Found it
This is the old build I was talking about in my last post. Vertical shaft. I used a BIG washer above and below the rotor to help it rotate correctly.
Vertical Generator prototype - YouTube
I really do build stuff. And very LITTLE of it gets shared here.
Just saw what Matt posted. You guys should understand that in the MANY years we have been working on this stuff, Matt has tried about EVERYTHING. So he knows what will work and WHY and what won’t and WHY. If he says it won’t work, you can be pretty sure he’s giving you the straight stuff.
Oh, one thing I should mention...those coils put out voltage but NOT much amperage, since they are a loooooong single wire. It is good for PROPF of concept only. There is a REASON this was UNDER my bench instead of on top of it. So I wouldn’t get crazy excited and spend a ton of money on this particular setup.
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3 Battery Generating System
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Originally posted by ricards View Postboost modules have diodes and output capacitor that charges to higher voltage, the load is the motor in series with the source battery, like the 3 battery system they have all been doing. The negative is already tied with the battery.
the circuit reminds me of the charge pump we used to play in the other thread.. double the voltage, send it back to source while powering loads.. this is more passive though.. really clever..
not really good with motors here, so I might try this with isolated SMPS instead of motor-generator.
Switch mode power supplies loose to much energy. Since most are forward converters you end up with a 50% duty cycle coming out. So what that means is you are putting, for instance, 12 volt 1 amp in at a constant rate and out comes pulses that equal 12v 1 amp but 50% of the time you are off so average you now have 6 volt 1 amp total. A 50% loss just to run the thing on the primary side. You also end up saturating the inductor because they need a ground to zero the inductor between pulses, so the thing loads up and you have a hard time getting real work done out of them without them shutting down for safety. With all that fixed and running if the SMPS is 90% efficient you going to get a 6% gain which wont cover the loss in the primary boost converter.
Thats why we push the MoGen combo. Just about everything else is a waiste of time.
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Originally posted by ewizard View PostThanks Dave. I know this is probably a dumb question but could you indicate which side is input and which is output on the boost module in the diagram. I'm assuming I know the answer but would like to be sure. Also the boost module next to the battery does not have the negative output connected. Is that correct? I know some of these modules have the negative in and out tied together.
Originally posted by Turion View PostIf you have the stuff, give this a shot. It's as CHEAP as you will get.
not really good with motors here, so I might try this with isolated SMPS instead of motor-generator.
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Information Super Highway??????
We have something prior generations did NOT have. We have the internet to put the information OUT THERE for everyone to see. Before “this time” if someone had an amazing idea, how could they share it with the person next door, or across the country, or across the ocean? It is harder to control the spread of information now. Almost 50 people have viewed the information on the generator I gave out. Wow! More people would know about it if I just went out in my yard and started yelling about it.
Thanks for the info on the patent. A while back I purchased a Polaris EV, which is a four wheel drive electric vehicle that seats two, with a dump bed on the back. I use it almost every day hauling dirt and bricks and rock, moving tools from here to there, or running down the road to my moms place instead of using the car. It has a winch, so I am always pulling out small dead trees or other projects with it. And it is quiet, so I don’t disturb people. I have every intention of converting it over to some kind of system where it only needs ONE to THREE batteries and keeps itself charged up. Some day. That is my goal. That’s one of the reasons I bought it.
The only way we are going to make significant change is to get something that actually works and then get people to REPLICATE it and SHOW that it works. We haven’t made a ripple, let alone a wave.
Almost forgot my main reason for writing this post. I have a build I haven’t shown, because I took it apart a while back, where the razor scooter motor is mounted with the threaded shaft vertical. This allows the generator coils to be placed around the outside of the rotor like spokes on a wheel. Directly across the rotor from each coil is a SINGLE adjustable magnet used to balance the attraction of rotor magnet to iron core. As you can afford it, you can then stack layers of coils one on top of the other with its matching rotor. This was actually my FIRST version using magnetic opposition that worked on a little wooden motor Matt designed, and citfta replicated it. So I KNEW before I invested big $$ that it would work. The only issue was the bearing on the other end of the verticals shaft if you stack layers. It was too hard to get perfect alignment with the basic tools I have. For ONE layer it’s a piece of cake, as all you do is bolt a rotor onto the razor scooter motor. It is also WAY cheaper for YOU guys to build a demo generator and SEE FOR YOURSELVES. All you need is the rotor with magnets around the outside that you mount on your modified motor and correctly wound coils. The opposition magnets you can figure out a way to move closer to the rotor on your own.Attached FilesLast edited by Turion; 07-14-2018, 01:39 PM.
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Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostI have given up on those prebuilt ones. At lower voltages the don't do much.
Here's a calculator:
Switching Converter Power Supply Calculator
Here's a simple schematic:
DC to DC boost converter circuit homemade
Heres a free schematic editor and PCB design tool.
Send me the the PCB file or the gerbers I'll make you a board.
Or just use 2-3 little red boost converters. Make sure you have enough amps.
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Originally posted by Turion View Post
This will help you more
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I have given up on those prebuilt ones. At lower voltages the don't do much.
Here's a calculator:
Switching Converter Power Supply Calculator
Here's a simple schematic:
DC to DC boost converter circuit homemade
Heres a free schematic editor and PCB design tool.
Send me the the PCB file or the gerbers I'll make you a board.
Or just use 2-3 little red boost converters. Make sure you have enough amps.
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Hi turion, nice post, seems you may be alluding to the hidden social engineers, who are the real reason people are forgetting about fairly recent inventions, keeping them distracted and in survival mode.
And before that, they have destroyed cultures, societies, to rebuild again, to maintain control.
Your efforts are great, maybe the tides have turned and these inventions will truly see the light of day on mass.
Carry on my brothers and sisters.
peace love light
Remember, loving kindness and a light heart will take us where we need to go.
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Everything old is new again
Benetiz showed people over a hundred years ago how to run loads between the positives.
Tesla showed us over a hundred years ago how to get a coil to speed up under load.
I looked for the patent today and couldn't find it, but there is a patent that is over 100 years old that SHOWS using offsetting magnets aligned with the coils so the rotor magnet goes BETWEEN the two...attracted to one and repulsed by the other. I didn't LIKE that arrangement, since all the force on the rotor was in the same direction, but the IDEA is the same as what I am using. I just make sure there is attraction in BOTH directions and repulsion in BOTH directions to avoid torquing my rotor back and forth.
So no, Bro Mikey, I did NOT get the idea from Mad Mack, although the work he was doing certainly reinforced the idea. And it blows me away that since he put it all OUT THERE not a single person on the forum saw it and applied it to running generators. Although I SHOULDN'T be. In order to APPLY something you actually have to BUILD something instead of just TALKING about building something.
What I am trying to say is, NONE of this is new, It has ALL been "invented" before. Why is it that this is some big mysterious thing we are all excited about NOW. Because people don't research any more. They don't use their brains to link ideas together. Half the time they can't see what is right in front of them. And we have LOST the wisdom of the past. There is an old saying:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
That's us. Researching and inventing things that were invented 100 years ago. I can hardly wait until a hundred years in the future, when someone invents the iPhone.
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Originally posted by ewizard View PostThanks Dave. I know this is probably a dumb question but could you indicate which side is input and which is output on the boost module in the diagram. I'm assuming I know the answer but would like to be sure. Also the boost module next to the battery does not have the negative output connected. Is that correct? I know some of these modules have the negative in and out tied together.
Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post...since you got all this stuff for free.
A while back, it was asked of Eric or someone else to drop in and explain why this system works. Sorry I helped.
Maybe you've figured it out by now.I've only read up to page 13 of this thread.
No need to linger, 'tho I enjoy your posts.
The problem is not that we need explanation the problem is people who interject long drab posts about nothing that pertains to getting the job done and ancient writings from the Internet of nothing. Most of the crap that is out there is just that.
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Originally posted by Turion View PostIf you have the stuff, give this a shot. It's as CHEAP as you will get.Last edited by ewizard; 07-13-2018, 03:14 PM.
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Too bad my name is not Eric Dollard...
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostThis does not really pertain to the thread. Unfortunately the Callahan stuff is just a rework of John Bedini's stuff. Most people have no real conception of either one of them. So maybe you can spare us ancient history and the very drab hope that simulation can help and go start your own thread. Bro Mikey maybe a couple of others would be happy to discuss this mystical stuff with you.
Thanks For understanding
A while back, it was asked of Eric or someone else to drop in and explain why this system works. Sorry I helped.
Maybe you've figured it out by now.I've only read up to page 13 of this thread.
No need to linger, 'tho I enjoy your posts.
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Opposing magnets
Got the 3/4" magnet in yesterday. Will stop by Lowe's to match the diameter with pvc pipe to hold it in place.
This is how I'll size and build the opposing magnets between the coils. Being that my stators are wood and the between coils space is limited.
Will see what will work to adjust distance of magnet toward the rotor magnets.
Yes you guessed it coffee nuking time,
wantomakeLast edited by wantomake; 07-13-2018, 12:25 PM.
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