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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • How Hitby.

    You make some very valid points there John Stone, in regards to Hitby's setup.

    Please Hitby, could you give us a schematic of how you had the diodes set at fets for battery charging, during your tests.

    Much appreciated, Cornboy.


    • Hello Garry
      A week or so ago, while running the Imperial and using it to test the program with processing, I closed the processing program by accident and restarted it again. When it started, the motor was automatically set to stop. I thought about that as being a potential problem if running a generator, so I forced processing to write a text file befor closing with enough data to restart processing and keep arduino running as before without skiping a beat. If you do not have that sort of thing on your to do list that is important as computers stop for many reasons and this should not interrupt Generator function. Hope all in going well.
      "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
      Nikola Tesla


      • Charging Batteries...while "driving"...

        Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
        You make some very valid points there John Stone, in regards to Hitby's setup.

        Please Hitby, could you give us a schematic of how you had the diodes set at fets for battery charging, during your tests.

        Much appreciated, Cornboy.

        When Hitby said "Reversed Diodes" from FET's...I am pretty sure he meant from all four Negative Drains from the Four Channels, he connected Diodes to collect (flow through) the Positive...



        and so on...

        When you build your Machine and run/test will realize through same Input Wires travels Two Flows...opposite to each others...I have shown this Asymmetric "Attribute" on this Thread here...on a Static Coil been Shorted/Pulsed.

        As in the Quad Drivers...we are getting very "wide" Times Off (75% per Channel)...and that is where "Our Beautiful Princess"...enters the "Show"...the longer the Off Times...the Higher SHE enters...

        Hitby is making a very smart "Add" to this circuit...since it will "Sink" that PULSED reversed flow into his "Alternate Bank of Batteries"...

        You know Radiant will first "Crystallize" Batteries...then would be on and on...


        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Batteries to catch radiance

          Hi Ufo,

          I was thinking about batteries. Leads are too heavy for racing, lipos can't be charged when driving and ultra caps not give enough run time.

          My thought was to run the lipos energy through a super capacitor. Could we then catch the energy from our lady and run it back to the super cap?

          Keep it Clean and Green


          • Let's Swap.

            Thanks UFO, so seemless, battery swapping, awaits us in the future.

            Maybe someone watching us, from out there, might have some suggestions!

            Regards Cornboy.


            • Imperial updates

              OK Team my apologies for being off the list for a bit after last weeks video – Thanks again for your support & kind words.

              been replacing FET’s like there is no tomorrow (gotten pretty fast identifying the faulty board, remove, test, find bad part (most of the time it was just one of the two sometimes both & about half the time the driver chip also) correct fault reinstall board retest – you all know the dance, but we are done with that – my goal is to never burn out another.

              Think about this, we are asking UFO’s motor to go from 0 to 3600 RPM instantly (very hard on the FETs) what if we could be a bit more friendly. To that end my thought was we need to be able to ramp up the supply voltage to the motor – so we have a Variac, feed that to an isolation transformer (can’t be to safe) then to a full wave bridge and finally a capacitor. So that is what we replaced the batteries with in this first video and for motor startup this is great – we haven’t burned out a FET (& we are using the $2 Chinese ones iankoglin told us about in post 2120) since starting with this procedure:
              start pulsing the monster drivers with 0 Volts to motor – increase voltage (slowly) motor starts to turn – increase voltage and pulse width to desired motor speed. The FETs will tolerate an instant shut down with no trouble (unplug the Arduino, disconnect the motor supply rail, whatever)

              Now the sharp folk are going to notice that even though the motor was now running on rectified DC and it would still drive a load the current draw seemed to be a bit higher (almost doubled) so one has to ask – what’s the difference between battery power & AC converted to DC – I don’t know yet but in this video after ramping up the motor with rectified DC to the level that the battery happened to be charged to the current dropped by more than half after transferring back to the batteries – looking for ideas to explain this ( John Stone any thoughts?) – maybe if I get some sleep it will come to me . . . . .

              Prochiro/Dana, GChilders /Garry, I am ready to compare Software routines, all these tests have been done with Quadblink outputting to 5, 6, 9, 11 do you have any suggestions as to the order I compare your other code in ?




              • @hitby13kw


                Great run

                Is it possible to harvest the radiant energy to charge the same super capacitor to extend the run time of the battery pack?

                Keep it Clean and Green
                Last edited by Midaztouch; 07-22-2013, 09:22 AM. Reason: Had a mistake


                • Say What.

                  OK HITBY, so i am sitting here after watching your last video, and i have a calculator, and i add up the numbers, as you must have,
                  3.8 amps X 75V = 285 watts, to run the motor-generator, which powered 600 watts of lighting.

                  Am i correct Hitby, because you can't have more out than in, you know, that's impossible, Right.

                  Naah, something is wrong, and you better get ready for the onslaught.

                  Warmest Regards, Cornboy.
                  Last edited by Cornboy 555; 07-22-2013, 07:11 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Midaztouch View Post
                    ... Is it possible to harvest the radiant energy to charge the same super capacitor to extend the run time of the battery pack? ...
                    Bedini states that a cap is a converter for radiant energy and it is more to it than jammed and stacked electrons (like we were told in kindergarden as handy thinking model).
                    It is still to be defined on how to make use of this notion. That's why we operate setups for research.
                    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                    • Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
                      ... Am i correct Hitby, because you can't have more out than in, you know, that's impossible, Right....
                      Some of readers will interpret this question as real concern.
                      A sailship gets more energy out than putting gas energy in. Given we comprehend oil as sole energy source. The existance of sailships does not negate the existance of motor ships but add a plane of knowledge to the overall realm of truth. (Unfortunately some passengers of motrships negate sail ships)
                      What we are after is the existing wind of radiant events. We need conventional energy for departing the port only.
                      Radiant events tend to be tranparent to matter similar to radio waves as long we have no tuned radio receiver. Radiant events are several magnitudes stronger than that tiny 300 Watts of kicking energy.
                      UFO's pulsed machines kick radiant events and tend to be an attractive bait for HER in order to receive her gifts - all built in one elicited unit.

                      We currently have no correct terms for those notions. We can stumble only and need to be careful to not misunderstand incorrect terms as facts related to textbook knowledge.
                      We have the state like that little african girl seeing first time motorized traffic. Her sudden interpretation - oriented on her terms of birth, growing up and death - : Motorcycles are baby cars and need to grow up and once they will have 4 wheels and will further grow up to be trucks.

                      Our setups are a special kind of wonderland and we represent Alice struggling to meet HER in Radiant Castle in order to uncover the mystery of radiant to to world.
                      Last edited by JohnStone; 07-22-2013, 11:17 AM.
                      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                      • Hitby
                        The control you are using is I think the push button version. That does not allow for ramp up safety. Using at first, just the pot version allows one to turn up slowly as I showed on video. Now that advanced version of code will have built in ramp up and ramp down. I have that on my system now. Also will have code to keep RPM steady regardless of load.
                        Your video is great. Info is great also.

                        @ All
                        It is hard to be a motor maker and then a Arduino programmer all in a short while. As we have seen with Machine. When you are changing testing methods in motor, say from Quad to single pulse you can not do both with the same program. Code within Arduino is still producing four pulses, each with time space. If you run only one wire, motor is fine on that line but timing is off and there will be a 3x wait of the first total pulse period. Lets say you run one wire at full or 25%, that will actually be 6.25% and you will get a high frequency squeal. Motor will not run with 6.25 duty and long wait period on 12 volts.
                        "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                        Nikola Tesla


                        • @ Hitby
                          Are you saying that the fets from china and the fets from US sources do not act the same and/or are not the same?. That may explain a lot. If that is the case, maybe we should not use the fets from china as basic longevity may be an issue. Even for testing they may have caused confusion and caused diversion of development.
                          "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                          Nikola Tesla


                          • Originally posted by prochiro View Post
                            ... Motor will not run with 6.25 duty and long wait period on 12 volts....
                            Possibly correct: for 12 volts. But let's look beyond this small palyground.
                            The pulses themselves are not the goal but the disruption of current / megnetic push. We shall not misunderstand the tool with the work piece.
                            (This interchange can be observerd at those replicators working on tesla switch - dicussing endlessly pulsing methods while negelcting the rest of setup that should make use of those pulses)

                            I'd like to share my concerns:

                            1. I suppose that any UFO motor construction will prefer a certain peak flux before interruption. The effects seem to increase nonlinearly with flux strength. It might increase even more beyond linear magnetic area. This area is told to kick magentic resonance emittign own special effects.

                            2. Pulse pause is necessary for gathering (radiant) flow back and it will depend on several pararameters. Not all seem to be known up to now. I.e. what is the half period of flow back (it might derate like e-function)

                            3. For higher rpm the voltage needs to be increased in order to arrive at same max flux before interruption - possibly. But pulse width might require certain timing requirements differnt from rpm timing.
                            BTW: If we reduce pulse time and increase voltage we will get much less losses for short pulse time and same end current (Flux). The motor might squeal like a pig but might run like an injured one.

                            4. Will the flow back be best by one giant pusle per cycle or a pluraity of them?

                            5. Still not certain if this 4 (6) phase rotating field requires to run synchronously with armature rotation. Alternatively it would be a very special kind of asynchronous machine.

                            I feel we need to check the concerns above (and some more) and agree for priority. For all of them we need answers and all of them need to be examined with different pulse patterns in order to find the mode proving to be best.
                            Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                            • New product for PCBs

                              Hi all,

                              Recently, there has been some really positive news and I'm sure it will get a lot better! I sent Dana this link for a new product, Never Wet, to waterproof a PCB. Dana said he loves it and it should be introduced to our thread. I hope that is will incourage you to get your systems out in the fresh air.

                              Videos News Hydrophobic Coating NeverWet - YouTube

                              Keep it Clean and Green


                              • Originally posted by Midaztouch View Post
                                Hi all,

                                Recently, there has been some really positive news and I'm sure it will get a lot better! I sent Dana this link for a new product, Never Wet, to waterproof a PCB. Dana said he loves it and it should be introduced to our thread. I hope that is will incourage you to get your systems out in the fresh air.

                                Videos News Hydrophobic Coating NeverWet - YouTube

                                Keep it Clean and Green
                                Thanks for the hint. Very interesting product for later use. Would like to have my car coated with such kind of paint.
                                Unfortunately just now we are struggling for bread and that is regarding decoration for cakes. None of our current setup will be operated in harsh environment but maybe the next one - hopefully.
                                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.

