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3 Battery Generating System

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  • almost done

    Hi Matt
    I found that I have this diode but I couldn’t find good information whether to use it or not as a forth diode this is the picture for the diode the part number is FMQG5FS and here is the picture:

    And here is the update for the work so now I finished the soldering work and the connections I even put Switch for ON and OFF the basic stamp as Dave recommended

    Here is some close picture if you can check the connection

    I just need to put the forth diode and good to go .

    Good luck

    Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


    • Ya'll be careful with this thing.

      I got to running mine this morning with the new windings on the 3kva. I went measure and my finger slipped and I the next thing I knew I was laying on the floor trying to breath. My chest still hurts a bit.

      I am measuring spikes at 2000 volt. Thats the max my scope can read. They are going further, but who knows how high.

      I didn't get much done after that.

      Anyway be careful.



      • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
        Ya'll be careful with this thing.

        I got to running mine this morning with the new windings on the 3kva. I went measure and my finger slipped and I the next thing I knew I was laying on the floor trying to breath. My chest still hurts a bit.

        I am measuring spikes at 2000 volt. Thats the max my scope can read. They are going further, but who knows how high.

        I didn't get much done after that.

        Anyway be careful.

        Hi Matt

        Thanks god your ok .ya I know how it it like to shock by HV electricity once when I was 17 years and I know norhing about TV and when I try to fixed the color of that TV I go and try to remove the out put of the fly back transformer while the TV on ,you can imagine what happen next.
        Yes it's reall scary I still remember that shock .
        Any way that's what I'm about ask you about because attrhe beginning I was focusing on how to collect the parts and then how to put all the parts together and now I did it here we came to the big question playing with the code ?
        You know that the fist time I get to know basic stamp was from you when we try to replicate the tesla switch but that codes was easy to play with here I don't understand how to play with codes and how to monitor the cap when they filled up and how to dump them and I never expect the spikes will be that high so unless I know what is in these codes I mean in each command what is happen I will be totally lost if irun the scalar andi will not be able to take any reading .
        In tesla switch I know what are we doing but here there is more variables and also in the code part you post it there is some sentences I don't know whether they are with the code or not so please Matt write only the code first and then I will find out what's not clear.

        Thank you in advance

        Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


        • I posted how to use the code:

          What is it you don't understand?



          • Matt,
            Glad to hear you are ok! That's way scary man. My wife is always worried I'm going to blow myself up, so I am NOT showing her your post! LOL

            I haven't had much chance to work on my setup. I have to clean the house and yard for company, but that will be over this weekend. It has been a major task just to sort out junk and pile it up to be hauled away.

            I got three new boards and the parts for them are on the way, along with the parts to fix the old ones. I kinda waited on that parts order to see if you were going to say I needed something else based on "new" information. But I want to get these all fixed so I went ahead. I also got some higher voltage fets and some really high voltage diodes (diodes are here already). Now I'm wondering if they are high ENOUGH voltage! Guess time will tell.

            EDIT: Forgot to ask...what voltage fets are you using that are working with the 3kva? I have some high voltage ones on order, but the ones I have are 250, not 100 like I thought, and I still blew them. Of course that is probably due to a wiring mistake on my part.

            Last edited by Turion; 06-26-2012, 05:31 PM.
            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • New Rules: Rubber Gloves 4 all working with HV
              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


              • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                I posted how to use the code:


                What is it you don't understand?


                Hi Matt

                For now I have a couple question the first on is regarding the code you posted and how to use it ,I want to say that I am just a bigginer in using basic stamp so I don't have any idea about programming or analyzing the code I just read in the code you post phrases I don't understand first here is the code you post

                Drive Serial switch
                ' {$STAMP BS2}
                ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

                SW VAR Word 'Serial Switch count
                SW = 0

                DO UNTIL SW = 1 ' Change the value of I to increase the number loops until caps hit 48 - 52 volt.
                PULSOUT 0, 10 ' ' pulsout time (10) might be too fast you can slow it down as low as 1800 (60hz)
                PULSOUT 10,10 ' Just somthing to cause a pause on pin 0. Adjust as needed with above pulsout command
                SW = (SW + 1)

                and here is the phrases :

                Change the value of I to increase the number loops until caps hit 48 - 52 volt.

                pulsout time (10) might be too fast you can slow it down as low as 1800 (60hz)

                Just somthing to cause a pause on pin 0. Adjust as needed with above pulsout command

                Are these phrases a part of the code ?

                My second question is about the battery and you said the primary batteries they should be the same what if use two different batteries as a primary ?theonly baytteries I have the same are SLA 7.2Ahand you said that we should monitor the liquid level in the battery and these are sealed so can I use these batteries
                in the test?
                Thank you

                Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                • Originally posted by Turion View Post

                  EDIT: Forgot to ask...what voltage fets are you using that are working with the 3kva? I have some high voltage ones on order, but the ones I have are 250, not 100 like I thought, and I still blew them. Of course that is probably due to a wiring mistake on my part.

                  Hi Dave

                  I am using this Fet IXFN180N25T and its also 250v ,164A!!
                  Do you find any sign befor the Fets went down so we can take precaution ,and is it happen so quick or it takes time for the Fet to blow?

                  Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                  • Ehsan,
                    Mine blew so fast I didn't know what had happened, but it is probably due to a combination of things you will avoid. DON'T use a motor as a load, and be sure all your wires are correct before you throw the switch. Do those two things and you should be good. My problems have most likely been due to MY errors.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                      New Rules: Rubber Gloves 4 all working with HV
                      Hi ewizard

                      After what happen to Matt I think it's a good idea for safety .

                      Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                      • Hi Dave

                        I checked my wire I fact when I make a connection between point to another I make a cross on that line on the schematic so I won't miss any wire but still I am not sure of the connection I need to check it four time befor I will fire it it's not easy to get the parts I have to order every thing from Digikey the shipping cost is twice the price of the parts so will try to be cearful and listen to all the advice.
                        Thank you for your advice I will use only bulbs as a load.

                        Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                        • ehsanco1062

                          Below is the test code.
                          Run it ONE time, then check the voltage in your cap. You want 48-50 volts. Then short your cap out/ ( I connect jumpers to my cap and short the ends of the jumpers together...don't short against those aluminum terminals on the cap because they won't last!

                          Then change the code according to Matt's directions

                          Drive Serial switch
                          ' {$STAMP BS2}
                          ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

                          SW VAR Word 'Serial Switch count
                          SW = 0

                          DO UNTIL SW = 1 '
                          PULSOUT 0, 10 ' '
                          PULSOUT 10,10 '
                          SW = (SW + 1)

                          You can change the value of SW ( that controls how many times it runs the loop)
                          You can change PULSOUT 0, 10 (change the 10 to a higher number increases the length of pulse
                          You can change PULSEOUT 10,10 (change the second 10 to a higher number changes the amount of time BETWEEN pulses.

                          Read Matt's directions or ask me. It's pretty simple.

                          Oh, and about the batteries...the reason Matt said to take the top off the batteries is because when you are hitting them with high voltage like this, you can boil them and that could cause them to explode. You won't know that is happening unless you can SEE it, so I would be very careful using sealed batteries. I take my setup outside to run it because I don't want those battery fumes in a confined space lake my tiny basement where there is anything that could spark.
                          Last edited by Turion; 06-27-2012, 05:46 AM.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Originally posted by ehsanco1062 View Post
                            Hi Matt

                            For now I have a couple question the first on is regarding the code you posted and how to use it ,I want to say that I am just a bigginer in using basic stamp so I don't have any idea about programming or analyzing the code I just read in the code you post phrases I don't understand first here is the code you post

                            Drive Serial switch
                            ' {$STAMP BS2}
                            ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

                            SW VAR Word 'Serial Switch count
                            SW = 0

                            DO UNTIL SW = 1 ' Change the value of I to increase the number loops until caps hit 48 - 52 volt.
                            PULSOUT 0, 10 ' ' pulsout time (10) might be too fast you can slow it down as low as 1800 (60hz)
                            PULSOUT 10,10 ' Just somthing to cause a pause on pin 0. Adjust as needed with above pulsout command
                            SW = (SW + 1)

                            and here is the phrases :

                            Change the value of I to increase the number loops until caps hit 48 - 52 volt.

                            pulsout time (10) might be too fast you can slow it down as low as 1800 (60hz)

                            Just somthing to cause a pause on pin 0. Adjust as needed with above pulsout command

                            Are these phrases a part of the code ?

                            My second question is about the battery and you said the primary batteries they should be the same what if use two different batteries as a primary ?theonly baytteries I have the same are SLA 7.2Ahand you said that we should monitor the liquid level in the battery and these are sealed so can I use these batteries
                            in the test?
                            Thank you

                            If you read the book that came with the stamp and do a few tutorials from it you will see how the code breaks down. It takes to much time to explain this stuff here. It better if you employ the learning assets that came with the stamp so you can start to understand what the code doing and why I used what I used and why the comments are in place.

                            Half the battle to working with this kind of stuff is teaching yourself "How to Learn".



                            • Originally posted by Turion View Post

                              Below is the test code.
                              Run it ONE time, then check the voltage in your cap. You want 48-50 volts. Then short your cap out/ ( I connect jumpers to my cap and short the ends of the jumpers together...don't short against those aluminum terminals on the cap because they won't last!

                              Then change the code according to Matt's directions

                              Drive Serial switch
                              ' {$STAMP BS2}
                              ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

                              SW VAR Word 'Serial Switch count
                              SW = 0

                              DO UNTIL SW = 1 '
                              PULSOUT 0, 10 ' '
                              PULSOUT 10,10 '
                              SW = (SW + 1)

                              You can change the value of SW ( that controls how many times it runs the loop)
                              You can change PULSOUT 0, 10 (change the 10 to a higher number increases the length of pulse
                              You can change PULSEOUT 10,10 (change the second 10 to a higher number changes the amount of time BETWEEN pulses.

                              Read Matt's directions or ask me. It's pretty simple.

                              Oh, and about the batteries...the reason Matt said to take the top off the batteries is because when you are hitting them with high voltage like this, you can boil them and that could cause them to explode. You won't know that is happening unless you can SEE it, so I would be very careful using sealed batteries. I take my setup outside to run it because I don't want those battery fumes in a confined space lake my tiny basement where there is anything that could spark.
                              Hi Dave

                              Thank you ,now I know about the code and the battery and also the cap you explain every thing that any one can understand it easly .
                              My problem is I live in an apartment so that will be too risky and I cannot do the test outside so I have to take all the security measurement to do it at the apartment .

                              Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                              • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                                If you read the book that came with the stamp and do a few tutorials from it you will see how the code breaks down. It takes to much time to explain this stuff here. It better if you employ the learning assets that came with the stamp so you can start to understand what the code doing and why I used what I used and why the comments are in place.

                                Half the battle to working with this kind of stuff is teaching yourself "How to Learn".

                                Hi Matt

                                Sorry for asking silly question ,learning programming the basic stamp is not of my favorite but I will start to learn simple programming and then if i will find it easly to understand then I will go farther .

                                Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane

