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Radiant Energy Skills 101

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  • Radiant Energy Skills 101

    Should i Build a SSG monopole to start learning of radiant energy and its practial applications? Or would you suggest a beginner circuit before that? Thanks! I have very little electrical knowledge, i even learned of the existence of back EMF before "forward" emf. I am hesitant to take an electrical engineering course at a college, because i dont want to be fed restrictive thought models to have break out of later. What should i do? Thanks!!

    0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG

  • #2
    Yes it does seem to be somewhat of a predicament for someone just starting off in this field. My self, I started into this all learning it back to front like your self. I find that knowing how both worlds work (positive and negative energies) is key in getting a complete understanding. I think what we need to realize is that the way they teach in college and universities isn't wrong but is only useful for one form of energy. That energy being positive energy. Though what they don't teach about positive energy are the more efficient ways to use and apply it. The other form of energy which they do not teach (and strongly deny the usefulness or existence of) is the opposite, negative energy. Negative energy is the energy that Bedini and many others are after.

    I taught my self the basics of electronics and electrical circuits. There are plenty of great resources on the internet. It's a good idea to get a basic understanding of how circuits and certain electrical components work before diving right in. Once you have the basics down you will feel more comfortable building and understanding the circuits you construct.

    A few sites that have really helped me:
    All About Circuits : Free Electric Circuits Textbooks - this site has everything you will need to know about basic and advanced circuits and components.
    Circuit Simulator Applet - A circuit simulator that shows the flow of electricity. Though it seems simple it really does help give an understanding of how the electrons flow and how certain components influence the flow using positive energy.

    Those two sites have helped me a ton to understand the basics of the current conventional energy model. The hard part is finding the information about the "unwritten" energy. That is why we have to look to people like Nikola Tesla, John Bedini, T. Henry Moray, and the many others that have discovered and harnessed this form of energy.

    I have to admit though that I am still fairly new to this all but I also know that it takes time and devotion accompanied with hours of research and failure until progress is made. It is essential not to rush anything.

    For your self I can't really say what would be best to start off with. Everyone is different and we all learn and envision things differently. My self I am more a hands on learner so building simple circuits and figuring out how they worked helped me a lot. But I do recommend starting small at first and sometimes the simplest of things are the best. Just look at nature. It's simple but works so well. Why should a device trying to harness the energy of nature be so complicated? Just my thoughts though. I also found informational science videos are a good resource. I'd highly recommend watching the science series Energy From the Vacumm.

    Oh, also I found this out the hard way. When researching alternative and free energies it's very easy to become overwhelmed with too much information. Pick a topic, inventor, or scientist to research and stick to it until you've finished. If you don't take one thing at a time you will find your self with half read papers and fragments of information in your head that don't all fit together which then creates a lot of confusion and frustration in the long run.

    Any ways I hope this helps. Keep at it and never give up. Nothing is impossible.
    Last edited by djex81; 02-14-2012, 05:55 AM.


    • #3
      thanks Djex! I will look into those rescources you reccomended. A great and quite effective teacher for me has been AfroTechMod on youtube

      Afrotechmods's Channel - YouTube

      He approaches teaching electronics with humor, so the information slides in easier. I agree I am more of a visual, and hands on person. If i can get a "feel" for it then it becomes real. One day I want to drive an electric vehicle, to mobilize my video mixing carrer, and charge the electric vehicle with radiant energy. Bob Boyce's HydroxyGas System is a close second in that dream.
      0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


      • #4
        Helpful Website

        Sir Nate,
        In your gallant quest for the holy grail of radiant energy, I would be remiss if I were not to dispatch you to Patrick Kelly's scintillating site:
        Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel

        If you're just starting out in electronics, I'd highly recommend this document by the same person at:
        It's a good reference, if you print it out, written by someone very familiar with alternate energy developments beginning with Tesla and onward.

        Here's a kind of overview intro from his site as well, giving highlights of some of the developments in this field over the years:

        Ride on Sir Nate!
        Last edited by Bob Smith; 02-15-2012, 12:38 AM. Reason: Wrong URL inserted - needed to change.


        • #5
          The Navigational aid of a true gentleman. Thank you bob
          0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


          • #6
            Bedini Schoolgirl

            Originally posted by Nasa Nate View Post
            Should i Build a SSG monopole to start learning of radiant energy and its practial applications? Or would you suggest a beginner circuit before that? Thanks! I have very little electrical knowledge, i even learned of the existence of back EMF before "forward" emf. I am hesitant to take an electrical engineering course at a college, because i dont want to be fed restrictive thought models to have break out of later. What should i do? Thanks!!

            Build the school girl energizer to start with. You can always make it an SSG just by adding the diode and charging battery.


            You can see the first few pages of the thread:

            This is the quintessential beginner circuit for this kind of thing.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              Hey Nasa Nate!
              from one Nate to another I started with the SSG, and it is a fantastic learning tool! They are very easy to build, and will help you understand how to tune your circuits, as well as help you learn to read circuit diagrams. I was in the same place you are in when I started. No knowledge of working with electronics, much less how to actually build something from scratch.
              For your first project, I would build the SSG exactly to John Bedini's specs (ceramic magnets on the bike wheel, not neo magnets) I used neo magnets for my first motor, and it gave me a bit of trouble until I got everything just right. Using the ceramic magnets on the bike wheel is much easier to get spinning on your first try.
              Something else I might suggest is the joule thief circuit. You can get all the components for it from old circuit boards, or one of those single use throw away cameras, and spend next to nothing learning how to build it. They are very easy to build and which ever way you go, there is loads of support available on this forum.
              This stuff is great fun to work with, the learning curve can be very sharp, because most of the circuits are easy to build, and can be done in as little as an afternoon if you have all the components.
              Good to see your interest and enthusiasm, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

              The absence of proof is not proof of absence


              • #8
                Bedini Schoolgirl

                Originally posted by Neight View Post
                I started with the SSG, and it is a fantastic learning tool! They are very easy to build, and will help you understand how to tune your circuits, as well as help you learn to read circuit diagrams. I was in the same place you are in when I started. No knowledge of working with electronics, much less how to actually build something from scratch.
                I second that. When I built the first school girl motor, I didn't even know what a transistor was. I simply got the parts and laid them on a piece of wood so that the circuit I built actually looked just like the schematic, literally. I had long lengths of wires connecting all the components so that it was just like the schematic. It worked on the first try and I was hooked ever since. So you don't have to even know what anything is doing to make it run. Figuring out what is happening can come later.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  Thanks For THe Support! I just build a simpler circuit to start out, a radiant energy collector. Ill make another thread about that Project. THank you again knowledge is spreading rampant around here, infecting the void.

         did you know i was tempted to use neos,,,
                  0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nasa Nate View Post
                    Thanks For THe Support! I just build a simpler circuit to start out, a radiant energy collector. Ill make another thread about that Project. THank you again knowledge is spreading rampant around here, infecting the void.

           did you know i was tempted to use neos,,,

                    Most people I have talked to who are trying to build and SSG want to use neo magnets. When I started, I watched months worth of youtube videos on the motors and energizers that people have made, and the bulk of them are built with neo magnets. It's almost counter intuitive to want to use less powerful magnets, to get better results, but it is what it is. The magnetic field of neo magnets is strong, and you have to have them spaced just right to avoid too much dead space between magnets, and not so close that you just have one long magnetic field. you have to have some off time, or there is no pulse.
                    My energizer has to be tuned every time I start it up, because I used neo magnets on it. The are so strongly attracted to the coil core, the motor will not get all the way up to speed unless I first let it go with low resistance, then once it "shifts gears" you can then turn the resistance up, getting much faster rotation, and less power input. With ceramic magnets, once you find the resistance that the motor wants to run at, you can put a dedicated resistor in place of the potentiometer, so you don't have to adjust the tuning as the pot resistance will change a bit.
                    Good luck, and don't hesistate to ask questions! This forum is littered with ones I have asked, and I always got loads of great help
                    Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!

                    The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                    • #11
                      0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG

