Yes It was puzzling then and its still a bit of an enigma now,I have been beavering away on the Don Smith thread as you Know David and Whilst Don Smith devices would seem to have absolutely nothing to do with your three battery system I start to see many parallels, I suppose that’s hardly surprising as your circuit had its seed in the “Tesla’s four-battery switch” and Don Smith... In Tesla’s magnifying transmitter. I find it absolute astounding that there is free energy to be had but there is! I’ve seen it and so have you! The chances of there being being several sources is negligible therefore I surmise the systems are tapping the same source using different methods. As you are probably aware multiple examples of the Smith/Tariel/Tesla devices have been built and shown to have sizeable power gain including my own, we are however producing cold electricity,radiant power,reactive power (a rose by any other name) and one of the conversion methods as we all know is batteries .. hence my interest in your thread. A little more thought draws some more similarities between the two devices a/ spark gap (in your case at the brushes) HV diodes (In your case commutation) a tuned inductance (In your case motor windings) capacitance such as to bring linear wave resonance about (In your case fulfilled by batteries and the variable speed of the motor) which of course will alter the wave length, perhaps I'm way off the line David but I reckon its worth consideration we have in common the “dude battery” enigma and I have been experimenting with contaminating the electrolyte, which It sounds like your about to start doing my greatest success in that regard so far has been with mixing the electrolyte with about 30% swimming pool cleaner, but I don’t really know why so its all in the “lap of the gods” really. I would also be Inclined to try very slight variations on the battery cable length as a very basic understanding of linear wave resonance is what has caused an explosion of these Tesla machines that work, here is a very young E.P.D explaining all about the linear wave
Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube (that’s the first of six) Keep in mind David that officially the linear wave does not exist in any shape manner or form. Anyone teaching it is in for a long spell of unemployment, (Blacklisted) everywhere it appears its disguised and given different units. Do notice that the linear wave moves much faster than the speed of light at 291000 miles/sec.
To put this in very simple terms given the right conditions you can extract power from your battery before the battery can react and then repeat the operation, the spark (infinite frequencies) provide the charge all in a DC pulsing envelope (the commutation) judging by our experience with spark gaps the pressure of the motor brushes could have a massive effect.. I hope what I write here gives food for thought and not confusion, after all you guys are “building and doing” free energy is really a big Dam that’s about to break and anywhere I feel I can apply just a little bit more pressure... I will
I am in no way preaching just stoking the fire! Best wishes Duncan
Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube (that’s the first of six) Keep in mind David that officially the linear wave does not exist in any shape manner or form. Anyone teaching it is in for a long spell of unemployment, (Blacklisted) everywhere it appears its disguised and given different units. Do notice that the linear wave moves much faster than the speed of light at 291000 miles/sec.
To put this in very simple terms given the right conditions you can extract power from your battery before the battery can react and then repeat the operation, the spark (infinite frequencies) provide the charge all in a DC pulsing envelope (the commutation) judging by our experience with spark gaps the pressure of the motor brushes could have a massive effect.. I hope what I write here gives food for thought and not confusion, after all you guys are “building and doing” free energy is really a big Dam that’s about to break and anywhere I feel I can apply just a little bit more pressure... I will
I am in no way preaching just stoking the fire! Best wishes Duncan