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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Originally posted by Holbi View Post
    Hello Ufopolitics,

    Do you mean something like this arrangement?

    Kindest regards,
    Nice design...but it WILL NOT do the FULL redirection.


    Notice you are only "sending" or Redirecting North Poles to a Common place...Plus the Axis at Common Field are NOT centered, related to all individual coils...(at least not seen on Top View) it will then originate Four Independent Fields.


    Redirection Elements needs to carry both poles from each individual fields into the common Field like shown above...but that's not all:

    S1 Redirecting Element MUST have same equidistant measurements from green line to end of Common Field Gap as N1 Element.

    S1 Redirecting Element MUST be of same MASS as N2 Element...otherwise Poles will not be "balanced" (strength, size, area) at end gap.

    S1 and N2 Elements does not need to be separated...but made of same core. However, at end extremes they MUST be separated with an air gap, in order to produce Field in that space.

    Now, if we pulse both generating coils (light blue) simultaneously, we will obtain the Sum of both fields at common gap...BUT, if we pulse them at different times with equal feeding pulses...then Common Field would be equal to each coil Field along Time.

    And...even though we are redirecting fields to a Common Gap/Space...we will always have an "original field" at each coil, at certain timing (beginning and end of pulse) will manifest stronger...realize it will take time (even very short time, nanoseconds) to travel through cores to end gap. This means we will get Radiant Fields ALSO at each individual coil. Therefore, We could collect Radiant Energy at each coil through diodes...

    In the Coil displayed at Common Field (the one you named "Output Coil") we collect almost "Pure Radiant", because there is no direct input on that the induced Hot will be very our advantage.

    The pulsing will be "Out of Phase" in order that there would always be -at least- ONE COIL ON, keeping a Hot Magnetic Field manifested at Core Gap, this will maintain Radiant in a "stand by" Space surrounding that field...while derivative fields from radiant will get "sucked in" through Off Timed Coils.

    This way We are creating several "Gates" for Radiant to exhaust...while keeping a Main Field on at all times.

    Note: I have just displayed two coils for sake of simplicity...simple Geometry...many could be added, reducing duty cycle per individual coils.


    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Geometry for the Radiant Energy system

      Hello Ufopolitics,

      Thank you very much for the draft of redirecting core system.

      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Redirection Elements needs to carry both poles from each individual fields into the common Field like shown above...but that's not all:

      S1 Redirecting Element MUST have same equidistant measurements from green line to end of Common Field Gap as N1 Element.

      S1 Redirecting Element MUST be of same MASS as N2 Element...otherwise Poles will not be "balanced" (strength, size, area) at end gap.

      S1 and N2 Elements does not need to be separated...but made of same core. However, at end extremes they MUST be separated with an air gap, in order to produce Field in that space.
      If I understand well we need something like this (for 4 generating coils):

      Here is in other view:


      The equidistant from N1-...Nx and S1-...Sx to the common gap is OK.

      The equivalent volume and mass of North and South poles is OK.

      My opinion is the common magnetic path should have biggest cross section then the individual generating coils magnetic path. It can help to collect magnetic particle, they also like to flow into space part of smallest resistance.

      The "Output coil" is not shown in this picture. The generating coils are symbolized by the green cylinders.

      Is ferrite suitable material for the core?
      It is true there are not off the shelf ferrite core similar to this, but ferrite is powder metallurgy products, so it can be produced.

      I think the distance from N to S poles in the common gap is also important parameter.

      In case of ferrite core it can be produced with to parts North and South and the join between these 2 parts should be in the center of green, generating coils.

      What is you opinion?

      Kindest regards, and thanks for advance for the answer.
      Last edited by Holbi; 04-27-2014, 03:20 PM. Reason: edit attached images
      "Knowledge is as good as it used."


      • @ufo,

        Where is the radiant now?

        Greets JB


        • Ill bet you think different now

          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
          Wow!! THANKS for the BIG WELCOMES!!
          Is a BIG pleasure to be here with all of you!!


          • Awesome 3D

            Originally posted by Holbi View Post
            Hello Ufopolitics,

            Thank you very much for the draft of redirecting core system.

            If I understand well we need something like this (for 4 generating coils):

            Here is in other view:


            The equidistant from N1-...Nx and S1-...Sx to the common gap is OK.

            The equivalent volume and mass of North and South poles is OK.
            Hello Holbi,

            Awesome 3D Modeling!...isn't it wonderful to make it virtually first...being able to turn it around and around?...Yes, that is it.

            My opinion is the common magnetic path should have biggest cross section then the individual generating coils magnetic path. It can help to collect magnetic particle, they also like to flow into space part of smallest resistance.
            Completely agree also...the adding of Magnetic Fields from generating coils needs an expanded area to propagate at common gap.

            The "Output coil" is not shown in this picture. The generating coils are symbolized by the green cylinders.
            Yes, I realized that...and actually I believe the "spool" to house that Coil could be made out of a Non Ferrous nor Paramagnetic plastic...or mica....anything EXCEPT Carbon Fiber!

            Is ferrite suitable material for the core?
            It is true there are not off the shelf ferrite core similar to this, but ferrite is powder metallurgy products, so it can be produced.
            I believe so...however some simple testing should be made with plain solid ferrite cylinders and some neo's to check if there is any loss compared to steel rods.

            I think the distance from N to S poles in the common gap is also important parameter.
            Definitively that gap is important, it will define the magnitude or amplitude of the Hot Magnetic Field...which is the bait for Radiant, so we could make gap adjustable through some moving and locking end pieces, similar to the ones you have in grey cylinders at top and bottom.

            In case of ferrite core it can be produced with to parts North and South and the join between these 2 parts should be in the center of green, generating coils.
            Yes, absolutely, I noticed you have moved down the generating coils to a perfect center alignment which is it levels with the common field gap...Those final touches you obtain only with 3D have all views in one model...excellent!

            What is you opinion?

            Kindest regards, and thanks for advance for the answer.
            I see it Glowing in Purple light already Holbi...

            Excellent work like this leads to crystal clear communications!

            Kind Regards and great to have you here with Us all Holbi!!

            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 04-27-2014, 07:12 PM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Whatcha mean man!

              Originally posted by JohnnBlade View Post

              Where is the radiant now?

              Greets JB
              Yoh Bro!...wassup?!...what U mean where is radiant??!!...dontcha see that radiant Man?

              Is everywhere around Us all ...just feel it ...she will come to you Johnny!

              Peace Friend

              Take care

              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Here's the radiant,
                UFO I reworked your sch. a little.
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Hello Ufopolitics,

                  Thank you for the acknowledgement on 3D modelling.

                  Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                  Awesome 3D Modeling!...isn't it wonderful to make it virtually first...being able to turn it around and around?...Yes, that is it.
                  Here are some screen shoots of my oscilloscope to show running single coil power consumption.

                  It was used your basic setup with a load of a 15 W energy saving fluorescent lamp.

                  Ufopolitics basic setup single coil with diodes:

                  And here is the power consumption data:

                  The green line (Channel B) is the output signal of the 555 pulse driver driving the IGBT transistor switching the coil. ( I used a single, but enough fast IGBT to pulse the coil with proper MOSFET/IGBT driver -by the reason it was cheap and available in the local radio-parts shop.)
                  The coil as it was suggested by you and was written in the PJK book, with small modification as overal DC resistance is ~ 1.5 Ohm; 1.28 mm2 cross section magnet wire; single strand; Tesla type bifilar wound; ~ 100 m length; 2×340 winding.

                  The coil was run on 34% duty cycle (yellow line in the screen shoot of scope) and the current running into the coil was measured across a shunt with (1.1 mA/mV multiplier). So, the peak current was represented by 380 mV on the scope screen, and this is 380 mV×1.1 mA/mV = 420 mA.
                  The current increases quasi linear (down in the screen) so, the average ON Time current is 420 mA/2 = 210 mA. The average current for the full period is 210 mA × 34% = 71.5 mA. And this value is the RMS current also.

                  The power supply on this experiment was two serial connected 12 V battery (20 Ah each) with a common voltage of 25.4 V.
                  The RMS power consumption of the coil is 25.4 V × 71.5 mA = 1.8 W.
                  (The 555 timer circuit power consumption is not counted in it.)

                  I also do not count in this 1.8 W power the energy sent back to the battery represented by the up side peaks on the oscilloscope screen (yellow ~ 4-8 A high current peaks immediately after switching off the IGBT transistor).

                  Here is an other view of the current switching:

                  The load, the 15 W (for the 220 V AC designed) energy saving fluorescent lamp was lightning with much more brightness when this type of lamp was connected to the 220-230 V AC main.

                  By visual observation this operation is OU with 5-7 C.O.P. Of course it must also prove by instrumental measurements. Only we must find how to do it.
                  Correction: Unfortunately the later instrumental measurement do not prove the OU operation.

                  Other notes: this lamp when it is connected to the 220-230 V AC main a quite hot during operation.
                  Connecting to the radiant/cold electricity output terminals of the above mentioned basic circle, the fluorescent lamp was quite cold during it's operation.

                  I was not able to measure the power consumption of the fluorescent lamp connecting to the radiant/cold electricity output terminals because my handy meters practically did not show anything.
                  Only visual observation showed there is something different that we usually meet in electronics.

                  To-Do for the upcoming period: To develop a proper device to measure characteristic of radiant energy flow, such as direction, polarity, frequency, current, voltage, power etc. The traditional instruments are not valid for this type measurement.
                  As the traditional electricity (let we call - using Tesla terminology - the traditional electricity: "negative push type electricity") is measured by indirect methods only (nobody had seen flowing electrons inside the wire) as this new "PULL type" electricity (named radiant/cold electricity also) can also be measured by some indirect effects, we must find these effects only.

                  Regards: Holbi
                  Last edited by Holbi; 06-02-2014, 03:21 PM. Reason: correction in the text
                  "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                  • I am sorry

                    Hello Ufopolitics,

                    I am sorry. I have just found that I am able to sort in my Photobucket uploaded images into different albums, and I arranged the uploaded images.

                    This action is unfortunately killed all link what was used by you quoting me.

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Awesome 3D Modeling!...isn't it wonderful to make it virtually first...being able to turn it around and around?...Yes, that is it.
                    I am sorry.

                    Kindest regards:
                    "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                    • What is the advantage?

                      Hello Dave,

                      Thank you for the idea.

                      Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                      Here's the radiant,
                      UFO I reworked your sch. a little.
                      Can you provide me what is the advantage of adding an induction to the radiant output line?

                      Thanks for advance for the answer,
                      "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                      • Originally posted by Holbi View Post
                        Hello Ufopolitics,

                        I am sorry. I have just found that I am able to sort in my Photobucket uploaded images into different albums, and I arranged the uploaded images.

                        This action is unfortunately killed all link what was used by you quoting me.

                        I am sorry.

                        Kindest regards:
                        Hello Holbi,

                        Yes, I just noticed that this morning...missing all those nice 3D Drawings...

                        All you need to do is Edit your post and reload the new links to those images.

                        Then I will re quote your post in my answer, coming out with the new links...

                        No problems...more organization...we need it for so much material ahead of Us...


                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Hello Ufopolitics,

                          Thanks for the suggestion, it is already done. I had found this edit function. :-)

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                          All you need to do is Edit your post and reload the new links to those images.

                          Then I will re quote your post in my answer, coming out with the new links...
                          Other: What is your opinion about power measurement of a single pulsed coil posted ?

                          Kindest regards:
                          "Knowledge is as good as it used."


                          • Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • Originally posted by Holbi View Post
                                Hello Ufopolitics,

                                What is your opinion about power measurement of a single pulsed coil posted ?

                                Kindest regards:
                                Hello Holbi,

                                I believe is great, excellent testing!

                                On the issue you have on your meters going crazy...(and they could burn its processor too, so be careful!)...I found two solutions:

                                1- I recommended small crystal diodes (IN4148) after the Ultra-Fast ones...they will "filter" some of the "craziness" ...However, at too high pulses they will definitively blow.

                                2- I discovered a good tool to add to your meters...A Marine Generator Voltage Coupler/Adaptor:


                                This device will detect True High Pulsed DC Voltage Readings, since it is made to detect any faulty Marine Outboard Engine Generating Coils...and as you know they work based on very heavy spikes sent to a very heavy duty Voltage Regulator (very expensive!)

                                Maybe you do not have access to Snap On Tools...but I believe any Marine Engine Shop Technician...could direct you to the proper local manufacturer of similar tooling.

                                Kind regards

                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

