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3 Battery Generating System

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  • The resonant battery

    Internet research in support of Lead acid cells being resonant and hence a very strong candidate for antenna action
    Battery Desulfator (with resonant frequency detector and locker) - All About Circuits Forum

    Its a pity this guy didn't continue with his circuit to follow the resonant curve of this battery it would have probably matched the antenna tuning I am suggesting. Still at least it does confirm that a sulphated Lead acid battery is /or can be ... resonant
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • Just got this in the mail from the same individual that posted the circuit some of you tried.:

      I have been trying to figure out why my new circuits (many types) have been showing amazing results mentioned in my prior email. They are doing what I stated... but I am really wondering if it has more to do with the condition of the batteries than the circuit. I utilize the Bedini charger and have cycled them dozens of times. I really do believe that it does change how the battery "works."

      If the negative resistor effect is at play... anything that triggers that pre-existing condition in the battery could self generate, as long as the circuit doesn't break down the formations that cause it to occur.

      I am in the process of testing many different battery types... once that is complete, I should have an answer to the ongoing mystery.

      The last three or four set ups that I have tested have "all" shown rising voltages in batteries as the motors continue to run (continuous for days).

      There must be a reason why Bedini keeps making "lead acid" batteries part of his experimental set ups (most not all).

      I confirmed with him that he has been using lead acid batteries, not AGM, and have asked if he had a chance to check that circuit he posted. As soon as I get a reply to that question I will post it.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Thanks for checking on this, Dave, and for all your hard work.
        "I confirmed with him that he has been using lead acid batteries, not AGM, and have asked if he had a chance to check that circuit he posted. As soon as I get a reply to that question I will post it.



        • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
          Internet research in support of Lead acid cells being resonant and hence a very strong candidate for antenna action
          It would seem that the antenna theory can be "easily" tested.

          As soon as someone gets the 3bgs into the zone, put a Farraday cage around the system or B3 (e.g. a metal box, cardboard box covered in foil, etc).

          If the B3 is acting as an antenna, a Farraday cage should stop the effect.



          • meta suggestion

            I can only visit this thread occassionally. It would be nice if there were a way to pick up where I left off reading.

            It would be nice if a summary of the most recent "advances" / ckt could be updated in a known location (e.g. the first post on page 1). Forum software is OK for conversations, but doesn't work very well as a reference.

            if I'm not using the forum features fully, please educate me.



            • 2 runs with universal motor

              I've been characterizing a small universal motor. 120V, about the size of a power hand drill motor. No P.M. 12 poles, 2 stator windings. Thought I'd give it a shot in a 3bgs configuration before I chop it for another project.

              B1 and B2 are identical 7Ah motorcycle SLA's. B3 is an old (approx 15yr) SLAB (I think) physically twice as big as B1. Can't be charged with a wall wart.

              The motor doesn't run at 12VDC, but does resist being turned CW, and is easily turned in CCW. It does run CCW at 24VDC and 36VDC.

              I've attached the readings.

              The Dec. 24 readings look boring - B1 and B2 slowly discharge. The voltage acroos B3 is high at the beginning and drops slowly over a 9 hour run (i.e. it looks like B3 is desulfating). The voltage across the motor slowly climbed from 3.78V to 5.25V. The motor never started. B1 took a nose-dive to 9V and I stopped the run.

              After recharging both B1 and B2 I did another run - Dec 26 (approx. 2am).

              After starting out "boring", the voltage across the motor suddenly dropped to 0.000VDC (scope showed flatline) and the voltage across B3 dropped from 21.2VDC to 5.94VDC. Over the next half hour, B1 and B2 slowly rose (but did not attain the original resting voltage) and the voltage across B3 slowly dropped. I left it running overnight and in the morning it was back to "boring". The motor never started.

              [Slowly rising voltages on B1 and B2 can be - possibly - explained by "removing the load", i.e. when you suck current from a battery, then reduce the current draw, the battery will "recover" slowly.]

              The 2am run appears to violate Kirchoff - the voltages don't sum. B1+B2 are at approx 25V, B3 is at 5V (in the opposite direction), yet, there's 0V across the motor.

              [Prof. Walter Lewin shows a demo where Kirchoff doesn't hold, starting at the 37 minute mark of MIT8.02 Lec 16, but I'm not sure it applies here:


              ps. [if I understand correctly, some AM stations boost their power at night, so the interesting results at 2am might be consistent with the antenna theory...]
              Attached Files
              Last edited by pault; 12-26-2012, 09:30 PM. Reason: additonal thought


              • Thanks for the idea but No

                Originally posted by pault View Post
                It would seem that the antenna theory can be "easily" tested.

                As soon as someone gets the 3bgs into the zone, put a Farraday cage around the system or B3 (e.g. a metal box, cardboard box covered in foil, etc).

                If the B3 is acting as an antenna, a Farraday cage should stop the effect.

                Hi Thanks for your observation and suggestion however it is quite useless I’m afraid you see I said it was a Stochastic resonant signal. That is of course a scalar wave as described in this lecture given to the IEEE the Faraday cage has no effect on the Scalar wave what so ever and as for the street lights wait till you get one running It'll run the street lights! nevermind an AM radio station 20110324185908 (3).mpg - YouTube
                Last edited by Duncan; 12-26-2012, 10:25 PM.
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • The scalars are generated by the motor. So a Faraday Cage will NOT block the signal.

                  Last edited by Matthew Jones; 12-26-2012, 10:52 PM. Reason: Forgot "NOT"


                  • Today I took a look at the bad batteries I had wired in series for the experiment I posted the other day where my primaries went up in voltage. Of the seven bad batteries I had in series, two went up in voltage and 5 went down in voltage. The two that went up were not on one end or the other, or even in the middle, so it was just random. Today I used the two that went down as my bad battery by connecting them in series. At the end of a 30 minute run my primaries were down and the voltage on both bad batteries was interesting. The second battery in the series, the one with its negative connected to the motor, switched polarity. It has since switched back, so I am going to do another run and film it and see if it does the same thing. This pretty much supports what Matt has been saying about the polarities flipping.

                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Pulse Motor Scoped

                      Here's a shot of my pulse motor in the 3BGS. I find it interesting the spike goes off the scale in both directions.


                      • Thats a Scalar. Thats why when you see the meter jumping hundreds of volts at a time thats why. Your not going to find that in just any old motor from outer space mind you, just my slow little simple motor. Now tell us why that shows up?



                        • Yes!

                          A scalar. We have seen them on the north/positive side of the Bedini tech. But, never on both sides of the scale like this. Matt, this motor is a wonder. I also find the ripples before the coil disconnect a curiosity. As if the coil is energized to the point of resonance.


                          • Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
                            A scalar. We have seen them on the north/positive side of the Bedini tech. But, never on both sides of the scale like this. Matt, this motor is a wonder. I also find the ripples before the coil disconnect a curiosity. As if the coil is energized to the point of resonance.
                            The scalar is not the same as a transient. Transients are formed from particle compression around the magnetic field. So.. the mag field inflates out and around the coil. All the particles around that coil are attracted to the field and they compress each other into a dense mass. Both field expanding and the particle racing in. This mass then collapses following the field into the coil and cutting flux of coil, resulting in charge.

                            A scalar is caused from compression in iron not in the environment. Think about the motor. It has coils of the same polarity pointing in opposite direction. Every time any of the coils are fired you get an opposing force. The commutator runs out before anything can get released (unless you use the timing circuit). Now we have the energy stored in the iron. Once the commutator opens back up the power in the coils goes opposite. This pushes the stored energy in the iron out in every direction.

                            The energy coming out has no polarity. It has No time factor and what you are able to see on the scope has no current. It grows through resistance (Not a resistor though). And you cannot filter it in half. But caps love them.

                            So the trick is make as many as you can every second, and the apparatus that can handle the task. Then imagine what your scope trace looks like.

                            At 1 megahertz your looking at at or around 7k x more out than in. But you need a better scope to see it.

                            Oh ya... How much power is going into that motor and how much is in that little spike??

                            Last edited by Matthew Jones; 12-27-2012, 05:23 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                              The scalars are generated by the motor. So a Faraday Cage will NOT block the signal.

                              I wonder If with respect I may be allowed to alter that to
                              "The scalars are impressed upon" ?
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                My original setup used a standard motor and AGM batteries. I have had setups work with standard motors, but not for long... Only hours. The only long term setup I have been able to get to work without decreasing the voltage on the primaries has been with a pulsed motor and AGM batteries. You might try the one ohm coil across battery 3 and see what that does for you.

                                Hi Turion I was following this thread and tried the experiment too. What do you mean a pulsed motor? A Bedini type or a normal motor driven by a PWM?

