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Cosmic Collector Resonance Circuit Schematics

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  • #16

    Check out this video. Look at the similarities to the Cosmic Collector.

    Tesla's Little Secret - YouTube



    • #17
      re: djex 81

      i know in my gut you are right djex, and never felt it more strongly than when i was pouring fg resin over the emty coil this afternoon. confident i will see some voltage tho. final coil measured 8 1'4"x 8 1/4". hopefully get a few hours to spend with it this week. thanks for comment/ sugg!


      • #18
        also djex, i actually meant quartz when i said crystal in original post, but u got me thinkin w the epsom salts! looked at our one pet store and one pool supply store in town this weekend. i couldnt find the quartz sand anywhere- no "repti-sand" unfortunately. picked up four nice sized crystals(quartz) from my brother for the scale version.


        • #19
          I dont know if silica sand will work or not, they sell it in paint stores to make a non skid surface, mix in paint.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • #20

            Greetings group...

            Though I mostly lurk and seldom post, I couldn't help but to jump in here with a few comments.

            This device reminds me of Larry Rayburn's TREC (Tesla RECeiver) from several years back. He has a Yahoo group (the exact name of which escapes me at the moment), but if you read ALL of the posts from the beginning, you can get a pretty good idea of what this device is and how it works. In his version, he used MILES of heavy gauge wire across a large number of coils (for precision tuning purposes), and there's a special trick he uses to gain an immense amount of feedback voltage at each stage. Long story short, it'd be ridiculously expensive to build in today's economy, though perhaps this alternative build has some potential (pardon the pun) as it doesn't require nearly the amount of heavy gauge wire as Larry's. As I recall, Larry was able to pull around 14KW out of his system, and this system has slightly lower ratings. Oh, and by the way, Larry's system is fairly well documented in Patrick Kelly's book, so have a look there, too.

            I might also mention here that I've just finished reading Joseph Newman's book (available at Patrick Kelly's site) and it's WELL worth the read. It puts a whole new light on ALL of the well known FE devices.

            Guess I'll have to revisit this style of device yet again and see what I can do with it....



            • #21
              Originally posted by darthmarls View Post
              i know in my gut you are right djex, and never felt it more strongly than when i was pouring fg resin over the emty coil this afternoon. confident i will see some voltage tho. final coil measured 8 1'4"x 8 1/4". hopefully get a few hours to spend with it this week. thanks for comment/ sugg!
              I'd have to say you are right about the voltage. You should see some voltage but I doubt it will be very much. Possibly 2 - 3 volts, but you never know we might be in for a surprise :P

              Originally posted by Dave45
              I dont know if silica sand will work or not, they sell it in paint stores to make a non skid surface, mix in paint.
              Interesting idea dave, silica sand could be a possible alternative. It's definitely worth a try.

              @ChrisW - Welcome. I'll check out Larry Rayburn's TREC when I get some free time today. Sounds interesting. You mentioned that you will have to revisit this style of device again. Did you build a similar device and did it work?


              • #22

                @djex81... yeah, got as far as the antenna, which was quite a monster. Ran several resonance tests on it with good results. Unfortunately, funds ran dry and had to put it aside. Larry had tons of wire at hand, being an electrician. I would've had to buy it all, and if you study the design, it takes a LOT of wire to do it his way. Anyway, that was around the time that copper prices started to go frikkin' insane (and they're even worse now).

                With the emergence of this variant, it might be worth delving back into it. That little brushless motor was a clever idea, one which I've encountered in a few other designs. As documented, however, this thing has some issues. I'll read over the PDF tonight on my tablet and make a few notes. Who knows, we might just be able to revive this thing and bring it life.



                • #23
                  tesla secret- i believe thats part of a LC circuit, yes?

                  Is there a link for joseph newmans book?

                  You may find this Helpful, its a tesla calculator (thanks free energy community on FB) for various types of componets. Have a look at the LC circuit, and the pancake coil

                  >>>>>>>>>DeepFriedNeon - Tesla Coils<<<<<<<<<

                  [IMG]*B1SQXK 4rO2AfzIaSmMb7zxR9UyWYEwLleoULdi*I-wErP8FQuhfw/nikolatesla.gif[/IMG]

                  -=-=-=-=-And Here Is another LC calculator more flexible~ Pronine Electronics Design - LC Resonance Calculator
                  Last edited by Nasa Nate; 02-21-2012, 06:08 AM.
                  0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


                  • #24
                    Links, etc.

                    @NASA Nate -- the link to Patrick Kelly's site is

                    Well, after reviewing the PDF file, I have serious problems with this guy's claims. He's relying on high voltage spikes from the brushless motor to keep his series of 6V batteries charged. *IF* enough energy from the antenna is available to keep the motor running, this *might* work over time. Then, he's feeding the output of the inverter (110VAC) to a TV fly back transformer configured as a step-down transformer. This makes NO sense for multiple reasons, most importantly that those things aren't designed for current transformation.

                    As I see it, the only reasonable element is the antenna and its design. The rest is highly suspect. IMHO, the premise of such a system would be capture and cycle/recycle the energy, preferably through a series of tuned inductors. If lots of RF is present in the environment, one could simply use one of the many diode/cap arrangements available in Kelly's e-book to drive small loads. As for tapping into Earth's 7.83 Hz field, the only way to do that successfully is via LOTS of tuned inductance. See Tesla for details.

                    One final note... whether or not this designs works (and continues to work) is not the important part. What's important is that the guy put his design out there for the world. No patents, no license fees, etc. If we're ever going to change this planet for the better, the whole idea of greed, power and money needs to go. See http://no-more-bull****.com for a starting point.



                    • #25
                      Hi ChrisW,

                      I am glad to see someone else that agrees this thing is technically a piece of junk with no hope of doing anything. I agree we all need to work together and try to come up with something to beat the energy cartel. That is why I have spent the last several years since I retired working on projects from this forum and others. I have seen some promising developments in a few areas. I have a problem with people that post junk like this circuit. My problem is that there will be many people that don't know any better waste a lot of time and money on something like this and will then get discouraged when nothing happens. They may very well give up on the pursuit of free energy. That would be a shame because we need all the people we can get to keep doing research and testing and trying new ideas. I think sometimes the energy people put out junk just like this to lead people away from the things that do really show some promise.

                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • #26
                        While I might agree some of it doesn't fit traditional EE do we know that all things work as taught in school? Does radiant energy, cold electricity or ZPE work like regular power? I wouldn't suggest someone spend a lot to build this but if you've already got most of the stuff (I've even got lots and lots of crystals) then I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. Afterall there was even a picture shown of the coil setup so someone built this. And as I mentioned someone I was in contact with a while back had a working device similar. I haven't seen or heard from him in a long while but I may try to find and contact him again if I get the time. For me time is the biggest issue in getting anything built at this point.
                        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                        • #27
                          Well, its out there. I would build it to prove it does work, or build to prove it doesnt work.
                          0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


                          • #28
                            i just need to find a way to bend a soft copper refrigerator tube into an evenly spaces pancake coil, i dont have wood cutting tools to make the wooden jig
                            0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


                            • #29
                              Tapping into 4th Dimensional Energy

                              Okay, no more bloody @-signs...

                              Carroll, glad you agree. I've been into this stuff a LONG time and spent a helluva-lotta money and yet to have something even close to unity, much less overunity (uh, excuse me, let's say a COP > 1) but on the plus side, I've now got a great collection of stuff available for when that "Ah-hah!" moment arrives.

                              Guys, for those of you (Nate) who are going to pursue this thing: first, know that the drawing is FLAWED as far as those AC disconnects are concerned. You'll throw a direct short across the 12V battery if you follow his diagram. Ever shorted a 12V lead acid battery?

                              Second, if you don't live in an RF rich neighborhood, i.e., a 50KW radio or TV station nearby, you'll see little to NOTHING on the scope. Even if you follow a basic crystal radio schematic (which would be a good starting point for this project, using this guy's antenna design), the actual output will be ridiculously small. And don't -- repeat: DON'T even think about inductively coupling to the power lines unless you'd like to spend time with guys named Bubba who live in small rooms with steel bars on the front door.

                              If you buy into this guy's schpiel about tapping into "4th dimensional energy" -- well, let me ask you this: do you have any clue what that even means?? Seriously! I'm not trying to be nasty or condescending here, but I am asking a valid question. If you've never held a paint brush in your hands, it's not likely that you're going to produce a Mona Lisa on the first try. You have to learn to walk before you can run.

                              Do I believe that such energy exists? Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. HOWEVER, I've also spent pretty much my entire life, so far spanning a bit more than five decades, building radios, computers, solar stuff, FE-related devices and so on.

                              I guess what I'm trying to say here is, take your time, spend your money wisely and don't attempt a grandiose project unless you actually know what you're doing and know how to recognize the signs of success and failure along the way. I definitely do NOT want to discourage you in any way. I just hope you'll take a few pointers from someone with some experience under his belt.



                              • #30
                                thank you for your advice chris. can you explain what you mean by inductively coupling a poweline? is that the same as tuning a pancke coil/capacitor LC circuit to 60hz and generating power through resonance?
                                0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG

