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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Gentlemen,
    After more than five years of researching the 3BGS, I am more and more certain that the "events" as i will refer to them, where the system was suddenly able to put out tremendous power for a period of time (the longest being several weeks) before something was done to end the production of power are directly related to something that is going on in the battery. It is a reversal in polarity of the battery where the positive pole now reads negative and the negative pole now reads positive.

    This can be caused simply by finding a battery that is low in charge and hooking up a Bedini charger to the wrong poles, or by hooking up a car alternator (one that is on the bench please) to the wrong poles. This method, however does NOT produce the desired results. Because you are only flipping the ELECTRICAL polarity when you do this. What you need to do is flip the MAGNETIC polarity of the battery. When you do this, the electrical flip will accompany it, and you suddenly have a battery that will continue to put out energy as it attempts to self charge and YOU pul the power out before that can happen…KEEPING it from happening, because once it does, the "event" is over.

    At times the setup of the 3BGS causes this to happen because you hit the battery with the voltage of two batteries in series plus the output of the motor as generator. This effect has been witnessed by many, many, MANY people on the thread, but it is short lived because the system then tries to charge the flipped battery, instead of letting it charge itself, and we destroy the reaction. Much more experimentation needs to be done with this, but I have reports from private individuals that indicate that this is indeed the key, and flipping the MAGNETIC polarity on a battery is the answer we have all been searching for. I leave this with you for what it is worth.

    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Lt.Bearden interview with Sirius

      First, best wishes to all for 2014.
      And thank you Turion, Matt and all for sharing information for a better healthier world.

      At 03:00 minutes Lt.Bearden he explains what is possibly (imho) with your dipole:

      Pulling Energy from the Vacuum - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden - YouTube

      So the question is how to preserve/condition the dipole, and additionally which type of load does not kill the dipole.
      (can we somehow use/involve a permanent magnet with the setup?)

      ps. This is an piece from the Energy from the Vacuum series IMHO.
      Last edited by bbem; 01-01-2014, 01:33 PM.


      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
        At times the setup of the 3BGS causes this to happen because you hit the battery with the voltage of two batteries in series plus the output of the motor as generator. This effect has been witnessed by many, many, MANY people on the thread, but it is short lived because the system then tries to charge the flipped battery, instead of letting it charge itself, and we destroy the reaction. Much more experimentation needs to be done with this, but I have reports from private individuals that indicate that this is indeed the key, and flipping the MAGNETIC polarity on a battery is the answer we have all been searching for. I leave this with you for what it is worth.
        Dave, do you think capacitance and phase shift within the system (along the lines of Luc Choquette's recent work to foster 90 degree separation of magnetic current from voltage) might have some bearing on the 3BGS phenomenon?


        • bravo of course it does you want to hold series resonance, there is no way to measure or see the linear impulse wave . its the one that's denied. Bob
          I cant do this I do not have the programming skills but you can see the parallel resonant wave .. Its a sine wave at maximum voltage and minimum current I demonstrate on this thread somewhere How does that relate to series resonance ? EPD tells you here the speed of the linear wave

          Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube

          pi/2 xc

          taking then the resonant frequency that you are scanning & monitoring is F then the frequency of the impulse should be pi/2 x F. that is an Ideal state of course in practice in may be slightly different but still a constant
          in this way its possible to automatically adjust the impulse frequency and so automatically track what you call 'in the zone' no motors or bad batteries required. a very sharp impulse is required of course ... what you like to call a scalar .... The phase shift you talk of Bob 90 deg is of course also known as resonance .. however Its the other one you want the one you can't see series resonance ... the electrostatic wave .. and magnetic current ... that's my take at least. if you resolve that control loop and for all I know one of these arduino things might be able to do it then a variable sine wave oscillator with a series cap feeding a FWBR A'la capacitance battery charger should answer ... all untried and untested
          Last edited by Duncan; 01-01-2014, 05:09 PM.
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • Batteries Not included

            I believe only ONE battery is necessary. Just one that you have reversed the magnetic polarity on. It opens the gate.

            Understand I have ONLY seen this happen when connected to the 3BGS, but OTHERS who have contacted me off thread say you CAN reverse the magnetic polarity of a battery and it will then run loads for a really, really, REALLY long time.

            It has been done by connecting a battery to a generator so that the generator wants to turn one way. Now shaft couple that generator to a motor that turns it the OPPOSITE way the battery wanted it to turn, and you have a means of flipping the polarity.

            I tried this with two small motors and could not get it to work. Bigger motors or generators are needed.

            BUT, here is the thing. The 3BGS has done this by using a motor as gen and two batteries in series. The motor allows for the PULSING action. What if we took three or four batteries in series and tried the same thing. Remember, the battery MUST be pulled OUT of the system once the polarity is flipped. And of course you still use the motor as generator

            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Imhotep Leedskalnin Magnetic Current Series

              Hello Turion,
              Do you think the magnetic current theory of Leedskalnin is correct?
              Imhotep Leedskalnin Magnetic Current Series - Episode 6 - YouTube
              Imhotep Leedskalnin Magnetic Current Series Episode 8 - YouTube
              Last edited by bbem; 01-02-2014, 01:01 PM.


              • Originally posted by Turion View Post

                I tried this with two small motors and could not get it to work. Bigger motors or generators are needed.
                When you say "bigger", how big do you mean? Automotive generators are easily acquired. Are you thinking way bigger than these?


                • bbem,
                  Ed knew more about magnets than anyone before or since

                  I think an auto gen might do it.

                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    I believe only ONE battery is necessary. Just one that you have reversed the magnetic polarity on. It opens the gate.

                    switching battery poles from North South to East West is what you want to do.


                    • Lets see who I can rub up the wrong way this time

                      I'm going to have yet another shot at driving home to any that are interested what is actually causing this effect and whilst I don’t have the programming skills or the practical knowledge of phase locked loops I can show some easy tests that you can do which will convince you your going in the right direction ,, I am dubious of some on this thread and their motives that aside I know there are others working with good intention so personalities aside , It still takes a deal of time and effort to compose these posts and assemble the information so I anticipate that at least those who are honest brokers will read this research what I write which wont cost above $20 to check out and then move accordingly .. use your heads ! Not your emotions or silly dreams. Cold hard logic. If your a gambling man what are the odds of a free energy source remaining undetected from humanity for 150 years (never mind thousands) ? If you don't believe there is another untapped energy source Its obviously infinity.
                      What then are the odds of there being two or three infinity squared and cubed ? Its preposterous isn't it? Well that’s because It hasn't remained 'undetected' Its been detected all right and then hidden
                      Its been hidden in the works of Albert Einstein and the nationality of Bert gives you some Idea of the nation responsible .. in so much as there is any nation responsible. They have not only kept It hidden they Intend by all method's to try and keep doing so. Many think Its in the national Interests just as they might think hanging Snowdon might be a good Idea , forgetting that their sons and daughters will probably have no understanding of the idea or concept of privacy never mind freedom .. these morons are amongst us! And not far away . From the top … There is no such thing as over unity !! the laws are not broken. There is such a thing a COP>1 , There is an external energy source and most of you on this thread have had the pleasure of it … if only briefly. Enough to know its there beyond any shadow of a doubt … Don’t underestimate that its a huge step!
                      Now the next little step you won't like but its this .. the odds are so astronomical of there being another source apart from the one that’s being intentionally hidden there isn't .. What I tell you here is every single one of these machines that isn’t a red herring is using the same basic source. I know because I have worked out many of them now, They all must have this in common .. run from a battery whilst keeping the battery charged. focus on what your doing to the battery! So Its nothing what so ever to do with motors or Matt's motor or UFO' giggly pin or Clementies reinventing the wheel .. they are all very old fashioned clumsy ways of getting at the electrostatic wave . You may find this hard to believe but there is another form of electricity running right along side that which your familiar with your instruments don't see it but its there never the less. The mathematics say its there and when you apply them .. the effects bash you on the nose .. most of you have seen those ! First let me tell you IMHO you don't need motors , bad batteries , bad teeth ,bifilar mats .. you need to understand what the hells going on and then engineer toward it … not for profit … not to go back over the thread and wipe posts out because there might be a few Ha’p’orth to be grabbed is that what folks are here for?
                      Ok here's step one .. Now don't miss understand .. I have told you series resonance is key
                      so the first question is what is series resonance and how can I guarantee it? There are two resonances both result from the current and the voltage being 90 deg out of phase. Here's all you really need to know , and If it looks a bit daunting the major points are .. the formula's are identical for series and parallel resonance , and the impedance is reversed w.r.t each situation. The Q factor comes in as well but for the moment .. more on that in a little ...

                      Resonant RLC Circuits

                      So what do you have to do to a battery to get it into “into the zone” and b/ more importantly stay there,
                      particularly as the resonant point is always changing. It is series resonance your looking for you can prove it the principle if you like very cheaply .. not that I'm suggesting this is ideal but just to alter you heads away from those monster machines and bad batteries … right you have the 90 Deg phase shift sorted ? It means that at resonance there is a formula for Power P= VI cos Ө (Ө being the angle between voltage and current ) you can see then that at either resonance no real power is consumed
                      In parallel resonance you have the voltage but no current , In series resonance you have the current but no voltage. Now ask your self what do you need to charge a battery? Maxwell tells us .. you use it every time you buy one of the bloody things .. Amps and Hours .. and I'll tell you right now that battery doesn't care less if that current is reactive (magnetic current ) or real current . In fact I loves magnetic current .. you’ve seen it!
                      So to prove it to yourself .. this isn't perfect because its not a 90 deg phase shift .. but its close It is just standard schooling a capacitor causes a 90 Deg phase shift .. which is of course resonance so the question is will a lead acid battery charge through a capacitor ergo at resonance (regardless of if Matt likes the idea or how he thinks it might effect the battery) the question is will it do it all ? Because of course all the text books say .. It can't be done … Magnetic current can do no work
                      really read this ...

                      Capacitive Battery Charger - John Saves Energy

                      If that can charge a battery regardless of how well .. if it can do anything at all useful .. and It can and does I promise you .. but I'd rather you proved to yourself .. then all we need do is vastly improve what is happening . Now I stress to add here no one including me has built anything that will track the series resonance you need to follow .. I'm going to suggest how you go about it in a little ..which of course you'll ignore, here is a very close example


                      (needless to say if you have the nous to finish this off and set it to track series resonance the games over too)

                      Note to 80 % in 15 Min and he's not particularly close to resonance ! It goes without saying had he discovered the relationship between the electromagnetic wave and the electrostatic wave and employed it to track the series resonant point the game would be well and truly over.
                      All those bad batteries .. motors and paraphernalia had one job to do and that is produce an impulse.
                      Or more accurately an adjustable impulse so you can hit the series resonant point of the lead acid battery. Better by far to use perhaps a $3 H Bridge

                      Dual H Bridge DC Stepper Motor Drive Controller Board Module Arduino L298N JT1 | eBay

                      driven by a variable oscillator flip flop after all you don’t need voltage or power .. you don't need amps. Only frequency and resonance. The amps will come from the conversion of the electrostatic wave to magnetic current . Which will be sucked up even more readily if you also make a good ground connection .

                      The control loop … Ok this Is just conjecture I know the square root of F all about programming but this is how I would start .. You cannot see or measure the series resonant point or the Impulse wave .
                      You can however see and measure the parallel resonant points .. There's a video on here somewhere of me doing it … you need to scan the battery so you know Its parallel resonant point .. perhaps a phase locked loop could help here .. anyway whatever its doable .. having got the parallel resonant frequency what is the linear wave frequency that' thing you have been hunting so hard .
                      It goes like this... if the series resonance formula and the parallel resonance formula are the same (and they are remember) then the only thing that can be altered is the velocity.
                      And so it is here is EPD telling you so

                      Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube

                      Pi/2 of course that's in free space and so it will be slightly different .. but still a constant . So ignore if you want but that’s my suggestions . Try the capacitive battery charger if it does anything .. you know reactive current charges batteries . Get a $2 H bridge pulse the battery at series resonance .
                      Monitor the parallel resonance point .. adjust the series impulse frequency to suit
                      for all I know one of them weeeno things might be able to do all that.Thats down to control loops
                      Kind regards Duncan
                      Last edited by Duncan; 01-03-2014, 10:30 AM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • Dave,

                        I think you need to look at this -

                        Bedini free energy the other side of the wall wart - YouTube

                        Cheers, Garry


                        • yes . I wrote quite a bit on this a little time ago .. because electric meters were being reversed with the bedini monpole ... if I can remember where I'll link to it. Its usually impossible to see the impulse wave ... I can't quite work out whats making it visable here. Its a useful tool to have in the box no doubt!
                          nice post!
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • Originally posted by garrypm View Post
                            I think you need to look at this -
                            Bedini free energy the other side of the wall wart - YouTube
                            Cheers, Garry

                            This is insanity at its best. Someone tell the guy to stop now before he burns his house down!



                            • Originally posted by Wallywonka View Post
                              switching battery poles from North South to East West is what you want to do.
                              Hi WW,

                              And we do that by what method using what resources? How can we tell when we have achieved success?

                              Please advise...

                              Best regards to all,

                              Electrostatic charges manipulating magneto-gravitic streams...


                              • Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                                This is insanity at its best. Someone tell the guy to stop now before he burns his house down!

                                Replicated by MrAnguswangus here:

                                Free Electricity Bedini - Everybodyseye Discovery - YouTube

