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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Matt's motor is one of these, (12 volts in but 14+ volts out
    Don't forget that it is watts, not volts, that count. Do you
    have power in and power out data?


    • I agree

      I agree Turion, but if we all contribute from our experiments it builds up a database.

      One experiment I haven't tried but is in my plans is to build an electret for the third battery. It seems to me that we need a device which
      1 holds high voltage -
      2 has little or no current capabilities but which has
      3 high resistance. A conditioned microwave oven cap might do it because some of then have an internal resistor. However some of them probably do not, which may explain the differing results.
      Every time I've wrecked an inverter has been because of spike electricity (radiant energy).
      If you put in a neon to protect your inverter you may lose the spike at the high frequencies we need.
      On the other hand if the pulse rate goes up then the voltage comes down so it may work.
      I think Kapanadze gets round this problem by introducing a step down isolation hand wound transformer (bifilar). He also uses polythene and polystyrene HV shielding, and braid wire for insulating the high spikes.
      I think we would all be mighty curious to see your setup.
      Last edited by a.king21; 07-01-2013, 12:59 AM.


      • This could blow the doors off!

        Oh Dear Randy I follow your lead and “publish and be dammed” but there is a serious flaw in the potted version you envisage ...It'll be skewed to my view of things which could well be wrong!: and alas I don’t have the chemical nous to view the "eye of bat leg of frog" side of things .. Still I guess a time line sort of thing might prove useful I'll give it some thought. I like the electret idea that might produce something different.
        As for the neon Idea .. Its just that .. if its effective there's much better circuits that can be brought into play. This is a slight advance that could be used to direct the killer spikes back at the battery (or a "another" battery) . might just save an inverter or two.

        I wish I had a working thing to show you a a'king …. I have run successfully four times ended up with four good batteries and have been unable to reproduce the effect .. sometimes I start to doubt myself that I actually saw and experienced .. but of course I did, Its very bloody frustrating.
        As I consider what next to try. And what I should have tried when the thing was running.
        As you consider the voltage response it triggered this thought having just read erfinder's thread re Stubblefield …. whilst in no way disagreeing with the High voltage observation I did see the sine wave reaction in a bad battery with relatively low voltage although very sharp anti phase spikes …
        although I must stress I wasn't connected for any sort of COP+1 testing .. so just an indication
        In other words I suspect the shape and frequency of the pulse is probably the deciding factor.
        Regarding Stubblefield here's what came to mind … not so much at LF (Khz) but certainly UHF and above wave lengths actually see water (or electrolyte) as pretty much a brick wall .(extreamly high impedance .. Just consider your TV satellite dish in cloudy or wet conditions … It ceases to function !
        As the frequency goes up this state gets much much worse .
        Given a “bad battery” however Its not only “de facto” solid as erfinder points out its also “crystals”
        and they have a phenomenal effect on radio waves known ever since the “cats whisker” ... demodulation
        so talking extremes and looking at 3BS as an equation with the DC motor in the middle as
        V= (Ia Ra) + Eb and V being very close to Eb can be said to be projecting the same waveform
        at the good batteries and the bad battery.... but “anti phase”
        on one side of this equation is the bad battery .. It has a huge Resistance (approaching infinity) to DC however negligible Impedance to extremely high frequency, This is getting into the frequencies
        Moray, Reid, Hutchinson, and Tesla et al speak of.
        The good batteries however would exhibit exactly the reverse effect being mostly .. fluid .. they would demonstrate high (almost infinite) impedance to extremely High frequency waves and negligible almost zero resistance to DC . It is that (IMHO) crystal action through the “Bad battery” that puts this system so high up the pecking order … Its not just COP+2 or3 it seems to simply throw out what you ask of it! Regarding David's earlier comment on coax and open /closed feeder.

        This Basic AV plug circuit which is part of the panacea university RV course and originally lit a 1000 W mains bulb to full brightness on 19 volts … obviously all the component sizes would be different in our case but putting “Bad battery” in place of the light bulb might prove interesting !

        As I was scribbling this a simple thought hit me that could well ... blow this wide open , It seems so ridiculously simple I hesitate to post it however if this is right its ... Key … still here it is as a drawing .. Its just a Wheatstone bridge but of course needs to be regarded as having AC and DC components (resistance and impedance) Phasors

        Viewed from “motor static” The advantage of Randy's grounding using Aetheric Telluric Currents seems to become obvious. as does the similar cells and a deal of other things ! do you see this too boys and girls? if so the finishing line is very close
        Last edited by Duncan; 07-01-2013, 10:50 AM.
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • Exciting fluids

          Hi Turion n All

          There are some electrolyte ideas in Pat 19,161. Note that azotic acid is the old name for nitric acid.




          • john_g,
            Thanks for the info. A number of us are working on some batteries for the third position using different electrolyte. This gives us some more things to consider.

            You always make my brain hurt. LOL. Guess we will have to give this a shot and see what happens!

            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Too Complicated

              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
              Oh Dear Randy I follow your lead and “publish and be dammed” but there is a serious flaw in the potted version you envisage ...It'll be skewed to my view of things which could well be wrong!: and alas I don’t have the chemical nous to view the "eye of bat leg of frog" side of things .. Still I guess a time line sort of thing might prove useful I'll give it some thought. I like the electret idea that might produce something different.
              As for the neon Idea .. Its just that .. if its effective there's much better circuits that can be brought into play. This is a slight advance that could be used to direct the killer spikes back at the battery (or a "another" battery) . might just save an inverter or two.
              Lol, I'm just following your lead. Now I have a question for you. Where did the idea for a neon bulb come from? Who used spark gaps to excite the aether? What is a neon, but a low voltage........ Spark Gap. What if the voltage was to break through the electrodes, but not quite enough to perceptionally light the bulb? In your setup.

              What if the third battery is nothing more than a passive ground AND tuning inductor for a short while?

              Ok, more than one question. Curious minds. Things are starting to make sense. Tesla did infer we are building a conduit to nature. Subblefield, below the ground to just above ground zero. Tesla, above the ground to below. Same with the other Tesla students, Don Smith, TK, and a few others that have claimed success. I think we have the ingredients to the recipe, just have a few proportions wrong. Time to bake another cake.



              • Tried that too

                Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                That is what I thought you tried....this isn't what my suggestion to Turion was.... I am suggesting one try a completely crystallized battery.... A lead acid battery which has been completely ruined (in the conventional sense...crystallized) using the Bedini demonstrated process...


                "This mystery persisted for years. I have talked to some older engineers who report that local telegraph stations remained in operation despite the fact that their batteries had not been recharged for a great number of years. When the battery was examined it was actually dried out and physically corroded. Yet the signals continued." Stubblefield

                End quote...
                Hey erfinder,
                I tried a couple dried up, crystallized batteries which did not work for me. Matt has worked with various dried up batteries to a greater extent. As he did not report success, I'm going to guess he had the same results as I overall. He has said he'll report anything worthy. He is a man of great conscious and honor.

                All of my successes was with fully hydrated batteries and crystallized to the max. After dissecting my successful batteries, all of them had dissolved the connectors between the positive plates to black stubs. Of course I did put one hell of a strain on those little batteries.


                • what if ...

                  If . . .


                  Rudyard Kipling

                  If you can keep your head when all about you
                  Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
                  If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
                  But make allowance for their doubting too;
                  If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
                  Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
                  Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
                  And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

                  If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
                  If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
                  If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
                  And treat those two impostors just the same;
                  If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
                  Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
                  Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
                  And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

                  If you can make one heap of all your winnings
                  And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
                  And lose, and start again at your beginnings
                  And never breathe a word about your loss;
                  If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
                  To serve your turn long after they are gone,
                  And so hold on when there is nothing in you
                  Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

                  If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
                  Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
                  If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
                  If all men count with you, but none too much;
                  If you can fill the unforgiving minute
                  With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
                  Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
                  And—which is more—you’ll be a man, my son!

                  The Neon Bulb was originally connected with Bedini and the SSG, I then Recalled the circuit had been advanced to clip and use the spikes by one of the Rotoverter research groups in order to recycle (some) back emf . I simply thought if its good for the goose Its good for the gander. and posted it as a prospect.
                  The waveform likewise is a product from the mind of Hector D. Perez Torres.
                  Tesla of course was probably the first to use the spark gap as you say, I am happy to agree the circuit I have posted is little more than a spark gap …. but of course its in the system after the “bad battery” and adjustable the load being the inverter … of course it isn't the original purpose of the circuit but It may save inverters and so be worth a try. Providing of course there's diode's in between to prevent unwanted impedance effect on the 3BS set up itself (AV plug)
                  It is suggested Randy that some “sensitive's” of whom Tesla was supposedly one could see the energy we are trying to busy ourself s with as a “green gaseous substance” near the ground, EPD also tells us that the “linear wave” which I take for granted is what we are dealing with is propagated mostly through the ground. What if? …. I’m pretty sure the battery is a tuned “something” to ground
                  and all to temporary in my case . I tend to believe the researchers who tell us its RF at very high frequency , Its also clear from what EPD says, and the size of the Earth cables Tariel K used that very high currents are used. I don't suggest that the Ground wire is exclusively necessary Randy .. I ran without one. But I can see how it could present a much easier current “ parallel path” to the core of the cell for “the luminous Aether” … This in turn could (just could) be an explanation as to why the battery post is destroyed. on one side?
                  The bridge as a prospect came to me as I was writing and is not “fully formed” but the cap seems to fit the head … so I put it in the post.
                  I have seen a patent regarding cells .. which I'm sure was similar John g .. I'll go and seek and post for your consideration ASAP
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • toil and trouble...

                    I make no pretence to understanding the cauldron stuff

                    still this is the patent that caught my attention and might interest some of you hubble bubble toil and trouble guys.
                    Lead-acid battery electrolyte fluid solution additive - US Patent 5945236 Description
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • Weird Stuff

                      Someone posted some weird stuff here and, suddenly, Poof" it was gone, so our moderators apparently did not like it, which is fine by me. I don't believe it had anything to do with this thread.

                      Last edited by Turion; 07-03-2013, 03:57 AM.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • I reported it as spam.



                        • Thanks Matt. Didn't think of even doing that.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                            I make no pretence to understanding the cauldron stuff

                            still this is the patent that caught my attention and might interest some of you hubble bubble toil and trouble guys.
                            Lead-acid battery electrolyte fluid solution additive - US Patent 5945236 Description
                            I do find that service a dog's dinner. I always use this:

                            Retrieving Patent from - Free PDF copies of patents: Download and print!

                            where, obviously, XXXXXXX is the number of the US patent you want.

                            (or you can go to PAT2PDF - Free PDF copies of patents: Download and print! and let people put the number in the box.


                            • tis much better...
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • What John Bedini had to say

                                These diagrams come about from the original Tesla Switch this is something that we used to find potential charge. for example you can move charges with the same polarity.
                                We could never get anybody to study the results. My German Friend told a story of charging single dry cell batteries by rubbing his Keys across them. I showed him the circuits your working with here, he said it worked every time with a mechanical switch. It had something to do with the sparking, or a single pulse. You could call this a spike of voltage. He worked for NASA and the information vanished one day So I'm sure they got the system working and he never was seen again. People have seen some strange effects from this arrangement providing the batteries were rotating electronically at 10 Hz. when the machine was stopped all batteries were charged to full. The load was set by a single resistor or a 12 volt car tail light.

                                I wanted to repost this because one of the things that has occurred to me is that if we DID rotate all 3 batteries through the third position, might they become somehow "matched" to each other, and what might that do to the setup? I think it is worth exploring. It would be a Tesla switch type of arrangement would it not? Anyway, there are some of you out there sharp enough to give that a try who are interested?

                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

