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3 Battery Generating System

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  • My wife always tells me that the more "wrong" I am about something, the louder I talk, as if the volume of my voice will convince her even though I KNOW I'm wrong. And she is right. We laugh about it all the time. So it is with the people spouting misinformation. They try to roll over us with the volume and the quantity. I would rather listen to the quality of the words.

    I couldn't sleep this morning so as I made the wife coffee, I was pondering the 3BGS and thought I would share something. I have repeated the story many times of how, when my original device "came to life" after 15 minutes, I immediately put a meter on battery three. What I saw was that it would read 24 volts, go slowly down to 18 IN JUST A MATTER OF MINUTES, at which point the motor would start, and it would continue to run as the voltage continued to drop down to around 8 or 9 volts, at which point the motor would shut off. The voltage would immediately jump to 24 volts and the process would repeat over and over. I have said before that I thought this meter was reading not the voltage IN battery 3, but because of the way the setup is wired, it was reading the POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE between battery 3 and the two primaries wired in series.

    Think about that for a moment. When the meter is reading 24 volts, it means battery 3 is basically DEAD. Within minutes the meter drops to 18 volts, which means there is about 6 volts in battery 3, and this is enough to complete the circuit and provide the power for the motor to run so it starts up. The voltage in battery 3 continues to climb which makes the reading on the meter go down, and when it gets to 8 or 9 volts, the POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE has now dropped to 6 volts, which is not enough to run the motor and it shuts off. The voltage immediately jumps to 24 volts, and the cycle repeats.

    What does this tell us about battery 3 if my theory is correct?

    1. First, the original battery 3 would NOT hold a charge.
    2. The system is capable of putting a FULL charge into the battery in a matter of minutes. I have only told a few folks the following story because it sounds too unbelievable, but I took this setup (when it was working perfectly) out to my dad's house. He is off the grid on a solar system and has a huge battery bank. That battery bank was way down when I arrived early in the morning, and we hooked in the 3BGS battery 3 in parallel with his battery bank. It charged his entire bank in a matter of minutes, something that would have taken HOURS to do with his solar setup.
    3. The minute the motor quit, the voltage on battery 3 dropped like a rock. Or the meter would not immediately have read 24 volts again.
    4. The battery obviously TOOK a charge, because that potential difference dropped to 18 and then down to 8 or 9 volts. (Which would mean battery 3 was at a charge of 14 or 15 volts, if my theory is correct.)

    I think this gives us important information about what battery 3 needs to be capable of doing in order for us to find a substitute for it. Unfortunately, I agree with Duncan, that finding a perfect battery three is a matter of luck. We could try forever, and then when you get one, the system will fix it.

    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Best question ever!!

      Best question ever n this forum, "when we get her done .. what's next? " The "Is it just me? I'm not seeing much evidence for either Suppression or FE?" thread is the sad truth that really makes one think. After MJNunnerly posted what had happened to him, it made me remember all the history I witnessed just in my 58 years.

      What is next?

      I feel we are part of a change that is and will happen. The world is due a change just as it happened in 1800's with the invention of steam engines. Do we hang in there until it happens? Or give in to this world around us? I agree with MJN and others that have been threatened or harassed, that you want to protect family and live in peace. After reading that and other stories here I felt so humbled and wondered what little I've done here compared to you and others.

      I want a world for my kid's and grandchildren to grow up in also. My heart and support go out to those ahead of me. I don't have BS or EE degree but I do have ideas. I've heard that change comes from the seeds of "ideas" driven by heart and a vision. This is what they fear (tptb) most. People with ideas. You and so many here make me study,learn,dig,get frustrated,start again,dream and grow. Thanks.

      We do need a chemist or J. Bedini with knowledge of battery crystal structures/types. If someone knows the type of crystals that form on the plates and post it, then I was thinking of removing the top of a LA battery,fill it with a solution(like growing rochelle salt crystals) then grow the entire box with plates full of crystals. Sounds crazy huh? I've tried worse. Look at my avatar, also have a T-shirt like it. It would save much if I knew a type of crystal to start with. I have several batteries to try different types of crystal growing in. I leave for Japan soon and will be gone for almost three months, so want to give these batteries time to grow(or not) .

      Have you any knowledge of crystals or the growing of them? Thanks.

      Thanks. I did download that, built it, been testing it and it really is great(Thanks Matt). But Duncan put- not a thought but a whole book- in my head about crystals. And I've been captured ever since in this prison of thought and study.

      Well sorry for long and soulful posting,


      • Hi All,
        I hope that my introducing a small observation is helpful rather than "muddying the waters".

        Several years ago I was experimenting on my version of JLN's APE cold fusion cell. I followed the same procedures that are suggested for the do it yourself version. As I went through the polarity reversal part of the tests, and found the same results JLN did, I happeded to do it with the lights off in a completely dark room. What supprised me was I witnessed a blue / violet glow surrounding the non plasma electrode (the deep one) as soon as power was applied to a cold cell. I followed this anomaly and tried again with distilled water which gave a brighter light output. This glow effect diminished as the cell heated up. I cannot be certain if it did so because of electrolisys bubbles obscuring the view or because of something else.

        Now back to the 3bs. The third bad "good" battery seems nothing more than a cold electrolysis cell (or series of them). Possibly an asymetical one at that ( because of the sulphation and wearing down of the plates).

        If you took FLAB-s (Flooded Lead Acid Battery) and dumped out the acid in the 3rd bad battery, and replaced it with distilled water, then the battery shouldn't be able to charge very well right? That should keep it from recovering quite as quickly.

        Now I have not tried the 3bs yet, even though I have most all of the parts needed. Just to verify before I do though, all three batts need to be the same kind and size?

        Thanks in advance.


        • Ken,
          They need to be the same kind, but not the same size. I have tried hundreds of batteries over the last six years and gotten good results many, many times. One of the best runs ever was with two quite large FLA's and a small 3 amp hour one.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • Thanks for the reply Dave,

            just a quick concept clarifying question: Have you or anyone else tried many more batteries series connected to increase the potential to say 100, 200, 300 volts? I realise that you would then need a DC motor of sufficient rating to handle the voltage, but I do have one rated at 120 volts, and one rated for 230 volts.

            The reason behind my question is the operating voltage for the APE (asymetrical plasma electrolysis) in my case was 300 - 350 VDC (240 volts through a FWBR and 2 15 uf 1000 VDC filter capacitors). If increasing the voltage potential difference between good batts and the 3rd bad battery shows any improvement, then I can see parallel mechanisms to my blue/violet glow phenomenon.

            Great thoughts everyone.


            • Ken, the most I have gone up to is 60 volts. You don't get to run long at that voltage because the bad batt charges FAST. But no drain on primaries
              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
                ... but I do have one rated at 120 volts, and one rated for 230 volts.
                You do mean 120vDC and 230v DC, don't you? They must be unusual.


                • Yes those two motors I mentioned are DC rated motors with brushes.
                  I'm not sure if they are unusual or not. The only thing I consider unusual is me!


                  • The 3rd Battery

                    I have been working on this 3rd battery for some time now. In my mind, this compnent is the key. The pulses from the motor tickles this battery to do something we all have been seeking. I will tell you what I have found so far.
                    The battery must have these things:
                    Very High Impedance (This is why the motor is slow to start and can handle seemingly over voltage.)
                    A weak electrolyte ( I have used both acidic and alkaline with success.)
                    Lead Plates (At least all my success have been with lead)
                    ** a crystal matrix between the plates** (Even glass mats qualify here)

                    There seems to be some type of tunneling effect in the battery that, once established, causes the in-flood of environmental energy. The trick is keeping the tunnel open/established.

                    I have tried large, 1 farad capacitors with no success. Leyden jar? Haven't tried that end of the spectrum. I have thought about trying to get one that is just right to resonate the motor coil, but both coils in the motor would have to be matched, inductance wise. Or is it the rotor coils?

                    If we are ringing that 3rd battery with the motor, then we will be chasing that rabbit for a long time. As the motor changes the properties of the 3rd battery, and it hits resonance at a certain moment and this is what is causing our amazing results for a while. Then, because the battery is changing, the effect goes away.

                    This is my reason for trying to find a stable third battery that will give me the results I'm looking for from the start and will not repair because IT AIN'T BROKEN or bad to start with
                    What do you think?


                    • Randy,

                      I agree. Trying to BUILD a battery 3 from scratch that works is a far better route than trying to FIND one that works. Which is WHY I think it is so important to get folks working on this. We need to try EVERY possible combination of chemicals for electrolyte there is. From SAlt water to SWill. (that's A to W since I couldn't think of a word that started with SX or SY or SZ. We need folks who have contacts with chemists to drag some of them on board to help us out with this. But one way or another, it is going to happen. There are a few of us who are NEVER going to give up on this until free energy for everyone is a reality.

                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Good idea

                        Did you physically put different crystals or glass mats between the plates? Or did you grow them in the space between them? I opened one battery and saw how close together the plates are. But good idea and yes we need some chemist here. Sorry for all the questions.



                        • Short Answer, YES

                          Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                          Did you physically put different crystals or glass mats between the plates? Or did you grow them in the space between them? I opened one battery and saw how close together the plates are. But good idea and yes we need some chemist here. Sorry for all the questions.

                          I work with standard LABs, but mostly AGMs. I drain them, cut the top off, pull the plates out with the top, and have my way with them. You can then spread the plates to dope them with whatever crystal mix you want. I have removed the separators to add my mixes. Understand, the plates are doped with chemicals to charge the plates. Also understand, most every thing in a lead acid battery is dangerous and toxic. This is not work for a careless person. I am not recommending anyone open a lead acid battery, I am just sharing what I have done. Did i tell you lead is a cranial poison
                          I am not a chemist by education, but have been employed as such and know how to safely handle such materials. When you add pulsing dc or ac to a battery, there is a good chance it will gas. So, not only do you have to worry about the hazards of the chemical you play with, you also have to be concerned about potential off gas hazards while experimenting. I guess I'm just saying; Be Careful.
                          Happy Experimenting,


                          • Its rather wot you don't see! I suspect

                            Hi wantomake … yes Mike had a rough ride … I met Mike and was working on the fracture system. I reproduced the “fracture” at the time … having Met Mike and seen a little of what he had accomplished its rather more than what you view as “a shame” is a disgrace and an out rage.
                            What really seems to piss t.p.t.b regarding water fracture is .. is its not exotic ! when I say that I don’t mean it isn’t extremely difficult needing exceptional EHF skills as well as some state of the art chemistry what I mean is … The whole thing is in the range of “known engineering principles”
                            I caught some of the backlash Mike talks of … house broken into, car vandalised, motorbike,
                            intimidation .. nothing like Mike but certainly enough to totally stuff my life up … when added to a couple of threats to family members … well if you go back to the thread itself you'll see I dropped it like a hot rock and didn't come back on forum for circa a year.
                            All the bravado's OK .. and bollix like “keep the ammo dry” and wot not …Its not how these bastards roll and when things start to happen you realise how frail our life support system is. And what a shaky peg our hats are hanging on.
                            Mike is an exceptional engineer with some very sharp pencils in his box,
                            You notice at one stage he is criticised for proudly displaying his own name … As Randy has pointed out, and has just been made clear by “leaked”??? information prisum has been at our computers for years …. Mikes well aware of that (and so am I) by default they know more about you than you know about yourself.
                            The truth is all this pseudo name stuff has exactly the reverse effect … It sets the field of play .. before ever you start investigation and research the impression is that you must hide and skulk and do it in secrecy... Why ? Your doing nothing wrong .. In fact exactly the reverse, As you have no identity when the bastards come to deal with you as “a little problem” no one knows or cares about
                            it, how the hell can they ? Who's heard of snugglebugnose ? The evil ****s who do what they do
                            time and time again however swagger about with no identity and need no legitimate legal right.
                            They have the authority of a Gestapo camp guard and the same power over life and death.
                            None of us should feel in the slighted bit ashamed of what we attempt to do here and if push comes to shove identifying ourself s … The opposition however dare not .. they really do have to hide in the long grass, … I'm sure you see now why Mike opted to state his name proudly and in full !
                            I am Duncan Norman Pickthall by the way …. nice to meet you.
                            The activities of MIB and crystal batteries are brought together nicely with this segway ..
                            I should point out that John Hutchinson is one of the foremost Tesla researchers in the world and I would say in certain area's has advanced on EPDs stance . He may seem mad as a box of frogs however keep in mind He has been violently attacked, his house invaded,his test equipment stolen along with research notes and years of Data. His wife Nancy Nee (Lazaryan) here makes the case in a rather clumsy way with a plate of food. Those who have watched this before will see you tube has decided to mutilate the sound track somewhat .. still
                            How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!! - YouTube
                            So you see the problems not “free energy” and never has been its “the right to do it” that needs loudly and clearly stamped and impressed on every government department in the world …. as Nancy points out the point needs pressing home with irresistible force … “you are a government … you do what we (the people) want and not the other way around. There is the real problem.!
                            MJN.. has moved onto firmer ice .. I don't blame him at all … he points out the financial case and certainly its the driver for most researchers. It makes sense and fits in with what we understand as “the norm” however I think it goes far deeper than that energy is just the very tip of a huge Ice burg … In the simplest terms Its so … There is a natural force of creation, It is there for the benefit of all, our world after all is benevolent to our life. That force is being denied hidden and suppressed
                            It is if you like classic Good Vs Evil the force of creation requires that we advance evolve and better our self s with the tools provided... Evil wishes to grab all the assets, hide all the tools, and rule with secrecy evil and terror with the help of their minions “the banksters” and the Gestapo of course … they are doing pretty well!
                            Ken .. what seems a long time ago now I was working on MJNs thing and I noticed the light effect you mention … of course I couldn't really explain it but I did revise a lot of video's and found it common to many known systems .. such as Floyd Sweets … I did collect the vids together but didn't feel like hosting a thread on the subject …quite hard to defend what after all is just a gut feeling … I started getting bombed by naysayers anyway
                            I noted it here
                            MM however took an interest and so I suggested he start a thread regarding .
                            something to it perhaps Its certainly attracted quite a lot of “top draw” opposition.
                            Randy as far as your observations on bad batteries go I would add the following just as “possibilities” which have caught my attention .. high impedance .. is really a meaningless term . It is high impedance to your DC meter (and even then different in either direction) it is not High impedance to … a radio wave for instance … that would pass straight through and not stop to take breath. As soon as you reverse voltage and current in an instant (which you do in a DC motor)
                            you might be able to visualise this as “an event” at phenomenal frequency .. very far from DC
                            .. for a DC motor/ gen V= (IaRa – Eb) or juggling a bit Eb = V- (Ia Ra)
                            V= applied voltage
                            Eb =Back emf (what UFOpolitics calls the witch)
                            Ia = armature current
                            Ra = armature resistance … if you measure the coil resistance of the motor you'll find its minimal
                            so Eb is virtually V.... (see Peter L motor secrets one for an expansion on this)
                            In other words every time a set of bushes moves from one armature slot to another there is a phenomenal set of frequencies shaped and contained in what you see as simply “a pulse” I see many many millions of Hz here certainly enough to hit the frequencies Marcus Reid talks of.
                            Of course at these frequencies the impedance certainly isn't high . Although of course it still is to DC in this regard although I haven't given any thought as to how to identify it I start to strongly suspect that particularly at high frequency there is a semi conductor action.
                            In other words it is not really the pulse you are producing but rather what is contained inside that pulse .. its shape and form that is key … added to the crystals and demodulation … my chemestry crystal efforts so far have been abysmal .. I did manage to melt one arm of my glasses .. which hasn't advanced things much … anyway I'll leave you happily playing with the smelly stinking stuff whilst I consider a route around the road block
                            It is the shape and form as the terms infinite and infinitesimal which I try to unify all systems on the uclid thread .. and it is here It is common with 3BS
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
                              I have been working on this 3rd battery for some time now. In my mind, this component is the key.
                              Am I right that the current flow is going backwards through B3 ?

                              We understand the basic chemistry of the lead acid cell, as run
                              normally. What is the chemistry of such a cell if the current is
                              being forced backwards through it?



                              • Charging

                                Originally posted by wrtner View Post
                                Am I right that the current flow is going backwards through B3 ?

                                We understand the basic chemistry of the lead acid cell, as run
                                normally. What is the chemistry of such a cell if the current is
                                being forced backwards through it?

                                Hey Paul,
                                There are two types of sulfates that are main players in a reverse charge state. Without a bunch of techno- chem babble, there is the hard and soft sulfates. In a normal reverse charge or "charge state" , the soft sulfate converts to lead and sulfuric acid. The battery has then, more conventional potential. Pulsed reverse dc works on the hard sulfate. This is the stuf that coats the lead plate and kill off a battery. This is why pulsed dc current can work to restore a "dead" battery. The coating of hard sulfate is removed and converted as soft sulfate is.

                                In the 3BGS we are looking for a dead battery with lots of hard sulfate to get the effects that Dave an others have observed. You are right, the power goes both directions. And it is in a multi-wave form. Or muti-phase, or dc with transients, however you want to describe the wave forms. One thing is for sure, it will break up and disolve the hard sulfate. Herein lies the problem. We find a good, bad battery that gives us the effects we're looking for and the sulfate is breaking down at the same time changing the bad battery into a good battery.

                                This is why I have moved away from the "acid" and moved to a alkaline electrolyte. Better duration, but still no cigar.

