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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • @ All
    When we started electronic control of Imperial as well as others, a program was coded and several types on manual controls were used. That program was, for example the QuadPulser, designed to only run four lines to motor. The DuoPulser was for two lines as in smaller motors. Within the Quad program, as I indicated, was the ability to modify the code to run one thru six lines. But you must know how to do this or setup will not run. What I believe Garry is doing, although he has not shown full system yet, is giving us the ability to on the spot, change testing parameters for education and research. In the end, some of those methods may be found not to be good and some more may be added. Basic motor function is still the prime importance yet. There at this time still some basic need to have ramp up and down control as well as safety controls to prevent 0 to 3600 and 3600 to 0 if computer dashboard gets disconnected or turned off. Otherwise you will have a runaway motor stop quick and blow fets again.
    Until it is time to have automatic operation, we must all make sure that we are using the program that matches our hardware testing parameters.
    "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
    Nikola Tesla


    • Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
      ...– I don’t know yet but in this video after ramping up the motor with rectified DC to the level that the battery happened to be charged to the current dropped by more than half after transferring back to the batteries – looking for ideas to explain this ( John Stone any thoughts?) – maybe if I get some sleep it will come to me . . . . . [/FONT]
      - It is what Bedini demonstrated: Batteries have some hidden properties - the reason is not known. Even kompletely sulphated batteries in parallel to normal ones seem to make use of sharp pulses and assist charging the good ones. Tom Berden elaborated on this matter as well but without tangible physics we can understand.
      - I think this is the reason on why direct feedback within a system is so difficult.
      - I feel there are very different ingredients making use (harvesting) of those radiant events and all of them have different capability to convert it into usable hot current. Bedini initially pulsed batteries, later on caps with subsequent discharge into a battery.
      The effects are difficult to understand because radiant events act differently - it likes resistance, spreads in a very "nonelectric" way (see Tesla).
      - It is told that any entity of hot energy is only a dim and pale reflection and side effect of the real event taking place - Watt vs. GigaWatt. And we were pleased to earn one tiny part per million more than now a days. It would suffie to run our home and that of our neighbour.

      I do not claim to have understood what I talk of I want to give hints how wide our playground is and that we need to plan our tests throughly in order to gain knowledge step by step. BTW: All great scinetists in the past did it. Knowing of their lag of knowledge they devised experiments and later on they got some comprehension and eventually they fond someone to put it in a preliminary formla. That is like looking through a magnifying lens in order to watch an ant - refusing to claim the whole world were full of giant ants beacuse my lens (formula) proves it.
      The magic is not the knowledge itself but smart setups in order to isolate effects rexpected in order to make use of them. None drop of water falls down calcualting any formula and none of us tastes a good meal because of funded knowledge in chemistry!

      Please be prepared for very different thing arising.
      Last edited by JohnStone; 07-22-2013, 01:29 PM.
      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


      • Hi Hitby,
        I just got time to watch your vids at home. At work dropbox is blocked. It is just before midnight but I want to give you some additional hints:

        1. A battery acts as a giant cap - your cap on rectifier is comparatively tiny

        2. With battery your amp meter might measure correct while measuring erroneous when your current has serious crest factor. You should check amps at both modes by scope.

        3. For a real compare the rectified DC shall have a cap bank connected

        4. It might give great difference if one pole is connected to earth. Please check both suppies with and without earth (good massive earth!)

        5. Check supplying with both supplies connected. Make mains supply a bit lower than batteries and connect batteries via diodes in order to check if they charge - despite voltage from mains supply being lower.

        There is smethong strange to your setup and we need to know what. Do not change anything you can not redo!

        Regarding FETs: Batteries give giant current at start up followed by excessive voltge spikes. This might destroy original CoolMos as well. Your sugggestion for ramp up is great. We can do it by ramping up duty cycle from 1% upwards.

        At 2.4V /1A the motor turned like a stepper motor. Is this true? Will this mode continue with higher rpm. What frequency did you apply?

        Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


        • Power for the system


          I think that a 450volt or larger super capacitor, can catch the full spike wave and/or generator energy. The captured energy can be used to run the Imperial. The spike is like the wind blowing in to a sail/super capacitor.

          After we catch the spike/wind and/or generator energy in the cap, we could discharge the super capacitor into the system through a Solenoid into the JS Monster. It's like having the capacitor always full... I think that this could dramatically reduce the size of the battery pack....

          Ultimately, I would love to see a 9v battery as the "Ignition spark" and let the system continuously charge the capacitor. After powering up the capacitor, the system would have full power and ready for action.

          I don't see our system as a energy storage device, using gigantic batteries(waste of space and money). I see it as an instant energy dispenser system with a small Ignition charge to start the system.

          Any ideas?

          Keep it Clean and Green
          Last edited by Midaztouch; 07-23-2013, 07:18 AM.


          • Some Words to All...

            Hello My Friends,

            I am very glad, as many of you should be...that finally we have seen great results on our hard work...time also many "Legal Tender Notes" printed by the Federal Reserve (wherever "applies"...) that we have "Legally Tendered" in this starting "Enterprise"...

            This results are nothing more than...The great Advantages of working in AN OPEN SOURCE EXCELLENT COMMUNITY...We have become a TEAM...and a Solid one!!...

            I wanted to write all this for a while...whenever I saw so many frustrations going on here...and the thing is...I want you to understand that we are NOT perfect...and We are NOT Gods either...We are NOT Super-Humans...We work on this "stuff" in a "Part Time" basis...and many can only be here for just a bit...

            However, we have achieved so much, in just One Year, since I started this Two Main Threads...

            Dana, You hit the "Perfect Spot" in your post above..."We can NOT DO Everything..."...

            But, Dana, You have accomplished SO MUCH SO FAR!!...In so many different fields, My Friend!!...that you should be very proud of yourself...but I know you...and you want to keep going no matter what...right?

            Simply said...without ALL the work you have done/developed with the Arduino Codes...Hitby13kw,would have not been able to run his Imperial the way He did so far...proving to works great...PLUS other "discoveries" He have found "on the way" the ones He will keep "finding"...

            Now let's look at Sir John Stone...He has designed a Monster Pulser capable of standing "The Lady" HER "Strongest" Performance so far...HOWEVER, Sir John Stone have not being able to build His Imperial Motor, due to personal matters, He , unfortunately had to face ...But wouldn't it be great, if He could have tested Himself the "Fruit" of his excellent work on the Pulser on His own built Imperial?, isn't that an "Irony of Life"?!

            Sir John Stone is a VERY HARD TO FIND Electric Engineer with "An Open Mind"...VERY HARD to find Guys!...and WE ALL, are VERY LUCKY , to have Him here developing and counseling with such excellent attitude...and desires to help Us!!

            Hitby is a HECK (no more bad words, promise) of a Builder, and He can "Swim" in "Deep Waters" easily, meaning...MANY FIELDS...of Science...and We have seen that so far...However, even He had trouble with his Imperial running linear...remember?...and We helped Him...I displayed and made many Graphics trying to show Him the right windings connections, Stators alignments, as Many other also Helped Him...

            Machine Alive...never had trouble building His "Beasts"...Robust (I was gonna write an F word here...LOL) Machines...excellent builds...He finished building it...assembling it...connects it and ROARING NOISE...BEAST IS ON AND STRONG!!...but I know Machine hates/do not like those F***g (I could not "hold" myself, sorry!) Electronic "Tiny" and "Fragile" Circuits...right My Friend?...

            Human Nature, Human Diversity my like that...We like only "certain" things...while others may look either too simple or too complicated/hard to do...or simply We find them boring...and hate to make them...

            Some People hate to write software languages...or codes...they find them "Tedious and Boring"...Some People that know about Writing Codes...know the "ENORMOUS TIME CONSUMING" they are..just a point(.) out of place or missing, will make the whole thing to bring a "Fatal Error"and a Big Time CRASH...Program will NOT Run...that simple..

            Other People write ..."Code is Poetry..." enclosed in beautiful CSS Style background codes and animated beautiful functions...

            Some People Love to actually build Machines, weld...cut, grind, smooth, polish...lathe, etc...but hate to work on very small and "delicate" electronic components...they develop a lack of patience and frustrations...result?...a wrong built circuit that may not function properly...

            Others get "desperate" to build them "Too Fast"..."Too much Excitement!!!" (Opposite deal here) and make errors (same results) not work properly.

            This is why Team Work FUNCTIONS My Friends...We exchange craftsmanship,knowledge, opinions, counseling, hints...we search for best prices components, and get to achieve "UFO Kits"...from Imperial for such a low price, FET's and other components discounted, the Boards Sampojo is working/dealing out, to make it happen for ALL of Us easier... ...and SO MANY , MANY MORE Advantages Guys, I will be writing here for EVER...!!

            I Thought about all this Work as a Team could be possible...and it is written on the First Page of this very Thread...

            If I would not have believed it was possible...I would not have spent even "a minute" writing here...

            But I have Faith in Human Capacity...In Human Team Work.

            In reality we have a very beautiful community of "Light Workers" here...even those that have not even posted here...but they had helped somehow by spreading the "word" talking to others...or by trying themselves...

            As We have many trying to help...with ideas, suggestions...etc,etc

            EVEN, the ones that have entered this Threads...making trouble, planting the seed of discouragement, of denial, of "demand" show deny our results...OH YES!!, They ALL have "contributed" to raise in Us...the Higher Desires within Us all... to MAKE IT HAPPEN EVEN BETTER...It works this way in our everyday life my friends...You all know it is true...

            So, to all of Them also: Thank You so much!...and may God be with You all!!

            Everyone of Us ALL...have a way to Help Evolution/ We express ourselves in the a Community of People looking for the same results...the same Goals.

            Because in the end...everyone will get a benefit for them, their families...their friends...the closer also the farther away ones...We are ALL the same in the end...

            We are getting there TEAM...and closer every day!!

            God Blessings to You ALL!


            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-23-2013, 03:10 AM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Corrected Imperial run,

              OK Gang, we found out we were using the wrong meter to read current (sorry to have posted incorrect data) so tossed that meter into the bin and replaced it with a data logger (we were using it to troubleshoot the FET’s, that’s why we used the other one in the first place) This is connected to the battery, the current shunt, and the feed going to the motor – the raw data file can be found and a video of the run
              feeling bad about giving you bad information before, but you can take this data to the bank.



              • Hello Hitby13kw

                Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
                OK Gang, we found out we were using the wrong meter to read current (sorry to have posted incorrect data) so tossed that meter into the bin and replaced it with a data logger (we were using it to troubleshoot the FET’s, that’s why we used the other one in the first place) This is connected to the battery, the current shunt, and the feed going to the motor – the raw data file can be found and a video of the run
                feeling bad about giving you bad information before, but you can take this data to the bank.


                Hello Hitby,

                It seems you have generated too much traffic network on Drop they "disable" your Box...hopefully temporarily.
                Could you try loading video on a You Tube account?

                Could you just "advance the new results" just writing them here? We all do not die or faint of "anxiety" or desperation??...

                Thanks so much for your hard work My Friend!

                Warm Regards

                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • Hello Team

                  Hitman you are doing a great job. UFO, I can't imagine how you felt when you first discovered/ rediscovered this. Also, I gotta say how much respect I have for your patience, here, but also your patience you must have displayed working through this, initially. Incredible!

                  Vince Lombardi once said " the only place success comes before work, is in the dictionary". You got the fighting spirit UFO, everyone working here has it, and as long as we keep working with purpose, success, it's a given.

                  I haven't stopped working. Here is my new driver board, not quite done, need a few parts, some fets. I'll be playing with other drivers till parts get here. Etching is a piece of cake, and so easy to solder, I am sold.

                  If this doesn't do it, Dana's boards will be here soon enough. When I finally get this running, I'll know this sh$&, up, down, and the whole fu$&@&$ way around.
                  And I wouldn't want it any other way.



                  • Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
                    Hitby, could you give us a schematic of how you had the diodes set at fets for battery charging, during your tests.

                    Much appreciated, Cornboy.
                    my text drawing skills are lacking, but John Stone sugested putting a NE2 accross the D / S leads of the FET as a means of protection.
                    Drain FET1---(* *)----Source FET1 ~ repeat for all 4 FETs
                    Drain FET2---(* *)----Source FET2 etc.

                    What I'm trying is toss the NE2 & replace it with 2 diodes and a battery - these 4 batterys have no other connection

                    Drain FET1---l<l----(-)Battery1(+)----l<l----Source FET1 ~ repeat for all 4 FETs
                    Drain FET2---l<l----(-)Battery2(+)----l<l----Source FET2
                    Drain FET3---l<l----(-)Battery3(+)----l<l----Source FET3
                    Drain FET4---l<l----(-)Battery4(+)----l<l----Source FET4

                    As you know the Source of all four FETs in tied to a common ground . . . .
                    also looking at taking this pulse directly from the motor coils instead of accross the FET.

                    Motor gate 1(+)---l<l----(-)Battery1(+)----l<l----Drain FET1
                    Motor gate 2(+)---l<l----(-)Battery2(+)----l<l----Drain FET2
                    Motor gate 3(+)---l<l----(-)Battery3(+)----l<l----Drain FET3
                    Motor gate 4(+)---l<l----(-)Battery4(+)----l<l----Drain FET4

                    in this connfig all four motor gate (+) are in fact common with the + of the supply battery
                    I think this is a better way to do it ~ redirect radiant at the sorce (motor coil) ~ in the first setup it has to travel through the source battery.

                    hope this helps, I know my text art sucks



                    • Imperial corrected run - take 2

                      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                      Hello Hitby,

                      It seems you have generated too much traffic network on Drop they "disable" your Box...hopefully temporarily.
                      Could you try loading video on a You Tube account?

                      Could you just "advance the new results" just writing them here? We all do not die or faint of "anxiety" or desperation??...

                      Thanks so much for your hard work My Friend!

                      Warm Regards


                      Team sorry for the inconvenience, it would seem that dropbox suspended my account because to many people were looking at it ~ I could be upset but its a free service, what can you expect, no big thing, we can play this game, now the raw data file is at and the video file is at have fun, lets see how quick we can suspend this one . . . .



                      • Different runs...

                        Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
                        OK Gang, we found out we were using the wrong meter to read current (sorry to have posted incorrect data) so tossed that meter into the bin and replaced it with a data logger (we were using it to troubleshoot the FET’s, that’s why we used the other one in the first place) This is connected to the battery, the current shunt, and the feed going to the motor – the raw data file can be found and a video of the run
                        feeling bad about giving you bad information before, but you can take this data to the bank.


                        Hello Hitby,

                        Well...We are experimenting...testing into new fields, and things can always go South...However a couple of things I would like to suggest:

                        First, and forgetting about amperage meters... I did not see the same Machine performance on this last video as we all saw in the previous one...and I am directly referring to Speed Factor/Power/Torque.

                        In your last video, Imperial did not reach the 3596 RPM' it did in previous videos.
                        Therefore, that derives some issues when you connected the ceiling lamps...and that is that you do notice (and you said it on video) a clear change on the sound pitch when dropping down.

                        In previous video (S_208) Imperial reached 3596 ...and only dropped 40 RPM's...while lighting 100 Watts.

                        Now on S_215 and last Video...Motor never reaches those very close to required speed (3600) or 3596...And this is very important issue here...the closer the speed to required ratio...the better performance of BOTH Machines, Generator would NOT become that hard to turn...and Motor would be running without stress.

                        Resuming...Imperial was not as "Robust" here as it was before...

                        Some reason why this change that you may think off?...Batteries did not get fully charged for that test?...were they fully charged when you did prior tests?

                        One thing I have realized on this Machines...If they are not "fully satisfied"...and obviously generates a "struggle" within core...this will raise amperage.

                        I may suggest:

                        1-Run a Test the simplest form you could...meaning, just Supply Batteries...and forget about the transfer to ramp up...just PSU, and Batteries should be charged for test....

                        2- If it would be possible and within your get another DC AMP Meter...(if possible a brand new one, if not see if you could get a borrowed one) and make a test with just that shunt, no Data Logger.
                        I got a Klein AC/DC Meter, at Home goes for $132.00 USD...and it is very precise .. A True RMS...this is must be within True Tested Reading Measurement Systems codes.

                        3- And here I consider the must important of all points...
                        Even if your meter was reading AC Amps...the difference will NEVER BE that much as you have shown between two videos...(from 3 to 14)...and PLEASE...DO NOT DUMP THAT METER!! needs to be tested VERSUS the new one or the borrowed one...besides testing it with, say a PSU simple circuit...(Lamp and PSU) where PSU shows the Amps...

                        4-Re-Check/Re-Test your FET' ALL Four Channels and see what is going on...

                        @All, you most realize that just One Channel/Gate not properly working/switching as the rest will bring down the overall power and speed .

                        Thanks very Much for all you are doing Hitby!!



                        EDIT 1: On a separate note on the "Chinese FET's...IMHO, I NEVER had a good experience with cheap, Chinese products...they use the WORST QUALITY Materials...adding to a cheap, not strong quality control...derives in very different spec's even when they are just "hot from production line"...and just make a simple test...Brand new ones off the box...put on your static discharge gloves/bracelet...and measure resistances between Drain Source...or/and Gate-Drain...and compare between the will see all kind of different readouts....NOT GOOD GUYS!

                        But Guys...What Else CAN YOU EXPECT from a Two Dollars ($2.00) FET's?? C'mon Please!

                        On Another Note...Hitby, You said the Chinese FET's do not "like" the High Volts Start Up from Imperial...BUT, We Must think IF Imperial likes "ramping" speed...or IF it renders better results when "Jump Started" at High Voltages...and How it ends up as a result for the whole System...right?

                        To Me...For some reason...Ramping Speed will NOT Deliver SAME Results at top FINAL/LOAD FREE TOP RPM's and POWER from Imperial...I could explain why...but it will not help right now to make right Tests...just "My Concepts"...that's all.

                        Now, We could find out IF "Ramping Start" Versus "Jump Start" will deliver "A Difference" at the end power/speed from Machines...

                        SIMPLE: In Your Four Switches (I believe they are for Each Gate right?)...Turn the Motor FIRST LINEAR / NO PULSING ELECTRONICS...Till it reaches Top Speed...Then with a Transfer Switch...Connect to Electronics...and let's see...(That way the Chinese FET's will "enter" in action, when Motor has been "warmed up" already...

                        Then compare results with Ramping like You have done it.

                        It has been seen on those videos clearly.
                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-23-2013, 03:57 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Regarding meters at signal shapes different from DC and and different from pure sine shape.
                          Metrers have a maximum frequency they can account for and a maximum crest factor. (Ratio from average signal to peak signal)

                          If you have a series of 20 KHz spikes of duty cycle 0.1% normal true RMS meters will not display correct values.
                          1. I own an old and very reliable PHILIPS one with indicator if true RMS reading ist still true and reliable.(up to 200KHz and crest factor 9)

                          2. For extreme signals HP produced in the past meters which converted the signal thermically. They work up to 10MHz and any crest factor up to 10 (extreme). I own it as well.

                          It is advisable to look first with scope in order to valuate if the meter might display reliable values.

                          If you point me to the data sheet of your meter I will assist in valuation.

                          Else any scope shot can be valuated grafically or it contains teh math required..

                          Amprobe Meterman AC65 Clamp Meter
                          AC Voltage
                          (40-500 Hz) Ranges 400 V, 600 V Accuracy +/- (1.2 % + 5 dgts) Crest Factor (1.4 to 2.0): + 0.6 % Crest Factor (2.0 to 2.5): + 2.0 % Resolution 100 mV in 400 V range Input Impedance 10 MΩ // < 100 pF

                          Unfortunately Klein Tools do not dare to give any committments regarding crest factor.

                          There is a German saying playing with words (Wer misst, misst Mist). Translated: Very probably - measuring gives bull****.

                          I want to point you to the pitfalls and how to circumvent them.
                          Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                          • But then again...

                            Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                            Regarding meters at signal shapes different from DC and and different from pure sine shape.
                            Metrers have a maximum frequency they can account for and a maximum crest factor. (Ratio from average signal to peak signal)

                            If you have a series of 20 KHz spikes of duty cycle 0.1% normal true RMS meters will not display correct values.
                            1. I own an old and very reliable PHILIPS one with indicator if true RMS reading ist still true and reliable.(up to 200KHz and crest factor 9)

                            2. For extreme signals HP produced in the past meters which converted the signal thermically. They work up to 10MHz and any crest factor up to 10 (extreme). I own it as well.

                            It is advisable to look first with scope in order to valuate if the meter might display reliable values.

                            If you point me to the data sheet of your meter I will assist in valuation.

                            Else any scope shot can be valuated grafically or it contains teh math required..

                            Amprobe Meterman AC65 Clamp Meter
                            AC Voltage
                            (40-500 Hz) Ranges 400 V, 600 V Accuracy +/- (1.2 % + 5 dgts) Crest Factor (1.4 to 2.0): + 0.6 % Crest Factor (2.0 to 2.5): + 2.0 % Resolution 100 mV in 400 V range Input Impedance 10 MΩ // < 100 pF

                            Unfortunately Klein Tools do not dare to give any committments regarding crest factor.

                            There is a German saying playing with words (Wer misst, misst Mist). Translated: Very probably - measuring gives bull****.

                            I want to point you to the pitfalls and how to circumvent them.

                            Hello John ,

                            I was mentioning Klein DC Clamp...just because of lower price and availability in the U.S (Remember Hitby is in US)...

                            I agree with you 100%, that a Scope should be added to Set Up...As We need to read also Frequency whenever running this Set Up.

                            IMO, the more parameters we could read...the better we could detect when one of them is not same as previous...whenever rendering differences in general output performance.

                            John...I will ask you a simple question...

                            Is it the same thing...Pulsed DC Amperage...and Linear/Straight Feed DC Amperage?

                            Let's remember that the Positive where that Clamp Meter is/was hooked to, was completely a very fast Pulsing DC closing circuit with Motor Coils and Negative Channels...Right? this case of such very close would not make a big difference?...say when at full max Duty Cycle of 24.90 each Gate.

                            We could see/find... if there is such a "Thing" as a Clamp Meter dedicated to Read Pulsed DC Amps...?...I have not seen it as of now...


                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-23-2013, 04:56 PM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Machine that looks great!

                              Originally posted by machinealive View Post
                              Hello Team

                              Hitman you are doing a great job. UFO, I can't imagine how you felt when you first discovered/ rediscovered this. Also, I gotta say how much respect I have for your patience, here, but also your patience you must have displayed working through this, initially. Incredible!

                              Vince Lombardi once said " the only place success comes before work, is in the dictionary". You got the fighting spirit UFO, everyone working here has it, and as long as we keep working with purpose, success, it's a given.

                              I haven't stopped working. Here is my new driver board, not quite done, need a few parts, some fets. I'll be playing with other drivers till parts get here. Etching is a piece of cake, and so easy to solder, I am sold.

                              If this doesn't do it, Dana's boards will be here soon enough. When I finally get this running, I'll know this sh$&, up, down, and the whole fu$&@&$ way around.
                              And I wouldn't want it any other way.

                              Hello My Friend,

                              Yes completely right and agree 100% friend!!...We All working here, have the desires and the fighting doubt at all!

                              Now that Board looks great!

                              But does it work??!!...

                              Was just joking My Friend!!...LOL

                              We have to relax...every now and then...otherwise we could "fry" just like those FET's do...

                              Warm Regards

                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                Hello Hitby,

                                Well...We are experimenting...testing into new fields, and things can always go South...However a couple of things I would like to suggest:

                                First, and forgetting about amperage meters... I did not see the same Machine performance on this last video as we all saw in the previous one...and I am directly referring to Speed Factor/Power/Torque.

                                In your last video, Imperial did not reach the 3596 RPM' it did in previous videos.
                                Therefore, that derives some issues when you connected the ceiling lamps...and that is that you do notice (and you said it on video) a clear change on the sound pitch when dropping down.

                                In previous video (S_208) Imperial reached 3596 ...and only dropped 40 RPM's...while lighting 100 Watts.

                                Now on S_215 and last Video...Motor never reaches those very close to required speed (3600) or 3596...And this is very important issue here...the closer the speed to required ratio...the better performance of BOTH Machines, Generator would NOT become that hard to turn...and Motor would be running without stress.

                                Resuming...Imperial was not as "Robust" here as it was before...

                                Some reason why this change that you may think off?...Batteries did not get fully charged for that test?...were they fully charged when you did prior tests?

                                One thing I have realized on this Machines...If they are not "fully satisfied"...and obviously generates a "struggle" within core...this will raise amperage.
                                Yes ~ you are correct, the batteries are low, its been about a week since we put a deep cycle equalize charge on them, overdue ~ Ha we laugh at the idea
                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                1-Run a Test the simplest form you could...meaning, just Supply Batteries...and forget about the transfer to ramp up...just PSU, and Batteries should be charged for test....
                                Valid point
                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                2- If it would be possible and within your get another DC AMP Meter...(if possible a brand new one, if not see if you could get a borrowed one) and make a test with just that shunt, no Data Logger.
                                I got a Klein AC/DC Meter, at Home goes for $132.00 USD...and it is very precise .. A True RMS...this is must be within True Tested Reading Measurement Systems codes.
                                A trip to Home Depot ~ any excuse will do, I’ll put an eyeball on it & dream . . . .

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                3- And here I consider the must important of all points...
                                Even if your meter was reading AC Amps...the difference will NEVER BE that much as you have shown between two videos...(from 3 to 14)...and PLEASE...DO NOT DUMP THAT METER!! needs to be tested VERSUS the new one or the borrowed one...besides testing it with, say a PSU simple circuit...(Lamp and PSU) where PSU shows the Amps...
                                Don’t worry about that (ask my wife) I never through anything away, it just gets moved into a new pile . . .

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                                4-Re-Check/Re-Test your FET' ALL Four Channels and see what is going on...
                                Checking the FETs before and after a run is almost second nature to me now – no problem Boss . . .

                                Research continues . . .


