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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Good to see that some are still wanting to work on the
    original system. I would like to do the same if I can find
    time. Unfortunately, I came back home to a nightmare
    of numerous problems that have to be dealt with first.



    • Sorry I have left the work here on the shoulders of others for so long. I'll be back at it the first part of next week after company leaves. Both Luther and I are committed to this thing, so you will be seeing the results of our testing and experiments in the near future.

      I am also committed to the design Matt has come up with. Having the proper components to keep it up and running has been the issue, but that seems to have been solved. Once I have mine going for a while we'll probably create a new post where we can take that info and keep working with it to increase the output. It won't run a house yet! YET being the operative word.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
        Sorry I have left the work here on the shoulders of others for so long. I'll be back at it the first part of next week after company leaves. Both Luther and I are committed to this thing, so you will be seeing the results of our testing and experiments in the near future.

        I am also committed to the design Matt has come up with. Having the proper components to keep it up and running has been the issue, but that seems to have been solved. Once I have mine going for a while we'll probably create a new post where we can take that info and keep working with it to increase the output. It won't run a house yet! YET being the operative word.

        Hi Dave

        I hope soon we will be hearing good news about your basic setup .
        I also working on gathering the proper parts for Matt's setup but that
        Will take 10 days from now ,I hope .
        Good luck

        Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


        • Hi all
          I'm not sure if this post may be of interest in this thread. I would not make off topic.
          I've been experimenting with defective batteries.
          I have a couple of curious results.
          I have yet to check the measurements. But for now I do not find explanation.

          First circuit:

          B1: Source, 12.53v
          B2: Charge, 12.49v

          mA IN ........ mA Out
          140 ........... 450
          200 ........... 600
          300 ........... 720
          400 ........... 820
          500 ........... 920
          600 ........... 990
          700 ........... 1010
          800 ........... 1050
          900 ........... 1070
          1000 .......... 1100

          Frequency: 713-715 Hz

          I adjusted to 400/800mA. After 1 hour is 400/750 and B1 which was loaded supposedly has dropped to 11.55v (was possibly marred) , B2 is 12.85v



          • Hi all
            Second circuit with two defective batteries added (B3.B4):

            B3 and B4 are in series to 3.5v
            Initially rise to 1A in /5-6A out
            Stabilizes and is in 400mA/1.5A
            I adjusted to 200/700mA. After 2 hours is 200/700.
            Several hours then left in 150/250mA. B1 10.60v, B2 13.24v, B3+B4 2.2v
            Circuit is switched off and after several hours B2 12.76v



            • Glad to see SOMEBODY is still messing around with bad batteries.

              I am putting my setup back together today to continue experimenting. I still have several motors and my batteries, and Luther and I discuss this thing all the time in relation to other things we have been doing and things we have been learning.

              I got the most significant results with my original system when I had huge loads connected to the inverter. I really had to torque down on the belt/pulley arrangement I had for putting a load on the motor to keep everything in tune, and that is when my primaries got so high in voltage that it scared me.

              With the setup I have been working with, I haven't been able to get my inverter to run those kind of loads or even stay on very long, and I don't know if it is an issue with the inverter or the voltage I am able to supply it with.

              So I am going to go back to the same kind of setup I had originally, where I can put additional (this time measurable) load on the motor. It will be turning a generator and I will add loads to the generator side to try and get the inverter side to run steadily. I guess we will see what happens, but I am looking forward to it.

              I am still involved in several other builds at the moment, including Matt's solid state setup, UFO's motor modification, and a couple other things, so I am busy all the time. However, I intend to make sure I spend some time on this every single day because it is too important to just let it slide away into the darkness.

              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • What is "Matt's solid state"?


                • Originally posted by cncjoe View Post
                  What is "Matt's solid state"?
                  Hi cncjoe

                  I think he mean the scalar charger

                  Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                  • Yes, the scalar charger is exactly what I meant. I got the boards for it and all the parts. Just have to do a little soldering.

                    I got everything cleared off my bench that I built just for the 3BGS setup. I installed three of the six amp gauges I bought. Tomorrow I will get all the batteries charged and maybe do a short test run with my new inverter to see how it works with the setup.

                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Can't wait Dave! Hope you will be posting details in this thread, or at least post links to where they will be. Thanks!


                      • There are still a LOT of folks out there messing with the 3BGS who don't report in here at all. Some of them PM or e-mail me and some of them have made comments about the 3BGS on other forums, so I know there is still an interest. And these are folks who know a thing or two about this stuff.

                        Anyway... it's off to the basement I go to gt my batteries charged up and get started with some test runs. And I will definitely be posting here.

                        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                        • Awesome! Thanks dave! Good hunting.


                          • OK boys and girls, I might as well start things off with a BANG! since I'm going to be posting here pretty regularly until we get this thing figured out.

                            I hooked up the 3BGS setup using UFO's idea for a modified motor. I used a 16 pole razor scooter motor that I rewound with 50 turns per coil of #23 wire. I did a little video on my YouTube channel of how I wound the wire for those who would like to duplicate. You need a second commutator on the motor because you begin on one commutator and end on the other.The second commutator allows you to use the motor as a generator, and I hooked the output of the generator to my inverter along with battery 3 so that I could run loads. I ran over 100 watts in load on 12 volts (so over 8 amps draw) on my two 18 amp hour batteries, and they went up in charge from 12.3 to over 13 volts by the end of the day.

                            Here are two different videos I took, The first video is my third run of the day after I got everything working and the second video is about my 5th run of the day after I moved things permanently to my test bench from my work bench.

                            UFO motor/ 3BGS - YouTube
                            UFO/ 3BGS test 2 - YouTube
                            3BGS Test 3 - YouTube

                            And QUIT WORKING. Just like my original!!!!! But at least this time I got some data which will help us make some informed guesses about what the heck is going on here. And there is a possibility I was just pulling too much LOAD for the setup and draining the batteries. Gotta get some meters on it and see what's what.

                            If you will notice in video two, the voltage on battery three is reading negative, even though the meter is hooked up correctly. In fact, battery three reverses polarity. How do I know this for SURE?? I don't, but my meter is a pretty good indication. It is reversed polarity now TOO. After being hooked up to battery three for quite some time, it reads negaitve numbers when connected correctly to a battery, and positive numbers when its positive connector is placed on the negative. It is PERMANENTLY ( or so it appears) messed up. And I believe it is during this time when the battery is reversed that we get this period of time when the voltage will climb on the primaries even with the system under load. At some point, the battery flips back, and the magic comes to a screeching halt. If my setup is actually NOT working anymore, that would be my best guess as to why.

                            The dead battery is showing a negative reading between the hot and ground. The battery is flipping the voltage and sending it back to the primaries via the ground side. The motor is sending current back to the primaries and that is why you see the jumping of voltage on the gauge,

                            Tose are the best guesses.

                            I am putting two diodes (in opposite directions) between battery one and the motor, and connecting a volt meter and an amp meter to each one to see the movement of electricity there. I will do the same thing between the motor and battery three. That should give me lots of good info. Going down to do that now.

                            Will shoot more video

                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Stop Playing with Your Toys and Finish Minessss!!!!

                              Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              OK boys and girls, I might as well start things off with a BANG! since I'm going to be posting here pretty regularly until we get this thing figured out.

                              I hooked up the 3BGS setup using UFO's idea for a modified motor. I used a 16 pole razor scooter motor that I rewound with 50 turns per coil of #23 wire. I did a little video on my YouTube channel of how I wound the wire for those who would like to duplicate. You need a second commutator on the motor because you begin on one commutator and end on the other.The second commutator allows you to use the motor as a generator, and I hooked the output of the generator to my inverter along with battery 3 so that I could run loads. I ran over 100 watts in load on 12 volts (so over 8 amps draw) on my two 18 amp hour batteries, and they went up in charge from 12.3 to over 13 volts by the end of the day.

                              Here are two different videos I took, The first video is my third run of the day after I got everything working and the second video is about my 5th run of the day after I moved things permanently to my test bench from my work bench.

                              UFO motor/ 3BGS - YouTube
                              UFO/ 3BGS test 2 - YouTube
                              3BGS Test 3 - YouTube

                              And QUIT WORKING. Just like my original!!!!! But at least this time I got some data which will help us make some informed guesses about what the heck is going on here. And there is a possibility I was just pulling too much LOAD for the setup and draining the batteries. Gotta get some meters on it and see what's what.

                              If you will notice in video two, the voltage on battery three is reading negative, even though the meter is hooked up correctly. In fact, battery three reverses polarity. How do I know this for SURE?? I don't, but my meter is a pretty good indication. It is reversed polarity now TOO. After being hooked up to battery three for quite some time, it reads negaitve numbers when connected correctly to a battery, and positive numbers when its positive connector is placed on the negative. It is PERMANENTLY ( or so it appears) messed up. And I believe it is during this time when the battery is reversed that we get this period of time when the voltage will climb on the primaries even with the system under load. At some point, the battery flips back, and the magic comes to a screeching halt. If my setup is actually NOT working anymore, that would be my best guess as to why.

                              The dead battery is showing a negative reading between the hot and ground. The battery is flipping the voltage and sending it back to the primaries via the ground side. The motor is sending current back to the primaries and that is why you see the jumping of voltage on the gauge,

                              Tose are the best guesses.

                              I am putting two diodes (in opposite directions) between battery one and the motor, and connecting a volt meter and an amp meter to each one to see the movement of electricity there. I will do the same thing between the motor and battery three. That should give me lots of good info. Going down to do that now.

                              Will shoot more video


                              I should have figured this out!!...
                              You left Us there...waiting while you are using MY TOY, to PLAY with YOUR TOYS...

                              The Negative Value is Radiant Turion...and yes, you will screw up meters...but charge batteries while De-sulfating them...Bob Smith posted that phenomena in the Asymmetric Machines a while back...Your best bet would be -like you are saying- using protect meter...but good and fast rectifiers...not the 1N4000 diodes family...

                              I will submit the Invoice Later on... for using "My System" in "Your System"...

                              Where are the DYNO TESTSSSS!!???


                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Turion

                                Please be happy to share your results in My Thread...they will also love the outcome...


                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

