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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Plans

    To All,
    Visited Lowe's for prices of materials to start building the more advanced generator Turion just posted a book about.

    Will start with finished 3/4" plywood $16 for (1) 2 ft x 4 ft x 3/4" piece.
    (1) 7/16 " x 2 ft threaded rod for $2.88 ea. Also will use 1/2" x 2ft threaded to hold the two halfs of plywood that houses the rotor with magnets on it.
    Will use the smaller of my two mods as prime mover attached to one plywood with threaded rod coupled to it. Of course nuts, washers, etc will add to the build also.

    My rotor will be 10" to 12" in diameter with 10 magnets in drilled(shallow) holes (glued) around the perimeter of the rotor. My first rotor will be 1/2" to 3/8" thick acrylic (not sure the proper name) that will be a cutting board from Walmart $10 or so. Or I'll order from online a 12" x 12" piece. Price?. I will have a protective shield built around the rotor in case of magnet projectiles try to harm me. Learned that lesson long time ago. Also orient the machine spin to your left and right, not toward you. DUH !!!!!(That was me after being shot at by magnets not secured to high rpm rotor) Not funny....

    This is by no means the correct or safest way to build this lenzless or "use the lenz to attract/propel the magnet" generator. No. You build as you see best for you. I'm retired, using my own time, monies, studying patents, other posters builds, and facing my own failures and hardships. BUT, you must start somewhere to reach a set goal.

    Other humans on this Planet are my main purpose to exist and especially why I post here. Please be safe. I care about you.

    Not sure of the time table here and how I'll video this for youtube. My new iphone 8 really has poor video pixels for some reason.



    • Originally posted by BroMikey

      Dave runs huge coils at 2500 rpm's but something is drastically missing
      here as Thanes coils appear to be 1/4 the size of Dave's. I think I
      found the answer.
      The 32 mag wheelchair motor is indeed small rotor slots for large coils. But I noticed Thane had small coils on a "U" shaped core that looked like transformer lamination or silicon steel. The rotor had magnets on both sides that would pass north then south through the "U" core. You know this I'm sure. So I thought to try a similar idea but different orientation for magnet and coils.

      But that will be on back burner for now. I want to try the modified Dave generator first.



      • Hello.

        The Turion design has two huge copper coils, one on each side of the
        north and south pole of a single magnet on a rotor, like Thanes beginning
        developmental that was later flux connected with a HUGE strap of
        transformer steel that span the entire distance from one side of the
        massive magnet pole to the opposite.

        Again just another design addition that evolved into a single coil instead
        of two on a "U" shaped core. The one with the most copper mass wins
        when you want a self regulating machine for a wide variety of loads that
        you may connect to it such as a Honda yard generator gets.

        Their are many more characteristics we could go pertaining to the Turion
        Genhead. The single coil on a "C" core gets hit on both ends at the same
        time and operates at a higher frequency that requires less copper if the
        RPM and Frequency are right. It would not be so self regulating like a yard
        generator needs to be.

        Both coils speed up the rotor when called upon to delivery electrical power.

        Last year Turion told the group of us speaking directly to me that his
        big 23awg coils had 24 strands. He said he has experimented with his
        coils by connecting them parallel series. One day said he came to a pattern
        he liked that put 12 strands in parallel, then the last set of 12 wires he
        connected them up in parallel, then he connected those two 12 strand
        bundles in series with each other.

        This is only good info for his build, may not work at all for you but this
        means Turion was able to reach the null point at only 240 feet and bring
        a lot of amps home. But you and I may need 500 feet to reach the null
        so if that were true we would need to put 4 sets of 6 strands in series.

        Now Thane doesn't talk like that, he says he has a motor coil and generator
        coil all on the same spool. I can only speculate that because 2 wire stick
        out on his coils how he really has them inside. It is a secret. Thane shows
        or demonstrates his stuff has a coil he passes around but he very careful
        to keep track that the coil does not get held for long or talked about.

        It is a secret, but after you posted that connection diagram study I see
        that inner and outer coils on a single spool are shown so much exploration
        in all of these areas is needed. We are going to need a team of willing
        people to see what is possible or best suited for the task.

        Now tuning and balancing just took on a lifetime of adventuring.

        Have fun coiling.
        Last edited by BroMikey; 03-24-2018, 12:59 PM.


        • Secrets and no answers

          There will always be secrets but no answers. You must find those answers yourself is always the old master saying to the young apprentice.

          I will be exploring this coil design more on my own to determine which is correct.

          In that movie "The Last Samurai" the kid says "too many minds" or too much thinking with too many different masters and ideas. It's best to just build and sort it out yourself, which is what I will do.



          • Yes
            That is what I have been saying in other words. Yours is not mine and
            mine it not yours so what works for you may not work for me, however
            taking this a step further some things will work for both of us.

            For instance we both use the double booster format. Now not trying to
            engage you in endless conversation Sir, I have known you long enough
            to know that it's not yer bag. So just let me talk a minute for the sake
            of others picking up on this stuff. Repeats are my speaciality or let's just
            say in loo of all of my fact blundering, I wanto..........Bee a specialitist
            when it comes to rehearsing facts.

            Repeats repeats, blah blah blah.......Party time You got to love it.

            Now let's get back on track. The latest information on coils is that I
            wound strands 175 foot long and wanto.... go up to 240, 250 per strand
            to see how it goes. Got to try it all. Once I get 2 coils the same I will stop
            winding and test.

            I am using 1500 watt microwave oven core material that could be switched
            for welding rod and compressed black sand/epoxy. That will be best to
            get the shape I want to try. However the tiny section I use out of the MOT
            3/4" by 3/4" is 1/5th the entire block, so running up to 100 watts should
            be okay on the heating. But then I am running high HZ so I really am not
            sure what it is going to do.

            Last edited by BroMikey; 03-24-2018, 01:00 PM.


            • Gathering parts and diagram.

              Been gathering parts to use for the Modified Dave generator plus trying to draw up a good diagram to follow.

              But as I walked into my shop the 3BGS caught my eye. Similar feeling as one of my 8 grandchildren get close to me. I forget my thoughts and time when stopping to play and talk to them. So I spent time trying to use a buck converter in the setup. Learned something but lost time there doing that.

              I'm trying to decide the materials and size of the machine. I want to design it so coils can be interchanged at ease and positioned around the holder. The holder or support will be one end of the machine and hold the coils in place. The opposite end will do the same. I need to use same machine to test coils also. Can't afford two or three machines before getting what must be built.

              But sometimes my projects just start as piece of junk and I perfect(?) it as more is added to the overall build.

              PS Didn't see your just posted bahbahbah and am glad you feel better. I may just use plain iron cores to start off or the welding rods Peter Lindemann used at the Conference. I will be careful of heat buildup in coils also. I have a laser thermometer. Looks like Star Trek phaser.
              Last edited by wantomake; 01-05-2018, 03:36 AM.


              • Update

                Got some of the materials today.
                4- 3/4" x 24" x 24" plywood pieces leftover from project at mom's home
                3- 1/4" x 18" x 24" acrylic to use as top of generator and (2)spool holders
                4- brass bolts 4" long and nuts, washers
                1- 1/2" x 3' steel rod or threaded rod for rotor shaft
                1- pvc 8' pipe for bracing size not decided
                wood glue
                3 1/2" wood drill bit used to bore holes for spools
                Will be using oak wood or 1" plywood for rotor.

                Also will need larger My1020 scooter motor.
                I already have a few 3" spools with 3/4" in core center.

                Anybody is welcome to join and build with us.

                My present generator will only run the shop lights and the system even in cold temps 35 f or lower. I only use it when I'm in the shop. But when balanced low and high sides, it will not lose voltage even after sundown. During daylight hours the solar charges the system battery bank. When I turn on the 3BGS the solar is turned off because it overloads the inverter and it shuts off. It's not much but enough to meet my needs in the shop.

                That's why we trying to build Dave's modified generator to get more wattage and do more work.

                Last edited by wantomake; 01-09-2018, 02:47 AM.


                • As I read the past thread posts I see Dave wondering where all of the
                  builder are. Wanto......... has a functioning free energy device and so
                  many others and yet no one wants to have one. Crazy.

                  It may not be much even as the solar is used to assist the batteries to
                  charge them back up to 16v once in a while. It is hard to believe that
                  hardly a person wants to be on the cutting edge or a meaningful
                  device that can impact the enitre world on a small scale. People like
                  Luc who lie thru their Gd Dmn teeth saying they love Jesus and are
                  righteous only take the back road, are the norm. If Luc wanted to prove
                  the Mod Motor worked why did he stab everyone here in the back.

                  Why degrade this work? Why lie about it. Lying is when you say you
                  wish the best hoping the modified Motor does what it was designed to
                  do then only put up a conventional motor showing it as the center piece,
                  proving what we all knew in the first place that it was not a modified
                  motor. Trickery.

                  Then sneak around on other forums with two other creatures who do nothing
                  and have never done anything for this open forum calling me and other
                  filthy lying names. Disgusting dogs headed for the pits of hell with all of their
                  stupidity and lies.

                  People were given chances that they didn't deserve and did what they
                  always do, pose as intellectual guru's with a secret desire to belittle,
                  demean and challenge everyone's intregrety as if everyone else were retards
                  or fools.

                  I have held my peace long enough. Even people running these machines
                  in private who have never offered to assist the Nubee is pathetic if you
                  ask me.

                  Where the hell is Luc? I'll tell you where he is. He is in the same place
                  as he was when he attempted to show Thane Heins out to be a hoax.
                  What people do to one person they will do to everybody else.

                  The rest of you following and petting Luc like the lapdogs you are have
                  been exposed as insincere while you talk big, threatening and acting as
                  if they have the upper hand. Go to the devil, I am laughing.

                  A smooth talking liar is the worst, generally runs in packs.

                  The 3BGS starts with the Modified Motor and secondly drives a lenz
                  free generator. The Lenz free portion has been partially on display
                  by Thane Heins and as I said he was attacked by this same man. Isn't
                  that a coincidence? I am not so blind.

                  Like Turion has said, now that the ball is finally rolling down hill it will
                  be impossible for these clowns to weasel out of their past ramblings
                  they call higher learning.

                  My generating system works just fine but how to bring it foreword?

                  How do you show people a shop running for free? I am going to figure
                  this out. The rest of you either put up or shut up because this train
                  is going to run over the skeptics.

                  This thing could be done with a vcr motor rewound with a Popsicle
                  stick and two magnets on the end with hair like wire. It is not that hard.

                  The system with the scooter motor size is cheap and the lenz free
                  genhead can be done at low prices, there is no excuse.

                  I just did several more runs, the last one was 11 hours, the point drop
                  has gotten better. This was told to us, that as the batteries and the
                  mod motor ran it would do something to improve itself and it does.

                  The point drop started out as high as 6 points and now from 1290v
                  to 12.00v the average is 4 1/2 point drop. The differential tells a big story
                  this is such a cool device. A normal motor is less than half the motor
                  this one is. I have run the figures bunches of times and this is a 40%
                  battery usage at 40% of 725wh. It comes out the same everytime.

                  A conventional motor just kills the system. Ya know like Luc's experiment.

                  The years roll by.

                  Think of what I am telling you. A 40% usage of 725wh battery and I ran
                  the Mod Motor for 11 hrs at 20.55 watts. 226w/h taken leaving 60%
                  battery life. Think of all of the losses if you understand that the
                  two boosters burn up energy. 3.6amps at 12.5v = 45watt over
                  11hrs = 495w/h X .1 = 49.5 watt/ hours burned up with the second
                  booster running 1.5 X 13.7 = 20.55 watts X 11hrs = 226w hr
                  X.1 = 22.6w hrs burned up.

                  So adding 72 watts were lost in switching fees and the Mod Motor
                  processed 226watt hr. That is 226whr + 72 wHr = 298 w/hr being
                  a 40 percent usage.

                  I guess no one gets it. I am speaking from the perspective of half the
                  machine. Only the prime mover.
                  A conventional scooter motor runs a 8-10 point drop per hr so
                  suddenly my battery is half of what it is on the MOD MOTOR.

                  Crazy cool.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 01-06-2018, 09:45 AM.


                  • A new perspective

                    Do you feel better now lol.

                    I'm not here to call what you just said as wrong or incomplete. Just one thing I want to point out if that's ok.

                    There will always be those you just rebuked as there is always light and darkness. Positive and negative. Builders and non builders. Believers and those that don't believe yet.

                    Please try a different perspective here as we build this system and try to encourage others to as well. Don't pay any attention or your time to the other side. If they attack, don't respond. Don't let them pull this great project down. We are two of many here. I know as a missionary if you change one life then that one can influence five. Five can help twenty-five to change their perspective. Dave and Matthew have us two so far. I need your builders perspective here to keep this project moving. We already have protection from any attack. It's our knowledge that we know this 3BGS works. My best days lately is spent just watching my bench build run WITHOUT a single volt decrease from the battery bank.

                    Dave and Matthew are a big help and will cheer us on from the sidelines as we build this system bigger to power our own doghouse, shop or home.

                    Be my better perspective brother- BroMikey.
                    Will try to get some work started today on the Dave Modified Generator today if I can get my butt off this couch and down to the shop. It's a balmy 29 F out right now. Woohoo !!!!!
                    PS: I forgot to mention I connected a DC truckers heater to the positives(cause I try crazy tests) to see what 300 watt load would do to it. Guess what, no not a big explosion, but the motor/generator sped up under load!!! It did pull #3 down but it would speed up each time I connected it. Crazy is true.
                    Last edited by wantomake; 01-06-2018, 07:14 PM.


                    • The GenHead
                      that has the lowest cogging and has the most copper mass that speeds
                      up during a loaded condition wins the war on the minds.

                      I should do what I told you to do and wind up another MOD MTR and run
                      something using it as a generator, but my time is short these days and I
                      already have a jig setup that any time I can throw on a coil.

                      Just so everyone understands, I don't want to let Dave down and never
                      will so I will maybe let him down easy?.......when I don't start by building
                      his first genhead. I probably should, to save time because his is proven
                      and I am going out on another limb.

                      My "C" cores have evolved into what look more like an "O" core with a 1"
                      chip out of it.


                      I have begun to realize that random generator coils produce all kinds
                      of energy fields that could be better captured by a BUCK CONVERTER.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 03-24-2018, 01:02 PM.


                      • Still?

                        I'm not sure you read my last post or not?

                        But it's not my job to coach people on how to have a different perspective and be civil. I only want to try and get more people here to build and have a positive open mind about it.

                        To All,
                        I did use one piece of the 3/4" plywood that will be the end piece for the generator. Will cut 5 holes in it to hold the coils in place. My coil spools are 3" x 3 1/2" each. This will be my template or diagram for the 3 other pieces.


                        I want to cut the holes out with door knob key hole circular bit if they sell the size I need. My 4 upright pieces will be 14" square and may have bearings on the end pieces or stand alone away from ends.



                        • Memories

                          I ran across this, and thought I would share it. If you notice the date of this blog post, you will see that it dates WAY back. The first one there will also see that I am the only one who has ever viewed it. Guess I'll never be a famous blogger.

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                            I ran across this, and thought I would share it. If you notice the date of this blog post, you will see that it dates WAY back. The first one there will also see that I am the only one who has ever viewed it. Guess I'll never be a famous blogger.


                            Good show!



                            • patents, lol, one can not serve two masters.
                              peace love light


                              • Let me give you my progress.

                                First of all the best defense is a good offense. Builders must hold a tool
                                in one hand and a sword in the other hand to keep this work alive.
                                Sound familiar? A tool in one hand to further the building progress and
                                weapon in the other hand to keep others from pulling a Luc on us.

                                I have cut some more copper bands around 8" long (16 of them) then
                                colored them, coated them and now drying. These copper straps took
                                time to make. My Mod Motor, MY batteries, MY boosters, My, My, My I
                                know but this is MY research. When I put my hand to something, my time,
                                my effort, my hard earned money, it is mine. Nobody can do it for me.

                                The new straps have proven to be a noticeable improvement on battery
                                #3 so the next step is to finish the run batteries the same way so when
                                my system gets loaded within the c/20 range of no more than 3.5amps
                                it will benefit.

                                We can't rush into all the following stages without getting the root proper.

                                The Mod Motor is an energizer. This means it back pulses the run batteries
                                and foreword pulses the charge batteries as can be witnessed by the
                                fluctuating differential. I have things to say.

                                Fluctuating differential.

                                With both boosters doing their job and Mod Motor running between
                                positives the meter shows voltage as follows. Before I give you the readings
                                let me say when I connect a conventional scooter motor in the same
                                slot the meter reading exactly only one number.

                                When I run the Modified Motor the reading should be a set amount and
                                is mathematically but the meter shows plus and minus values ranging
                                from +2v to -2v to plus +200v to -200v to off the scale plus and minus
                                and the process rapidly continues. It is fun to watch.

                                I realize now why the equal length copper straps impact the system so
                                radically as one battery is getting a better direct connection to the
                                special energy generated in the double north pole modified motor energizer.

                                Just setting up battery 3 with a set of equal length copper straps caused
                                so much more visible activity seen in the differential it has put me in a state
                                of shock. I mean I sat here with the system traditional bus bar connected
                                for weeks watching the meters and the fluctuation reading were as follows.

                                Poor battery Connecting Leads.

                                At the start I used the standard bus bar format or battery rails that
                                could each handle 100 amps never once thinking about the unequal
                                distance the energy would have to travel to get to each battery. I see
                                now we want unison.

                                The differential reading with standard battery leads 13.2v up to 13.8v
                                then back down to 13.6v and maybe a 14v once in a while but never
                                showing above or below those figures, and I thought that was monumental.

                                Anyhow i am back. The meters are computerized and they continually
                                search for and average voltage reading of which they are totally confused.
                                These super high spikes send the meter in a blank status. Meters draw
                                a blank on this energy.
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 01-07-2018, 09:43 PM.

