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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Bye


    Yes, I said I'd leave but never promised never to come back. And Matt tricked me to post right after a said I would stop posting, so I admit I told an untruthful thing, but not an intentional lie. I used to think you were just misinformed and actually believed what you were claiming was true. But over the course of the months, or maybe years, I've come to realize you could not possibly be that dense, so you are, in fact, perpetrating a scam of sorts, intentionally misrepresenting things, stating falsehoods and yes, lying about things on purpose.

    You want the last word, take it. Make it a juicy insult towards me because I dare to challenge your BS.




    • Opinion, opinion, opinion

      It is clear to everyone you aren’t man enough to come out into the open and attack me man to man. Instead you’re going to keep hiding in the dark where you have no responsibility for your words or actions. You’ve shown yourself for the coward you are. How was that? Juicy enough for ta?
      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
        It is clear to everyone you aren’t man enough to come out into the open and attack me man to man.
        You shouldn't get so wound up, Turion. We all know your reputation. There is an old saying - Confucius may well have said it: - "Don't feed the trolls".


        • Fun times

          Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. Not wound up at all. Just seeing how far ol’ bi was willing to go with his claims that I am a liar, and fraud, that I have led people on purposely for some supposed gain of some kind and that this is a scam.

          He thinks he’s anonymous, so maybe he doesn’t realize that when I file a lawsuit for libel and defamation of character I can have the info he has provided to the forum subpoenaed. If no one knew my real identity, I would have no grounds, which is why I’ve taken the trouble to make it very clear that MY identity is known. . I’m pretty sure I know some folks with the tech skills to track him down. Even a frivolous lawsuit will cost him a pile of money to defend against. He can’t afford that. He can’t even afford the right sized batteries to experiment with according to him.

          Of course I might have to wait until my other house sells before I can do that, and I might need advice from someone in the legal profession. Oh wait, I’m married to someone like that.

          Anyway, thanks for your concern I know what I’m doing.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • leave this thread

            Originally posted by bistander View Post
            It's just an example. But here you have have a big name FE researcher making a presentation at a major FE conference and can't even get it to work. How pathetic is that? Oh, and then sell video books on how to do it. Like "send me money and I'll tell you how to fail". Sound familiar?
            You're out of line with your mouth and your attitude.

            Peter and RS (who had a battery bank over 1000 pounds) both showed their own variations of the 3 battery concept at the conference for all to see and more work was done than the net loss from the battery bank.

            The Benitez presentation was to show the principle of the circuit with a super low budget and low tech method to operate that switching concept. Peter was using the cheap Walmart starter batteries, which are about as crappy as you can get and they still nearly kept themselves charged up.

            Pointing out that Peter couldn't get it to self run and admitted those batteries won't cut it doesn't show a fault in the circuit or its concept, but in your own ignorance of knowing how to distinguish what is or isn't being said. All that shows is those particular batteries happen to be garbage, but it still showed the point.

            What David and Matt has been showing here for a long time works whether it is their exact variation or not and again, RS and Peter showed this at the conference for all to see.

            Where is all your documented work to show that you have applied exactly what they have taught? If you don't have that, you have no room to talk and need to get out of this thread permanently instead of disrupting it with your ignorance.

            You're welcome to start your own thread and post why you think all this is nonsense. Harassing them here is not going to happen any more. It isn't what you are saying, but how you are saying it and it has to end.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • i've seen it

              Originally posted by bistander
              I apologise. Objectionable comments have been deleted from my post. I'll delete this post after you've had an opportunity to see it.


              I've seen it - thank you for understanding.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • We showed what can be done with the 3 battery circuit and the reason for a PULSE motor. We also showed how a boost module can benefit you. We showed a single battery circuit. Your success depends following the basic rules, like BIG wires and BIG batteries and efficient boost modules and pulse motors. After that its up to you. Our hope was that people would see success and branch off into discovering things on their own and sharing their results. I get emails almost every day from people who are doing JUST THAT, and are NOT participating on this forum because of all the crap they would have to put up with here. I would never disclose someone's name without their permission, but here are two recent (within the last few DAYS) emails I have gotten.


                Speaking of charging, in the first setup where I ran the motor just using the left side of the one battery system, I put a pair of parallel 12v 9AH SLA batteries (bat 2) in place of the motor.
                Before the test, the resting voltage of the primary battery (bat 1) was 12.52V and the second (bat 2) was 11.5V.

                Boost in pos to bat 1 pos.
                Boost in neg to bat 1 neg
                Boost out pos to bat 2 pos
                Bat 2 neg to bat 1 pos

                After running an hour or so and letting the bats rest for a while I measured the bats again.

                Bat 1 resting 12.55V (.03V higher than before the test)
                Bat 2 resting 13.47V (1.97V higher than before the test)

                So from a resting voltage perspective, I charged bat 2 for free and even gained .03V on bat 1 in the process.
                I am going to have to pick up a battery capacity analyzer to see what is happening with the batteries.

                What would COP be of that? Infinity?

                __________________________________________________ _____

                Both boost converters are connected across pos and neg of their sources. The first one could be hooked up between the positives of the three battery system.

                I am running just the left part of the diagram. The boost converter is hooked up to the battery, set to 26v with the out of the boost going to motor pos and motor neg going back to pos of battery. The battery was sitting at 12.5v before I started. When I turned on the boost and the motor started running, the battery dropped to 12.2v. After running for a while the battery climbed up to 12.29v and is just sitting there. There is 1.08A flowing from the bat pos to the boost in pos and 1.07A flowing from boost in neg to bat neg. The voltage across the motor is 13.71V and it is drawing 0.7A. What is blowing me away is the battery is just sitting at 12.29V and I just saw the meter bouncing back and forth between 12.29V and 12.3V. I am going to let it run like this for quite a while to see what it does. Oh, now the meter is reading steady 12.3V. The load on the battery by the boost converter is almost exactly the C20 rate of the battery. Wow, all I can say is wow.

                __________________________________________________ __-

                somebody should tell all these people who are sending me emails that this doesn't work. Of course THEY have a setup on the bench, built correctly, and can make their own decisions about what works and what doesn't.
                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • Still looking in and hope all is well

                  Matthew, Dave and All,
                  Hello from Japan near Nara and Osaka.

                  Still checking in from time to time and see how the research goes. Sorry had to stop everything and focus thoughts and life toward our mission for Japan. As we travel here the rooftops of many homes are covered by solar. The government here installs solar free and sends you a decent check monthly for grid connections solar energy production. Imagine they had a super large 3BGS in each community or homes. Wife's sister operates large Day Care center spread over 1 acres plus 3 story residence. All completely solar powered and gets $400 check monthly from government.

                  Keep up the good fight my friends and will see you all back home around the first of November.

                  Take care,


                  • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                    Matthew, Dave and All,
                    Hello from Japan near Nara and Osaka.

                    Still checking in from time to time and see how the research goes. Sorry had to stop everything and focus thoughts and life toward our mission for Japan. As we travel here the rooftops of many homes are covered by solar. The government here installs solar free and sends you a decent check monthly for grid connections solar energy production. Imagine they had a super large 3BGS in each community or homes. Wife's sister operates large Day Care center spread over 1 acres plus 3 story residence. All completely solar powered and gets $400 check monthly from government.

                    Keep up the good fight my friends and will see you all back home around the first of November.

                    Take care,
                    We don't need Solar in the US, we can just open more coal mines and dig for oil on our conservation lands! We can drive our huge SUVs and crew cab trucks that get 9 miles to the gallon. That's what being "great" means.


                    • Originally posted by bistander View Post

                      Finally, goodbye!


                      • Hi To ALL

                        My name is Geoffrey Miller I have a lab called Energybat Labs, see link below
                        I have followed you Dave & Matt from the being Great work !!!.

                        The people the don't understand the tec shown on this website have not built anything.

                        Energy Bat

                        I have a new product that you guys might like, it is a BATTERY SWITCHING BOARD.

                        This circuit board was designed by Energy Batlabs & Magnetic Impulse Tech Group LLC to allow for the switching of battery banks in your DIY energy project. This board provides the logic to be used with relays which will allow you to charge one battery bank while utilizing another during continuous operation.

                        Please go to my website for all the info. See pic below

                        Have fun

                        Geoffrey at EBL
                        Attached Files


                        • Search for:

                          CZH-LABS Electronics-Salon Low Voltage Disconnect Module LVD, 12V 30A, Protect/Prolong Battery Life

                          Cole Hersee 24200 Latching Solenoid



                          • Hi all. I don’t know if this is old news/common knowledge, but thought I should mention something new to me in case it isn’t. It turns out that the acid component is heavier than the water in LA battery electrolyte and precipitates to the bottom over time in stationary and infrequently charged battery systems. In a vehicle that sees regular use it gets sloshed around and stays relatively evenly mixed. Also the bubbles generated by charging help to mix the electrolyte and keeping these batteries charged helps as well.
                            Regarding Tesla switch and 3 bgs systems i was thinking it would be beneficial to sit a battery on something like a rolling pin or caulking gun tube lengthways and rock the battery back and forth with a bit of vigour periodically and before experimenting.
                            If it’s mostly water in the top half of the solution there’s reduced electrochemical activity,(power), and increased upper plate corrosion with the top half of the plates and increased risk of sulfation in the bottom half.
                            Apologies if you guys are fully aware of this already. And car manufacturers refer to it as acid stratification for reference.
                            Last edited by voltan; 11-07-2018, 04:07 AM. Reason: Dislexia.


                            • Reminder

                              Thanks for the reminder. I knew the term, and had that info in my head, but REMEMBERING it and applying it are two different things.

                              I thought I might be back here in a month or so, but the world keeps throwing hardballs at me. By the time I can get back to show anyone anything, Matt will probably be done with his project and all of the controversy here will be moot. Such is life.
                              Last edited by Turion; 11-07-2018, 08:04 PM.
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Looks interesting

                                Originally posted by energybat View Post
                                Hi To ALL

                                My name is Geoffrey Miller I have a lab called Energybat Labs, see link below
                                I have followed you Dave & Matt from the being Great work !!!.

                                The people the don't understand the tec shown on this website have not built anything.

                                Energy Bat

                                I have a new product that you guys might like, it is a BATTERY SWITCHING BOARD.

                                This circuit board was designed by Energy Batlabs & Magnetic Impulse Tech Group LLC to allow for the switching of battery banks in your DIY energy project. This board provides the logic to be used with relays which will allow you to charge one battery bank while utilizing another during continuous operation.

                                Please go to my website for all the info. See pic below

                                Have fun

                                Geoffrey at EBL
                                Looks very interesting and should be more interested in this it would seem.

                                Just drinking some hot coffee while reading your website. Many thoughts and questions indeed. Thanks for posting here.

                                I want to get restarted here but stopped to evaluate which way to proceed. I stopped building this pass summer on the upright generator. Want to learn more about battery switching technology and the benefits.

                                Anyhow time to refresh the coffee and get breakfast on the stove,

