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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Good start

    Originally posted by axxelxavier View Post
    Here is my setup, after a short test with my new 300 watt inverter (0,2 Amp standby current, 9,5 volt shutdown limit, 90% eficiency), I decided to continue with my previous setup - REMF charger in 4 batteries configurations.
    Also, I ordered the 40 Ah deep cycle batts, I have chosen quality, not quantity. We will see if I my decision was right or wrong.
    I will post the results of my tests, if anyone interested.
    Best regards,
    Nice setup. Not that familiar with the REMF charger. Did notice the booster in your circuit.

    Have you tried to balance between the primaries and charge battery? Dave has posted much on balance here. But you know your system and what it can do.

    Using two boost units I was able to "balance" the voltage in the 3BGS setup so the system didn't lose any voltage.

    Keep at it. You'll understand as the setup teaches you.


    • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
      Nice setup. Not that familiar with the REMF charger. Did notice the booster in your circuit.
      Have you tried to balance between the primaries and charge battery? Dave has posted much on balance here. But you know your system and what it can do.
      Using two boost units I was able to "balance" the voltage in the 3BGS setup so the system didn't lose any voltage.
      Keep at it. You'll understand as the setup teaches you.
      Wantomake, thank you for your reply, you are very kind.
      I did tried to balance the circuit using the inverter setup, but, because I want also some practical use of this setup, I hooked inverter to a 3 watt AC led lamp. 400 mA current draw, though, was too much for such small batteries (C20 = 350 mA) and the feedback booster was not enough to balance the load with primaries. Never tried to use 2 boosters in this inverter setup. I will try with 2 boosters in a 4 batteries REMF charger configuration, after a fresh charge of primaries, I have all parts needed, except time. I only have time in the evening, when I am already burned out.
      I still have to read a few last pages of BFED thread, and then I want to start to read from beginning to end THIS thread. I DID enjoy reading all, but this is time consuming, though, and English is not my primary language, so sometimes I`m reading, and sometime I`m testing .
      I will try some more combinations after my new toys arrive (Bigger Batts )
      Best regards,


      • Hi James
        I think Dave have said that if you put all magnets same polarity you can put a weak magnet on the back end of the core and induce the wrong polarity on the iron in order to delay further the time for the iron to be charged. But could be hard to find the right magnet, distance etc.
        My hand is better and i think in 2 weeks it can function again. Cannot wait to try some tests.
        I hope you are fine and continue experimenting.


        • Life and FE

          Originally posted by liber63 View Post
          Hi James
          I think Dave have said that if you put all magnets same polarity you can put a weak magnet on the back end of the core and induce the wrong polarity on the iron in order to delay further the time for the iron to be charged. But could be hard to find the right magnet, distance etc.
          My hand is better and i think in 2 weeks it can function again. Cannot wait to try some tests.
          I hope you are fine and continue experimenting.
          Yes I'm still working on the upright generator when I can.

          Life takes a big portion of my days lately. Trying to refinance our home, keep the jungle cut down(monsoon in South Carolina?), plus just plain living.

          At present just redesigning some different parts on the generator. With Dave's help was able to see it SUUL(speed up under load) before this redesign stage.

          When I witnessed the SUUL it was a reawakening of my FE belief and enthusiasm. The first awakening was here:

          The early days of the 3BGS when we used a "bad" battery in position #3 and I even had the whole system connected up wrong. I was just trying to run between the negatives of the system just for curiosity sake. That was 2 DC 50 watt bulbs connected to the #3 charge battery(totally sulfated and dead) in series. That motor was a treadmill motor wired as a UFOpolitics motor/generator that ran for some hours before I turned it off and then FE showed this doubter it is real and possible.

          All the nay sayers, never building, brains in a box, mouth breathers at times attack Dave, Matthew, and anyone actually building. I've got this video to remind me that this FE endeavor is real and possible.

          So take heart, get healed up, fun and discovery awaits you.

          Time to nuke the coffee and talk to my pretty wife,
          Last edited by wantomake; 05-26-2018, 12:44 PM.


          • Magnets on cores

            I never tried magnets on back of cores. With all North magnets on rotor, there is a “virtual South” between each magnet that will flip core polarity back. Just DO NOT leave machine with magnets aligned to cores. It will eventually magnetize them.
            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Thanks Wantomake! One of the things I have learnt in my life is patience. I wish i see SUUL as well soon. Seen some other weird stuff in the past and told Dave.
              Dave, 'virtual South'! Nice!
              Will try when i 'll be physically able and see if i can get my hands on it. Thanks for the tip.


              • Hello Everyone,

                I have still been working on the 3 battery system after all this time with some interesting yet undeniable results. I did find a perfect battery from a ups that got hit by lightning a few weeks ago, the battery even has cracks in it.

                It was under 0.05 volts when I hooked it up in the B3 position it is now at almost 3 volts and climbing. I am using LEDS as the load and it seems to be working well.

                The main batteries have gained almost a 1/2 a volt in the past 24 hours while the dead battery has gained almost 3. I started with one LED that would not light up at first but after a few hours it was glowing brightly however battery 3 became happy with that and decided to stop charging.

                I have now added another led to the load and B3 is charging again. I believe at some point today both LEDS will be lit and again B3 will stop charging so at that point I will add another LED to see if the charge keeps going.



                • More power Scotty !!!

                  Originally posted by altrez View Post
                  Hello Everyone,

                  I have still been working on the 3 battery system after all this time with some interesting yet undeniable results. I did find a perfect battery from a ups that got hit by lightning a few weeks ago, the battery even has cracks in it.

                  It was under 0.05 volts when I hooked it up in the B3 position it is now at almost 3 volts and climbing. I am using LEDS as the load and it seems to be working well.

                  The main batteries have gained almost a 1/2 a volt in the past 24 hours while the dead battery has gained almost 3. I started with one LED that would not light up at first but after a few hours it was glowing brightly however battery 3 became happy with that and decided to stop charging.

                  I have now added another led to the load and B3 is charging again. I believe at some point today both LEDS will be lit and again B3 will stop charging so at that point I will add another LED to see if the charge keeps going.

                  It's good to see more builders posting here.

                  Batteries are strange like that. I use 115 ah marine battery. Very cheap as far as solar usage goes. But I bought ten starting in 2008. Did some wrong testing and burned up two of them. The 8 remaining have been radiant charged and electrolytic fluids maintained. Some of them are 8 years old now. That's what I use in my 3BGS setup. B1 position has two in parallel, B2 has two in parallel, then B3 has four in parallel. And of course these three are setup in series with B3 connected negative to negative .

                  Back then the best advice from Dave and Matthew was to use same batteries and as new as possible. I use mine for solar of course since my shop is far from my house. Plus using solar feels like I have at least one type of FE.

                  Let us know how your testing goes.



                  • Originally posted by padova

                    About the previous claim that the system gives 2800 out of 240 watts, or so.

                    As someone said, it does not have to be an OU at all.
                    To be sure, you have to make precise measurements and calculations.
                    The only sure way to check the OU is if your device can be self-looped.
                    Otherwise, you just do more work to get more energy.
                    I wonder how long these batteries last, in that case.
                    That is, for how long time. Emphasis on time.

                    But I don' build this, so this is purely academic point of view.
                    Don't attack me.

                    Warning Warning The fallowing statement is my opinion based on my own tests!!

                    I feel there is defiantly OU potential here. I have done tons of tests across all types of batteries and one thing that I can say is that I personally believe to be 100% true is the battery manufacturers are for some reason either misstating the true capacity of the batteries that they sell or just do not believe anyone will believe that they can be reused over and over but also become much more efficient over time.

                    I can run a load just off a very basic setup when tuned correctly 35% longer then I can in a normal configuration.

                    Last edited by altrez; 05-27-2018, 02:11 AM.


                    • Story Time

                      I am going to tell you all a little story. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. I could care less. But it will give you an idea of WHY we are where we are with mainstreaming the basic concepts of free energy.

                      I wanted to patent my generator, so my wife, who is in the legal profession, talked to some attorney friends and some folks she knows who are angel investors and they all told her we needed to get a patent application in place before they would touch it. We met with three attorneys at the same time. One of them was her friend who arranged it all. One was a corporate attorney to advise us on setting up a business. By the way, at the time I did this Matt had already said he didn’t care WHAT I did with the generator, but it was and is my intention to include him in ANYTHING I do. I’m pretty sure he knows all about me meeting with attorneys and whatever. The third was a patent attorney who is also an EE. That’s pretty common in the Silicon Valley believe it or not. The patent attorney told us that anything with a claim of OU would cost around $20,000 to patent because you have to have a working prototype and it has to go through a special patent review where you demo it to the patent board. His recommendation was to get as generic a provisional patent in place as possible, which gave us paperwork to go to investors or buyers and either sell it or let THEM foot the bill for the patent. Either way, it protected us for a year.

                      Anyway, he recommended in independent evaluation of the generator by a qualified testing lab. Since what makes this generator special is pretty much inside the black box, I wasn’t too worried about anyone figuring out how I am doing what I am doing.

                      I have a friend who does a lot of work for one of the most well known independent testing labs in Santa Clara, Ca. He is good friends with one of the electrical engineers there who agreed to take a look st the generator unofficially before we brought it in and paid the big bucks to have an OFFICIAL evaluation done so that we would understand the process and know what they would be looking for. So we took it in. He verified the input to the motor in watts. He verified that it sped up under load each time a coil pair was connected to a load. We were using 300 watt bulbs connected to each coil pair as our load. He verified that the amp draw went down on the motor each time a coil pair was connected. He verified the watts output of first one coil pair to the load as we connected it. Then the second coil pair to the load as we connected it. Then the third coil pair as it was connected. They were all basically putting out the same amount of watts. At that point I made the statement that if all six coil pair put out that same amount, the output of the generator would be over 2000 watts. He looked at me and at the generator and said “That’s not possible” and walked away. He never came back. My friend went to get him, but he never came back.

                      He could see it with his own eyes and measure it with his own meters, yet he refused to even acknowledge the possibility. The one REALLY good thing that came out of all of that was my wife got to see it happen and is now 100% convinced that this stuff is for real.
                      Last edited by Turion; 05-28-2018, 07:07 PM.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Hi turion, thanks for sharing that sad, although silver lined story.
                        Yes, the soulless ones are running amuck in this particular reality.
                        All things shall pass.
                        peace love light


                        • My doubts

                          I'm a long time fan of your work. I hope kind of like an acquaintance also. You do as you want of course. I know you have a rare OU machine that can be a great blessing or a curse for you.

                          If that engineer turned and ran away from your invention, then how do you think a government controlled Patent panel will react. This is my heart feelings that's all. Not greed. I don't care about this machine and all the wonders about it. I've dreamed for years what it would feel like to be close to or see a real life OU device. I have and I'm very happy.

                          But I only speak my opinion here. Please be careful because you are about to become known as a OU inventor.



                          • New setup

                            My new setup it`s almost ready, 3x40AH deep cycle batteries, 2 boosters, big wires, and hooked as load, REMF charger for Batt 4 (4x7,2 AH alum batts).

                            VERY INTERESTING...

                            Some numbers:
                            [B1-12,63][B2-12,92][B3-12,63][B4-12,75]load 700 mA REMF
                            [B1-12,64][B2-12,91][B3-12,66][B4-12,81]load 700 mA, tweaked booster 2 for 25,55 volts series batts.
                            [B1-12,61][B2-12,86][B3-12,61][B4-12,82]load 600 mA (I tried to adjust the load, to balance Batt 3. Anyway, all the numbers goes down...
                            [B1-12,56][B2-12,78][B3-12,66][B4-12,85] tweaked booster 2 for 25,35 volts series batts.
                            One question: the Input amperage measured at second booster (the one for topping series batts) is 4,4 Amp, and the booster is quite warm. Is it normal?
                            At this rate, Batt 3 should be discharged VERY fast... but is not
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by axxelxavier; 05-30-2018, 08:16 PM. Reason: Adding more numbers


                            • Only reason for boost modules to get warm is if the load you are pulling THROUGH them is too high. You shouldn’t exceed the C-20 discharge rate of your batteries withthe load or the rated amp draw of your boost modules.
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Teo,
                                I can't give you an answer cause your setup is so different than Dave's 3BGS.
                                Here is a quote from him from "Your basic coil" as per Tesla thread:

                                "I have cores in my coils made from 1/16 rod. I have three machines total right now. All previous machines have been disassembled as I do not have room. All three have the same cores.

                                I never talked about doping the rods with anything. I have a coil testing machine that I have set up with the same motor, the same rotor, the same number of magnets with the same spacing. It is connected to a power supply so that the voltage can be adjusted and the rpm controlled. It has a small light board so the coil output can be tested. I have tried the iron rods, #12 shot, and black sand, and have test data on those cores. I know from experience that ferrite does NOT have as much magnetic attraction as the iron and SHOULD make a better core, but I have NOT run the numbers yet. It will ALSO put out less power and switch quicker, so THAT can affect your SUUL. Possibly change the required frequency SO MUCH that you have to have 9000 rpm or something ridiculous to reach it. In other words, ferrite MAY NOT work. I think it will though. I had a lot of OTHER things to get worked out on this machine, like the magnetic lock issue. That was the OTHER reason I started the “your basic coil” thread. So some OTHER people could get involved in testing coil cores and I wouldn’t have to do it all myself. I have a core that works for solving all my other issues, so core material was my LAST project with this generator. I have ferrite and metglass and a couple less well known things to test. Then I can compare results.

                                But here is the thing. The only data I can trust and really USE in my investigation is that put on this forum by Wantomake or myself. Why? Because we are using the SAME sized rotor with the SAME sized magnets spaced the SAME distance apart, running the SAME core on our coils with the SAME number of wires the SAME length.

                                That’s the problem with this forum and why it is really a waste of my time. Everyone builds their machines out of whatever they have lying around, so their data is NO GOOD when you try to compare it to yours. Not their fault. They are doing the best that they can. But it is not contributing to MY research. As far as MY research goes, it is just throwing crap against a wall to see what sticks.

                                Not to say their efforts are worthless, because it ALL comes down to watts in vs watts out. Whoever is producing the most power for the least input and can maintain it without melting their motor or their coils is the MAN. I would gladly scrap this design for something that puts out MORE.

                                Just remember, unless something is replicated EXACTLY, it is not a replication. I know this drove John B nuts!!!!! People made Bedini energizers out of everything under the sun and whined when they didn’t work."

                                The last 4 paragraphs is what I refer to. I used a my1016 motor between the positives at first. But later test had a my1016 motor coupled to a generator(actually was next size bigger my1016 motor) to balance out the system.

                                Last edited by wantomake; 05-30-2018, 08:31 PM.

