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3 Battery Generating System

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  • BroMikey
    Hello Aaron and group members

    If I give you the answer, I'll have to shoot you in the interest of national
    security. What the hell, I'll give you what I have anyway and promise
    your safety to the best of my ability.

    My original questions started like this.

    1) If I have a pulse motor running how much power?

    2) If I have a pulse motor with rotor how much more?

    No one could answer because everyone's setup was not the same as
    the guy asking.

    Like Turion said cogging makes a difference also when you begin adding
    many many gen coils around the rotor. But what I have is one coil that
    that helps the rotor action with less than half of it's windings engaged.

    I am not going to be able to put all of this in engineering terms so
    I'll give you what I have. When one of my old motors turns my rotor
    the motor runs at 90vac on the variac at 2.38amps or 215 watts.

    Each time I engage my Tesla coils that are parallel wound series
    connected the coil puts out 20 watts and eases the draw on the
    drive motor. It drops 44watts.

    Also the original questions use to go like this

    3) How much increase on the drive motor with coils not engaged?

    But in the end running the systems I have answers so much. The
    coils assist rotor action and each time you add one the drive current
    keeps dropping while providing real power.

    4) How many coils to the break even?

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  • wantomake
    Something done?

    As the rain has moved on, I may be able to make room in the shop today. Have parts coming in the mail to try my skills(?) at building smaller gnerator with coils. Thanks to a good friend and donor for these parts. As Turion/Matthew stated the under load on coils idea has interesting potential. I've not experienced this fully yet but plan to. The size and winding of coils will be time consuming and pricey. Single, bifilar, trifilar, or multi-filar will be explored. Speed of the rotor, type of coil core, load, etc.

    Please start your own thread if you've nothing to add to the subject at hand. With respect to ALL and I get it.

    I'm here to learn and build, then post on that progress.


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  • ron48
    Hey ramset romero had the secret and i am sure tinman does too as his reply at overunity pierres thread the one befote gotoluc took over. So we will not see it given by anyone just one mans opinion you should work on tinman if you want them people to have fresh water for free. But i guess you already know that about brads rotary transformer.

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  • Aaron
    Thane Heins

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    The Regenx has been proven a success by me. My Matt Mod mtr
    without anything connected runs 1.3amps and with a huge over grown
    10" rotor using 20 magnets then pulls 2 amps at up to 15v at the time.

    Each time I tune a Regenx/Turion coil to run on it, meaning get the right
    number of series connected strands long enough, I relieve the burden
    back to nearly the original 1.3a using 1 coil. Tesla stated that these
    parallel wound series connected coils would exhibit a specific characteristic.

    Coils that generate power as if these were not there or in the field.

    Thane is just a regular guy- has made it work. His feelings or ego have
    been damaged in the past so he no longer answers very many people.
    Q1 - So you have verified that with the generator coils loaded that the prime mover unloads?

    Q2 - With the generator coils in place and magnets on the rotor spinning with nothing attached to the output of the generator coils, is that the "no load condition"?

    For now, I'll post this link to some correspondence from Thane Heins to think about:

    And this old video that I haven't watched in years with Thane Heins:


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  • wantomake

    Yes progress is good. The Arduino project has gotten to the mounting on plexiglass with power switch etc. Now learning the programming to setup the switching for a 3GBS system. It's only a small version to start and learn with as this endeavor births before me.

    63 year old retired students enrolled in this University of Free Energy need full attention, alertness, coffee, imagination, knowledge, TIME, and to use all these we need wisdom. Distracting people or thoughts are placed on the "ignore list" to allow progression built on attention, alertness, coffee, imagination, knowledge, TIME but managed with wisdom. Did I mention coffee?

    I respect ALL humans for or against this UFE and the mission statement to save and preserve US the planet caretakers. Professor Life trained me to recognize whom is which.

    Thanks Prof. Aaron and Dave Turion, Matthew, Citfta, Bob French, and others so many patient and good teachers the heartbeat of UFE.

    Oh I forgot to mention coffee,
    Last edited by wantomake; 03-24-2018, 02:19 PM.

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  • Aaron
    Warning of ramset and company

    Ramset - the posts are moved here so as to not disrupt this thread.

    I will post the below because it is relevant to this thread because of a desire to properly quantify results and is why I'm posting this warning about Ramset and his scam buddies.

    @All - the history of Ramset's associates like TK, Mile High and other clowns are posted all over this forum and elsewhere on the internet. Mile High, TK, Luc, etc. are all known liars and troublemakers. This is who Ramset chooses to align himself with and is who he is referring to as being the ones that are able to "help" you all understand what you actually have. What a joke.

    One of the biggest red flags in this whole field come from the liars who proclaim, "We're here to help!" - that is guaranteed to tell you exactly who to stay away from. Many of us in this forum have experienced the clown show put on by Ramset's buddies and this goes back probably 10 years.

    Example - I literally performed thousands of hours of experiments with pulsing inductive resistors about 10 years ago - self-oscillating a mosfet to send battery power to an inductive resistor at all kinds of frequencies and then recovering what comes back from the oscillatory transients "spikes" through the mosfet's intrinsic diode back to the source battery thereby extending running time.

    Ramset's buddies who I'm mentioning claimed that there can be no recovery since the resistance of the nichrome wire will "burn" up everything going through it since the thinking is that a heating element is 100% efficient since all current moving through it converts to heat - that is a false understanding from mainstream thinking but that is where their claims come from. If it burned up all the current, how does any current move from the resistor to the battery + in order to complete the loop? That is the first clue that there is more there than the resistor uses.

    So why is it that when the mosfet switches off, the magnetic field collapses and gives me spikes over 1000 volts? Because there is recovery. This is an example of the nonsense that Ramset's "experts" are there to "help" with so as a warning to all, like I said, he cannot be trusted and neither can his professional stooges. They started to insult everyone and insisted that they were right even though it was blatantly obvious that there is plenty of recovery coming back and then TK started to outright lie and spread lies on, etc. they were literally hell-bent on doing everything they could to make sure nobody believed that recovery was even possible.

    They also do not know anything about batteries or how they work (very relevant to this thread) and that you cannot measure what a battery has by monitoring voltage and current going into it. You can only measure the actual work the battery will deliver during discharge because what goes into the battery is electrically related to what comes out but is NOT directly proportional. You can wind up with less than you put in, you could get the same as what you put in and you can even wind up with MORE than what you measured electrically as going in.

    So the only thing Ramset's "specialists" are qualified to do is run their mouths and conduct their dog and pony shows.
    Last edited by Aaron; 03-23-2018, 09:24 PM.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    there are fellows all across the globe who Volunteer in open source forums to help wherever and whenever they can.
    We know what kind of clowns you associate with - Luc, TK and the rest of those time wasters. They're not available to "help" - all they have done is the best they can to spread disinformation, disrupt, etc. They are not to be trusted and neither are you.

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  • wantomake
    Already discussed

    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    How does one convince forum FE minds to understand, believe, build, test this 3BGS "idea".
    end quote

    Now you know the words that came out of my mouth in the conversation
    to David ,after many similar conversations with Carroll.

    a genuine question ,with an Obvious answer .

    a 100% transparent live streamed demonstration of the tech [after all is prepared by the inventors to their satisfaction]

    this is and was the goal and offer presented to David ,whom I absolutely believe [along with Matt and Carroll]

    and just for the record

    the offer still stands and the specialists who would oversee the measurement protocols to EE standards are always available.

    obviously in the first Attempt there were financial constraints .
    the Lab in Florida was chosen because Matt was close enuff and Carroll too

    anything which was needed could be brought there and taken back when done .

    maybe "you" are close enuff to Florida ? or would host a team of members to show the world somewhere else [your shop ??

    there are fellows all across the globe who Volunteer in open source forums to help wherever and whenever they can.

    Chet K
    I had asked if we could "talk" not long ago ?
    you asked me why and seemed unapproachable.
    now you know why...

    Now you know
    Hello Chet K,
    I believe most of this first part of your post was discussed over on:
    Continued Tests of the 3 Battery System

    As for the PS I'm sorry if my answer came across as unapproachable. I may have meant I'm not that knowledgeable on the subject. I can only tell what the setup (small scale) I had was able to do. It only kept the shop lights and itself powered without using any voltage from the battery banks that ran it. Not much amps out or in. But was a pain to balance. But did maintain same voltages on primary and charging battery banks.

    I did post some videos on YouTube of the setups working.

    Right now my shop is full of household boxes and containers from our decluttering our home while trying to sell it. So I can't run any test and answer any questions for you.


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    How does one convince forum FE minds to understand, believe, build, test this 3BGS "idea".
    end quote

    Now you know the words that came out of my mouth in the conversation
    to David ,after many similar conversations with Carroll.

    a genuine question ,with an Obvious answer .

    a 100% transparent live streamed demonstration of the tech [after all is prepared by the inventors to their satisfaction]

    this is and was the goal and offer presented to David ,whom I absolutely believe [along with Matt and Carroll]

    and just for the record

    the offer still stands and the specialists who would oversee the measurement protocols to EE standards are always available.

    obviously in the first Attempt there were financial constraints .
    the Lab in Florida was chosen because Matt was close enuff and Carroll too

    anything which was needed could be brought there and taken back when done .

    maybe "you" are close enuff to Florida ? or would host a team of members to show the world somewhere else [your shop ??

    there are fellows all across the globe who Volunteer in open source forums to help wherever and whenever they can.

    Chet K
    I had asked if we could "talk" not long ago ?
    you asked me why and seemed unapproachable.
    now you know why...

    Now you know

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  • wantomake
    Light years behind

    Still working/learning Arduino world. Looking ahead to swich battery positions or just try a little Bedini cigar box switching.

    Getting back into the shop helps focus the thoughts and efforts. Earlier setups and test of the 3BGS only proves there's more than I've seen or thought about. There are ways to see more out of this system. How does one convince forum FE minds to understand, believe, build, test this 3BGS "idea".

    I'm not equipped to be that "one" to do that. The only word of the above mentioned I know is belief. Because I saw before me what happened with my build and tests.


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  • wantomake
    Get well soon

    Yes prayers and belief for your health and recovery.

    Arduino is a fascinating device. Been studying and learning as time allows. Really great to see all the possible uses with this as your imagination is the limit.

    I understand more and more Matt and your mindset with this idea of battery setup.


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  • Turion
    hubs for rotors

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  • wantomake
    Arduino and houses

    Arduino and buying and selling a home have nothing in common.

    Been trying to sell and buy a different home at same time. Painful. Therefore no time to build or test.

    But still I'm studying/ buying Arduino to use to switch battery positions. Started out with basic setup to learn and grow with. The C++ language is a challenge. But the Arduino website is very helpful for beginners like me.

    It only takes a small table area to setup and run different setups. Got the 8-channel 12v relay module yesterday. But its not as hugh or what I thought it to be. Not sure the relays can handle the marine size batteries I use on the 3BGS. I may need to connect them to larger more heavy duty relays for switching the batteries around.

    Will see as I'm able(?) to do any real testing,

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  • BroMikey
    It is good to lock one's self in by his own words. I too am waiting for
    parts from Gyina oops China such as the hub flange. For a year or more
    all I could find is a hub for $70- $200 and that seemed to high. Knowing
    now how to talk Chinese I found what I knew was there for my build yet
    was not finding these parts.

    $3 for a small hub and bigger ones a whopping $5 - $10. The CNC and
    robot type machinery have what is needed to spin a simple rotor without
    selling off your gold bullion.

    It takes time to order from half way around the globe to get that poor
    boy deal. Ain't nothin goin on but the rent. As many of you know the winder
    I built last year sits outside so now that the weather is in the 60's I can
    be thinking about winding my coils again the easy way.

    I have looked at wood rotors and went the other way using tablesaw
    blades. I want to run 3000rpms to 4000rpms. The saw blades are hard
    to drill but once you have it done you can't change the shape of that
    true form. Saw blades when hit ring like a bell because the metal has
    a very precise mix. It is way harder to change the shape than stainless.

    The rotors are tempered. I know this is way different than Turions
    build but you know what they say? "Variety is the spice of life"

    This may only be of interest to those who want to stay at the very low
    price range. Another point is that the hubs cylindrical projection has
    a measurement (the ones I am buying) of 16mm. This is important
    if you tool up say a fine tooth paneling saw blade because she fits
    right on the hubs.

    No machine shops and all of the big prices. Only for the poor boys club.

    How are you doing over there Dave?
    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-05-2018, 08:00 PM.

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  • wantomake
    Too busy

    To All,
    I post over on the Newman motor finally explained thread about my busy life trying to sell and buy a home.

    But I'm still (when my wife let's me) studying and building Arduino to catch up to a possible switching battery banks of the 3BGS. Learning C or C++ isn't a walk in the park but will try.

    Nothing to post about now or for a while. Just an update.

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