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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Matts generator

    Hi Dave , Sorry for the busted magnets.(been there done that )
    Don't suppose you have schematics ,for Matts' generator?
    Here's my latest
    It's 12 pole with 4 coils on it. The extra contact is trying to draw the reverse effect.
    Still drawing the primaries down though, but slower.
    As soon as I hook up the X the digital meters give false readings.
    I can add 4 generating coils to that armature.
    Still trying....shylo
    Last edited by shylo; 01-25-2014, 11:44 AM.


    • Just a thought

      Sorry been busy studying about crystals. The piezoelectric ceramic elements really got me thinking.

      I learned how voltage applied caused a bending/warping. And when struck or vibrated it would produce low voltage.

      If some were lined up together side by side with insulators between. And the lot would be held together tightly with non-conductive "bookends". Then apply voltage to end ones, every other one, or whatever to make them warp/bend. When this happened would those they touched(no applied voltage) be warped/bent and produce any voltage?

      So with this strange experiment bouncing around in my head, I went over to my #3 bad battery and connected the Fluke DMM to it. Well the end sides bulge with sulfate buildup. I hit one side with open hand and the voltage went up and then back down to standing voltage. Tried this several times.
      Again same result.!??

      While we apply voltage to the 3BGS, are the sulfated plates releasing small amounts of voltage. I read that the plates will warp/bend if overcharged.

      Am I way off. Over thinking without knowing how to think.
      Remember. It's just a thought.


      • super wantomake .. but its getting smacked many millions of times!

        Wantomake … I know how these machines work so do you I mean the theory…. In fact having grasped how this is working the way every single COP+1 machine works becomes obvious(ish) … Eric Dollard is probably one guy who sees the full view ,, the trouble is most people (mentioning no names) are prepared to simply ignore what they can't understand and regard it as irrelevant .. so keeping in mind I am only paraphrasing him and I may well cock it up .. here is how every single so called “free energy machine works” all these things have a frequency base … lets say musical if it makes it easier for you to visualise … were you to hit a note (in a piano for instance) it would vibrate at a fundamental frequency .. say 100 Hz .. other strings in the instrument would vibrate sympathetically .. Royal Rife refers to this as coordinative resonance ..,The Royal Rife Story, Royal Rife-In His Own Words (see RR story about 1/2 way down the page) still a rose by any other name.
        This Natural progression of frequencies would be 100>200 >400 >800 >1600 a harmonic progression, actually that’s not quite true the guy who's responsible for most of the theory on waveforms is Joseph Fourier and his work tells us that two frequencies (in this case F1 100Hz and the second harmonic F2 200Hz ) would result in the original frequencies F1 and F2 and then the algebraic result of F1+F2 and F1-F2 .. you see the waves neither add nor subtract and the correct term for this “mush” that gets very quickly complicated is called heterodyne.
        A modern keyboard is therefore a compromise whilst each octave follows the correct harmonic progress .. the notes do not .. in order to get “perfection” a different keyboard would be needed for every octave. What we have is a ”forced fit” I'm sure you see the wave patterns quickly becomes very complex .. the waves collide with each other their energy is lost and you can no longer hear anything … without getting to deep … The circle cannot be resolved Pi 3.142 is an irregular number. The sine wave and the action of a pendulum can be developed from a circle to cut a long story short .. if you mathematically investigate any of these things you will end up with one of the following .. Infinity, infinitesimal or chaos .. you will never ever resolve free energy with present day maths .. the tools to deal with these three states have been intentionally removed from higher education and the books destroyed. Which doesn't mean you cant sense and see what is happening .. if your prepared to try that is.
        There is one (and as far as I know only one) condition where that harmonic advance can progress with a absolute minimum of interference and that is x6 (which is why snow flakes have six sided) and so does Emoto's crystals … your considering the natural work of the creator here Wantomake so when I say perfect … Immaculate would be a better description …. Water fracture … consider this post by MJN
        I hope you can see that each time the waves “heterodyne” the result has its own time and space .. its free to mix again and so on ad infinitum higher and higher up the frequency spectrum … if “absolutely immaculate” sine waves at exactly the right frequencies were transmitted in theory water would fracture whilst using no energy what so ever
        This chart will give you an idea of what frequency water fractures apart Definition of EMF, ELF, VHF, UHF, RF, electromagnetic field, frequency & wavelengths
        Bob Boyce of course famously discovered a huge increase in efficency when one diode blew in his alternator why ? (1+2) x2 ... 6
        what has this to do with 3BS ? . every force has an equal and opposite force .. Newton
        I … hope you can see this … here whilst slurping my wine and munching a pie I demonstrate one resonant point on a “bad battery” long ago
        as I have explained …. I went on to prove the overtone progression … It is the reverse action of the sine wave decay described above …. so the effect is cumulative on six, being an exact opposite of the example above the “bad battery” is a receiving antenna (as I have said many times) .. and so is reacting to overtones (the opposite) … (another part of maths that has been altered and obfuscated) the progression is obviously the opposite of harmonic that is … 3,5,7,9, ect in both directions …... of course the cumulative centre is 6 for reasons I’ve been at great pains to explain, giving the pivot at the return of energy from chaos as ..6 you may view chaos as you like Moray called it “the sea of energy” every school kid learns energy cannot by destroyed... it rather seems every researcher seems determined to give this huge endless reserve of altered energy a different name .. still .. 3, 5, 6, 7,9 .. If people only knew the magnificence of 3,6,9 Tesla …. should now become very obvious.
        Outlined here is the principle of not just the 3BS but every free energy machine ever created.
        But specific to the 3BS ,,, a primary series resonant point is found on the crystal lattice (the bad battery) just as I showed on that video. although of course its the all important series resonance,A'la Tesla, The input is obviously the opposite of a Sine wave .. an anti-phase pulse … In radio terms SWR infinity
        the overtone progression is high in the GHz range … the huge return of power is converted to a structured form by being introduced to a resonant condition.
        If you need to wantomake … you can prove this to yourself …. make a tank circuit …. feed it with a function generator .. find resonance .. keep the frequency the same but change the input waveforms .. square, triangle, sawtooth ….. packets of noise the output will remain the same … A sine wave.
        In this way rapidly delivered packets of “chaotic energy” are converted to the endless phenomenal power you see available with the 3BS.. I hope that sort of clears it up a bit for you. The action at high frequency is well described by Marcus Reid here
        Marcus Reid Crystal Converter Battery - Casimir Effect - Part 1 - YouTube
        although he doesn't consider the concept of active antenna which the bad battery is..... I'm sorry I’ve had to skip from trade to trade to describe what is happening .. the trades were split up originally to prevent people making the practical connection . A short research into the effect of switched mode PSUs which switch and reverse current very fast (just like the motor is doing) has had the predictable effect of introducing unexpected energy into circuits in unpredictable ways .. an absolute load of bollix has recently been introduced to try and explain why much bigger cables have to be fitted tptb call it ..triplen's …. their heads are so far up their arses they call overtones .. harmonics .. still you may get the gist of something or the other looking at it.
        Best wishes Duncan
        PS .. The hitting part you describe is amplified by Ibpointless2 on one of his posts but I can't put my finger on ... its there if'n you look a bit
        Last edited by Duncan; 05-22-2013, 04:02 PM.
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • Thanks Duncan for the great teachings and reading,

          Forgive my low level of understanding of the various fields in your last post. But, I do follow and grasp your words more as I stumble on to different, exciting, and confusing happenings.
          Below is what I posted on the Imhotep thread were we built the radiant charger with PC fan.
          I want to contribute more to this 3BGS work. I now have a alum battery connected to the Imhotep radiant charger and want to see if this is a possible #3 bad battery without being bad but different. The below mentioned battery is different than any I've ever seen.

          Hello to All,

          I have a question.

          I did replicate the Imhotep radiant charger a while back and been using it often. So I have a badly sulfated riding lawnmower battery with standing voltage of 0.0. Connected it to the Imhotep charger for 4 days . The voltage went up to 11.67 volts. I did test it with DC 50 watt bulb and the voltage returned slowly and is a good sign.

          I placed it on a Black and Decker smart charger for 5 minutes, but it read "FO3" this is code for open cell. I reached over and pulled the plug out of the wall 110 ac with the charger still connected to the battery. The B&D kept running for 2 minutes and the battery voltage dropped to 11.61 volts. Then the charger finally shut off and the battery voltage returned to 11.67 volts.

          What?? Is this normal? I set a marine 100 amp hour 12.07 volt battery behind the B&D charger. Connected the charged for 5 minutes. Then pulled the plug with the charger still connected, but, it stopped immediately as it should. I did try this several times and got same results.

          Is this normal for a Imhotep charged battery?


          • better chance than I ...

            wantomake ... Re EPD .. no insult intended .. I was jesting with Dave he once told me EPD was so far above his head he dare not look at the stuff... (a bit that way myself) as for your odds on finding a battery/crystal solution pretty good I should think ... I dont see chemistry at all, like a horse with blinkers on .. I'm D- in that department .. but its quite obvious Moray got there so there is an answer. It isnt so much the gathering of Aetheric energy thats difficult .. its the conversion to a useable form ... thats what the "bad battery" has in spades by chance it does it "all in one" there seems to be a semi conductor action involved ... radio guys used to call it "de. modulation"
            still if we all keep nibbling around the edges the truth of it is going to emerge
            Best wishes Duncan
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • Duncan,
              I read EPD, but understanding him, or even most of what he is talking about, that's still beyond me. My one real hope is that I've managed to get some handholds on this thing over the years at different times, although it has been very successful at shaking me off. One of these days I will get a hold that can't be broken, and that will be the ride of a lifetime.

              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                I read EPD, but understanding him, or even most of what he is talking about, that's still beyond me. My one real hope is that I've managed to get some handholds on this thing over the years at different times, although it has been very successful at shaking me off. One of these days I will get a hold that can't be broken, and that will be the ride of a lifetime.

                Its comming fast david .. like a steam train ... I should hang onto something
                .. there's huge lumps of EPD where my eye's just glaze over too but I think I have the concept by the tail .. needs must I make it simple
                best wishes Duncan
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • Way over my head

                  Yes I agree,
                  Duncan, Turion -the stuff I read about EPD is just too much for my brain. I really enjoy learning electronics and FE. I'm a novice at best. Would be great to understand more about these different areas. But with my later life and time I try to help and learn at same time.

                  Still trying different battery types like the alum batteries I have.

                  Plan to grow some rochelle salt crystals, slice them into thin layers and sandwich between some different metals. Lead, copper, aluminum and see what will happen. I know this may not be same as bad battery #3. But am trying and testing different ideas for this.

                  If had EPD's mind it would take less time,
                  Last edited by wantomake; 05-27-2013, 03:43 AM.


                  • Turion, you referred me to this thread to condition the batteries I have stockpiled. I looked at the first thread and it states not to use a good battery because it will not work, is that just because you are only looking for that initial effect? Most of the batteries I have are still in good condition, but wouldn't mind putting them in top condition with your device as it requires no external input. I have a tesla charger I use for most of my rechargeable stuff but would rather use something that's not plugged into the wall increasing my bill.


                    • Use two good batteries and a bad battery that you want to recondition (in the 3rd position.) In most cases it will fix and restore that "bad" battery so it will accept a charge from any standard charger.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        Use two good batteries and a bad battery that you want to recondition (in the 3rd position.) In most cases it will fix and restore that "bad" battery so it will accept a charge from any standard charger.
                        that's what i was wondering, thanks. most of these batteries are good they just need conditioned so i'm guessing i need to go the ssg route then


                        • This set-up

                          Hi ad, The one thing I've found with the 3BGS system is you always gain.
                          You still run your batteries down ,but at a slower rate.
                          More batteries, more run time , than what can be achieved without the dead batteries.
                          Definitely something here.


                          • I have been working for weeks and investing serious money in the construction of a generator based on Matt's design that speeds up under load. At least the 2 coil version he built and I replicated did. Now to see if the 12 coil version will work. I had this one built at a machine shop to some pretty exact tolerances with aluminum rotors and the like. I would show some pics, but that would give away some of the design and it is not mine to give away. The idea is to pulse it on the potential difference in a 3BGS type setup (which in itself will make it run a long time) and harvest the energy it produces. The two coil version put out more that it needed to run, but the issue was looping it. Strange things happened when we tried to do that. Anyway, we're working on it guys, so keep hammering away at this 3BGS thing because in there somewhere lies the answer. It might take combining a couple different ideas as we are doing here, but so what? If and when we get there it will all have been worth it. And we are oh so very, very, VERY close.

                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • I have jusr come across this project and have copied off Post 1.

                              Will someone summarise the main bullet points of what has been learnt?

                              Also, where does one go for a 12v brushed motor these days?
                              They are mainly brushless magnet type, like hand tools etc.
                              What consumer items would have such a motor?

                              Also, what is the definition of a "bad battery"? Is it a sulphated
                              battery with plates in good condition?


                              • wrtner,

                                If you are in the US, Radio Shack has brushed DC motors for a couple dollars. Also Razor Scooter motors are brushed DC motors and they are in the US and many other countries where scooters are sold. I pick them up at junk yards and swap meets quite often.

                                As to a "bad" battery. An old battery that is highly sulfated will work. Post one details the way to check the battery to see if it is a good one for this project. It should be one that will only hold 6-8 volts. Batteries with bad cells in them also seem to work.

                                The main point behind this thread is that if you have the correct bad battery, you can extend the run time of your motor (which can be used to power loads) MAN, MANY times longer than the two primary batteries should be able to supply power for. In some cases days or weeks longer. My first setup ran for well over a month.

                                What we are trying to discover is WHY this happens
                                What is different about a battery that allows this to happen
                                How can we produce that effect in batteries on purpose
                                How can we prevent the setup from "fixing" or charging up the bad battery which kills the effect.

                                What could be substituted for the bad battery to make this limitless power a permanent situation.

                                That's pretty much it.

                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

