My dad's battery bank setup was entirely "home made" He had two long copper coated grounding rods secured to an 8 foot piece of plywood. (one was + and the other was -) The plywood was attached to the metal wall of his shop. In front of it was his row of 6 volt batteries. Two batteries were connected in series, and then each of his battery pairs was connected to each of the two grounding rods. (There were nine pairs, or 18 batteries. I do not know the amp hours of those batteries, but they were not small. I just called my dad to find out and he doesn't know and is too tired to go out and look. Power from his solar system on the roof was fed into one end of the copper rods through a voltage regulator. We disconnected the regulator from the rods and hooked up the 3BGS directly to the rods off battery 3. So all the battery pairs in his setup were in parallel with battery 3. It was the standard 3BGS circuit with a whole lot of batteries in parallel with battery 3. That's it. At the other end of his two rods he had an inverter connected, but we also disconnected that for our test.
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3 Battery Generating System
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Originally posted by Mario View PostDuncan, I don't want anyone to do homework for me, I'm doing that myself don't worry about that. I was trying to understand where you are getting at. Apparently there is resonance in batteries, and according to Bearden and others it's in the Mhz range. I have been sweeping frequencies up and down too a while back, by pulsing the batts with a mosfet up to the Mhz range. I don't know how you connected things together in that vid but I couldn't find a resonant point back then.
MarioIts very hard to keep on one track you see there are two types of resonance to wit harmonic resonance and stochastic resonance each has two Aetheric components at 90deg and 180deg one predominately electromagnetic and the other predominately electrostatic . The only one we are taught about is the electromagnetic wave .. It is predominately a sky wave whilst the electrostatic content is predominately ground creating magnetic current (tulleric). So you see there are now two resonant states and four quadrants in play .. it gets very quickly out of hand and folks tend to try and force resonant harmonics or some such standard dogma on an unknown situation. So given that there is a cascade
there is then this to consider … if the resonant state is in the MHz range ...and I concur I was finding resonant markers at 3.5 MHz + which was the limit of my function generator .. (although I have built a 25Mhz one now). Then a simple DC motor can't get anyway near that. The only conclusion I could then come to is a lead acid battery rings … like a bell up through the frequencies.
Which brings this to the forefront
Marcus Reid Crystal Converter Battery - Casimir Effect - Part 1 - YouTube
except we know it isn't electromagnetic .. rather electrostatic (because its a ground wave) however It still doesn't tell us what quadrant we are receiving from . And doesn't really help anyone to hold that sweet spot (if you don't want to call it resonance) also I suggest if you listen to this carefully you'll also hear the battery changing polarity ,, which of course everyone is making much ado aboutLast edited by Duncan; 10-25-2013, 06:31 PM.
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Originally posted by Mario View PostDuncan, I don't want anyone to do homework for me, I'm doing that myself don't worry about that. I was trying to understand where you are getting at. Apparently there is resonance in batteries, and according to Bearden and others it's in the Mhz range. I have been sweeping frequencies up and down too a while back, by pulsing the batts with a mosfet up to the Mhz range. I don't know how you connected things together in that vid but I couldn't find a resonant point back then.
Marioonly joking Mario and to be quite honest I cant get on firm ground with the battery resonance theory either .. except that it is there and I would suggest an extreamly high transfer impedance is the deciding factor as to if you can see it .. or not. In that particular case the battery was simply showing parellel resonance ... scope ... functon gen ... all in parellel . on that ocasion I just wanted to demostrate that a lead acid battery did have resonant conditions . I then went on to build this circuit of ozzies
The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin
The only reason being I wanted to put the battery in the middle leg of that transformer so I could adjust frequency in a series condition . I then did pretty much what I have just described to Matt .. I discoved that there is a cascade of resonant points ... you can see the trouble I had to hold resonance in the first video ... series resonance was much harder to find and hold so I had no chance of getting that on video .. I did post a picture of the circuit cobbled together in a lunch box somewhere however.
I'm not saying with 100% certainty I have everything covered here .. but you need to be aware of the possibility
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you are correct Matt David told me the same thing at the conference .. it was the original set up with the original motor that he took to his Dads place.
seems he had a couple of really good "bad batteries" that kept going for a long long time ... in fact he thought they were pretty much indestructable.
you can imagine then his dissapointment when eventually it all stopped happening.I dont remember what motor it was .. certainly not a razor
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Duncan, I don't want anyone to do homework for me, I'm doing that myself don't worry about that. I was trying to understand where you are getting at. Apparently there is resonance in batteries, and according to Bearden and others it's in the Mhz range. I have been sweeping frequencies up and down too a while back, by pulsing the batts with a mosfet up to the Mhz range. I don't know how you connected things together in that vid but I couldn't find a resonant point back then.
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Originally posted by a.king21 View PostTurion: You once had a huge effect when charging your father's battery array. Can you remember the circuit you used. ie what was the configuration of your father's battery bank? The info may give us some clues. If you have already posted the circuit diagram could you point me in the correct direction please?
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Originally posted by a.king21 View PostThe self charging phenomenon of a conditioned battery has some "rules".
1 "Use it or lose it".
The phenomenon unfortunately goes away if the battery is left alone for several days. Missing this point could explain some wide discrepancies in testing.
ie you go away for 2 weeks, put the same circuit on and it performs badly.
2 Once conditioned a battery charges up with conventional charging much quicker. So there's a double wammy effect. I personally have charged a battery bank of 4 heavy duty batteries with nothing more than a 12 volt power supply.
3 To condition a battery requires cold electricity. The terminals feel icy to the touch.
Bearing these points in mind could be the difference between a massive success in testing or just a marginal success.
Turion: You once had a huge effect when charging your father's battery array. Can you remember the circuit you used. ie what was the configuration of your father's battery bank? The info may give us some clues. If you have already posted the circuit diagram could you point me in the correct direction please?
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Some practical experience
The self charging phenomenon of a conditioned battery has some "rules".
1 "Use it or lose it".
The phenomenon unfortunately goes away if the battery is left alone for several days. Missing this point could explain some wide discrepancies in testing.
ie you go away for 2 weeks, put the same circuit on and it performs badly.
2 Once conditioned a battery charges up with conventional charging much quicker. So there's a double wammy effect. I personally have charged a battery bank of 4 heavy duty batteries with nothing more than a 12 volt power supply.
3 To condition a battery requires cold electricity. The terminals feel icy to the touch.
Bearing these points in mind could be the difference between a massive success in testing or just a marginal success.
Turion: You once had a huge effect when charging your father's battery array. Can you remember the circuit you used. ie what was the configuration of your father's battery bank? The info may give us some clues. If you have already posted the circuit diagram could you point me in the correct direction please?
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Originally posted by Mario View PostDuncan, I wonder. Have you ever done hands on experiments on the resonant subject or are you just talking, repeating and assuming (and mixing) different things you heard or read somewhere?
I really want to know. If what you're saying is based on your experience, show and build a circuit that does what you say. If you haven't done that, or don't intend to, then please say so as I don't want to waste time with endless discussions about thousands of theories that float around.
Marioah well straight from the hip .. haven't you read though this thread Mario?
here's the basic concept outlined long ago
3bs - YouTube
I did it again with series resonance and ossies circuit .. up through the x6 resonant cascade. I'm certainly not going to try and do your home work for you. and as for wasting your time .. like every one else .. you pays your money you takes your chance. whichever way the cards fall tracking and holding the position is a different matter
like a spice girl who really really wants to know .. now you do,
ILast edited by Duncan; 10-25-2013, 04:33 PM.
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Duncan, I wonder. Have you ever done hands on experiments on the resonant subject or are you just talking, repeating and assuming (and mixing) different things you heard or read somewhere?
I really want to know. If what you're saying is based on your experience, show and build a circuit that does what you say. If you haven't done that, or don't intend to, then please say so as I don't want to waste time with endless discussions about thousands of theories that float around.
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Originally posted by Mario View Post@Matt. Thanks, I'll draw the schematic as soon as I get a moment.
@Duncan, it all depends on how you look at things. I know the difference between series and parallel resonance, and I've done quite a few experiments with this. You're talking about an ac source with a coil and cap in series, ok, but what if the source is the secondary of a transformer... it's a coil and it's in series with the cap, stick a low resistance load into the circuit between cap and coil and the load gets the amps and almost no voltage. This is what's shown in the vid.
What I mean is, drive a parallel tank circuit from a source and at resonance the source doesn't have to supply almost anything, while a series setup at resonance is almost like a short to the source, from ITS point of view. BUT in this case the source of the tank IS the coil (since it's the secondary of a trafo).
@ resonance the primary has to supply very little, while in the secondary circuit volts and amps are maximized at resonance, the load sits in between cap and coil and gets all the amps, the lower its resistance the better the Q of the resonance, and the more amps will circulate in there, and the lower the reflected load on the primary.
Personally I think this does not relate to the 3BGS, at least not in this way of resonant thinking.
which is an odd beast anyway that doesn't relate and in theory should not work as explained by Chris Carson here
Part 5 of 6: Eric Dollard & Chris Carson Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio - YouTube
If you view the grid as a huge powered antenna (which it is) to the electrostatic linear wave a transformer may as well not exist .. this is a very different type of electricity remember. We don't know anything about the stuff we use now … cept for gas bags of course .. let alone this stuff
it is rather as Tesla said over and over you need to consider the whole circuit . Indeed as Boguslaw asked some time back in a circuit containing only capacitance and inductance what is the difference with those resonance states? Well I cant overturn Einstein and years of dogma in a single post.
And as you see, guys get bent out of shape and try very hard to to make what they don’t know conform to what they think they do. So all said and done all I can do is introduce the idea and show little bits of it now and again as I think they relate … after all a method to easily track the “sweet spot” with motor speed / frequency … might strike someone.
current and volts are only in "one quadrent" remember.
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Originally posted by erfinder View PostPlease forgive me for saying this Duncan, but I must. When dealing with multiple resonant harmonic frequencies, at resonance the wave isn't sine, its square. Technically it could be any shape, I see square waves even at resonance in my systems, I again point out the fact that I am dealing with "multiple harmonic frequencies" I restate that to make it clear that there is a huge difference between single frequency resonance, and multiple resonant harmonics operating at a common resonant frequency. I personally think the latter has more to do with whats going on in the 3BGS, this owing to the connections between batteries and motor.
RegardsI noticed your reference to harmonics regarding your machine before ..IMHO the 3bgs is absolutely nothing to do with harmonics at all! neither if your machine works on harmonics is there any relationship. Further IMHO the 3bgs certainly has nothing to do with single frequencies (apart from the resultant of course) or resonance as your contraption does. The 3bgs runs on "stochastic" resonance which is a very different thing. That you are dealing with harmonic resonance is a very different concept that IMHO is of no concern to this system which is current based. It is also obvious and blatent that the 3bgs does not produce a square wave or a triangle however as Matt asked and I have just explained there is no waveform to see only the transition perhaps you didn't read the whole thing. its obviously the concept I wanted folks to understand and thats why I posted a parellel resonant video ... however unlike your machine .. this isn't Anyway thanks for your post kind regards
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@Matt. Thanks, I'll draw the schematic as soon as I get a moment.
@Duncan, it all depends on how you look at things. I know the difference between series and parallel resonance, and I've done quite a few experiments with this. You're talking about an ac source with a coil and cap in series, ok, but what if the source is the secondary of a transformer... it's a coil and it's in series with the cap, stick a low resistance load into the circuit between cap and coil and the load gets the amps and almost no voltage. This is what's shown in the vid.
What I mean is, drive a parallel tank circuit from a source and at resonance the source doesn't have to supply almost anything, while a series setup at resonance is almost like a short to the source, from ITS point of view. BUT in this case the source of the tank IS the coil (since it's the secondary of a trafo).
@ resonance the primary has to supply very little, while in the secondary circuit volts and amps are maximized at resonance, the load sits in between cap and coil and gets all the amps, the lower its resistance the better the Q of the resonance, and the more amps will circulate in there, and the lower the reflected load on the primary.
Personally I think this does not relate to the 3BGS, at least not in this way of resonant thinking.
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Originally posted by Duncan View PostMatt .. you can see the approach of resonance … let me expand a little .. the video mario shows concerns “parallel resonance”.. it is of no concern to us .. it is exactly the opposite of what is driving the 3bgs . To put it very simply how do you buy a lead acid battery ? Its not by Kw/Hrs is it ?
There are only two components amps and hours.... The product of which has nothing to do with energy or power.
In the video Mario posted you can see maximum voltage .. minimum current … we of course want the reverse maximum current … to charge the battery .. with minimum voltage … if that was “perfect” it would charge the battery instantly with thousands of amps with no real power involved .
As there is no voltage …. Its also obviously liable to blow you to kingdom come !
So what your really asking is can you see current on an oscilloscope ? Well no but you can see the approach of series resonance … if you look at the formula for series and parellel resonance you'll find they are identical … that is the frequency is the same given the same components.
Watch then what happens as this guy tunes up to resonance
Coil Resonance Tutorial 1 - YouTube
pay particular attention to the fact that at resonace regardless of what wave shape be it square saw tooth triangle the result is always .. a sine wave
so If I were to just give you a direct answer it would be no you cant see current on a scope.. and certainly not reactive current .. however using the most sensative voltage scale and watching the shape of the wave to ensure it remains a pure sine wave you can obviously get very close . So you cant see reactive current or power … but with our instruments you can see the decline of “real power”by watching the shape .. I hope that makes sense for you.
PS if you get that far you'll find you can also see the x6 avalanch effect going up though the frequencies.
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Matt .. you can see the approach of resonance … let me expand a little .. the video mario shows concerns “parallel resonance”.. it is of no concern to us .. it is exactly the opposite of what is driving the 3bgs . To put it very simply how do you buy a lead acid battery ? Its not by Kw/Hrs is it ?
There are only two components amps and hours.... The product of which has nothing to do with energy or power.
In the video Mario posted you can see maximum voltage .. minimum current … we of course want the reverse maximum current … to charge the battery .. with minimum voltage … if that was “perfect” it would charge the battery instantly with thousands of amps with no real power involved .
As there is no voltage …. Its also obviously liable to blow you to kingdom come !
So what your really asking is can you see current on an oscilloscope ? Well no but you can see the approach of series resonance … if you look at the formula for series and parellel resonance you'll find they are identical … that is the frequency is the same given the same components.
Watch then what happens as this guy tunes up to resonance
Coil Resonance Tutorial 1 - YouTube
pay particular attention to the fact that at resonace regardless of what wave shape be it square saw tooth triangle the result is always .. a sine wave
so If I were to just give you a direct answer it would be no you cant see current on a scope.. and certainly not reactive current .. however using the most sensative voltage scale and watching the shape of the wave to ensure it remains a pure sine wave you can obviously get very close . So you cant see reactive current or power … but with our instruments you can see the decline of “real power”by watching the shape .. I hope that makes sense for you.
PS if you get that far you'll find you can also see the x6 avalanch effect going up though the frequencies.Last edited by Duncan; 10-25-2013, 01:07 PM.
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