Originally posted by ChrisW
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"Larry" system ? Or any of the other systems in the Kelly book for that matter.
The setup this thread is based on is a moral buster disinfo device in my
opinion. From the PDF.

I can use several of these coils to step up my voltage if I wanted to power a city.
come back and post the results you get with some kind of evidence.
The internet is littered with this kind of rubbish.
The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim, where is the proof
of the device operating as stated in the PDF ?
Come to mention it, where is the proof of output from the majority of "free energy devices"
presented in the Kelly book. Don't make the mistake of thinking that any
particular device in that book has been shown to work as stated, most of
them have hearsay performance and no evidence, some work but no real
evidence of anything special. Some are novel devices.
Any passive collector will have a good COP.
A good benchmark is a solar panel, if a device can be made cheaper then a
solar panel and output more power than a solar panel then it is a viable Tech.
If it can be cheaper and output less then it may still be viable if it is more
expensive and outputs more it could also be viable, but if it is more expensive
and outputs less then how could it be justified ? It's not viable as an alternative.
I would challenge one of the people in this thread saying this can work to
actually build the setup and show it working regardless of the result and as
drawn and shown in the PDF.
Somehow I doubt that will happen.
Actually I would challenge anyone to build any free energy device from the
Kelly book that is not a passive collector, and show it to produce free energy
over and above the input.
I do agree that collectors are the way to free energy though, no input with
output = free energy no doubt, but the process needs to be worthwhile and
produce as much or more power than a solar panel array as, cost vs. output.
P.S. It's fairly easy to see the trouble the author is having with his grip on
reality when we read this paragraph below. He says the USA can just build a
sun or a big light in the upper atmosphere. OMG

or "light sphere" plug into for input power ? There's the exit clause for all sane
people right there.
Then I realized a way to do this without the need to transmit. This way every home or
business, automobile or boat can use the power they need individually and separate. One
way would be for the USA to build its own "sun" or sphere in the upper atmosphere of light
that beams in all directions to everything and every receiver in our country will pick up the
frequencies and use them.
business, automobile or boat can use the power they need individually and separate. One
way would be for the USA to build its own "sun" or sphere in the upper atmosphere of light
that beams in all directions to everything and every receiver in our country will pick up the
frequencies and use them.
