Revelations … & conjecture
Revelations … Indeed that's what they are my friends .. first the concept of a bridge which Randy demonstrated to remarkable effect
, next the magnetic action demonstrated as Edward Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder was shown be be dynamic … The story of course does not end there be it a transverse or a longitudinal wave there must be two components … even the feeble amount of clap trap we have been spoon fed allows for that !
A magnetic wave and an electrostatic wave , we have seen the magnetic effect .. pray where does the electrostatic wave hide …. the truth is its right in front of you … Its charging those batteries in the twink of an eye …. Its doing it by “molecular spin” you'll read about it at UHF and above in this document.
.. how do we arrive at such frequencies .. read on
Definition of EMF, ELF, VHF, UHF, RF, electromagnetic field, frequency & wavelengths
If you haven't read my earlier posts or indeed taken the time and trouble to read through this thread then perhaps what I relate now won't make to much sense, Edward Leedsalnin's book tells us electricity is made of “magnets” .. one set spinning CW and one set spinning CCW this is inherent in electricity itself, a description of this can be seen here
It is of course against all the theories tptb have spoon fed the sheepole for hundreds of years but is it what really happens ?… Its a strange proposition
If EL is right and electricity is “magnets” then as I conjectured with this magnetic circuit (or some thing similar) electricity could be separated into two half’s

I started to build that circuit … It is actually founded on Clemente Figuera's machine but the truth is once you see how one works .. the rest drop into place also, alas the 3BGS is almost obsolete before its fully resolved
As the theory is uncovered its possible to engineer towards better. ’twas always thus.
In a few months time I doubt many will recall the names and the few key people who have slogged it out toe to toe and who have fought an epic battle in front of you … The 3BGS will probably have evolved into something the size of an alarm clock , everyone else will say they invented it .. and they knew it all along … all our names (not that you even know them) will be forgotten .. Ah I digress I made the toroid … I then thought if I connect a battery to this , and a function generator to the primary coil it might "just might" ...split electricity, It did … as predicted musically … or perhaps that’s not quite the right phrase into harmonics and overtones (That actually doesn't work on a musical scale because it was bastardised by Isaac Newton in order to get best fit regarding Church Bells) EPD will tell you a little more on the subject here
The Science of Music by Eric Dollard (3 of 12) - YouTube
a full keyboard for each octave ! Electrically and in the natural world however odds and evens , overtones and harmonics go on ad infinitum … and that is where the electricity “magnets” split
in phase then anti phase . It is what I tried to draw above with that peculiar daub which I promise you brought some asides from the wings of the theatre, here I demonstrate with oscilloscope,function generator, wire and magnets . The same effect . If Edward Leedsalnin's was right (just if) then electric magnets .. that is electricity itself would fracture into two half’s, one with right hand spin one with left hand spin, Not only that in order for the rest of the theory to hang loosely together electricity must divide into overtones (odds) and harmonics (evens) Now please understand I am not an academic well paid by tptb to obfuscate the truth. I do not have a laboratory or anything like laboratory conditions. I don’t have a camera man or help of any sort, also antique equipment is my lot , I dont command the inside of a mountain whilst the aging population must eek out an exsistance eating dog food. I do not claim any sort of proof here and if I did a video is not the the transport to do it with , This particular video I shot for another member of the group . Kerry , however I think our consensus is now to publish regardless. This battery effect boys and girls lay dead in the water for a long time, It was revived and given the kiss of life by Luther, If for no other reason than his enjoyment of this video .. not quite of the smoking glove quality alas
anyway It will let Jean see the "resonant battery" state of which I hinted and which captured her interest .
harmonics and overtones - YouTube
So now let me take you a step further into the land of radio, A radio transmitter has a Antenna tuning unit attached to it It so happens that Antenna tuning units are equally effective for radio receivers after all the function of one is the mirror of the other,
All the ingredients are there in the radio, particularly the resonance we strive so hard to find and maintain. We are undoubtedly now working with and benefiting from the telluric linear ground wave but in order to understand how the “bridge” is focusing that energy onto a battery I encourage you to try and grasp this simple explanation of how a ATU works and what it does … but do keep in mind although the job is the same … the components and circuitry are going to be very different for a linear wave and regardless we need to tune for “automatic resonance” as loads and battery conditions change.
Antenna Tuning Unit
I'm sure you can see the bridge made up here of capacitor and one half of the inductor … whilst the other half of the bridge is the mirror image … This then is the equivalent of the bridge you are tuning with motor load (frequency) and how efficient your resonant circuit may be is reflected by the astounding effects more and more of you are seeing.
In order to grasp what is causing the batteries to react as they do .. I suspect this is the case .. although I stress again its just my “shot in the dark” the focused and tuned linear wave (or at least one half of it) spinning is focused on either the load or transducer batteries ….one half demands the return of its partner from the ambient surroundings, That return and interaction causes molecular spin inside the battery plates … as I linked to at the start of this post. For RF guys Perhaps to consider the battery plates as a Yagi -Udi beam antenna might be as close as the analogy can reach.
It is here being well demonstrated by this young lady Diana Eng (KC2UHB)
A Visual Demo of How a Yagi Antenna Works – MAKE Magazine | With Varying Frequency - Amateur Radio Ponderings
Although quite what she would think of a “free energy” researcher using it to describe the effects of a linear wave that supposedly doesn’t exist I really don’t know , grant me some poetic licence I would hope.
There's a few things now I would like you to consider .. and help with … many of you have now experienced this effect and you know with out doubt its real .
Equally then you know the conspiracy theories are all to real.
The core people on this thread are in very real danger and I ask for your help … duplicate and prove this to yourself s at any level .. and post the results . Go and look at the times the key members are posting on this thread .. its around the clock .. Its an obsession for us all ! we sleep little
The time money effort of all of us on this thread is phenomenal , like all researchers into free energy any requests for finance is regarded as “a scam” every legitimate avenue blocked by the evil ****s who own this ****ing place.
George Carlin on "the American Dream" - YouTube
girls and boys .. we all had dreams too, we too thought we could discover the golden challis change the world for the better and at least have enough from our efforts for a half decent retirement . Never mind rebuild Rife's technology.
Well guess what ? Fat chance ! And we still have to balance and control the bridge. Behind the scenes despite being good friends we have been as you can imagine slogging these principles and theories out toe to toe … at times it has generated friction , humour , animosity , Indeed the full spectrum of the rainbow …. our ambition has remained the same … alter this world from the hell hole its quickly becoming !
Each of you reading this can help simply by building the thing … any brushed motor will work to some extent … sure only one in 20 or 30 batteries is liable to give you that zap however once you have seen and more importantly felt it …. there is no going back , It makes us all punching it out on the front line just a little safer .
We are fighting for your lives here … more importantly the lives of your children and grandchildren wont you at least come out of the dark corners and help?
Lurking about hoping to steal some knowledge or someone else’s idea's for profit isn't going to get this essential job done you just become part of the problem.
The dam is breeched … The collapse is now absolutely inevitable, come and help .. loosen a brick or two
Revelations … Indeed that's what they are my friends .. first the concept of a bridge which Randy demonstrated to remarkable effect

A magnetic wave and an electrostatic wave , we have seen the magnetic effect .. pray where does the electrostatic wave hide …. the truth is its right in front of you … Its charging those batteries in the twink of an eye …. Its doing it by “molecular spin” you'll read about it at UHF and above in this document.

Definition of EMF, ELF, VHF, UHF, RF, electromagnetic field, frequency & wavelengths
If you haven't read my earlier posts or indeed taken the time and trouble to read through this thread then perhaps what I relate now won't make to much sense, Edward Leedsalnin's book tells us electricity is made of “magnets” .. one set spinning CW and one set spinning CCW this is inherent in electricity itself, a description of this can be seen here
It is of course against all the theories tptb have spoon fed the sheepole for hundreds of years but is it what really happens ?… Its a strange proposition
If EL is right and electricity is “magnets” then as I conjectured with this magnetic circuit (or some thing similar) electricity could be separated into two half’s

I started to build that circuit … It is actually founded on Clemente Figuera's machine but the truth is once you see how one works .. the rest drop into place also, alas the 3BGS is almost obsolete before its fully resolved

In a few months time I doubt many will recall the names and the few key people who have slogged it out toe to toe and who have fought an epic battle in front of you … The 3BGS will probably have evolved into something the size of an alarm clock , everyone else will say they invented it .. and they knew it all along … all our names (not that you even know them) will be forgotten .. Ah I digress I made the toroid … I then thought if I connect a battery to this , and a function generator to the primary coil it might "just might" ...split electricity, It did … as predicted musically … or perhaps that’s not quite the right phrase into harmonics and overtones (That actually doesn't work on a musical scale because it was bastardised by Isaac Newton in order to get best fit regarding Church Bells) EPD will tell you a little more on the subject here
The Science of Music by Eric Dollard (3 of 12) - YouTube
a full keyboard for each octave ! Electrically and in the natural world however odds and evens , overtones and harmonics go on ad infinitum … and that is where the electricity “magnets” split
in phase then anti phase . It is what I tried to draw above with that peculiar daub which I promise you brought some asides from the wings of the theatre, here I demonstrate with oscilloscope,function generator, wire and magnets . The same effect . If Edward Leedsalnin's was right (just if) then electric magnets .. that is electricity itself would fracture into two half’s, one with right hand spin one with left hand spin, Not only that in order for the rest of the theory to hang loosely together electricity must divide into overtones (odds) and harmonics (evens) Now please understand I am not an academic well paid by tptb to obfuscate the truth. I do not have a laboratory or anything like laboratory conditions. I don’t have a camera man or help of any sort, also antique equipment is my lot , I dont command the inside of a mountain whilst the aging population must eek out an exsistance eating dog food. I do not claim any sort of proof here and if I did a video is not the the transport to do it with , This particular video I shot for another member of the group . Kerry , however I think our consensus is now to publish regardless. This battery effect boys and girls lay dead in the water for a long time, It was revived and given the kiss of life by Luther, If for no other reason than his enjoyment of this video .. not quite of the smoking glove quality alas

harmonics and overtones - YouTube
So now let me take you a step further into the land of radio, A radio transmitter has a Antenna tuning unit attached to it It so happens that Antenna tuning units are equally effective for radio receivers after all the function of one is the mirror of the other,
All the ingredients are there in the radio, particularly the resonance we strive so hard to find and maintain. We are undoubtedly now working with and benefiting from the telluric linear ground wave but in order to understand how the “bridge” is focusing that energy onto a battery I encourage you to try and grasp this simple explanation of how a ATU works and what it does … but do keep in mind although the job is the same … the components and circuitry are going to be very different for a linear wave and regardless we need to tune for “automatic resonance” as loads and battery conditions change.

Antenna Tuning Unit
I'm sure you can see the bridge made up here of capacitor and one half of the inductor … whilst the other half of the bridge is the mirror image … This then is the equivalent of the bridge you are tuning with motor load (frequency) and how efficient your resonant circuit may be is reflected by the astounding effects more and more of you are seeing.
In order to grasp what is causing the batteries to react as they do .. I suspect this is the case .. although I stress again its just my “shot in the dark” the focused and tuned linear wave (or at least one half of it) spinning is focused on either the load or transducer batteries ….one half demands the return of its partner from the ambient surroundings, That return and interaction causes molecular spin inside the battery plates … as I linked to at the start of this post. For RF guys Perhaps to consider the battery plates as a Yagi -Udi beam antenna might be as close as the analogy can reach.
It is here being well demonstrated by this young lady Diana Eng (KC2UHB)
A Visual Demo of How a Yagi Antenna Works – MAKE Magazine | With Varying Frequency - Amateur Radio Ponderings
Although quite what she would think of a “free energy” researcher using it to describe the effects of a linear wave that supposedly doesn’t exist I really don’t know , grant me some poetic licence I would hope.
There's a few things now I would like you to consider .. and help with … many of you have now experienced this effect and you know with out doubt its real .

The core people on this thread are in very real danger and I ask for your help … duplicate and prove this to yourself s at any level .. and post the results . Go and look at the times the key members are posting on this thread .. its around the clock .. Its an obsession for us all ! we sleep little
The time money effort of all of us on this thread is phenomenal , like all researchers into free energy any requests for finance is regarded as “a scam” every legitimate avenue blocked by the evil ****s who own this ****ing place.
George Carlin on "the American Dream" - YouTube
girls and boys .. we all had dreams too, we too thought we could discover the golden challis change the world for the better and at least have enough from our efforts for a half decent retirement . Never mind rebuild Rife's technology.
Well guess what ? Fat chance ! And we still have to balance and control the bridge. Behind the scenes despite being good friends we have been as you can imagine slogging these principles and theories out toe to toe … at times it has generated friction , humour , animosity , Indeed the full spectrum of the rainbow …. our ambition has remained the same … alter this world from the hell hole its quickly becoming !
Each of you reading this can help simply by building the thing … any brushed motor will work to some extent … sure only one in 20 or 30 batteries is liable to give you that zap however once you have seen and more importantly felt it …. there is no going back , It makes us all punching it out on the front line just a little safer .
We are fighting for your lives here … more importantly the lives of your children and grandchildren wont you at least come out of the dark corners and help?
Lurking about hoping to steal some knowledge or someone else’s idea's for profit isn't going to get this essential job done you just become part of the problem.
The dam is breeched … The collapse is now absolutely inevitable, come and help .. loosen a brick or two
