd, it will take about 3-5days arrival.

          Paypal fee: 5 usd.

          Total price: 2 * 50 + 5 + 35= 140usd

          Pay By PayPal
          Paypal account:

          Always deal with Betty
          Top Source Technology Co.,Ltd

          Tel : (86)--755-83586635 Fax : (86)--755-83972235

          E-mail : Msn :

          Kindest Regards


          • Oh, so nice mosfets Now check again if we have enough protection to not burn any of those beasts while not limiting their abilities !


            • Hitby13kw, that was a fantastic run. If that doesn't motivate everyone out there on the fence to start building, then nothing will.

              I've pretty much given up on the pcb. I bought some copper clad board, and Dana is also sending me one. Gonna start at it tonight.



              • Originally posted by machinealive View Post
                Hitby13kw, that was a fantastic run. If that doesn't motivate everyone out there on the fence to start building, then nothing will.

                I've pretty much given up on the pcb. I bought some copper clad board, and Dana is also sending me one. Gonna start at it tonight.


                @machine– I heard Dana was making up a set of boards, you are a lucky dog, I like his layout – on other things, hold off on the fast diode & battery trick – indications are that redirecting radiant to charge the second set of batteries is what stressed the Chinese FETs – the High $ parts did handle it but perhaps a better solution awaits . . . we will let everyone know when that is a good idea.

                @Team - Thank you all for the praise of my recent test results just to let everyone know after analysis of the test data (if I had printed it out reams of paper would have been wasted) (We live in Great times!!! – no paper) logs can be miles long – have the computer search for changes, dump the rest . . .

                it would appear that sometime between the 5 & 6 battery test that 3 of the four MOSFET’s on the $2 board effectively had a 400 ohm short from D to S so these units were not switching correctly during the video.

                Had they been working we would have had even less than 3 Amps (and we thought that was good) we are in the process of repairing the faulty board and should be able to continue testing shortly. Better data will be forthcoming.



                • motor control program

                  I have completed the Arduino portion of the motor control program, I will make it available to all if it is approved by ufoPolitics, John Stone and Dana.
                  It is comprehensive with 5 different modes to control the motor. This has added some complication to the programming but was done in order to facilitate all of the concerns expressed by leading members of the thread.
                  I agree that we need to start with a single pulse method to find out how it affects the motor and so I put together a method that accomplishes this and have three modes that can be utilized for this purpose. 1st mode is a generator mode that uses half of the pins for power and half for generator.
                  2nd mode is an experimental mode that uses only one pin as per ufoPolitics instructions to try out the monster drivers to deal with the issues being dealt with by machinealive.
                  3d is a full power mode that utilizes all pins. All of these methods are supporting 2 brush pair to six brush pair. and will support the following arduino processor platforms "Uno", "Nano", "Leonardo", "Duemilanove", "Diecimila", "Mega" and "Due".
                  There seems to be only two different pin outs at this point. The small boards with 6 pwm pins, and the larger boards Mega and Due with a different pin Out.
                  The additional two modes are for multipulse methods
                  mode 4 is a generator mode with half of the pins for generator and half for
                  mode 5 is a multipulse mode for utilizing all pins for powering the motor.

                  here is an excerpt of the program with only the pulse modes to give an idea of how it will work.

                  // motor control methods

                  void dutyCycleCalc(){ //calculates wait periods for single pulse method
                  float val = 0;
                  if (numberBrushPair == 2){
                  val = valWait / 2;
                  else if (numberBrushPair == 4){
                  val = valWait / 4;
                  else if (numberBrushPair == 6){
                  val = valWait / 6;
                  if (currentMode == 1 or currentMode == 2 or currentMode == 3){
                  valWait1 = round(val * (currentDutyCycle/256));
                  valWait2 = val - valWait1;

                  //this pulse method uses half of the pins available for the particular motor utilising all brush sets for power(generator mode)(single pulse method)
                  void spMode1(){
                  for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++){
                  for (int pwmPin = 0; pwmPin < pinCount; pwmPin++){
                  //turn on pin 0(first pin # in array)
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], 255);
                  //pulse for entire delay period at full duty cycle
                  //turn off pin 0
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], 0);
                  //delay for rest of delay period
                  delay(valWait2 + valWait1);

                  //this pulse method uses one of the pins available for the particular motor for testing purposes of monster driver(single pulse method)
                  void spMode1a(){
                  if (numberBrushPair == 2){
                  for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++){
                  //turn on pin 0(first pin # in array)
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[0], 255);
                  //pulse for entire delay period at full duty cycle
                  //turn off pin 0
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[0], 0);
                  //delay for rest of delay period
                  delay(valWait2 + valWait1);

                  if (numberBrushPair == 4){
                  for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++){
                  //turn on pin 0(first pin # in array)
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[0], 255);
                  //pulse for entire delay period at full duty cycle
                  //turn off pin 0
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[0], 0);
                  //delay for rest of delay period
                  delay(valWait2 + (valWait1*3));

                  if (numberBrushPair == 6){
                  for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++){
                  //turn on pin 0(first pin # in array)
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[0], 255);
                  //pulse for entire delay period at full duty cycle
                  //turn off pin 0
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[0], 0);
                  //delay for rest of delay period
                  delay(valWait2 + (valWait1*5));

                  //this pulse method uses all of the pins available for the particular motor utilising all brush sets for power(eliminates generator mode)(single pulse method)
                  void spMode2(){
                  for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++){
                  for (int pwmPin = 0; pwmPin < pinCount; pwmPin++){
                  //turn on pin 0(first pin # in array)
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], 255);
                  //pulse for entire delay period at full duty cycle
                  //turn off pin 0
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], 0);
                  //delay for rest of wait period

                  //this pulse method only uses half of the pins available enabling the generator mode
                  void mpMode1(){//turn on pin 0(first pin # in array)
                  for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++){
                  for (int pwmPin = 0; pwmPin < pinCount; pwmPin++){
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], currentDutyCycle);
                  //pulse for entire delay period at current duty cycle
                  //turn off pin 0
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], 0);

                  void mpMode2(){//turn on pin 0(first pin # in array)
                  for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++){
                  for (int pwmPin = 0; pwmPin < pinCount; pwmPin++){
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], currentDutyCycle);
                  //pulse for entire delay period at current duty cycle
                  //turn off pin 0
                  digitalWrite(arrPWMPins[pwmPin], 0);

                  I am still working on the dash board interface and the program is quite involved. I do not want to post the entire program to the forum. It is very long. I do not have any experience with any of the online services that allow someone to post their files to the internet for sharing. If you could make a recommendation then I will post both programs to a service that the members can download from after meeting approval with ufoPolitics and JS and Dana.




                  • @ Garry
                    Great news that you have, cant wait to check it out. Most of us put larger things ether in a PDF or out of one onto the Dropbox where a simple click will download to each of us. See if you do not have it. It is free.
                    "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                    Nikola Tesla


                    • posting recommendation


                      I have read some bad reviews of dropbox and see that many are using this service and would like to know if they are experiencing problems. I have looked at and am intrigued with the 15 GB storage in their free version, as opposed to dropbox 2.5 GB. google drive is another option but I am always concerned about google playing fast and loose with privacy. Maybe just being paranoid. Any info will be appreciated.




                      • My Permission Garry...

                        Originally posted by GChilders View Post
                        I have completed the Arduino portion of the motor control program, I will make it available to all if it is approved by ufoPolitics, John Stone and Dana.
                        It is comprehensive with 5 different modes to control the motor. This has added some complication to the programming but was done in order to facilitate all of the concerns expressed by leading members of the thread.
                        I agree that we need to start with a single pulse method to find out how it affects the motor and so I put together a method that accomplishes this and have three modes that can be utilized for this purpose. 1st mode is a generator mode that uses half of the pins for power and half for generator.
                        2nd mode is an experimental mode that uses only one pin as per ufoPolitics instructions to try out the monster drivers to deal with the issues being dealt with by machinealive.
                        3d is a full power mode that utilizes all pins. All of these methods are supporting 2 brush pair to six brush pair. and will support the following arduino processor platforms "Uno", "Nano", "Leonardo", "Duemilanove", "Diecimila", "Mega" and "Due".
                        There seems to be only two different pin outs at this point. The small boards with 6 pwm pins, and the larger boards Mega and Due with a different pin Out.
                        The additional two modes are for multipulse methods
                        mode 4 is a generator mode with half of the pins for generator and half for
                        mode 5 is a multipulse mode for utilizing all pins for powering the motor.

                        here is an excerpt of the program with only the pulse modes to give an idea of how it will work.

                        I am still working on the dash board interface and the program is quite involved. I do not want to post the entire program to the forum. It is very long. I do not have any experience with any of the online services that allow someone to post their files to the internet for sharing. If you could make a recommendation then I will post both programs to a service that the members can download from after meeting approval with ufoPolitics and JS and Dana.



                        Hello GChilders,

                        Excellent work!!

                        Yes You have My Permission to post it here...and to Proceed with this...if are able to handle so many things at same time....what another Software is gonna do?...

                        Now, if you go into Software Codes Forums (I have seen it in Word Press Multiple Users and single stand alone Forums) will find a scroll separated window option on Posts, where you could scroll independently JUST the Software contained within, as you may also copy paste it from will not use but an expandable window to display it.

                        I will upload that Plugin into my Site , where we will open the Page/Software be able to see it that way.

                        Warm regards

                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Wow!
                          @Hitby13KW: That is what we were and still are after! Thanks for your effort and posting!
                          Your vid does not open at my PC hence I have to wait 45 minutes for download.
                          I would like to know if the pulsing frequency conicides somehow with motor speed. Do we have a rotating field kincking the poles synchronously?

                          PLEASE: do not change much at your setup. You hit a sweetspot and any minor thing changing might destroy your sweespot. Too many tinkerers lost their invention and could not replicate it themselves. We still do not understand what exactly is going on here.

                          @Gerry: Thanks for your programming effort. I tried it myself and just got the array running - and you have a 90% program ready! We missed up to now someone with your expertise. And thanks for remembering 6 phase for AU Cornboy
                          I have no problems with dropbox at all. Same with google drive.

                          I strongly suggest to give the SW versions a genuine name (derived from whatever) and version index from the very beginning in order to avoid confusion.

                          We shall agree for a layout for monster pulser. I like mine but that is not importatant. The board in the vid looks great. I'd like to have the data in order to examine it. This might be the one to replicate for all.

                          Please get local backup copies of these two threads for safety reasons!

                          JS feeling
                          Last edited by JohnStone; 07-20-2013, 10:51 PM.
                          Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                          • A YT Video on Hitby13kw Test 1

                            Hello to All,

                            QUAD MONSTER PULSERS - YouTube

                            Here is a video I put together, showing briefly some details of the Quad Pulser Drive System is about...and -of course- the Excellent Test developed by Hitby13kw as "The Main Star" of the Video..

                            Thanks Sir John Stone!...for such well designed piece of Art!!
                            Thanks Dana for conceiving/writing such very precise Codes at Quad Blink, to make all this hardware to "move"...and Oh Boy!...How they move!!...

                            Regards to All

                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-21-2013, 01:34 AM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • @Garry
                              I agree With UFO that this is the place to post your code. I have looked at what you have shown so far and eagerly wait to get the rest of your program. I set out earlier to see how this stuff works and have accomplished that for myself and provided a starting point of code for all to get there Imperials running. I can see that your programming is excellent and you are a natural. It is time for me to step back and let you take over coding from this point on if you will. I have far too little time for everything in this tech, and again look forward to you running this up the flag pole. Now I can get back to the boards and future tech. Thank you.
                              "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                              Nikola Tesla


                              • @Hitby
                                PLEASE do not discard your defective FETs. They might be the reason for low amps. Radiant likes resistance without producing losses. What about you found the right way for separation. some kind of Fogal transistor or better. The longitudinal wave passes in order to energize electrons who start traveling but the lossy current travels through coils and back to battery.

                                I am still convinced we are in blind flight - despite UFOs great revelations. There is a pyisics ongoing where we have no textbooks to learn. And Tesla's later writings are confusing because he had no terms for his physics - hence he used words like frequency and electricity - but with another meaning.

                                Another example:
                                The lamdba sensor for exhaust oxigen measurement was an accident at BOSCH research dept. They had a defective temperature sensor and intended to discard it. One smart guy looked at the faulty diagram and mentioned it looked like oxigen concentration in exhaust area. Then they paked the sensor very thoroughly and sent it to another specialized research lab in order to find out, what the heck is goning on there.

                                Hitby, please treat HER gently and do not make any minor change you can not redo. It might be essential.
                                Last edited by JohnStone; 07-21-2013, 09:45 PM.
                                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.

