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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Matthew Jones
    Originally posted by bistander View Post
    Proof or evidence of those particular specific claims which you have made. Show me solid proof or convincing evidence of those claims or admit they are false claims, and I'll get out of here.


    Keep your word for a change...

    I'll do it again for ya...We are lying to everyone, we have no proof And you are 100% correct about us.

    Now keep your word...admin.


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  • bistander

    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    Ahhhh the poor victim. That and the admin privileges you show off so well. Maybe you should have just asked us to not post whats coming like you did the last 3 years.

    "Matts a liar" and you thought you could hide that with denial...? Go ahead play the role, we know who you are.

    I have no idea what you're talking about.

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  • Matthew Jones
    OH ya, they are false claim. To everyone we are lying to you. Everything we have claimed to have done is lie and none of you should pay attention.

    My sincere apoligies

    PS BYE!! and you know who you are... Bail while you can.
    Last edited by Matthew Jones; 08-05-2018, 08:54 PM.

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  • Matthew Jones
    Originally posted by bistander View Post
    Where is a post showing your claims of a motor with higher output power than input power and a motor generator combination putting out 2 kW with less than 300 watts input? That is what I have asked for. Proof or evidence of those particular specific claims which you have made. Show me solid proof or convincing evidence of those claims or admit they are false claims, and I'll get out of here.

    It doesn't matter who I am. I talk about the facts, the science, the truth, the system, the device, the test, the data, the logic. You, and especially Matt, talk about me using insults and vulgar language (from Matt).


    Ahhhh the poor victim. That and the admin privileges you show off so well. Maybe you should have just asked us to not post whats coming like you did the last 3 years.

    "Matts a liar" and you thought you could hide that with denial...? Go ahead play the role, we know who you are.


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  • bistander
    It's not about me

    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    But people HAVE gotten it working and HAVE posted videos showing inputs and outputs. You simply choose to ignore those. Why is that I wonder? It seems like your entire purpose is to make us angry. Maybe so we will go away and close this thread like I did the other one? Maybe all you want is for this information to go away? Why is that? What do you gain from that? ...
    Where is a post showing your claims of a motor with higher output power than input power and a motor generator combination putting out 2 kW with less than 300 watts input? That is what I have asked for. Proof or evidence of those particular specific claims which you have made. Show me solid proof or convincing evidence of those claims or admit they are false claims, and I'll get out of here.

    It doesn't matter who I am. I talk about the facts, the science, the truth, the system, the device, the test, the data, the logic. You, and especially Matt, talk about me using insults and vulgar language (from Matt).



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  • Turion

    But people HAVE gotten it working and HAVE posted videos showing inputs and outputs. You simply choose to ignore those. Why is that I wonder? It seems like your entire purpose is to make us angry. Maybe so we will go away and close this thread like I did the other one? Maybe all you want is for this information to go away? Why is that? What do you gain from that?

    The truth Will come out. And not THAT far in the future. Then what will you do, change your name to something else and keep posting? It’s easy to continue to disrupt when you hide who you really are. How about you post your REAL name as Matt and I have done, so that when you are proved a fool and a liar everyone will know it. We have put our names and our reputations behind what we have built and what we have chosen to disclose. How about you do the same. Or just shut up. Time to put YOUR money where your mouth is. Or vanish into the dark with all the other anonymous whiners.

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  • bistander
    Been a long time

    Originally posted by dragon View Post
    Seems quite pointless to argue, it simply adds pages of useless information... it either works or it doesn't... time will bring the truth to the surface.
    I agree. Been well over 6 years on this thread of claims of it working, but no evidence to support the claims.

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  • dragon
    Seems quite pointless to argue, it simply adds pages of useless information... it either works or it doesn't... time will bring the truth to the surface.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    As to you being the “only one” who replicated the single battery circuit... as I recall, the entire issue is that you did NOT replicate it because you did not use a modified motor. And as to your accusation that I did not build the circuit myself first. Really? After all the dozens of videos I have posted over the years of the 3 Battery system running you accuse me of not building a circuit that a child could put together in five minutes? For what purpose?

    I said I was the only one to build AND post results (data). Where is someone else's (your) data from a test on that particular system? As for building that particular circuit using a Matt modded motor, I doubt it would work. Take 5 minutes and show me it running with Matt's motor.


    BTW, when you posted that single battery system diagram, and told people to build it, you did not specify the motor.

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  • Turion


    You have no idea what we have or haven’t built. You have no idea of how much power we are capable of generating. The things that we CAN do and ARE doing are not going to show up on this silly forum. Only what we choose to share. And even that seems to be beyond the ability of far too many to even build CORRECTLY. You among them.

    As to you being the “only one” who replicated the single battery circuit... as I recall, the entire issue is that you did NOT replicate it because you did not use a modified motor. And as to your accusation that I did not build the circuit myself first. Really? After all the dozens of videos I have posted over the years of the 3 Battery system running you accuse me of not building a circuit that a child could put together in five minutes? For what purpose?

    You have no idea what we have seen, what we have, or where we are going with it. You, who can not keep YOUR story straight. First you say “the systems I endorse, of electrical energy conversion and energy storage, power the grid for the entire planet and do it extremely efficiently and reliably.” And when I call you on it you were suddenly talking about motors and generators, not the delivery system, which is a joke or the way we RUN those generators, which is a CRIME.

    As to the fence sitting remark from thaelin... I have shared tech here that cost me thousands of dollars to develop to the point where I know it works and I felt people could build it safely. A cog free lenz free generator is worth millions. And the plans were given here for free. I have thousands more invested in things I am NOT sharing. The stuff I presented here was discussed with Matt before I disclosed it. We didn’t try to sell books or videos or anything else. Maybe if we HAD, you would value it a bit more. I have no idea what that remark is in reference to, but I’m pretty sure we have given away more for FREE than anybody else on these forums. YOU just don’t know it yet because you really don’t have a clue. I cannot wait for the day you find out just how stupid you really were. It’s coming. The thing is, when it does you will have to pay for it. You’ve given up the opportunity to get it for free. And THAT makes me laugh even MORE.
    Last edited by Turion; 08-05-2018, 04:52 PM.

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  • thaelin

    Your tag line says it all for what its worth.

    "Try Not! Do or do not. There is no 'Try' ". Yoda

    Either you do or you don't. No fence to sit on here.

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  • bistander

    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I will. Thanks. The present system is NONE of the things you claim. It is expensive, unsightly, inefficient and an environmental disaster. So it’s all yours bud. Keep looking through your rose colored glasses while change creeps up and then passed you by. We have given you plenary of chances to get on board, but you aren’t interested. So just remember that. I know you will look back at all this with sincere regret some day, but you will have no one to blame but yourself.
    It is not the electric energy conversion (generators and motors) that pollutes. That's what I'm talking about. The electric machinery. What we have now is on the order of 95% efficient. It wastes very little. Some waste heat but no pollution or environmental damage. It is your claims of over-unity (efficiency>100% or more power out than power in) electric machinery to which I object. Your claims are impossible. If you did have what you claim, you could own the world.

    BTW, I find it peculiar that you and Matt don't have your systems powering your homes, shops, farms, etc. And you pound on everyone else to build your systems, and "easily scale up to power their home", but neither of you appear to have a functional system up and running. All you can show is a pile of parts or tiny batteries and little devices connected with crappy test leads which you tell everybody else not to use.

    You posted a one battery version diagram of your system and told us to build it. I did. I am the only one who did so and posted my results. I couldn't even get a decent discussion from you guys concerning it. Matt started to replicate it but then stopped after cussing me out. I don't think you ever built it.

    So keep laughing as you use conventional grid power to live your modern life and communicate via the web.


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  • Turion

    I will. Thanks. The present system is NONE of the things you claim. It is expensive, unsightly, inefficient and an environmental disaster. So it’s all yours bud. Keep looking through your rose colored glasses while change creeps up and then passed you by. We have given you plenty of chances to get on board, but you aren’t interested. So just remember that. I know you will look back at all this with sincere regret some day, but you will have no one to blame but yourself.
    Last edited by Turion; 08-05-2018, 03:05 PM.

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  • bistander
    My system

    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    The really funny part is that you don’t even know how MUCH you don’t know. And the very BEST part is that because you refuse to listen, you never WILL. So every time you act like a condescending ass hat, it makes me chuckle. I KNOW how much MY system can produce, and I also know how it can be made much more efficient. As for YOUR system... oh wait... you don’t HAVE a system do you? LMFAO!
    Hi Turion,

    My system, or the systems I endorse, of electrical energy conversion and energy storage, power the grid for the entire planet and do it extremely efficiently and reliably. How much useful energy has your system produced?

    Keep laughing,


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  • Matthew Jones
    Originally posted by axxelxavier View Post
    Yes, Matt, you got it. It is the two battery setup, one batt is discharging while the second is charging. In the attach is the analogic version (which has been tested and it's working) of this arduino project.
    The code it's in the sketch stage, there are scenarios which have to be tested, like 2 batteries fully charged, or a big load wich will push setup in a continuous loop open-close...
    Best regards,
    Thanks bud, I'll look through it all.


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