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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
    zapzap, I brought this whole thing to JB's forum, and he made but one brief comment. I will post there and ask him if he has such a formula. It is truly the geni in the bottle, so the chances that it will just be given away are slim to none, but you are correct. It can't hurt to ask...

    ...No answers, just lots more questions. Dave
    Turion, this page Welcome to Bedini Technology is very, very interesting for a lot of reasons, first the authors:
    We at Bedini Technology, Inc.

    Second BTI says: We will explain the BTI negative resistor process for taking extra energy from the vacuum. For simplicity, the process will be produced in a common lead acid storage battery. First we will explain the necessary background to understand this process.

    The connection between the "battery" and negative resistor process is unequivocally established.

    Third, the reason for BTI's page was previously explained: Due to recent events, it is becoming increasingly clear that a growing number of people are using ideas from this website, and infringing on my patents without even the courtesy of giving me credit.

    Fourth, the Bedini process, what is it: The Bedini process repeatedly produces a negative resistor inside a battery or other energy storage device for free, or nearly so. Once the negative resistor is momentarily established, the energy leaps from the vacuum onto the battery, which are charged with excess energy. The battery is recharged and the load is powered simultaneously.

    I don't need to tell you BTI's claim sounds very broad... Doesn't it? MT's generally "bile" (versus "chime") commentary that, "This is not the same thing!" has a potential bit of a problem, you wrote that, "...since the original idea for this came from something John posted over 20 years ago."

    MT says, "They [almost all dead batteries] flip the polarity of the current that resides on the wire as a dipole." doesn't he? Which wire is he referring to?

    Fifth, BTI says: This animation shows how the Bedini process in a battery forms a negative resistor, which extracts and furnishes vacuum energy. The electron current can only move between the outside of the plates out into and through the external circuit. Between the plates, a very heavy lead ion current sluggishly moves. A pulse of electrons piles immediately up on the edge of the plates, trying to push the lead ions in charging mode. And,

    In short, momentarily this 12-volt circuit has been freely converted to a 100-volt circuit. Its available power has been increased by a factor of 8 or more. I really am looking forward to locating the post(s) where MT explains what all he watched in the 'scope that explains (repeatedly) an apparently hereunto unknown (undocumented) phenomena. I look forward to understanding how MT's dipole phenomena is as he said "different" than BTI's views.

    Turion, in my previous post I said I was going to quietly look into this further. I meant it, however, "Nemo me impune lacessit".

    This may be of help: One thing I've noted over the years about Mr. Bedini is at times he takes what I would view as "offence" when a person asking a question doesn't follow a "suggestion" (often a clue in a comment) he made.


    • Who is "MT"... I explained how I watched the process a few pages back. Read the thread. Build a setup, do anything but don't preach BS you yourself do not even understand.

      Just like I said anytime someone from that camp gets involved it ends up sidetracking everything. Now your included in that ZAPZAP. Just fluff straight out of the EFV book.

      About as bad as telling us SKIN CHARGES are involved, or the Cosmos is feeding us something. Please go quietly and do your research, good luck with any of it.



      • zapzap,
        I have built many, many Bedini devices. I still have a monopole 5 sitting on a shelf and three different bicycle wheel Bedini energizers in various stages of dismantled as I used the parts for other projects. This is something far different. When you have the right bad battery you are able to run 12 volt loads that pull upwards of an amp continuously. JB's devices draw high voltage sparks that are great for charging batteries, but this thing allows you to pull a steady load off the dead battery using an inverter and the primaries remain charged. You often see the primaries go up in voltage. You won't see that with a Bedini device. Build one and you will see, if you can find the right battery.

        "absit iniuria verbis"

        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Moving on, a trait re bad batteries?

          Originally posted by Turion View Post
          zapzap, ...if you can find the right battery. Dave
          Putting together some of the useful information from the various responses and JB's comment (on other forum) I found this tidbit:

          ...Several years ago I had another battery with very weird symptoms and smell so I carefully dissected it to examine the connections internally where the plates are "welded" to the buses. I found many imperfect connections and much evidence of arcing in those locations. Apparently some manufacturers are better than others in putting their cells and batteries together.

          From here: sulfur smell in Lead Acid Batteries Forum

          If anyone has done a post mortem autopsy or autopsies on former really good dead battery/batteries it would be interesting to compare if similar conditions existed in theirs. Also, if someone has an idea of how to "fry" a battery to get similar damage/destruction as described above, I'll give it a shot and see if anything good comes out of it. After all, "Is almost all dead batteries contribute to this effect. Maybe not to the same extent but they all seem to run the same way." Since there is a common denominator in almost all dead batteries, perhaps the answer is finding out the exception that makes a really good dead battery.


          • Replication Success

            Randy (tachyoncatcher) asked me to post my successful replication of the scalar or longitudinal impulse (for lack of better terminology) that is so clearly shown in his scope shot. Matt’s pulse motor design is inexpensive and Randy’s instructions made for an easy and seamless construction.

            I am not so mechanically inclined but this was simple, straightforward, and took only a couple of hours to rewind and put it back together.

            Whatever you choose to call the bipolar spike, it is not ordinary. It is not a damped wave or broadband Hertzian radiation. How can both polarities exist at the same time? How can they occur with this magnitude without blowing my scope? Combined with their 3BGS system, it is very apparent that something extraordinary is occurring. Non-Newtonian Physics at work. Further investigation is warranted and I recommend that others get involved to help find the next evolution in this technology. It is inexpensive and easy to do!


            • Testing: 1/14/2013


              After swapping out a bad cell in one of my source banks, and finding a 12 volt side indicator lamp to use as a load, I was able to get up and running again this weekend with the standard configuration.

              Beginning voltages: B1: 11.79; B2: 11.74; Bb: 0.819

              After running all last night and seeing no significant drop in source battery voltage, I connected an inverter across Bb to see if it would play. It did! Was that cool! So, I plugged in a radio, a small store bought Bedini charger, and a home brew large Bedini charger. They all worked .... for a couple of hours. After that, all that I could keep going was the radio. Finally, that had to go and all that was left was the inverter, itself. Now, that is off for the night.

              Battery voltages after 24 hours, or so: B1: 11.38; B2: 11.37; Bb: 11.28

              A couple of hours later came a surprise: B1: 9.40; B2: 11.34; Bb: 11.93

              Go figure......

              Also, I connected the output of M2 (slave) to a 17AH SLAB and charged it some without dragging M1 down. A diode was used on the positive leg of the output.

              Andddd, I took pictures and posted them on Photobucket. (The thing doesn't work well over dialup.) Try this link: GlenWV's Library | Photobucket

              If that doesn't work, try searching on GlenWV. Else, I'll fiddle with the thing some tomorrow.

              Now, to come up with some more 12 volt bulbs....



              • Glen.
                I can tell from the increase in the voltage of your battery three that you do not have a very good candidate for your bad battery and are not likely to see your primaries climb in voltage or even hold steady. You might be able to get them to drop only a little and then recover during rest by doing only 30 minute runs and keeping the bad battery discharged and shorted out while the setup is resting. to improve the bad battery you can charge and discharge it a bunch of times with the top off to dry it out, and it will become a "better" bad battery.

                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • I'm Buying Rocks ? Now they know I'm a loon !

                  I'm sure we’re all aware of Ossie Callanan and his excellent postings and PDFs on proven free energy devices such as this example
                  I took the liberty of copying this post from another forum … Ossie uses what he calls a “REAC” which consists of many “Bad Batteries” (where have I heard that before?) In order to “convert “ radiant energy he asks much the same question as I have done. Because I think It pertains I'll copy his question here.

                  Greetings All,

                  There's some great real work being done here in this forum with these technologies by many. I am glad to see it. With the economics of solar technologies now making our future of cheap clean energy much closer, real work in these fields of research is badly needed.

                  I'd like to pose an interesting question. Can a badly sulphated LA battery that has dried up and crystallized be considered to be a "Crystal Battery"?


                  Likewise is it probable we are in a similar situation? The very high Input resistance/Impedance rather direct to a crystal agenda, This of course leads to a whole different field of exotic science as pointed out by the Beautiful Carla in the Video on this page.
                  John Hutchison Open Sources His Infinite Crystal Power Cell - Is this it?
                  It seems however that John is accountably extremely busy else where, trying to mitigate the effects
                  Of our forced and engineered enslavement to the use of fossil fuels and the inevitable lethal and deadly alternatives . A system who's original conception was corrupted almost at birth and turned to the advantage of a very few can never prosper. A world wide system founded by hiding information lying, murder and corruption do you really think any good for anyone can come out of anything built on that foundation?
                  Unfortunately little can be done with a totally rotten 1% “Its impossible to make a silk purse from a sows ear”
                  As for the banksters and the other minions I suspect they find themselves in the position of having not been careful and so have been unfortunate enough to have got what they wished for.. Plutonium pie yum yum! They might yet see the folly and turn to the good .... I Hope quickly.
                  If Johns right in his assessment, I hope for the sake of existence that this project he's running is a success..... It obviously takes precedence over NWO or Banksters or Batteries for that matter.

                  I'm sure John would be trying to help our “bad battery” dilemma if he could, In the mean time what’s the general feeling? Like Ossie does anyone else see this as a distinct possibility and the resolve to “The pesky battery” problem.... could it be in this direction ?
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • I don't see why it couldn't be. The big thing about a battery is you have a difference in the 2 metals. In the case of lead you have the negative plate depleted and new material deposited on the positive plate to create the difference.
                    As I go along here especially messing around with Flooded LABS instead AGM's I am finding that even a dry FLAB can produce voltage. Not much Current but they do maintain voltage no matter what. And no matter how long you put load across it that potential always shows back up. So they act just like some of the crystal cells I built when that was the running rage around here. I got concrete batteries that have not shown depletion on the metal but still can light an LED. They need moisture every now and again.

                    So anyway back to the FLAB's. We can drain them of most of there fluid and it seems so far that they maintain the same effect.
                    Now something else has shown its head. If you are using FLAB's for the primary power source the AGM as dead battery does not work as well as another FLAB. And I am only speculating at this point but I think the key is to match the dead battery style as close to the good batteries as possible.

                    So in my case I am trying to finish off another Golf cart battery, and get it down below 2 volt standing. So far that has been no easy task but its happening I just have to be patient.

                    So you guys have any resource along those lines to test I would appreciate the results if you get time.

                    Also for the first time I am seeing descent charging of the primaries after a very long run of about 12 hours. I seen it a few times and it seemed to be so small I could chalk up to temperature gain. But as they got bigger and started to stack up I realized there was real gain going on. So thats just some more results to report.

                    I gotta get more current flowing so we can start running bigger loads off the dead battery. Hopefully soon. Maybe some solid state versions soon too.

                    Last edited by Matthew Jones; 01-17-2013, 01:03 PM.


                    • Matt,
                      I have two rewound motors, two good FLAB's, and about ten dead ones. I'll pick up two more FLAB's and get a couple setups running so I can start replicating your results with FLB's. Thanjs for the update! Good stuff.

                      I have to admit I'm a bit discouraged by the folks at PESWiki. Nobody is willing to open their mind and even TRY this. They all just want to argue that it can't be true and we just aren't doing proper testing. Now I know how it felt to discover the world is round.

                      If you are interested, I've got an extra razor scooter motor I can rewind (as soon as my wire gets here) and send it to you. It might help in your testing.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Well there was 3300 + hits on that page so who knows what people walk away with.
                        I think the trolls just live there because they cannot handle any reality elsewhere. LOL



                        • more wire?

                          Originally posted by Turion View Post
                          I have two rewound motors, two good FLAB's, and about ten dead ones. I'll pick up two more FLAB's and get a couple setups running so I can start replicating your results with FLB's. Thanjs for the update! Good stuff.

                          I have to admit I'm a bit discouraged by the folks at PESWiki. Nobody is willing to open their mind and even TRY this. They all just want to argue that it can't be true and we just aren't doing proper testing. Now I know how it felt to discover the world is round.

                          If you are interested, I've got an extra razor scooter motor I can rewind (as soon as my wire gets here) and send it to you. It might help in your testing.
                          David that's a very kind offer I was about to order two of those motors... I must confess I didn't realise extra wire was involved … Its a £37 deal from the cheapest supplier I can find on this little island including P&P that by my calculation for me to buy a brand new machine is roughly 60 of your American polished shells with the Monica Lewinsky head on, did I say head … oops. anyway David I don’t really know but the postage will probably be rougher than that wont it? I'll happily reimburse you via PP if it works out viable... but I doubt it will. Anyway looking on the bright side its probably for the best I get involved in the guts of one of these Chinese wonder horses, people will want millions of them adapting in due course wont they? PS … what size wire and how much?
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • Duncan, I have enough wire left on the spool to wind two more motors with plenty to spare. I'll send it out Saturday or Monday along with the UK Unobtainium unless I hear otherwise.

                            Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                            David that's a very kind offer I was about to order two of those motors... I must confess I didn't realise extra wire was involved … Its a £37 deal from the cheapest supplier I can find on this little island including P&P that by my calculation for me to buy a brand new machine is roughly 60 of your American polished shells with the Monica Lewinsky head on, did I say head … oops. anyway David I don’t really know but the postage will probably be rougher than that wont it? I'll happily reimburse you via PP if it works out viable... but I doubt it will. Anyway looking on the bright side its probably for the best I get involved in the guts of one of these Chinese wonder horses, people will want millions of them adapting in due course wont they? PS … what size wire and how much?


                            • Originally posted by penno64 View Post
                              Glad you mentioned that before I stick my nose in it

                              Patent # 763062 (its a UK patent)

                              @Duncan, spend 5 minutes and see the similarities, Penno


                              • well thats super!

                                Wow again a very kind offer. Thanks a lot Kerry but cost it first! Don't go busting the bank to send copper wire there are a few little bits of it in the O'l country here and there.
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

