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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Unusual results

    Hi folks, I've been using Randy's set-up , but one of my primaries is very weak. When you hook the motor to it ,by it self ,it drops to 9.5 volts ~.
    So I have 1 good primary that holds voltage ,and the other not so good.
    The 3 other batteries are all dead , the 2 transducers , and the 1 that's hooked to the inverter.
    I run my loads off the back end inducer , and the 1 that is supposed to run the inverter.
    But I hook capacitors in parallel with those 2 ,you have to adjust ....
    Still trying but getting runs that take no voltage from that one good battery I have.
    I have Matts' motor running ,a stock motor running , my own motor running, and a taillight running , 2 hours later ,it doesn't change..
    Definitely something here.
    Sorry wish I could explain it better.


    • reaction ...

      lampooned … and from some unexpected quarters too . One of them alas I can say little about and that's the first erfinder.. from what I can make out … It seems you have made a machine .. what machine ? Schematics ? drawings? Link to its thread ?
      It seems it has a hall effect sensor somewhere , I as far as I can understand it does something or the other with a capacitor, something you seem well aware of as you say “I Know” .. It then seems we are not privileged to this “great enlightenment” I'm invited to have a guess at what you have been doing …. erfinder this is a forum dedicated to alternative energy the inference is “for the benefit of all” It is not a game of Charades there are people here spending time and money pursuing an extraordinary effect, what I see and how I think it relates I do my very best to explain. To all . Regardless of if you understand the conception of resonance into a matched circuit or not many do. As for playing guessing games to your tune regarding some machine I know absolutely nothing about …. I have no time for that sort nonsense .. I’ve got the rest of my life to get on with.

      Next of course comes Matts off the cuff kick back .. delivered in his usual magnanimous style … the fact that all you see is ripple is absolutely irrelevant If you guys have learnt only one thing here it should be … Instruments are useless with this stuff …. And my Theories may be “thick” but they are far better than no theories and they seem to hang together. Whilst the headless chicken experiment technique of Edison might be preferred by Matt it is certainly is not by me !

      If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search... I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labour.
      Nickola Tesla

      Whilst I have met Matt and know him to be an Intelligent man, on an open forum a response of “no more to be said “ to a “Thick theory” is nothing more or less than "Pig ignorance" . Because what he writes is such an anathema to me I'll try and spell it out for every one else . You may use your oscilloscope and see only a ripple, however that ripple is an algebraic sum of what is occurring at any instant. Matt is IMHO absoluty and totally wrong.. it isn't the silly ripple or anything about it you should consider .. rather the opposite .. what isnt a ripple.
      You can study and play with that ripple for ever and a day as Matt suggests and IMHO you'll discover nothing. But by all means .. be my guest … to find this needle a magnet or a little thought and calculation is a much better idea,
      however in the mean time what pray is the resistance of your motor ? Go ahead and measure it,
      Tiny isn't it ? And so if you put 24 volts across that resistance what would be the current flow?
      “Massive is the answer” if ohms law was the only force at play you and your motor would be blown to kingdom come by an exploding battery in seconds. So what prevents that happening ? Back emf its called in DC motor parlance or Lenz law in other guises. This is really very basic Michael Faraday …. In other word you may see “a ripple” but there is a total opposition to the very essence and power of electricity itself occurring in that armature action …as you ask Kerry Its what I refer to in the absence of anything else as … anti phase .. It is opposite in all respects.
      It is described in detail by Peter Linderman in his first video if anybody doesn't acknowledge or understand this very basic formula of Faraday V= Eb + (Ia Ra) … In effect for those with the nous to see this as such .. electricity is divided into two different types …. one in assistance of the motor …. one in opposition , My investigation and strong suspicion leads me to the conclusion that these two Forces divide along musical lines … harmonics and overtones, Of course those of you who are with the diligence of a bee (or Matt) are busy examining each straw must simply .. continue.
      however all I suggest as you experiment is .. try anti phase first

      And so to Orion's some what Jaundice view … how ever he has come to the conclusion that I was trying to demonstrate KVA or KVAr I can't possibly imagine … It is true that these effects are extremely pertinent but they are in the department of transmission and reception of transverse and linear waves …and not the type of electricity used to make those waves. So just to clarify I wasn't attempting to display any sort of phase shift in that video
      nor is it anything “reflected” Its induced and opposite .. just like the armature action. There is a very good demonstration of this effect about half way through this clip … two roller race bearings on an Iron bar … Using the Matt ripple theory this dead short would simply blow everything to kingdom come. It is the opposite theory that prevents that happening .... can you explain it with present dogma ? No of course not .. then don't expect me to !
      but I am using and engineering the effect.

      Part 4 of 6: Eric Dollard & Chris Carson Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio - YouTube

      There was no resonance involved in that video I made. It was not what I was trying to demonstrate at all . That you find it difficult to grasp I can fully understand … It seems like madness to me at times .. All that aside it agree's with all Edward Leedskalnin tells us. It also fits to the miracle that is occurring in front of us, of course each and all have their own .. thoughts idea's and run their own experiments .. I simply post my own theories and present the video's and conclusions I have come to, If it provokes thought and direction and gives folks a few less straws to inspect .. then my job is done.
      Last edited by Duncan; 08-04-2013, 09:24 AM.
      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
        lampooned … and from some unexpected quarters too . One of them alas I can say little about and that's the first erfinder.. from what I can make out … It seems you have made a machine .. what machine ? Schematics ? drawings? Link to its thread ?
        It seems it has a hall effect sensor somewhere , I as far as I can understand it does something or the other with a capacitor, something you seem well aware of as you say “I Know” .. It then seems we are not privileged to this “great enlightenment” I'm invited to have a guess at what you have been doing …. erfinder this is a forum dedicated to alternative energy the inference is “for the benefit of all” It is not a game of Charades there are people here spending time and money pursuing an extraordinary effect, what I see and how I think it relates I do my very best to explain. To all . Regardless of if you understand the conception of resonance into a matched circuit or not many do. As for playing guessing games to your tune regarding some machine I know absolutely nothing about …. I have no time for that sort nonsense .. I’ve got the rest of my life to get on with.

        Next of course comes Matts off the cuff kick back .. delivered in his usual magnanimous style … the fact that all you see is ripple is absolutely irrelevant If you guys have learnt only one thing here it should be … Instruments are useless with this stuff …. And my Theories may be “thick” but they are far better than no theories and they seem to hang together. Whilst the headless chicken experiment technique of Edison might be preferred by Matt it is certainly is not by me !

        If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search... I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labour.
        Nickola Tesla

        Whilst I have met Matt and know him to be an Intelligent man, on an open forum a response of “no more to be said “ to a “Thick theory” is nothing more or less than "Pig ignorance" . Because what he writes is such an anathema to me I'll try and spell it out for every one else . You may use your oscilloscope and see only a ripple, however that ripple is an algebraic sum of what is occurring at any instant. Matt is IMHO absoluty and totally wrong.. it isn't the silly ripple or anything about it you should consider .. rather the opposite .. what isnt a ripple.
        You can study and play with that ripple for ever and a day as Matt suggests and IMHO you'll discover nothing. But by all means .. be my guest … to find this needle a magnet or a little thought and calculation is a much better idea,
        however in the mean time what pray is the resistance of your motor ? Go ahead and measure it,
        Tiny isn't it ? And so if you put 24 volts across that resistance what would be the current flow?
        “Massive is the answer” if ohms law was the only force at play you and your motor would be blown to kingdom come by an exploding battery in seconds. So what prevents that happening ? Back emf its called in DC motor parlance or Lenz law in other guises. This is really very basic Michael Faraday …. In other word you may see “a ripple” but there is a total opposition to the very essence and power of electricity itself occurring in that armature action …as you ask Kerry Its what I refer to in the absence of anything else as … anti phase .. It is opposite in all respects.
        It is described in detail by Peter Linderman in his first video if anybody doesn't acknowledge or understand this very basic formula of Faraday V= Eb + (Ia Ra) … In effect for those with the nous to see this as such .. electricity is divided into two different types …. one in assistance of the motor …. one in opposition , My investigation and strong suspicion leads me to the conclusion that these two Forces divide along musical lines … harmonics and overtones, Of course those of you who are with the diligence of a bee (or Matt) are busy examining each straw must simply .. continue.
        however all I suggest as you experiment is .. try anti phase first

        And so to Orion's some what Jaundice view … how ever he has come to the conclusion that I was trying to demonstrate KVA or KVAr I can't possibly imagine … It is true that these effects are extremely pertinent but they are in the department of transmission and reception of transverse and linear waves …and not the type of electricity used to make those waves. So just to clarify I wasn't attempting to display any sort of phase shift in that video
        nor is it anything “reflected” Its induced and opposite .. just like the armature action. There is a very good demonstration of this effect about half way through this clip … two roller race bearings on an Iron bar … Using the Matt ripple theory this dead short would simply blow everything to kingdom come. It is the opposite theory that prevents that happening .... can you explain it with present dogma ? No of course not .. then don't expect me to !
        but I am using and engineering the effect.

        Part 4 of 6: Eric Dollard & Chris Carson Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio - YouTube

        There was no resonance involved in that video I made. It was not what I was trying to demonstrate at all . That you find it difficult to grasp I can fully understand … It seems like madness to me at times .. All that aside it agree's with all Edward Leedskalnin tells us. It also fits to the miracle that is occurring in front of us, of course each and all have their own .. thoughts idea's and run their own experiments .. I simply post my own theories and present the video's and conclusions I have come to, If it provokes thought and direction and gives folks a few less straws to inspect .. then my job is done.

        Right...appreciate your assistance Duncan.....


        • about as much as I appreciate your hypothetical machine that you already have all the answers for anyway I dare say … any time erfinder Its been a real pleasure .. happy to have helped
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
            about as much as I appreciate your hypothetical machine that you already have all the answers for anyway I dare say … any time erfinder Its been a real pleasure .. happy to have helped
            Why do you keep saying hypothetical, the machine and associated effect are anything but....I didn't show a don't need to see one to understand my machine...a simple hall sensor triggered BJT or FET, with a recovery capacitor, and buffer capacitor across the supply is all that's PWM...circuit isn't the middle point...coil to coil interactions and inner connections are...I was asking your have presented opinions here with less starting information....A video link was posted might have watched it and got bored and blew it happens...anyway....thanks for wasting your time....the pleasure was all mine...



            • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
              lampooned … and from some unexpected quarters too .

              And so to Orion's some what Jaundice view … how ever he has come to the conclusion that I was trying to demonstrate KVA or KVAr I can't possibly imagine

              Sorry Duncan, I don't see anything I said that was lampooning you. Like I said, it was my fault for misinterpreting your video.

              I also said:

              Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post

              I'm sorry Duncan but try as I may, I am not qualified to understand the meaning of "phase reversal harmonic and overtone relationship."
              I talked to erfinder at length yesterday and found him to be quite friendly, open, extremely intelligent and hiding nothing. His motor might even have significance here, yet something tells me that he may never set foot in this thread again.

              It is a shame that scientific debate and discussion should be taken so seriously as to degrade into a caustic puddle. Nothing is really worth that.

              We break from our regularly scheduled broadcast for this important public service announcement.


              • Splitting the Positive

                Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                Hello OrionLightShip,

                I truly believe that this is related to the motor, and positive and or negative splitting aspect of the 3BGS....that's my only reason for posting this here...

                Splitting the positive and negative reveals the self oscillating nature of the current(s)....


                This is what I always tend to forget first. This all starts with what is happening between those two positive poles.....right? or am I wrong again?

                It is convenient and apparently in vogue to shout throw out the motor, but you can't really do that until you have a replacement. The motor is not the effect but rather a causative agent or catalyst. If there is a naturally occurring electric or magnetic oscillation between the positive poles then it can be augmented and explored while running a working system. Just my personal observation and the path I am actually already on.

                Randy's new design has reduced this to something easily replicated by anyone...even me. I already have a working pulse motor so why not...I'm going to have to source batteries and jump in with both feet.


                • 3bgs

                  I think we are a bit distracted like these poor fellas:
                  Which way are we to go? -video-
                  This thread is about a motor and some batteries and the effect they have working together.
                  Happy Experimenting,


                  • Hi all,

                    yesterday I run my setup with two 7Ah 12v primaries, two transducers and buffer battery, all 7Ah. My motor with same motor as generator shaft coupled was pulling about 4-4.5 A, so I put about 50W in light bulbs as a load on the buffer to balance the system.
                    The primaries were dropping all the time, even when balancing so that the buffer wouldn't charge or drop. After about 20 minutes the motor was so hot that its bearing melted the plastic encasing it...gone... This was a Johnson dc motor for 12V, 18000 rpm pulling 1.5 A unloaded.

                    The transducer batts were connected as per latest schematic, I didn't use the bifilar coil.
                    Don't know, maybe the load was to big for 7Ah batts. I think I'll have another run with a transformer, much easier to control with PWM.

                    @Matt: what do you do with the coil collapse of your pulse motors or transformers, do you recycle it or just let it collapse freely?

                    Last edited by Mario; 08-05-2013, 06:02 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Mario View Post
                      @Matt: what do you do with the coil collapse of your pulse motors or transformers, do you recycle it or just let it collapse freely?
                      You got options. One thing I was looking at was more less emulating what I see coming out of the motor. There is no collapse in that case and no load just capacitor to keep a resonant state up. You also have to use a toroid as they do not get to violent about saturations.
                      To pulse I would just use a reverse bypass diode around the switch which should be in front of the load and let everything happen freely. I haven't tried it that way yet. If heat were an issue I might use a P channel or change the position and type back to an N to drive after the load. In that case I would just diode around the inductor back to the source.

                      I just got some AGM's over the weekend.

                      I made 3 runs yesterday. 2 of them showed charging the third failed because one of the dead batteries started charging. So I gotta keep shorted out for a bit or find some more dead batteries.



                      • ala duncan

                        See the attached png.

                        There is some quote that I can't find related to "it has the beauty of not being tried before."

                        Based on what Duncan has indicated (see page 83, post 2466) this is a Wheatstone bridge circuit.

                        Right now there are thunderstorms prowling my area and if you remember my workspace is outside so I was out of there! But prior to this closing of my workspace I tried the circuit and I was able to run a load off of Bat 3 (60w light bulb) and the primaries and Bat 3 all seem to be ok or even gaining voltage -on a 25 minute run. Only one of the motors turned (the one without load) and it turned every so slowly!

                        By the way, if you reverse the polarity on Bat 3, both motors run like crazy and Bat 3 immediately goes negative. Go figure.

                        Preliminary results and these could definitely change (my runs may be too short) but I won't be able to do any more tonight - keeping you posted with lots of thunder here in the Far West.
                        Attached Files


                        • More Confirmation

                          Originally posted by wsxian2 View Post
                          See the attached png.

                          There is some quote that I can't find related to "it has the beauty of not being tried before."

                          Based on what Duncan has indicated (see page 83, post 2466) this is a Wheatstone bridge circuit.

                          Right now there are thunderstorms prowling my area and if you remember my workspace is outside so I was out of there! But prior to this closing of my workspace I tried the circuit and I was able to run a load off of Bat 3 (60w light bulb) and the primaries and Bat 3 all seem to be ok or even gaining voltage -on a 25 minute run. Only one of the motors turned (the one without load) and it turned every so slowly!
                          This is the 3BGS, only with a choke(the non-turning motor) between the primaries. A good result!

                          Originally posted by wsxian2 View Post
                          By the way, if you reverse the polarity on Bat 3, both motors run like crazy and Bat 3 immediately goes negative. Go figure.

                          Preliminary results and these could definitely change (my runs may be too short) but I won't be able to do any more tonight - keeping you posted with lots of thunder here in the Far West.
                          This makes perfect sense as you are no longer splitting the positive, when you reverse the battery. wsxian, you are doing a great job at replicating this. Keep up the good work!


                          • pushing on

                            Originally posted by wsxian2 View Post
                            See the attached png.

                            There is some quote that I can't find related to "it has the beauty of not being tried before."

                            Based on what Duncan has indicated (see page 83, post 2466) this is a Wheatstone bridge circuit.

                            Right now there are thunderstorms prowling my area and if you remember my workspace is outside so I was out of there! But prior to this closing of my workspace I tried the circuit and I was able to run a load off of Bat 3 (60w light bulb) and the primaries and Bat 3 all seem to be ok or even gaining voltage -on a 25 minute run. Only one of the motors turned (the one without load) and it turned every so slowly!

                            By the way, if you reverse the polarity on Bat 3, both motors run like crazy and Bat 3 immediately goes negative. Go figure.

                            Preliminary results and these could definitely change (my runs may be too short) but I won't be able to do any more tonight - keeping you posted with lots of thunder here in the Far West.
                            Perhaps this is the quote you were considering ?
                            “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
                            To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

                            Richard Buckminster Fuller

                            Ah well perhaps the “thick theories” are not quite so thick, .. and perhaps there isn't “enough said”
                            about them, there might however be “far to much said “ for those with a different agenda.
                            I have already tried what you post but with very small motors .. It returned much the same result.
                            I wished to lock the shafts in the same brush position .. as I think I explained. (to small I couldn't see the brushes)
                            The sentiment and reaction of quite a lot of the players on this thread would be hard to miss even by a blind man on a galloping horse.
                            I was going to simply gracefully withdraw for a while whilst the bee's inspected more and more hay stacks that they were subtly directed to.
                            I would warn everyone to be very cautious about becoming involved in the abyss of chips, electronics and programmable contraptions, they must be an obfuscation … Tesla, Moray . Clemete
                            et 'al would never ever have had such things, ergo they are not an “essential” part of the equation.
                            Having said that .. you see me using oscilloscopes and function generators … but not in key positions simply as an indication ( when I say Tesla and Moray .. in that era although they did not have oscilloscopes they did have stroboscopes) .. which give some very different results about such machines as this.
                            I am certainly not suggesting that all the plethora of chips and electronics shouldn't be used at all but only if it can preform a task that could originally be done “electro mechanically” .. only better.
                            In other words think carefully before you go go rushing off what is obviously the only path that could have been originally taken I would advise not to be tempted by some notion of PWM or firing angles or some such .. If it was impossible for Moray or Tesla to have used such a thing … Its almost certainly a distraction and a fools errand remember These old timers did it with “wood brass and cotton covered wire” It was suggested this thread is about batteries and motors I respectfully disagree , This thread (to me at least) Is about changing this planet out of all recognition … for the good,
                            It is rather more about the forces that have left us struggling to try and understand very simple circuits doing astounding things in front of us, very simple circuits that have no doubt been performing the same miracle for well over a hundred years.
                            It is very clear that extremely powerful evil forces have decided all the theory, science and maths involving what you are experiencing and inspecting should be hidden … Kerry suggested I open “a Rant” Thread … the reason I do include the occasional “clip politic” is because I became aware (because of PMs) that quite a lot of youngster's read this thread and are experimenting in the background . One is even working through all the Leedskalniņ experiments (more than I have ever done) Like me, quite a lot of years ago, before some “enlightenment” which involved watching a friend (Dean Warwick) murdered in front of me some have dreams of “The big breakthrough” and patents and all that sort of total rot, It is IMHO essential that they understand what a rotten stinking system has wormed its way into society, If not then of course they will be in the most awful peril, those who have studied “free energy” for some time know this to be true .. youngsters do not .. consider It a rant by all means but that is why I occasionally put the clips there, You see I don't really think this is about “batteries and motors” .. Its about good and evil, Its about Truth and lies, Its about Honesty there is obviously deep rooted filth and deception at play batteries and motors just happen to be “The vehicle” that decent people are using to expose and enlighten. If you happen to already be only to well aware of the distressing filth that's driving our world .. just skip it ! QED
                            I do owe erfinder an apology I really didn't mean to be so caustic and in truth your motor could really have a deal of relevance .. I found my way to your link.. eventually … There are obviously so very many paid agents involved in the free energy field I get quite irritated with anything that isn't put forward clearly and in full … as far as possible , after all erfinder there's enough of a puzzle without adding anything to it don't you think? In truth If you'd like to post or PM me a little more detail I'd be more than happy to try and embrace what you have achieved. Like everyone I get wrapped up in my own thoughts and ambitions sometimes ! My apologies.
                            Whilst of course the portrayal of “Energetics forum” or indeed any free energy forum is..all good buddies searching for the golden challis given the very truth of free energy which most of you have now seen … you must also see that forums and threads are mine fields of dis Information . What forces are at play right now would you think trying to de-rail or misdirect this thread ? Huge is the answer to that … limitless wealth in monetary terms , so be cautious my young friends , Not that I put myself above inspection … I do not, The Infiltration and deception is that good , It has to be or else it would be worthless. we would have had an answer many years ago.
                            Even Inspect the forum itself although of course the moderators I'm sure are angelic and totally beyond reproach, Who knows it might just be a capitalist million dollar business and not a philanthropic organisation dedicated to exposing the truth of free energy?
                            It could be a business with a revenue stream dependant on a viable source of free energy never ever being discovered ? As David pointed out the chances of you ever seeing a Dollardmobile or a Bedinimobile may be quite remote .
                            Plenty of battery chargers , kits and DVDs to purchase of course, IMHO it isn't that these guys are lying to you .. they are not, they are simply telling you “what they can” John Bedini tells us very clearly its a “Faustian pact” in the Cejaka DVD. So although its a flight of fancy the possibility of Energetics forum being simply part of a “free energy circus” has to be considered.
                            All said and done if you were a Turkey would you vote for Thanks giving ? The “Dollard speaks” and the “Dollard webinars” from a man who likes computers so much he would normally only sneak up to one in order to drop kick it into the long grass... would this be an indication he's now on the earnings made from “The big top” ? .. “owned” and on the pay role ? Ridiculous of course our moderators would never prostitute themselves , I'm sure if the moderators of the ½ million dollar a year behemoth that is energetics forum had been aware that one of the principle investigators of free energy had been mouldering in the desert for 20 years they would have leapt to his support much earlier that would have certainly negated another Lab being set up and yet another source of “free energy” information effectively a loose and dangerous canon, what I'm really pointing out however is every possibility should be considered.
                            The real reason “free energy” isn't out in the open .. and hasn't been for a hundred years or more .. is because our “free” communication is being interfered with …. everybody is encouraged to go “behind the scenes” or onto a “private web site” for “those in the know” .. some to split off and try to patent .. perhaps to find “an investment broker” or “It needs real engineering” … all these things stop progress. lets not do it this time!
                            The fact That I pointed out a bridge has encouraged Randy to expand on it with another battery and for you to expand it yet again wsxian2 with the two motors … so we inch our way forward.

                            In that regard a little insight into the jumble of thought's that follow on “The balanced bridge”...although of course ..Its only conjecture I share with you … It doesn't cost money or waste lots of valuable time to read a little and consider other peoples thoughts .. “however thick”
                            … so here is “The Bridge” from an entirely different perspective.
                            Consider for a moment what is required in order that a lead acid Battery can never “discharge” or indeed what must occur in order for the battery to go flat . The answer of course is “sulphation”
                            so the next logical step is to consider what can possibly slow down or even reverse sulphation whilst using little or no energy …. find that and surly you have the key to the machine .. here I probe distinct possibilities , And I make no bones about this I believe its at the heart of this operation, It is an effect called “sympathetic resonance”. The following is a clip of an advert of a singer who very recently died called Ella Fitzgerald, she had a legendary vocal range, It was used to advertise the acoustic response of Memorex reel to reel tapes and cassettes … hard to think there's folks reading and doing here that haven’t had the joy of trying to get one of those mangled stretched cassettes out of the machine .. along with yards and yards of tape .. wasn't it fun?

                            Ella Fitzgerald sings for Memorex - YouTube
                            Is it true though ? Can that happen ? Well of course it can .. but please read on and make up your own mind (takes a while to load this page ….. it wants you to subscribe for a few seconds)

                            Fact or Fiction?: An Opera Singer's Piercing Voice Can Shatter Glass: Scientific American

                            so .. yes it does and can happen ….
                            Last edited by Duncan; 08-06-2013, 05:58 PM.
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • cont

                              So what if you have the pitch and waveform of sulphation ?
                              In fact the “resonant point of sulphation” what girls and boys if your actually breaking it into tiny pieces using very little energy before it can ever even consider forming ….. what if you can hit that frequency so sharply and accurately you charge a battery instantly … just like a.king witnessed ?
                              Well there are perhaps not surprisingly, many things associated with “sympathetic resonance” that have been hidden .. there have been lives and people destroyed simply to hide the action of the resonant linear wave (sound is a linear wave by the way) perhaps one of the most very disturbing that has been hidden and suppressed by the ruling filth is its medical application's .. for those unaware I suggest you watch the Royal Rife story towards the bottom of this page

                    ,The Royal Rife Story, Royal Rife-In His Own Words

                              Do note that the man with the total sanction and inspection of the very highest medical authorities in America (and the UK as his machines make it over here) cured every member of a terminal hospice (The Ellen Scrips clinic)in the period of one month. His work was debunked by the AMA in the guise of one Morris Fishbein how much suffering misery and painful death is that man responsible for world wide?
                              I think In America there is a statue and a faculty dedicated to this man.. effectivly the biggest mass murderer of all time.
                              However another way to “be at “ the effect we are witnessing could well be to “heterodyne” two sine waves locked together at x6 frequency separation and seek the fracture point of the sulphate.
                              I wouldn't know the chemical term of this fracture …. It seems to be called molecular spin or more probably “Plasma oscillation” I care not "a rose by any other name" It shatters does it for me! you may wonder how the very low frequency of a motor can reach such high frequencies … Its rather like considering why the vibration of a guitar string is not the same as the finger that plucked it. Its pretty much explained here.


                              So perhaps to effectively broadcast two sine waves simultaneously at the battery we could very well duplicate the push pull effects we are witnessing by mechanical means with a motor. The accuracy required to beat the frequencies together .. fits in with a balanced bridge.
                              Now consider this … all I suggest from the resonance of electrolyte , to the suppressed information on sympathetic frequency to molecular rotation and plasma oscillation all these things are researchable they do and can happen … I believe either method (which is actually one of the same)
                              would result in instant energy … a fully charged battery for very little input power.
                              I could well be wrong of course and I am considering how I might build something to test the proposition .. its also of course cheaper .. easier and infinitely better if it can be done easily and cheaply with DC motors … still If I don't tell you all what I consider … then how can you make unbiased (or even very biased) judgement ? Please don't confuse a caustic puddle … with a determined effort to be at the truth and to point out obvious distractions. Loudly and clearly
                              That someone may not understand the difference between induced and reflected I suppose is easily understandable who knows I may have it wrong myself … I still have much to do in my own bailiwick... still I'm more than happy to share my suspicions results and thoughts … surly with enough people with enough skill sets attacking this extraordinary effect we are seeing … her secrets will soon be wide open public knowledge. That s the huge ambition after all … isn't it?
                              Last edited by Duncan; 08-06-2013, 12:27 PM.
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • So Duncan you don't think that emulating a motors waveform with solid state electronics and inductors, so that it can be manipulated one way or the other with out rebuilding or finding a motor, is not worth doing? Because the old timers didn't need it?

                                Maybe I read that wrong. Its a lot of reading for sure.

                                Myself I cannot see just hoping the power coming out from a motor is enough. I wanna see what changes can be made and how well the changes act. The more IC transistor driven, solid state that can be used the more reliable the system will become.

                                Of course we are all still dependent on the dead battery. And so far there seems to be no chemical answer to that.


