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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Here's my setup and the test I will run for Skeptic
    Skeptic Test - YouTube
    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Not sure

      One thing I noticed with certain dead batteries, Was after running tests and shutdown ,I would leave a little motor attached to ensure the battery was being drained. That way during the next set of runs I would be working with a fully drained battery.
      But with some batteries ,they could sit with the load ,and the motor wouldn't run, but then the motor would start -up , run for a few min's , shut-off , a few min's later start-up , and so on until I had no time left to watch it.
      Not sure if that is significant or not?
      If a battery is drained to the point where it won't run a motor , and the motor is never disconnected ,how can that battery recover enough to start that motor back up??

      I built the capacitive battery charger ...It did charge ,but very slowly,and the charge didn't hold like using the 2 good batteries and 2 dead batteries.
      Last edited by shylo; 10-25-2013, 12:30 AM. Reason: forgot to mention


      • Originally posted by shylo View Post
        One thing I noticed with certain dead batteries, Was after running tests and shutdown ,I would leave a little motor attached to ensure the battery was being drained. That way during the next set of runs I would be working with a fully drained battery.
        But with some batteries ,they could sit with the load ,and the motor wouldn't run, but then the motor would start -up , run for a few min's , shut-off , a few min's later start-up , and so on until I had no time left to watch it.
        Not sure if that is significant or not?
        If a battery is drained to the point where it won't run a motor , and the motor is never disconnected ,how can that battery recover enough to start that motor back up??

        I built the capacitive battery charger ...It did charge ,but very slowly,and the charge didn't hold like using the 2 good batteries and 2 dead batteries.
        I've come across this phenomenon before. It happens after a battery has been conditioned. The best information I have, comes from Dave Lawton who replicated Stanley Meyer and from the Bedini camp. Lawton says that one side of the plate gets a nano coating and this causes (both capacitors and batteries) to self charge. I personally have had a cap bank of 4 cfl caps go to 200 volts and last for three minutes at that level ie discharging into a battery through a bedini ne2 configuration and recharging themselves with no input power . I have also seen car batteries go up in voltage once the radiant charging has ceased. Bedini has documented this phenomenon many times. It is also one of the mysterious features of the 3bgs set up. As we are discovering, batteries are doing some crazy things.
        Last edited by a.king21; 10-25-2013, 12:53 AM.


        • I've heard that batteries conditioned the right way over time can actually self charge. Maybe that has to to with what we are talking about here wher we put the magnetic and electricial poles out of alignment with each other.

          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • Originally posted by Turion View Post
            Here's my setup and the test I will run for Skeptic
            Skeptic Test - YouTube
            That is undoubtedly the best set up for testing an ou claim I have ever seen.


            • Negative Resistor

              Originally posted by Turion View Post
              I've heard that batteries conditioned the right way over time can actually self charge. Maybe that has to to with what we are talking about here wher we put the magnetic and electricial poles out of alignment with each other.

              Hi Turion,

              Here is what we believe to be an example of a negative resistor. Maybe similar to what you have happening inside the "dead" battery.

              Self Charging Capacitor Shorter YouTube - YouTube

              The paper strip was dipped in a left over solution of diluted graphene and potassium permanganate as per one of Robert Murray Smith's procedures on making graphene.

              The paper was processed in the microwave to exfoliate the graphite into graphene.

              A simple circuit was set up incorporating a 9 volt battery that was reading 8.6 volts with this strip of exfoliated paper in the circuit. The output was 9.1 volts.

              A side check was performed using a Maxwell Supercapacitor that was disassembled and the carbon paper put in line in place of the graphene paper and the read out was 8.6 volts.

              Believe some type of negative resistor is being set up in your system in some way.

              Good job on bringing in the items to do a test to measure the amount of water you pump based on how many watts used.

              Keep up the good work,



              • Mario,
                Any of the 24 volt Razor Scooter motors will work. They have two sets of brushes, which make them perfect for doing "input" and "output" experiments, winding UFO type motors and generally messing about with.
                Hi Dave,

                I've ordered two 120W 24V razor motors with a belt, thanks.

                On a side note, I have done some testing with a small monopole motor using only a rotating contactor (picture) to drive the coil to investigate if I would get more charge in the recovery cap (cap pulser output) versus a semiconductor driven setup. I still wasn't able to swap in-out batteries continuously without loosing energy each time, so I don't think the spark plays such a key role or is superior to a spike resulting from a sharp driven semiconductor setup.
                Right now I'm working on scalar charger setup where I switch the batts instead of the caps as per Matt's suggestion. Still loosing energy...

                Attached Files


                • Originally posted by Mario View Post
                  Right now I'm working on scalar charger setup where I switch the batts instead of the caps as per Matt's suggestion. Still loosing energy...
                  Draw up the circuit with the part numbers and I'll look through and see if I can find some improvement for ya.



                  • Originally posted by shylo View Post
                    One thing I noticed with certain dead batteries, Was after running tests and shutdown ,I would leave a little motor attached to ensure the battery was being drained. That way during the next set of runs I would be working with a fully drained battery.
                    But with some batteries ,they could sit with the load ,and the motor wouldn't run, but then the motor would start -up , run for a few min's , shut-off , a few min's later start-up , and so on until I had no time left to watch it.
                    Not sure if that is significant or not?
                    If a battery is drained to the point where it won't run a motor , and the motor is never disconnected ,how can that battery recover enough to start that motor back up??

                    I built the capacitive battery charger ...It did charge ,but very slowly,and the charge didn't hold like using the 2 good batteries and 2 dead batteries.
                    I was trying to bring to folks attention rather the fact that it would work at all … you see with standard maths and science reactive current is regarded as Watt-less .. to charge batteries with it should be in theory absolutely impossible ,
                    Audel Electrical Course for Apprentices and Journeymen - Paul Rosenberg - Google Books
                    That its slow I have no doubt bring it close to resonance (with a different capacitor in your case) however and things change very quickly. Here then is a very real possibility which again I don't recommend and has all the hazards dangers and “one touch lethal” situation already discussed added to a huge explosive potential ..
                    so please don't start all that sissy nanny crap again .. its been said!!. having said that ,, the opposition has its job to do! bless!
                    So if you don't know what your doing ,, don't do it! Do however try and comprehend the principle I do believe its part (and only part) of this system.
                    Reactive current does not register on domestic household meters , domestic house hold meters only record volts and amps in phase .. otherwise known as “real power”even if they did record reactive current its inductive reactance the power companies are concerned with, they should actually be paying you for introducing capacitive load. having now read a little of wisemans book … here is what the guy does “lunatic if you like” … but do keep in mind he is a HV trained technician …. he gets a bank of batteries … perhaps 20 old car batteries ( It seems the car breakers are happy to get rid of them) giving him 240 volts ish and a huge current and energy reserve.
                    he uses this charging method fed through a KW/H meter and switched capacitor bank … obviously the more reactive current he is using to charge the batteries the nearer the system is to charging at resonance that is if its not real power creating the action it must be reactive current .. (its also nearer to a big bang in my opinion) like the article says … Its scary .. like us he cant see or detect this energy but knows .. what isn't real power must be reactive power. Either / or
                    George it seems has a grid tie meter and also a cheap rate Tariff available to him and so he charges this huge bank of car batteries as near as he dare go to resonance so his “real power” meters hardly moving and at cheap rate too ! He uses all the power he requires during the peak period from the battery bank which it seems is mostly water heating, and feeds the excess back onto the grid via his “grid tie inverter” so reversing his electricity meter.
                    Now I'm not suggesting you do any of this .. its all IMHO difficult and dangerous and I'm quite sure “reactive current” is just the demodulation part of the 3BGS anyway . I am equally sure that “reactive current” which John Bedini tells is .. radiant energy plays a huge part but nothing like as huge as holding that resonant point. I bring it here not because I want you to go and do all these quite frankly dangerous things but because of what they do .. and how they do it. The fact that George heats his house and the power company pay him is neither here nor there it is the concept of "reactive current" and more particularly resonance I wanted to plant Even if only as a seed .. it may yet germinate I still thank you very much for trying it Shylo
                    Last edited by Duncan; 10-25-2013, 11:40 AM.
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • The resonance subject belongs to another thread and I don't want to distract, but since the subject has been brought up here's an interesting video made by Armgdn03:

                      Energy Propagation - YouTube

                      Using this principle with a bigger setup and putting batteries as a load could be an idea... I did have a go at this a few years back but couldn't get more out than in.



                      • Originally posted by Mario View Post
                        The resonance subject belongs to another thread and I don't want to distract, but since the subject has been brought up here's an interesting video made by Armgdn03:

                        Energy Propagation - YouTube

                        Using this principle with a bigger setup and putting batteries as a load could be an idea... I did have a go at this a few years back but couldn't get more out than in.

                        I beg to differ Mario .. every time these guy's adjust load ... or motor speed or whatever else they are obviously trying to get resonant (tune) "in the zone" to something even though they might not know what it is.That is by its very definition what resonant is. Ergo resonance is right where it should be regarding this subject "center stage" .. interesting vid ..
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • Duncan

                          Do you think we would see a resonant value, on the scope?



                          • Matt .. you can see the approach of resonance … let me expand a little .. the video mario shows concerns “parallel resonance”.. it is of no concern to us .. it is exactly the opposite of what is driving the 3bgs . To put it very simply how do you buy a lead acid battery ? Its not by Kw/Hrs is it ?
                            There are only two components amps and hours.... The product of which has nothing to do with energy or power.
                            In the video Mario posted you can see maximum voltage .. minimum current … we of course want the reverse maximum current … to charge the battery .. with minimum voltage … if that was “perfect” it would charge the battery instantly with thousands of amps with no real power involved .
                            As there is no voltage …. Its also obviously liable to blow you to kingdom come !
                            So what your really asking is can you see current on an oscilloscope ? Well no but you can see the approach of series resonance … if you look at the formula for series and parellel resonance you'll find they are identical … that is the frequency is the same given the same components.
                            Watch then what happens as this guy tunes up to resonance
                            Coil Resonance Tutorial 1 - YouTube
                            pay particular attention to the fact that at resonace regardless of what wave shape be it square saw tooth triangle the result is always .. a sine wave
                            so If I were to just give you a direct answer it would be no you cant see current on a scope.. and certainly not reactive current .. however using the most sensative voltage scale and watching the shape of the wave to ensure it remains a pure sine wave you can obviously get very close . So you cant see reactive current or power … but with our instruments you can see the decline of “real power”by watching the shape .. I hope that makes sense for you.
                            PS if you get that far you'll find you can also see the x6 avalanch effect going up though the frequencies.
                            Last edited by Duncan; 10-25-2013, 01:07 PM.
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              Matt .. you can see the approach of resonance … let me expand a little .. the video mario shows concerns “parallel resonance”.. it is of no concern to us .. it is exactly the opposite of what is driving the 3bgs . To put it very simply how do you buy a lead acid battery ? Its not by Kw/Hrs is it ?
                              There are only two components amps and hours.... The product of which has nothing to do with energy or power.
                              In the video Mario posted you can see maximum voltage .. minimum current … we of course want the reverse maximum current … to charge the battery .. with minimum voltage … if that was “perfect” it would charge the battery instantly with thousands of amps with no real power involved .
                              As there is no voltage …. Its also obviously liable to blow you to kingdom come !
                              So what your really asking is can you see current on an oscilloscope ? Well no but you can see the approach of series resonance … if you look at the formula for series and parellel resonance you'll find they are identical … that is the frequency is the same given the same components.
                              Watch then what happens as this guy tunes up to resonance
                              Coil Resonance Tutorial 1 - YouTube
                              pay particular attention to the fact that at resonace regardless of what wave shape be it square saw tooth triangle the result is always .. a sine wave
                              so If I were to just give you a direct answer it would be no you cant see current on a scope.. and certainly not reactive current .. however using the most sensative voltage scale and watching the shape of the wave to ensure it remains a pure sine wave you can obviously get very close . So you cant see reactive current or power … but with our instruments you can see the decline of “real power”by watching the shape .. I hope that makes sense for you.
                              PS if you get that far you'll find you can also see the x6 avalanch effect going up though the frequencies.
                              Please forgive me for saying this Duncan, but I must. When dealing with multiple resonant harmonic frequencies, at resonance the wave isn't sine, its square. Technically it could be any shape, I see square waves even at resonance in my systems, I again point out the fact that I am dealing with "multiple harmonic frequencies" I restate that to make it clear that there is a huge difference between single frequency resonance, and multiple resonant harmonics operating at a common resonant frequency. I personally think the latter has more to do with whats going on in the 3BGS, this owing to the connections between batteries and motor.



                              • @Matt. Thanks, I'll draw the schematic as soon as I get a moment.

                                @Duncan, it all depends on how you look at things. I know the difference between series and parallel resonance, and I've done quite a few experiments with this. You're talking about an ac source with a coil and cap in series, ok, but what if the source is the secondary of a transformer... it's a coil and it's in series with the cap, stick a low resistance load into the circuit between cap and coil and the load gets the amps and almost no voltage. This is what's shown in the vid.

                                What I mean is, drive a parallel tank circuit from a source and at resonance the source doesn't have to supply almost anything, while a series setup at resonance is almost like a short to the source, from ITS point of view. BUT in this case the source of the tank IS the coil (since it's the secondary of a trafo).

                                @ resonance the primary has to supply very little, while in the secondary circuit volts and amps are maximized at resonance, the load sits in between cap and coil and gets all the amps, the lower its resistance the better the Q of the resonance, and the more amps will circulate in there, and the lower the reflected load on the primary.
                                Personally I think this does not relate to the 3BGS, at least not in this way of resonant thinking.


