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coil theory oddity

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  • coil theory oddity

    Consider a bifilar 1:1 transformer/coil:
    each winding is 50 turns
    inductance factor is 0.2 mH/turnē
    resistance factor is 0.01 Ohm/turn

    Two batteries in parallel

    If the windings are in series we have when saturated:
    12 V, 2 H, 1 Ohm, 12 A, 24 Wb, 144 J, 144 W

    If the windings are in parallel we have when saturated:
    12 V, 0.5H, 0.25 Ohm, 48 A, 24 Wb, 576 J, 576 W

    But now we put one battery on one winding and one on the other!

    Is it like having 24 V on the windings in series?
    Or is it like having 12 V on the windings in parallel?

    If its like the windings are in series we have when saturated:
    24 V, 2 H, 1 Ohm, 24 A, 48 Wb, 576 J, 576 W

    Attached Files
    Hob Nilre

  • #2
    Hello Nilrehob!

    Ok, my friend, there is something that you may not forget about when playing with Electromagnetic s and Electricity relationships...
    And that is the N-S Poles orientation of each coil. And the way you connect the batteries (As two independent per Coil).
    If you connect them in opposite to the coils winding sense, then the EM Flux of both Coils is going to "Auto-Cancel" between themselves...and will obtain just a minimal output...

    The BiFilar Coil is supposed to be Wired together as two strands, but connected in series...This, as "Math Calculations", is a Two Coils in series. However, in the Electromagnetic Field Flux, they are in Parallel, meaning both N-S Poles are aligned and of identical orientation. Therefore, you have a Stronger Magnetic Field with series connections.

    I do not know if this answer your question...


    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Hello Nilrehob!

      Ok, my friend, there is something that you may not forget about when playing with Electromagnetic s and Electricity relationships...
      And that is the N-S Poles orientation of each coil. And the way you connect the batteries (As two independent per Coil).
      If you connect them in opposite to the coils winding sense, then the EM Flux of both Coils is going to "Auto-Cancel" between themselves...and will obtain just a minimal output...

      The BiFilar Coil is supposed to be Wired together as two strands, but connected in series...This, as "Math Calculations", is a Two Coils in series. However, in the Electromagnetic Field Flux, they are in Parallel, meaning both N-S Poles are aligned and of identical orientation. Therefore, you have a Stronger Magnetic Field with series connections.

      I do not know if this answer your question...


      Have you looked at bucking coils? it seems as if the magnetism is canceled but we are able to collect a spike which would suggest the magnetism isn't canceled. I am not trying to be contradictory, I just find this interesting


      • #4
        Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
        Have you looked at bucking coils? it seems as if the magnetism is canceled but we are able to collect a spike which would suggest the magnetism isn't canceled. I am not trying to be contradictory, I just find this interesting
        Hello mbrownn!!

        You always have very creative ideas and comments!!...And I am going to re-answer on the "Check-Valve" second diodes, later on, but not this Thread here.

        Now, it depends on each magnetic fields ...they all have different patterns...and gain, different spectrum's and frequencies, to name just some attributes...
        So, if encountering each others, the predominant or stronger "takes over", and the remnant will drive out of "Battle Field" as a Spike or else...a Pulse...

        Magnetism is very complicated...Science has many "Untied Ends" to explain...

        Everytime I do an experiment there is something I had observe...too many gauges...too many differences that vary...

        However, it is a beautiful and enigmatic phenomena!!

        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • #5
          And ain't it GRANDE!

          I do not see the field magnetic as complicated. It does EXACTLY the same thing every time. Heh. Iti just does it infinity and with a LOT of 90 degree turns. It's like the Lenz effect Ufopolitics mentioned in the other thread. In modeling these fields folks neglect anything they are not specifically measuring for. NOT the best idea. On Ufopolitic's design. KUDOS! WELL DONE AND WOooo HOOO! No joke folks. Beautiful. And it agrees with what I have have been trying to communicate for a few years now. The universe is ever full of the field. When we shove massive free electrons into a conductor we caus an "artificial" field. What we have neglected is the fact that the field was already present. We have to force inversion of an existing field. Thus when the field "relaxes" the result is what we put in plus the previously existing field. Thus approximately 1.5935 times field value.

          I work with EnergyEngines, Inc. (Building magnetic compression technology employing .56 Tesla N52 magnets of the 4 inch dia by 2 inch thick variety.)

          Thanks to your work Ufopolitics you have answered a pretty serious issue we have been facing of late. Specifically we put in about 90 amps at 11.2 volts to kick off the engine. The amp meters (no matter digital or analog) is showing us 250 amps. Well since we are using 6 gauge cable that is rather unlikely since 137 is the most I have ever witnessed across a 3 foot section of 6 gauge without the insulation instantly starting to smoke.

          Now we are off to build your circuit. We will make it globally accessible and you will no doubt (Yes Tesla and everyone else) receive joyous results therefrom.

          Godspeed gents!
          Know and be without doubt.


          • #6

            Here is the bifilar coil matched with two batteries in
            a slightly different configuration... with a 1KV diode
            on the transistor, and perhaps it also might benefit from
            a second diode - anode to the collector, cathode to the
            anode of the first battery.


            • #7
              Originally posted by teknasutra View Post
              I do not see the field magnetic as complicated. It does EXACTLY the same thing every time. Heh. Iti just does it infinity and with a LOT of 90 degree turns. It's like the Lenz effect Ufopolitics mentioned in the other thread. In modeling these fields folks neglect anything they are not specifically measuring for. NOT the best idea. On Ufopolitic's design. KUDOS! WELL DONE AND WOooo HOOO! No joke folks. Beautiful. And it agrees with what I have have been trying to communicate for a few years now. The universe is ever full of the field. When we shove massive free electrons into a conductor we caus an "artificial" field. What we have neglected is the fact that the field was already present. We have to force inversion of an existing field. Thus when the field "relaxes" the result is what we put in plus the previously existing field. Thus approximately 1.5935 times field value.

              I work with EnergyEngines, Inc. (Building magnetic compression technology employing .56 Tesla N52 magnets of the 4 inch dia by 2 inch thick variety.)

              Thanks to your work Ufopolitics you have answered a pretty serious issue we have been facing of late. Specifically we put in about 90 amps at 11.2 volts to kick off the engine. The amp meters (no matter digital or analog) is showing us 250 amps. Well since we are using 6 gauge cable that is rather unlikely since 137 is the most I have ever witnessed across a 3 foot section of 6 gauge without the insulation instantly starting to smoke.

              Now we are off to build your circuit. We will make it globally accessible and you will no doubt (Yes Tesla and everyone else) receive joyous results therefrom.

              Godspeed gents!
              Sounds great and YES Ufopolitics is giving us all some great info! I've always thought a magnetic engine was possible (and have seen some vid's of one running apparently). Do you have a web site or more info on yours? BTW to EF.
              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine

