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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Originally posted by ehsanco1062 View Post
    Hi Matt

    I am still waiting for your instruction , I will not make a move untill you will say its ok I don't want to blow things here in the apartment .

    OK so this is what you wanna do. I got mine working some this way.

    Right now you have 2 widings going to each cap. Both windings are in serial with each other. Take all 4 windings. Put them in serial and have them go into 1 cap.

    What is the biggest FWBR you have?



    • Hi Matt

      The biggest FWBR I have is 6A but I make order for different bridges till 50A and 1000v but I will take more than a week to have it .
      Matt my problem is I can't follow the words it's easy for me to follow diagram so please can you make that modification on the updated schematic you post .so I can do it,
      I know it's a silly request but that help me do it with out mistakes.

      Thank you Matt

      Last edited by ehsanco1062; 07-06-2012, 10:27 PM.
      Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


      • 6 amp how many volts? If its 250v - 300v plus its big enough.

        I'll try to get to it over the weekend.



        • Hi Matt

          I found one that is 8A 800v so it's quite good .
          Waiting for farther instruction .

          Last edited by ehsanco1062; 07-07-2012, 02:44 PM.
          Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


          • Look this drawing over and you'll see all I did was get rid of C2 and F2 then I used all the wires in serial and added a bridge so you get 48 volt in one cap while charging a battery.



            • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
              Look this drawing over and you'll see all I did was get rid of C2 and F2 then I used all the wires in serial and added a bridge so you get 48 volt in one cap while charging a battery.


              Hi Matt

              I did the wiring but then I did one mistake that cost me one of my Fets but I am glad I still have two do the test so my test today was to get 50v in the cap but I couldn't get that although the 5w bulb lit not full brightness maybe 50% and I have charge the battery but I couldn't see any charge back to the primaries this the code I am using is

              PULSOUT 0,5800
              I tried many codes I will try to post some results
              What is your codes?

              Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


              • Hi Matt

                Here is the result I have in the following video:

                Scalar charger one cap ,two Fets part 1 - YouTube

                what load you are using?
                Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                • I use a 250 watt load. My system is bigger though.

                  Try a bigger load. You can also try a motor and No charge batt. See how that works out. I think the charge batt will be better though.

                  Seems to me the best point is around 50hz. At that my cap charges t 52v in 140 pulses (SW = 140) but the pulse are 1960 (Pulsout 0,1960)

                  Either way set it up to get the highest number on the cap and go onto dumping it.

                  I'll make the code work this evening for ya and post it.



                  • Hi Matt

                    I will try bigger load and see what I will get .
                    Looking forward for the codes
                    Thank you

                    Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                    • Hi Matt
                      Now I have 50v on the cap by using SW=400 and (Pulsout 4000) also I am using 55w bulb as a load and 12v drill motor instead of the charging battery but I will try later this night using battery instead of the drill motor and see what different that make.
                      Here is the video:

                      Scalar charger good result - YouTube

                      Good luck
                      Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                      • Ehsan,

                        You have to adjust both pulsout commands equally. This is why you are not gaining voltage in your cap faster because you have no OFF time to create the spikes.

                        Try using this:
                        SW VAR Word 
                        SW = 0
                        DO UNTIL SW = 100
                          PULSOUT 0, 1500 ' this is your ontime
                          PULSOUT 10,1200 ' this is your offtime when the spikes are created.
                          SW = (SW + 1)
                        Then adjust from there.

                        Now the goal is to adjust the on and off time so you have an equal spacing or 50% duty cycle. But the DO and LOOP command add to the OFF time. So you can start making them equal then adjust your time as needed according to your scope.

                        You follow me?



                        • Now if you can time to speed up a bit then use this code for the final code.

                          SW VAR Word 'Serial Switch count
                          CD VAR Word 'Cap Dump Count
                          DO  'Main Loop
                            CD = 0  'Set CapDump (CD) to 0
                            DO UNTIL CD = 1  'Loop the Cap Dump count
                              SW = 0  'Set the count for Serial Switching
                              DO UNTIL SW = 1 ' 1 for now but after test this will change!!!!!!!
                                PULSOUT 0, 10 ' 10 for now but after test this will change!!!!!!!
                                PULSOUT 10,10 ' Just somthing to cause a pause on pin 0. Adjust as needed with above pulsout command
                                SW = (SW + 1) 'Incriment the serial Count
                              LOOP 'Loop Back unless we are done with the serial switch
                              CD = CD + 1  ' Incriment the Cap Dump Count
                                IF CD = 1 THEN   'Check the COUNT so we can switch between caps this should fire cap 1
                                  HIGH 1         ' Turn on the Cap Dump Fet for cap 1
                                  PULSOUT 0, 10  '10 for now but should be the same as SW Pulsout!!!!!!!!! This turns the serial on and allows the cap to dump
                                  PAUSE 1         'Pause it for a 1/1000 of second
                                  LOW 1           'Turn off the cap switch
                                ENDIF  ' Gotta end our tests
                            LOOP ' loop back up to increment count CD will never go higher than 2 or it will reset to zero
                          LOOP 'End of main loop
                          Its just modified to run one cap.

                          Do you have a charge battery on it?

                          Dave was running without it and kept blowing up. Of course his motor was huge.

                          Let me know....

                          I have nothing to do this week so I am going to hit on it tomorrow and we'll be able to start to compare. I have been so busy with work, and my finger was healing, and my father is in the hospital, and my crops are coming in so I have been out of it for a bit. LOL. I am finally freeing up some time.



                          • Hi all

                            I couldn't get the same result with the battery and 55w load even if I go higher with the SW and the Pulsout so for me using motor with the 55w load is butter but I think if I increase the load to 100w I can get the motor run quicker and maybe I can even use the charge battery and 100w bulb load (which I don't have it right now) to charge the cap even more than 50v I guess .
                            The voltage after the FWBR that go to the load was 18.40v ,Matt don't you think that this voltage should be 24v ?how to increase that voltage?
                            After all these test I did I lost 0.03v from one primary and I think the same amount from the second primary but I don't remember the initial reading for the second primary and I am using 50ah and 60Ah for the two primaries so it's not bad result at all.

                            Good luck

                            Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                            • Originally posted by ehsanco1062 View Post
                              Hi all

                              I couldn't get the same result with the battery and 55w load even if I go higher with the SW and the Pulsout so for me using motor with the 55w load is butter but I think if I increase the load to 100w I can get the motor run quicker and maybe I can even use the charge battery and 100w bulb load (which I don't have it right now) to charge the cap even more than 50v I guess .
                              The voltage after the FWBR that go to the load was 18.40v ,Matt don't you think that this voltage should be 24v ?how to increase that voltage?
                              After all these test I did I lost 0.03v from one primary and I think the same amount from the second primary but I don't remember the initial reading for the second primary and I am using 50ah and 60Ah for the two primaries so it's not bad result at all.

                              Good luck

                              No 18.40 is good. 24 is better and with the right balance of duty cycle and per pulse current you'll get higher.

                              Look into my above suggestions and give them a try... You'll see a difference.



                              • Hi Matt

                                Thank you very much ,of course with out your help I can never do any thing but I am learning and I will try all your suggestion tomorrow ,I was hopping that Dave can take a part of what we are doing so we can make comparing and that way we can go faster and I don't know what happen to Luther but any way we will make this thread go and I have a fath that we will come to some ting good so I am with you and will follow you till the end.

                                Good luck to all

                                Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane

