March ever onwards
Not necessary so Jean … a centre tapped transformer connected to a Function generator can supply “anti phase” so might an H bridge be considered , and I guess in that configuration the WFC circuit could do service … I did manage to fracture water for very little energy expenditure but had not the least idea how to use that peculiar gas as fuel . Never the less at its heart its a complex inversion
of what we do here so let me explain as briefly as I may. It at least uses a lot more Known science . Start here Jean at this frequency chart
Definition of EMF, ELF, VHF, UHF, RF, electromagnetic field, frequency & wavelengths
you will see at EHF and frequencies above molecular spin occurs . Normally when you introduce frequencies into a substance like water they quickly interfere with each other in time and space, they bump into each other for want of a better description, they waste energy … they never reach High frequency … they become chaos . Of the work done on frequencies Fourier is the man most are aware of given two frequencies say F1 and F2 mixing them (heterodyne) would result in F1 and F2 and F1 + F2 and F1 - F2 and then of course the whole thing starts again with the resultants .. it obviously quickly becomes a total chaos … It is not possible to create an absolutely perfect sine wave never mind two, Its also difficult to make them track each other but if you do get very close and you introduce two frequencies that are X6 apart … something amazing happens … they can
heterodyne again and again and yet not invade each others time or space . It is the only frequency set I know of that will do that . The result is dislocation of water with minute amounts of energy .
To get nearer this perfect state is the ambition of the WFC guys .
That x6 on the other hand rather than being he start of our trip is the end .. its the tuned point we are using the overtones .. we are following Tesla's sequence cumulative on 6 that is 3. 5,6,7,9 or the majors … if people knew the magnificence of … 3 and 6 and 9 , Jean whilst I may have sounded a little curt Its probably more frustration with myself you see I have had an operation on my eyes and I can't see well enough to experiment and operate as I once could , Its not that I can't I must use aids and watchmakers glasses .. its all most frustrating . Still I really didn't mean to be so casual with batteries and motors they have shown many on this thread alone that huge amounts of free power is available . In that regard they have done and continue to do a huge all most incalculable job .. they have taken the mind block away … all these people have had the blinkers removed … there is no price I can put on that.
To try and make it better, more stable , that’s a different matter we all aspire .. of course concentrate on the motor and the bad batteries …. Its been done many times and the folks here will do all they can to make sure you see it happen …. when you have, and it leaves no room for doubt! then I'm sure you'll be trying to uncover all the other secrets … just as we are doing.
It seems I write one thing and preach another but it seems that you just can't operate properly until you know with out doubt the effect is true
.. the easiest way to do that is to use the batteries and the motor, when you have seen that nothing will stop you anyway. These are not silly people Jean (except perhaps for myself) they know what they have seen … they know what an amp and a volt is
there are BSc and engineers here amongst our ranks … It really isn’t a case of does it or doesn’t it, it is can we make this better …. In the mean time more people going hands on seeing it and having the “mind block” removed .. well I don't know about the rest .. but if anything I find that if anything more exciting than clawing forward uncovering the theory. Look at a.king now obsessed … like a terrier that’s found a rabbit hole !
Its also easy to get disheartened Jean when It just doesn't work .. The history of this system shows David totally despaired of it himself at one time …. it stopped working whatever he did he could not re- produce the effect, eventually David convinced himself “perhaps it didn't really happen”
the project was abandoned, some where however in a shed or garage months later some one else was reading about it , That some one who was trying it was Luther … Luther contacted David and said “David this contraption of yours is working” That of course inspired David to try yet again .. he eventually got another system working … others aware of David's system Matt myself and others tried it … found it works . The more who find it works the better .. The snow ball is getting bigger and gaining momentum, each and every one who tries this machine and is a little persistent sees the effect . Each person who sees the effect is a convert , each convert becomes a rabid campaigner
each campaigner tries to improve and understand the workings of the machine .. so we advance , I think we are very strong now … nothing to stop this snowball now soon the Avalanche ! Do you think the new converts like a.king are going to stop now ? .. I think not . What about we old campaigners ? I'm afraid not …. we are here for the duration .. you too I hope Jean
Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix
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Definition of EMF, ELF, VHF, UHF, RF, electromagnetic field, frequency & wavelengths
you will see at EHF and frequencies above molecular spin occurs . Normally when you introduce frequencies into a substance like water they quickly interfere with each other in time and space, they bump into each other for want of a better description, they waste energy … they never reach High frequency … they become chaos . Of the work done on frequencies Fourier is the man most are aware of given two frequencies say F1 and F2 mixing them (heterodyne) would result in F1 and F2 and F1 + F2 and F1 - F2 and then of course the whole thing starts again with the resultants .. it obviously quickly becomes a total chaos … It is not possible to create an absolutely perfect sine wave never mind two, Its also difficult to make them track each other but if you do get very close and you introduce two frequencies that are X6 apart … something amazing happens … they can
heterodyne again and again and yet not invade each others time or space . It is the only frequency set I know of that will do that . The result is dislocation of water with minute amounts of energy .

To get nearer this perfect state is the ambition of the WFC guys .
That x6 on the other hand rather than being he start of our trip is the end .. its the tuned point we are using the overtones .. we are following Tesla's sequence cumulative on 6 that is 3. 5,6,7,9 or the majors … if people knew the magnificence of … 3 and 6 and 9 , Jean whilst I may have sounded a little curt Its probably more frustration with myself you see I have had an operation on my eyes and I can't see well enough to experiment and operate as I once could , Its not that I can't I must use aids and watchmakers glasses .. its all most frustrating . Still I really didn't mean to be so casual with batteries and motors they have shown many on this thread alone that huge amounts of free power is available . In that regard they have done and continue to do a huge all most incalculable job .. they have taken the mind block away … all these people have had the blinkers removed … there is no price I can put on that.
To try and make it better, more stable , that’s a different matter we all aspire .. of course concentrate on the motor and the bad batteries …. Its been done many times and the folks here will do all they can to make sure you see it happen …. when you have, and it leaves no room for doubt! then I'm sure you'll be trying to uncover all the other secrets … just as we are doing.
It seems I write one thing and preach another but it seems that you just can't operate properly until you know with out doubt the effect is true

there are BSc and engineers here amongst our ranks … It really isn’t a case of does it or doesn’t it, it is can we make this better …. In the mean time more people going hands on seeing it and having the “mind block” removed .. well I don't know about the rest .. but if anything I find that if anything more exciting than clawing forward uncovering the theory. Look at a.king now obsessed … like a terrier that’s found a rabbit hole !
Its also easy to get disheartened Jean when It just doesn't work .. The history of this system shows David totally despaired of it himself at one time …. it stopped working whatever he did he could not re- produce the effect, eventually David convinced himself “perhaps it didn't really happen”

each campaigner tries to improve and understand the workings of the machine .. so we advance , I think we are very strong now … nothing to stop this snowball now soon the Avalanche ! Do you think the new converts like a.king are going to stop now ? .. I think not . What about we old campaigners ? I'm afraid not …. we are here for the duration .. you too I hope Jean
