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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Matt,

    but if you skip the motor it's like putting 24V directly on the inverter on the inverter... which should blow pretty quickly!? And even if you put such huge load to keep the inverter at 12V it's like trying to force the primaries to stay at 12 instead of 24V, that kind of current draw should ruin them quite fast as well.
    Maybe I misunderstood what you mean. Or did you mean just pulse with a fet at a low duty cycle to limit current instead of a motor?



    • Nope no switch.

      The current is only going to flow so fast. the buffer is 12 volt+. My inverter just shuts down at higher that 15.8. Its even got kickout relay to keep from blowing.

      We'll see



      • Matt, I'm a bit skeptical on this one but I'm also open wish you luck



        • Hey Matt,

          I have to agree with Mario on this. I think at the very least you will boil the buffer battery and drain the primaries quickly. There is nothing to prevent a very large current flow from the primaries to the buffer battery except the impedance of the buffer battery and the internal resistance of the primary batteries. I think you said you were moving everything inside to work where it is cooler. I hope you try this outside first.

          Later, Carroll
          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


          • Ya'll are right. I couldn't get a big enough load on the inverter.

            Thats alright we'll add some switching see what happens.



            • Igor ... nearly looped

              You recall I asked Igor to look at this system, see if he could balance at higher power … regarding what I wrote regarding “wave shaped” inverters in my last post and the importance of what's “under the arc” he has obviously come to the same conclusion … it must be true sine … so he hasn't looped it yet but very close for your consideration

              IT (induction transformer) - "synchronizer" II - YouTube

              of course no one will really believe until he's looped,balanced, and run two or three times the A/Hr..rating of the battery, but it looks like he's on his way. Although we only see a very short run time. He's just showing progress
              I am meanwhile trying various heterodyne combinations … which is what Igor will effectively be doing with a harmonically operating inverter.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Some disinfo for ya...

                So I really didn't wanna follow up after Mr. Accusation. But what the hell can't keep it to myself forever and alot of people out there are at least reading even if they are not testing.

                I have noticed a trend while making some simple runs with the motor and the last circuit posted. The word right now in BALANCE. Balance the Buffer battery so it is not charging or discharging. And that worked a little.
                What I have been doing is putting the battery into charge state. I load the motor down so the buffer battery is at or slightly above 14.2.
                This so far has keeped the buffer battery charged real well. Resting at 13.4 now.
                Also I have seen small gains in the primaries .05v +-. All the while pulling load of between 7 - 13 watt from the inverter for the entire run.

                What usually happens is I load the motor down and watch the buffer rise and I make sure it does not go over 14.5. It usually finds a resting point and I leave it there.

                I am going to switch up soon here to the inductors and scrap the motor. I am going to run the "SQUARE WAVE" pulse that emulates the motor and see if all is well with the above pattern.

                If that the case It would lead to a completely different theory that any of the long pages of theory you have read before.

                But we'll get to that at another time.

                So if anybody is geared up out there please give it run. At minimum shoot me a PM and let me know if you have experienced results. OR POST.

                We need to hear from people.



                • Forgot To Ask

                  When we talked about this on the phone today, I forgot to ask what is going on with the voltages on your transducers during this setup? Thought I would ask here so you don't have to keep repeating yourself! LOL

                  I will get on this first thing in the morning and make some runs, even if my transducers have not been negatively pulsed as well as they should since I am going to be doing it manually. (Neither of my STAMPS will work) and my Audrino hasn't arrived yet.

                  More than anything I want to do an extended run so we can prove once and for all that we are pulling more out of this dang thing than is possible with those two primary batteries.

                  I am meeting with "the Electrical Engineer" on the 23rd to show him what we have, and I really don't want to look like an idiot. least not any MORE of an idiot.

                  Last edited by Turion; 08-13-2013, 04:52 AM.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    When we talked about this on the phone today, I forgot to ask what is going on with the voltages on your transducers during this setup? Thought I would ask here so you don't have to keep repeating yourself! LOL...............

                    They are just hanging around 0. Maybe up to 150 millivolt. The charging backward seems to have knocked the tendency for them to recharge right out of them so if anything they may be good to go.

                    But like I said I am not sure they are even needed at this point. Thats another day though. Testing will tell us.

                    @ Randy can you try the above test and see what you get out of it. Loading the buffer battery.



                    • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                      So I really didn't wanna follow up after Mr. Accusation. But what the hell can't keep it to myself forever and alot of people out there are at least reading even if they are not testing.

                      I have noticed a trend while making some simple runs with the motor and the last circuit posted. The word right now in BALANCE. Balance the Buffer battery so it is not charging or discharging. And that worked a little.
                      What I have been doing is putting the battery into charge state. I load the motor down so the buffer battery is at or slightly above 14.2.
                      This so far has keeped the buffer battery charged real well. Resting at 13.4 now.
                      Also I have seen small gains in the primaries .05v +-. All the while pulling load of between 7 - 13 watt from the inverter for the entire run.

                      What usually happens is I load the motor down and watch the buffer rise and I make sure it does not go over 14.5. It usually finds a resting point and I leave it there.

                      I am going to switch up soon here to the inductors and scrap the motor. I am going to run the "SQUARE WAVE" pulse that emulates the motor and see if all is well with the above pattern.

                      If that the case It would lead to a completely different theory that any of the long pages of theory you have read before.

                      But we'll get to that at another time.

                      So if anybody is geared up out there please give it run. At minimum shoot me a PM and let me know if you have experienced results. OR POST.

                      We need to hear from people.

                      So do you consider the use of a PWM then? Cause you can play with frequency and pulse width. The inductors will creates the desired harmonics I guess. The transducers are very, very important. The more in series the better if used with a PWM setup. I think Stanley water fuel cell, but with dead batt instead of the water capacitor and a big load in parallel instead of hydrogen generation.


                      • As politely as I can...
                        That would be nice to believe if you had the results to prove it. But unless you have tested it how do you know? Stories?

                        Not me. If it does or doesn't work that way then you know one way or the other if you try.



                        • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          As politely as I can...
                          That would be nice to believe if you had the results to prove it. But unless you have tested it how do you know? Stories?

                          Not me. If it does or doesn't work that way then you know one way or the other if you try.

                          I've built the ravi's water fuel cell back in 2009. I've done the conditioning process. I saw the formation of bigger bubbles and more production over time. No heat with 12v, 1 amp square pulsed. Yes, the bifilar cores do produce more gas output. I saw it. But my main problem was my stainless tubes. Too much space between the electrodes and I was using 304 instead of 316L grade stainless. I used tap water only. Hey buddy! I just asked you a simple question. No need to be arrogant with me. I came here to see things that I can replicate. Things that WORKS. I'm a follower. Currently, I have no money to built things so I just try to help here. I have no need to prove anything. I believe in you guys. You can do it. John Bedini have always said that the PWM was the key. Energy from the vacuum episode 5. I will add that without a doubt I will tell you that your ''dead battery'' system act like a crystal battery in a ''dry state''. Marcus Reid crystal converter. To open up the void into the crystal matrix, all you need is a trigger signal with high voltage, low amps and low frequency at the right space and time. All the TRUE suppressed inventors had this little magic trick in common: Batteries. You change the battery, it does'nt work anymore. Why? Creating a resonnance effect (LC circuit) with a motor is a ''hit or miss'' thing. I think that with a PWM, it will work every time. It's very cheap to built and you can control all kind of things. And last thing: Why bothering with one or two dead (crystal) batteries?? You want an asymetrical system. Low voltage imput, high voltage output. Crystal batteries in series on the output side of the system. That way, they will never take a charge but creating a better dipole effect. I just don't know what to say after this. THIS IS THE REAL **** ! Just a theory ? Fiction ? I don't think so. Only time will tell. Happy experimenting. ------All you saw in your successful experiments was in FACT: God. The light. ------ Do you believe in god? If you don't, stop experimenting with free energy. It's all him. Amen.


                          • You guys asked and answered my questions before I could even post, so I'll shut up

                            Last edited by Turion; 08-13-2013, 03:42 AM.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Well, I actually posted, but by the time I did my questions had been asked and answered, so I would have deleted the post, but you can't, so I just edited my questions out and posted the minimum. I was just asking if you were making your statements because you had built the circuit with the batteries and seen it work, but Matt basically asked the same thing and you explained yourself to him. So my question and answer were already there while I was still typing my question. I'm just really slow.

                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • And god would say, love one another unconditionally, as that is the solution to all perceived problems.
                                peace love light

