Originally posted by Turion
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We at Bedini Technology, Inc.
Second BTI says: We will explain the BTI negative resistor process for taking extra energy from the vacuum. For simplicity, the process will be produced in a common lead acid storage battery. First we will explain the necessary background to understand this process.
The connection between the "battery" and negative resistor process is unequivocally established.
Third, the reason for BTI's page was previously explained: Due to recent events, it is becoming increasingly clear that a growing number of people are using ideas from this website, and infringing on my patents without even the courtesy of giving me credit.
Fourth, the Bedini process, what is it: The Bedini process repeatedly produces a negative resistor inside a battery or other energy storage device for free, or nearly so. Once the negative resistor is momentarily established, the energy leaps from the vacuum onto the battery, which are charged with excess energy. The battery is recharged and the load is powered simultaneously.
I don't need to tell you BTI's claim sounds very broad... Doesn't it? MT's generally "bile" (versus "chime") commentary that, "This is not the same thing!" has a potential bit of a problem, you wrote that, "...since the original idea for this came from something John posted over 20 years ago."
MT says, "They [almost all dead batteries] flip the polarity of the current that resides on the wire as a dipole." doesn't he? Which wire is he referring to?
Fifth, BTI says: This animation shows how the Bedini process in a battery forms a negative resistor, which extracts and furnishes vacuum energy. The electron current can only move between the outside of the plates out into and through the external circuit. Between the plates, a very heavy lead ion current sluggishly moves. A pulse of electrons piles immediately up on the edge of the plates, trying to push the lead ions in charging mode. And,
In short, momentarily this 12-volt circuit has been freely converted to a 100-volt circuit. Its available power has been increased by a factor of 8 or more. I really am looking forward to locating the post(s) where MT explains what all he watched in the 'scope that explains (repeatedly) an apparently hereunto unknown (undocumented) phenomena. I look forward to understanding how MT's dipole phenomena is as he said "different" than BTI's views.
Turion, in my previous post I said I was going to quietly look into this further. I meant it, however, "Nemo me impune lacessit".
This may be of help: One thing I've noted over the years about Mr. Bedini is at times he takes what I would view as "offence" when a person asking a question doesn't follow a "suggestion" (often a clue in a comment) he made.