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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Bike program


    I finished writing the program for your Bike motor. I want to test it on my set up first. I have had problems with turning programs untested to others on the forum. Once I test it tonight and tomorrow, I will post a link to you via private message. As this is designed specifically for you and does not have options built into it I will not release it for the general forum. So by the time you are finished with your monster drive you should have a program to stitch it all together.




    • Hi Kogs,

      Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
      G'day Kumar
      Is this the circuit you are trying to replicate

      There are 2 coils the green is the Cold coil it is wound first then the Red coil is the Hot it is wound over the top of the green they are not wound together

      I had no success replicating Bob's Oscillator so I used/copied UFO's Oscillator the one above on the right is here

      The Diode's I used here were fast switching but only needed to be 1N4001 or 1n4007's

      I hop this helps

      Kindest Regards

      Kogs Trying to help
      Thanks for the help. I found it difficult to log in to the forum whole yesterday. So I couldn't reply, though I read your post.

      I'm still with Bob's circuit only. This morning somehow I got the cfl flashing 4-5 times. Then it stopped flashing. I think I have some loose connections on my board. I will fix everything and try again. Then I'll work on UFO's circuit.

      Post you back once I'm done.

      Thanks a lot for the help and support you are rendering Kogs.

      Regards and Namaste



      • isolation

        Hello to all.
        Please, who can explain,
        why we have common Ground between oscillation part
        and mosfets? is it safe? i do not understand this...
        or i miss something.
        (on the pic i mean gnd and V+ before opto SFH617A-3 and after.)

        if i want to play with signal generator as a driving for oscillation and
        do not want to burn it,
        should i must have quite different gnd for generator before opto
        and gnd for the rest part after opto ?

        (i can not reproduce 1 Hz ( to start tuning from) in UFO base circuit to teach myself what is
        going on there. even with two pot of 250kom. and want to do this
        with signal generator, where i can control duty and freq easy,
        only to uderstand, how the RE begins)

        Originally posted by GChilders View Post
        @ Sawa25
        You are mistaken about the speed of the opto isolator that John Stone recommends.
        Thanks, friend. I make it out.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by sawa25; 04-13-2014, 01:08 PM.


        • opto isolator


          Take a look at that circuit again. It is completely isolated from the oscillator. JS was very clear in his tutorials about this. That ground is not to be connected to the oscillator(Arduino), the ground for the Arduino is to be connected to K1 pin 2. That ground is connected to pin 1. This is only to be used with the oscillator that ufo is using which is using the 555 timer. That oscillator is much more robust than the Arduino and can handle the spikes created from the motor. The only pin connected to the high voltage side of the isolator is pin 1.




          • Originally posted by GChilders View Post
            That ground is not to be connected to the oscillator(Arduino), the ground for the Arduino is to be connected to K1 pin 2. That ground is connected to pin 1.
            it's stupid that I did not notice that,
            and i still lucky, that someone explain Thanks


            • Questions


              This circuit is somewhat confusing especially at when you are first examining it. JS has always said there are no stupid questions only stupid answers. I asked a whole bunch of them when I was building the monster drive and got the help that I needed to succeed in building two of them. We want you to be successful in building these pulsers and monster drives, as well as the great technology that ufo has been exposing us to. The only way to be certain is to ask questions that help to clarify the technology in your mind. We are here to help. Do read the tutorials that JS put on line for Cornboy and all the rest of us. They were a great deal of help to me in accomplishing this task. I was completely intimidated by that project and was able to succeed, so was Cornboy. Speaking for myself, I had never actually built a complicated circuit like that, and if I could do it you can also.




              • New Monster Driver PCB?


                I am looking at the Osh Park website and see that a new file has been uploaded:

                John Stone Monster Driver V5.1 copy
                2 layer board of 4.06x2.78 inches (103.17x70.49 mm).
                Uploaded on March 2nd, 2014 00:12.

                What changes/improvements have been made?

                Is there a BOM for the board?

                I just received a new bare armature for my P66 and am going to have a double-ended shaft made for it.

                Kog's Nessie makes me anxious to get going here!



                • monster driver


                  Download John Stone's pdf book on the driver LN004. There is a bom at the end of it with suggestions for substitutions. This is available on ufo's website UFOPOLITICS. The only improvements that I am aware of on the board is that the traces are now two layers instead of one. Twice as much current can be put through that way.




                  • How to continue?

                    Hello Ufopolitics,

                    First of all, thank you for the idea to try using radiant/cold electricity. Your all experiments, posts, and youtube videos - found and reviewed by me - helped me to understand much more about this subject then any other publication before.

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Hello Sawa25,

                    This 555 oscillator regulates the Duty Cycle, not Frequency.

                    Oscillator must be attached to a Coil, with the spec's I have provided, I believe it was over 1.0 Ohm, 18 awg, and around 200 turns on a 2.5 inch hollow plastic tube would order to generate Magnetic Field Pulses...and the reversed Fields, at Off Times are collected through Two Ultra-fast Diodes to the CFL...


                    My question is: How to continue this line of discovery?

                    I did successful replica of pulse drive circuit.
                    I did successful replica of suggested coil which causes the radiant pulses.
                    The radiant pulses - depending of the duty cycle and frequency of the pulse driver - appeared between 50-60 V and 500-600 V.
                    I did successful experiments with energy saving fluorescent lamps running on radiant pulses also.
                    I could run lamps with different powers (5 W, 15 W, 25 W) on different pulse frequencies between 50 Hz and 18 kHz using less then 50% (usually about 10 - 30 %) duty cycle.
                    I could run a small 220 V 1 Phase AC motor also with radiant pulses.

                    I could not measure the exact energy balance of the different installations because my electric measurement equipment became crazy.

                    What are your suggestions, how to move using all gathered knowledge about the creation radiant pulses to the direction of the useful home application, e.g. lighting, heating etc?

                    What is your suggestion to measure exact energy balance, C.O.P. of the system?
                    "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                    • Cross Roads...where to go?

                      Originally posted by Holbi View Post
                      Hello Ufopolitics,

                      First of all, thank you for the idea to try using radiant/cold electricity. Your all experiments, posts, and youtube videos - found and reviewed by me - helped me to understand much more about this subject then any other publication before.

                      My question is: How to continue this line of discovery?

                      I did successful replica of pulse drive circuit.
                      I did successful replica of suggested coil which causes the radiant pulses.
                      The radiant pulses - depending of the duty cycle and frequency of the pulse driver - appeared between 50-60 V and 500-600 V.
                      I did successful experiments with energy saving fluorescent lamps running on radiant pulses also.
                      I could run lamps with different powers (5 W, 15 W, 25 W) on different pulse frequencies between 50 Hz and 18 kHz using less then 50% (usually about 10 - 30 %) duty cycle.
                      I could run a small 220 V 1 Phase AC motor also with radiant pulses.

                      I could not measure the exact energy balance of the different installations because my electric measurement equipment became crazy.

                      What are your suggestions, how to move using all gathered knowledge about the creation radiant pulses to the direction of the useful home application, e.g. lighting, heating etc?

                      What is your suggestion to measure exact energy balance, C.O.P. of the system?
                      Hello there Friend Holbi,

                      First wanna thank you for doing all this work, as to verify all I have posted in this First Thread does work...Unfortunately, people do not go "believing" based on just a post from you, or from anyone...they need to "see" materially all you're saying is true...videos, pictures...diagrams, etc,etc...So, I will really appreciate if you could do just that...making your own free You Tube channel...uploading videos of your experiments, even those showing the "crazy" readings...all counts friend, I mean all...failures and successes..

                      We need to show Radiance existence beyond comprehension...of Classic Physics.

                      Cross Roads to Success...

                      When I originally started this thread on 2/7/2012...I already had many Asymmetric Machines built and tested...but in order to understand the Phenomena I'd observed...I had to dissect those Machines order to look for their single Coils structure behavior in Static Configuration...controlled by pulses...till I found what you were working on...meaning obtaining Radiant on a Static Coil plus the electronic cheap and simple testing circuits...

                      Your question is awesome...where do we go from here? I interpret it...

                      Well, you could stay researching and developing Static Coils circuitry...static Radiant and disbursal...or

                      You could join me "where everything got born at..."...or My Asymmetrical Machines.

                      It is completely up to you my to walk into two different worlds.

                      What is my Road?...I love Machines...I believe they could radically change this obsolete Dynamic and Moving World we all live in as of now...using stinking, farting dinosaurs dependent on Oil Burning Technology...

                      Kind Regards Friend

                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                        Well, you could stay researching and developing Static Coils circuitry...static Radiant and disbursal...or

                        You could join me "where everything got born at..."...or My Asymmetrical Machines.

                        It is completely up to you my to walk into two different worlds.

                        What is my Road?...I love Machines...I believe they could radically change this obsolete Dynamic and Moving World we all live in as of now...using stinking, farting dinosaurs dependent on Oil Burning Technology...
                        Hello Ufopolitics,

                        Thank you for the answer.

                        Both of mentioned field are dear to my heart, so I am interesting in the research of the static radiant generation and usage and interesting in the new type, really effective motors also.
                        Your video "ASYMMETRY TO ENLIGHTENMENT" was the start point for me in this way.

                        As I see both of the way is possible to move forward.
                        I sent a PM to you also.
                        "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                        • The Geometry of the Radiant Field...

                          Originally posted by Holbi View Post
                          Hello Ufopolitics,

                          Thank you for the answer.

                          Both of mentioned field are dear to my heart, so I am interesting in the research of the static radiant generation and usage and interesting in the new type, really effective motors also.
                          Your video "ASYMMETRY TO ENLIGHTENMENT" was the start point for me in this way.

                          As I see both of the way is possible to move forward.
                          I sent a PM to you also.
                          Thanks Holbi,

                          I did get your mail...and I will quote (with your permission of course) Just your main technical details/questions order to share with my friends in the Open Source my answers...

                          Holbi's Mail to Me

                          I did not want to ask direct in the forum what is your opinion, what is the best method of energy extraction from the simple pulsed system.
                          Or how to design the energy extract?
                          For example using 2 capacitor blocks, and fill one of them, disconnect it (for this time connect the other capacitor block) and discharge these blocks sequentially into the load?

                          Other question is, what is the reality of the Jonathan state below, posted to the EVGRAY yahoo group:

                          ---In, <jonathan.carre@...> wrote at 16 January, 2014:

                          OK, yes but I still can't see how a saturated core can give OU and an inductor charged fast or slow will have the same energy in it (unless trick) !
                          You can charge and saturate to 10 amps an L in 10 seconds with LV or 10 uS with HV the energy inside it still the same as per 1/2*L*I^2=E give. You see my point ?
                          So if OU there is an information lacking here. Ufopolitics banged coil also but never got OU at the point he stopped banging coil and work only in asymmetric motor.

                          My feeling is that the well designed pulsed coil based radiant energy system should be Over Unity (OU) in his energy balance. I read a C.P Steinmetz book written in about 1918 where he analyzed a Tesla pulsed system and the Steinmetz's deduction mathematically show the 50+ C.O.P of that pulsed Tesla's system.
                          My answer:

                          In this first Thread I just pulsed a Single Coil...and the reason was not to complicate things, for the sake of simplicity in understanding...then later on to be able to transfer/move it and apply it to my Machines as "A Single, Isolated Modular Coil" effect(s)...obtaining speeds and torque beyond comprehension for a classical type machine.

                          But, going back to your question(s)...You are on the right track by writing about "alternative capacitor banks" then using times on-off sequentially between them...

                          BUT, that is not enough my Friend Holbi...We all have been missing a great part of this whole picture...The Geometry of Multiple ALIGNED Coils projecting a Common Radiant Energy Electromagnetic Spatial Field, a very strong Spatial Radiant Magnetic Field that would feed into the multiple smaller coils who generated that field as one...then the spent energy would be "nickel and dimes" per small coil...while we are building a STATIONARY but VERY STRONG Geometrical/Spatial Radiant Field...or could we call it "A lingering/hovering Cloud of Energy"... got it?

                          The way to feed small Coils is by Sequentially oriented Pulses with Time Lapses in between, (Something VERY similar to our Quad Monster Drivers) not too long timing Off between them, as to allow Collapsing or weakening development of our MAIN GENERATED RADIANT FIELD...this way our coils will never get hot...and we could add as many as we a 360º Circumference...

                          The "aiming" Angles of each small coil plus their Cores ...will define directional space to a "virtual spatial volume" where Radiant Field would be created and flowing almost "Statically" ...

                          Like I have written before here...We need to give the Electromagnetic Field the "VISUAL IMAGING" it deserves...even though we can not see it (BUT WE ALL CAN FEEL IT!!) with our "simple human sight"...once that we do see this Field Matrix...and understand it...we could do whatever we want for the benefit of Humanity...

                          Until We don't "see" this Fields... it would be very difficult to design "REDIRECTING CORES ELEMENTS" that would carry/transfer/transport Hot/Radiant Magnetic Poles to other Geometrical Spaces...On the other hand...once that We "see" this Fields...our "sight" will become so sharp...that just by looking at Walter Russell's clever Geometries designs...or other great Inventors along our history ...we will know exactly what they meant...and how to simply reproduce it.

                          In my other Thread...My Asymmetrical Machines...We are going into that same development (All North Rotors)...except our coils are rotating (BUT NOT THE MAIN FIELDS, WHICH ARE COMPLETELY STATIC)...and being pulsed by mechanical commutation (NOT BY ELECTRONICS)...but in simple conclusions we end up doing exactly what I have posted above...meaning:

                          We have Independently Energized Groups of Coils aligned Geometrically (Overlapped/Interlaced) in such a certain "fashion"...that when being pulsed sequentially ...will generate COMMON RADIANT AND HOT STATIC FIELDS.

                          Pulsing a Single Coil to produce "massive" Radiant Field...or Energy is of course not feasible, as our single coil AND Diodes or "Rectifying Valves" will get extremely hot and end up burning or collapsing...

                          Pulsing Multiple Coils without a "Geometrical Alignment" ...will generate Multiple Radiant Fields ...and given the strength of each one of this Coils...and the Energy We spend...just a "One to One Ratio" deal...even if we add outputs in series, but still dependent of multiple Inputs, Multiple Radiant Fields to control...not feasible either.

                          Now, when we pulse Multiple Coils...ALL aligned to Specific Common Geometries, in order that just ONE HOT/RADIANT FIELD will be created...then, we are using SAME Radiant Space Field to store our small energy spent per coil...and with repetitive short, but stronger pulsing of several coils...we are dividing to fractions of energy spending at "different times"...same space...while Radiant will "download" to each individual coil huge amounts only separated by "tiny and cheap" Times On...

                          Hope this will help understand where we are heading towards...

                          Please do not use/expand/develop this concepts for weapons or for bad we could excite and project fields with additional Vectors of Force...once created/generated in specific spatial speeds we can not let's keep it merely flowing and extracting Energy from it for our benefit and comfort...

                          Kind Regards

                          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 04-24-2014, 09:48 PM.
                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • Re: Cross Roads...where to go?

                            Thank you Ufopolitics for the sharing ideas. It is really great to move forward on this line.

                            Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                            ...We all have been missing a great part of this whole picture...The Geometry of Multiple ALIGNED Coils projecting a Common Radiant Energy Electromagnetic Spatial Field, a very strong Spatial Radiant Magnetic Field that would feed into the multiple smaller coils who generated that field as one...then the spent energy would be "nickel and dimes" per small coil...while we are building a STATIONARY but VERY STRONG Geometrical/Spatial Radiant Field...or could we call it "A lingering/hovering Cloud of Energy"... got it?
                            As I understand well, there are few important key factors for the design:
                            • Geometry alignment of several small coils around a circle;
                            • Angle shift of these coils around a circle;
                            • Orientation of these coils - with their core - in order to project the resultant common radiant field;
                            • Pulse driving timing (pulse order, frequency, duty cycle, break before make or make before brake relation);
                            • And a common output coupler for all multiple aligned exciting coils.

                            Do you have a sketch of this idea?

                            Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                            Until We don't "see" this Fields... it would be very difficult to design "REDIRECTING CORES ELEMENTS" that would carry/transfer/transport Hot/Radiant Magnetic Poles to other Geometrical Spaces...On the other hand...once that We "see" this Fields...our "sight" will become so sharp...that just by looking at Walter Russell's clever Geometries designs...or other great Inventors along our history ...we will know exactly what they meant...and how to simply reproduce it.
                            How we can improve the ability to see these fields?
                            Can you suggest any drill or exercise?

                            Kindest regards, and thanks for advance for the answer.
                            "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                            • Re: The Geometry of the Radiant Field...

                              Hello Ufopolitics,

                              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                              ...We all have been missing a great part of this whole picture...The Geometry of Multiple ALIGNED Coils projecting a Common Radiant Energy Electromagnetic Spatial Field, a very strong Spatial Radiant Magnetic Field that would feed into the multiple smaller coils who generated that field as one...then the spent energy would be "nickel and dimes" per small coil...while we are building a STATIONARY but VERY STRONG Geometrical/Spatial Radiant Field...or could we call it "A lingering/hovering Cloud of Energy"... got it?
                              Do you mean something like this arrangement?

                              Kindest regards,
                              Last edited by Holbi; 04-27-2014, 03:18 PM. Reason: editing attached picture
                              "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                              • Simple Geometries first...

                                Originally posted by Holbi View Post
                                Thank you Ufopolitics for the sharing ideas. It is really great to move forward on this line.
                                Hello Holbi,

                                My pleasure, however, still have to go back to My Machines...

                                As I understand well, there are few important key factors for the design:
                                • Geometry alignment of several small coils around a circle;
                                • Angle shift of these coils around a circle;
                                • Orientation of these coils - with their core - in order to project the resultant common radiant field;
                                • Pulse driving timing (pulse order, frequency, duty cycle, break before make or make before brake relation);
                                • And a common output coupler for all multiple aligned exciting coils.

                                Do you have a sketch of this idea?
                                I do, I have a few sketches, plus some other testing and models I have built a while back.

                                I would suggest to start first by simple Geometries...without "redirecting elements" required, like a simple cylinder within other cylindrical coils, sharing same virtual shafts.
                                "Projecting" a Magnetic Field into Space is not simple...knowing we need both poles to keep their distance and away from its generator.

                                A Tesla Coil is a perfect and simple Geometry example...I have seen so many beautiful designs and builds of such great device...but none has mentioned anything about the Magnetic Fields alignment based on polarities and winding directions...the point is that if magnetic polarities are wrong...they will subtract tending to cancel...instead of adding.

                                How we can improve the ability to see these fields?
                                Can you suggest any drill or exercise?
                                How do you think a blind man would "see" this fields in his mind...knowing He could sense them by touch?

                                A Magnetic Field could be felt by using repulsing and attract elements on each hand...You could feel that solid mass range and limits into space...its curves...strength, elasticity, etc,etc.

                                Close your a "screen" in your mind to transfer "touch to visual" in that screen...then try all possible angles.

                                About redirection...use cylinders of solid steel...measure with compass polarities once in physical and "no physical" contact with a magnet in different positions...

                                Kindest regards, and thanks for advance for the answer.
                                My pleasure Holbi.


                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

