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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
    LOL. I'm still running that test on a different setup. I've got enough motors and batteries to have five or six setups going, but usually have no more than two. I'm limited by the number of inverters I have. I'm thinking about getting a third up and running if I can figure out how to build an AV plug to put on it. Lowes always has inverters.
    Now why doesn't that surprise me! I got one inverter (popped) 1 Razor motor & Three bad batteries .I know so little about the AV plug David .. not even which way around it should go Into this machine. Hard to say when the voltage swings each way. Just another thing that deserves consideration and a probe.
    That balance I go into in the post above however, I think that might prove much more important.
    If it runs as a balanced Wheatstone bridge there's a huge amount of control circuity and information that can be brought into play … like you David I think this is sprinting towards the finish line now!
    doesn't allow much sleep time does it!
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • Sleep? What's that? As someone in a movie once said, "I can sleep when I'm dead!"
      Right now there's too much to do! Going to research the AV plug and see what I can come up with in the way of a circuit.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
        Sleep? What's that? As someone in a movie once said, "I can sleep when I'm dead!"
        Right now there's too much to do! Going to research the AV plug and see what I can come up with in the way of a circuit.


        Avramenko's patent on single wire power transmission.

        Notice he uses both the two diode plug as well as the full wave bridge plug.
        I'm trying to not waste your time Dave, but I thought it was interesting that to make the transfer of longitudinal energy efficient (isn't that the form that radiant energy takes?) , required the addition of a "conductive body" attached to the receiver end in Avramenko's patented devices. Confirmation of this fact is found in this video starting at 2:00 minutes in. It is basically just impedance matching by adding capacitance, at least to my weak minded thoughts.

        Perhaps it doesn't apply to your system or perhaps it does in some yet unknown, untried way.

        Here are a few AV PLUG variations


        • Igor

          Igor's stuff is great. It would be nice to have him in the conversation. He is such a skilled replicator. I admire his work and imagination.


          • Orion,

            Thanks for that post. Saved me lots of time looking.

            To Work!!
            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • diode's ect

              Impedance matching / balancing yes isn't that what’s required equal impedance presented to each “transducer” but then it was just on my “to try list” I've also wondered what the effect of a diode straight across the battery … or even diodes back to back across each battery and a three plate capacitor to ground ?. On the surface it seems like madness , one assumes it would simply present a dead short to any in coming current and simply take the battery out of the circuit. What if it doesn't ? what if it represents a dead short to DC and so keeps the “Transducers” dis- charged ( as we want) whilst still presenting a very high impedance to the “ground wave” I really don't know how the AV plug does its thing, or if the effects of a Diode / s across a totally dead battery would keep it that way … it all sounds like insanity I know but then It is perhaps the linear wave we are dealing with … all normal rules may not apply.
              In fact if EPDs to be believed I'm not even sure the term impedance applies to the linear wave
              Its not that I had any sort of solid theory on the AV plug Kerry it is a bit of a mystery to me .
              But for the experimental sacrifice of a handful of diodes ?
              As for Igor I totally agree Randy he's aware of our efforts over here and says he's impressed (I don’t know how much of that’s tongue in cheek though) It seems Its his inclination to try this with some variation and Maxwell super caps or such like and he's ordered some at $50 each in order to give it a go,
              I hope he calls in and tells us the result.. guess if we all keep poking it with a big stick its gotta roll over .. eventually PS thanks for digging that patent up orion I'm a little less dull now! it was this and Deckers thoughts at the end that I had in mind Frolov on resonant tuning and the Avramenko plug (just found the link again)
              Last edited by Duncan; 07-21-2013, 10:22 PM.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Polarity switching

                I've been off forum for a couple of days and have just about caught up.
                So here's some tips on recognizing polarity switching as a result of my previous experiments.

                You do not need to disconnect battery 3 and measure it in order to find it has flipped polarity. The results are in your meter measurements already.
                If the meter reaches zero, then you have 100% pole reversal on the bad battery, which can reach minus 24 volts - and everything else in between.
                To find out how your system behaves take some readings by switching the system off and checking the voltages on the bad battery - but you will have to do it quickly as it will loose power quickly -so beware false readings.

                You might try a really flat "good" battery as battery 3. It should work for a few seconds until it charges up. If that is the case then we have our answer.
                Finally, the battery voltage reversal is REAL POWER - amazing as it seems - but it can completely knock out powerful charged batteries.

                The reversal is an effect of RADIANT ENERGY (scalar) and is caused by both the right spark gap and the gating of the Bloch wall at hyper speed.

                So the question is, Does O U kick in when the bad battery is reversed or when it is at a max?
                So the experiment is obvious.
                Experiment 1: Switch off repeatedly when the voltmeter is at it's lowest.
                Experiment 2: Switch off repeatedly when the voltmeter is at it's highest.

                Another effect I have found: When the battery reverses polarity, you can cause it to get back to normal by knocking it about physically or sometimes by earthing the original negative side.


                • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                  I've been off forum for a couple of days and have just about caught up.
                  So here's some tips on recognizing polarity switching as a result of my previous experiments.

                  You do not need to disconnect battery 3 and measure it in order to find it has flipped polarity. The results are in your meter measurements already.
                  If the meter reaches zero, then you have 100% pole reversal on the bad battery, which can reach minus 24 volts - and everything else in between.
                  When the polarity on my bad battery switched during my latest test, it was right after my battery dropped to 18 volts reading across the bad battery. I'm not sure what you mean by the meter reaching zero. It will NEVER reach zero. It will go down to around fourteen volts and stabilize. Somewhere between the time it hits eighteen and the time it hits fourteen it flips polarity and then a while later it flips back.

                  We have no way of knowing WHEN it flips or WHEN it flips least as far as I can tell. Nor do we know if EVERY battery put in the third position flips.
                  If YOU have seen it, you are maybe the third or fourth person who has mentioned it here. I believe that it DOES, but I have no proof of that. So far I have seen it three five years. But I RARELY disconnect battery three and look at it apart from the system. I will from now on though.

                  My primaries dropped during my latest run, and I have repaired my bad battery. It is now at 12.78 volts, and the primaries will continue to hover right around where they are now, which is less than they started with, if I continue to use that battery. So...I am going to drain it and let it sit for a couple days to see if I can still use it as a bad battery and get any kind of an increase on the primaries while it is running. I need to get them back up to at LEAST where they were when I started or I will fail this test badly. If I can't get them back up with this battery, I will abandon this and recharge the primaries, starting over with a different bad battery. And next time I won't get all carried away because the primaries are charging and do runs longer than I know I should.

                  On a more positive note...Randy got his setup stabilized, but had to leave the lab for time with the family. What he chooses to share here is up to him. I will be replicating what he has done first thing in the morning, and I will let you all know the results. Will shoot some video if things look good. Looking really, REALLY good guys.

                  Last edited by Turion; 07-22-2013, 05:38 AM.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • i turion if i want only recovery battery 3 which is the best metod in this 3 battery system thanks
                    i want accomplish the goal but also recovery some battery that i can't with bedini ssg

                    sorry for my bad english i hope is understandable
                    by Luca


                    • gnino,
                      Just run the basic setup that is shown at the bottom of the first post with the battery you want to fix in the 3rd position. Run it until your primaries are now lower than 12.3 so you don't hurt them. Then charge them with a regular charger and run it again. It should only take one or two runs to fix the bad battery. Not EVERY battery can be fixed, but I have fixed a lot of batteries, even some that my SSG could not fix.

                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Turion, question

                        I thought that the batteries had gone as low as 6 volts in one experiment. Or was that across just the bad battery?


                        • Bad time to be gone.

                          This is killing me!!

                          I can't contribute(still 6953.0 miles from shop) but I'm dying to see the next chapter of this great story. Taking notes and studying.

                          Will leave room for the good stuff.
                          Thanks and want to show my support


                          • a.king21,
                            I have never had that happen.
                            On my very first setup the voltage on batt 3 jumped to 24, dropped to 18 and the motor started...dropped down to 9 and the motor shut off, then jumped to 24 and repeated.

                            Every battery I have tried in the third position since has jumped to 24...gone down to 18 and the motor started...then goes down to around 14 and levels off.

                            My question has ALWAYS been why did the first one go down to 9, the motor shut off, and the voltage jump back to 24. Obviously that battery could not hold a charge for more than a second after disconnect from power...but why it would go to 9 is still a mystery.

                            My primaries never drop as low as 6 volts. They usually go down just a little and stay there as long as everything is working right, and then recover when I shut down. Sometimes they will gain a little while the setup is running. A few times they have gained a LOT while the setup is running and then continued to climb after disconnect.

                            Last edited by Turion; 07-22-2013, 01:15 PM.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Duncan,

                              If you remember back a ways, Matt got some GREAT runs with that big resistor across batt 3. It just wasn't stable and it was driving him nuts trying to get a stable system, so maybe you are not as far off as you think!!
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Too Right Duncan!

                                Thanks for the Frolov link Duncan. It brought something to light for me! No impedance for displacement currents, no resistance, no reactance! Tesla proved it.

                                So why does electron ballasting help? Why did the pliers have a greater effect than the larger pipe? Perhaps because he was holding the pliers, it provided more capacity?

                                I have a theory but; I'll have to work all this out later, the virginia creeper rash is still spreading and driving me insane. From what I have read, this will last for weeks.
                                Last edited by OrionLightShip; 07-22-2013, 03:31 PM.

