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3 Battery Generating System

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  • It just occured to me that if you had enough bad batteries in parallel on a run that you may be able to use them to charge back the good batteries somehow when they are resting. These would have to be bad batteries that still took a charge. Then there would not be any losses at all.



    • Hey all, had some time to think at work today, and I have an idea that might be worth a shot
      Has anyone who has this setup working tried using diodes to and from the motor between the positives? I am thinking that perhaps if we direct the energy out of the bad battery, with a diode to the motor, and then diode from the motor into the pos of the good batteries, maybe we will see some charging on the good side, without having to use the aluminum, which adds resistance to the load.
      If this works better with large battery cables, yet with the higher resistance aluminum there is evidence for charging on the positive side, maybe just directing the energy flow would perform the same thing, without limiting the potential of the system?
      I have one more day of work to go, and then I will try this on monday if no one else either has or does try it first.
      My thinking is, since we are splitting positives, polarity here may not be an issue, and perhaps the batteries are directing the charge on their own, in which case diodes would only hurt the situation. However, if we can tell the energy we want to pull the load through B3, and back into B1, then maybe creating our own polarity will serve to charge B1 and 2, and still allow us to use large loads on B3 with no damage...
      just a thought.
      I can't wait until I am done with work for the week, and can get back to some serious testing.

      The absence of proof is not proof of absence


      • Interesting idea Neight. The only diodes I have used is to the battery I was charging off the generator in my last run.

        Further to my last post. Does anyone know about how these small chargers work. I have an old one I got from Wal Mart and took it apart and hooked it up to my bad batteries that still had charge, to try and charge battery 1. The attachment shows a newer version of the same thing this one is uses a lithium ion battery instead of a slab like the old one.

        Attached Files


        • Charger

          I also have that newer Stanley lithium Ion charger I mentioned in my last
          post. I bought it for the battery to use with my laptop. It could be hooked
          up to the load when doing a run and it would charge up. Later it could be used
          to charge battery 1 and 2. I am just afraid of damaging it, when hooked up
          on the load since I have already blown so many 12v bulbs. Maybe using an
          inverter and the AC adapter for it would be safer than charging it directly off
          the load.

          Last edited by FRC; 03-18-2012, 12:45 PM.


          • Originally posted by shylo View Post
            as I put loads on it ,the speed of the fan decreased ,but the loads on 3b increased???

            How many loads can we put on this???
            Very cool stuff.......thanks people.....shylo

            Originally posted by Turion View Post
            You must MATCH the load on the motor with a load on battery 3.... You can continue to add loads to battery three, but add a load, wait five minutes, add a load, wait five minutes. At some point the load will cause the motor to drop out of the "zone" Now you have two choices. Reduce the load on battery 3, or INCREASE the load on the motor to get it back in the zone.

            Dave Bowling
            This is from my very first post. At some point, when you add a load to battery three, it will cause the motor to slow down. THEN you balance by adding load to the motor.
            You can keep adding loads AS LONG AS THEY BALANCE. You will reach a limit set by the load your motor will run. EVERY motor has its limits. Then they burn baby burn.
            Last edited by Turion; 03-18-2012, 12:54 PM.
            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Ready To Rock

              Greetings, to all, and thanks to George and Dave for bringing me (a very low rung on the clever electronics ladder as compared to you street smart savvy guys) on board this exciting research in order it can be applied in everyday life for all to benefit from once it is practical and functional.

              My scooter will be ready tomorrow for initial street tests in the real world.Two batteries are standard wired series for 24vdc. I will wire up the third battery with the motor as per your Tesla switch idea. Hopefully it will do wheelies(I only kiddin). I intend to rewind the motor and have 4 wires. two for the motor, and two for using as a Back EMF(Ufopolitics)(Konehead)(Radiant Energy) to charge the batteries efficiently. I am also working on using model aircraft/car, LiPo battery system, with my motor as per Ufopolitics idea who is also a Brilliant Researcher on this forum:

              As far as using an Hydrometer for checking SLA batteries-since my scooter has them-my research indicated that due to how SLA function/designed it is not useable idea for measurement of good cell bad cell etc. SLA (and GEL)batteries are not like car lead flooded acid batteries. I found this out after buying an Hydrometer. After putting more water into each cell to correct level, I could not understand why the cells started blowing chunks? After research found they produce there own water, which is why they are sealed maintenance free with a pressure release valve, and suitable for aircraft etc.

              Anyway, guys, I feel it is important to have a test bed one is using under proper practical conditions out on the street so to speak, under real loads. A test bench in the lab is not always reliable though very helpful for obvious reasons. Hey, I always like to think and operate outside the box. Zero Defects is one thing, but Zero Based thinking is quite another when it comes to efficiency of workload on our mind. Take it easy and stay frosty,

              Power to the people!
              Love and Honour
              I AM THE ONE


              • wingstalysis,

                Good luck with the field testing! Don't go too far from home on that first drive! We'll be pulling for ya.
                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • Smoke the tires

                  Thanks, Bro',
                  The hardest thing for me is driving an Mobility Scooter in public. My Ego hates it, as others think I am disabled, and that's far from the truth.Guess my Ego needs to be taught a big lesson in humility! It's going to be an interesting field test Dave. I will keep you informed as to progress etc. I am hoping that it will never need an external battery charger. Hope springs eternal.

                  Take it easy Dave, and thanks for everything you've done on this forum for all of us to benefit from.

                  Love and Honour,
                  I AM THE ONE


                  • wingstalysis

                    Hope things work out. I was wondering if you were going to have loads on battery three ? Like charging another battery or light bulbs or something.

                    Good Luck



                    • That was my concern to balance the load, but it should be interesting anyway.

                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Originally posted by FRC View Post
                        Hope things work out. I was wondering if you were going to have loads on battery three ? Like charging another battery or light bulbs or something.

                        Good Luck

                        Yo! George,
                        The third battery is going to be connected, as per your circuit diagram. Thus my dc motor on scooter will be connected to positives of battery 1 (1 and 2 in series = 24vdc)and 3(in parallel, sulphated but voltage about 10v before I discharge it to 1.5v after initial test). As the load(motor)my weight, and varying load as I drive up and over sidewalks, and road will indicate what is going to happen. That is even if it is drivable from start of trial? Tomorrow 19th march 2012, Great Yarmouth Seafront is D day-if it don't rain-UK weather sucks big time..

                        Love and honour,
                        I AM THE ONE


                        • wingstalysis,
                          The way you describe how you will wire the 3BGS has me a little concerned.Please make sure you check the wiring diagram at the bottom of post #1. That IS the correct way to wire it....

                          And there have to be two loads.
                          1. First is the load you put on the motor, which will obviously be the mechanical system that connects it to the scooter to drive it, plus the weight of the scooter and YOUR weight.
                          2. There must also be a load placed on battery three to BALANCE the load on the motor. That could be a headlight, whatever, but if those loads are not balanced, you will drain batteries one and two. They will last longer than normal, but will STILL discharge much faster than they should. In my opinion, it will be incredibly difficult to keep the loads balanced when you go up and down hills, accelerate, take off from a dead stop, etc. Those all put stress on the motor to perform. It will be an interesting experiment.

                          Hope this helps. I want you to be successful!!
                          Last edited by Turion; 03-18-2012, 05:51 PM.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • for concideration

                            Untried, untested unknown quantity, would it fit in battery three position? .. I don’t know but I include the link for interest Daniel McFarland Cook's Electro-Magnetic Battery
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • No Worries

                              Hey! Kool! I checked again your first post, and again. I also have the diagram that was used by John Bedini to test the Tesla Switch. It matches yours exactly. I absorbed about the load on battery 3, and what to do and expect. Yes, I want Success, but, don't expect it, as after all you've gone through Dave, it would be wishful thinking on my part. It will be interesting to experience the road blocks I encounter. I am not going to reinvent the wheel.However, I'll make my decision on whether to proceed with this after my test runs. It's raining here now-hopefully not tomorrow. Dave, lastly which post number explains why a load on bat' 3 is necessary so I can do some thinking on it?

                              Dave, I do appreciate your kind input and wishes for success.

                              Take it easy,
                              Love and honour,
                              I AM THE ONE


                              • wingstalysis

                                There really isn't a post that explains the "WHY" of it. I wish I knew. What I do know is that in my original experiments I discovered that if I had a load on the motor....and I placed a load on battery three the motor would suddenly speed up. If I waited about 3 to 5 minutes, (and I had the right amount of load) the motor would suddenly speed up again all on its own without me doing anything. And the instant that speed up occurred there was a change in what happened to batteries one and two. The voltage on them quit dropping. In SOME cases, if I was very careful, I could actually get the voltage to go up. I was never consistent in getting it to go UP, but I could consistently get it to stay level. When the motor was NOT in this "zone" batteries one and two would slowly go down in voltage. They would last longer than normal, but they would still go down. So I call this process of getting the motor to speed up on its own "balancing the loads" which may be way off base. That's just the term I started with and I've stuck with it.


                                People like Peter L., John B., Matt Jones, or even Ufopolotics may have an explanation for this, but I don't know enough.
                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

