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Cosmic Collector Resonance Circuit Schematics

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  • Cosmic Collector Resonance Circuit Schematics

    Here is an interesting device I have not personally built it yet, but feel its worth a share
    ThE cOsmiC coLLecToR DIY Free Energy Schematic video : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

    The CosMic CoLLecToR - DIY Free Energy Device Schematics : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

    0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG

  • #2
    Hi Nate,

    Welcome to the forum. I am glad you have decided to follow the search for radiant energy. I have looked at some of the video and read the PDF document for this cosmic collector. That is a very well put together presentation. But I see so many flaws in it I don't understand what he is trying to do unless it is to get a lot of people to waste a lot of money on something that will not work. Then we would get discouraged and maybe stop looking for radiant energy. I did not watch all of the video as it looked like the exact same presentation as the PDF. Did he show anywhere in the video an actual device working as he claimed? There are several things wrong with his drawing. He shows a disconnect switch connected across the battery. If you turn that switch on you will most likely have a fire from the wires and the switch going up in smoke. He also shows using some schottky diodes that are rated for 9 amps. Those diodes cannot begin to carry the amount of current he is claiming you can get from his special coil. There are some people that claim current ratings of devices don't mean anything when dealing with radiant energy but so far I have not found that to be true. Another problem I see is that he only has one side of his special circuit connected to the batteries. I have some devices that I believe are producing radiant energy but I have never been able to charge a battery with only one connection. I don't mean to discourage you but as you spend time on this or any of the other Free Energy forums you will see a lot of scams. That is another good reason for you to get a good education in conventional electronics. Then you will be able to tell a scam from something that might have real potential.


    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


    • #3
      Thanks for the feedback Carroll. I dont have the knowledge to defend any of those points. I figured it was worth a share. Anything less than information sharing is information suppression
      0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


      • #4
        Thanks for posting this Nasa Nate and to the forum. The person who made the PDF is not asking any money and definitely has the write mindset in wanting to freely share this with the world. I haven't gone over much of it yet but if there are some mistakes I can see I'll post them and any corrections. Or it may be a case of things not working like the engineers say they should I've already got most of what it will take to put this together and likely will give it a try as I know another person who did something very similar a while back and said he had success with it also. This is very related to one of Tesla's radiant energy receiver setups IIRC. It's a bit big for some people to build with the 36 foot high tower you need for the big dish but it's very do able for myself. I just think this is one thing that has stopped a lot of people from trying it as it's not just something to throw together on your electronics bench. I look forward to checking this out further. I'm trying to get the video now but it keeps stalling out.
        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


        • #5
          Hi Ewizard~ THanks for the spectro-matic welcome Yes i believe there is a positive mindset going on here. You can download the video on the links to the left of the video page, that may make it easier to watch. Maybe a scaled down version could be easier, using refrigerator coil tubing... its snowing right now so its hard to dig. . . I hope you build one and share your experience...
          0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


          • #6
            here is a picture of the origional coil (i dont know of any other pictures) from the free energy community on Facebook

            0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


            • #7
              wind it bifilar like Tesla's pancake coil, increase energy across the windings 250,000 times greater than the standard coil!"

              Tesla Bifilar Coil patent - Bedini Bifilar Coil usage in Schoolgirl Radiant Motor Charging devices |
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • #8
                Nasa Nate, thanks for the pic. It's encouraging to see that this has actually been built. Do you know who authored the Cosmic collector info? If so it would be great to get him on here to elaborate a bit on some things.

                In briefly looking at the book yesterday I think he intended a full disconnect switch from the 12 volt battery. It looks like a switch that would short out the battery in his diagram but I am certain it was intended as a full disconnect from both sides of the battery as in a double pole single throw switch. I believe it was just poorly indicated in the drawing but probably assumed others would understand. I haven't looked much further at it yet but there are some things I saw that seemed a bit odd and I'd like to ask questions if the author is anywhere to be found.
                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                • #9
                  Thanks for posting this nate. I've read though the whole paper and it all is really quite interesting. At first reading through the directions you get the feeling that this might be a ploy to waste your money but then the last 5 or so pages would seem that the writer / inventor is actually quite sincere about his design and isn't in the business of misleading people.

                  I thought I'd do a bit of searching around to see if I could find any more information on this apparatus. It would seem that this idea is fairly recent. Searching around, the only existence of the files are on archival websites and youtube type sites. Possibly late Dec, 2011 it was released according to the various post dates on a variety of web sites. There doesn't seem to be much talk at all about it. Only here and a few comments on the youtube videos.

                  I found it interesting that John Hutchison is hosting the video of the document on his official youtube channel at free energy by thE cOsmIc cOlleCtoR DIY Free Energy Schematic - YouTube , uploaded on Dec 29, 2011. Could he be the inventor? (I doubt it though). I'm having a hard time finding any information on who wrote the document. We may never find the actual inventor but I think it's still to early to make that assumption providing that the inventor wants to be known.

                  It's unfortunate that it's such a large device. I'm sure my neighbors would be pleased with a 36 foot pole holding a large coil erecting from my backyard. :P Hopefully ewizard or someone else who has the space is able to build it.


                  • #10
                    I believe he ran it at 13 feet, just not as much power,
                    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                    • #11
                      its also mentioned that several devices create more power, so maybe several smaller devices = 1 big device? maybe at less of a height per smaller unit
                      Last edited by Nasa Nate; 02-17-2012, 04:34 PM.
                      0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


                      • #12
                        I was in contact with a person about a year ago who said they had built a similar device but had installed it in their attic. He said it worked. I don't recall how much power he was getting but it may be possible to go about it that way also. A 6 foot pole on top of an average one story house would get you up to about 20 feet. So don't let the 36 foot pole part stop you from trying this. Somewhere I've seen reference to the amount of voltage increase available for every foot of height you are above ground. So height is a factor but I think you'll get power at lower heights. I know a lot of Ham radio operators that have 50 to 100 foot towers in their back yards. I climbed a 100 foot tower years ago right in a close residential neighborhood to help out a Ham with finishing his setup. So unless you live in one of those autocratic communities with all those CC & R's you could probably do this. If I had neighbors concerned about it I'd just ask them how they would like to have free electricity. Tell them you can instruct them how and I'll bet that will stop any complaints.
                        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                        • #13
                          this is too neat not to try. i'm going to give a 1/6 coil size a try w a 1/4"x6"x18" copper grounding plate( and maybe some angle-iron i have laying around). picked up 10' of 1/4" copper tubing on way home today- need to get a resin mix for the dish-but this looks dooable, and for way less than the author spent. can't wait!

                          -also, the tube i bought for proto prolly isn't big enough for crystals and i may or may not use crystal sand in initial test.


                          • #14
                            sorry spelling- typing one handed


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by darthmarls View Post
                              -also, the tube i bought for proto prolly isn't big enough for crystals and i may or may not use crystal sand in initial test.
                              Hmm, I'd say if you don't use the quarts crystals you should at least use the quartz sand. I do not think regular sand will work. I think what the inventor is trying to utilize are the vibrations in the crystal structure to convert the radiant waves to useable current. Like the various crystal cell batteries people have been making recently. Actually you may be able to use epsom or rachell salts as an alternative, but I'm not sure how they will react with the copper tubing. I think that is why the inventor chose quarts.

                              I'm excited to hear your results and findings!

