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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Hi Dave,

    When you have 20 minutes to spare, listen to this -

    John Bedini - Device replication on open mind - YouTube

    can't help but see the similarites.

    Listen carefully to BILL & RAY



    • the batteries

      I think that we need to be concerned with the dead battery, not the charged one's.
      When you first start with a totally dead bat in position 3, the system seems to work.
      But the longer it runs ,the #3 becomes conditioned,which kills the effect??
      Just what I see
      I think when #3 at the start being dead causes a severe vibration, with the full juice running through it , but over time the vibration reduces and becomes a more steady flow , which in turn ,cancels the effect.
      I could be wrong, just the way I see it


      • shylo,
        You are correct. That is why I have always said you need to have that load on the dead battery to try and keep it from charging up, because as soon as it gets some charge, the "magic" goes away. Like I mentioned here before, you could try a resistor between the motor and battery 3 and then a load between the neg on batt 3 and the motor side of the resistor. It give a "path of least resistance" to the load, and MAY still allow the presence of battery 3 in the circuit to cause the 'magic". I haven't gotten around to trying this because I'm in the middle of a couple of other builds that are directly related to the 3BGS, but have taken me down a slightly different path. I WILL be getting back to it this week as I have to wait on parts that won't be here until Friday, so I may have some free time.

        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Hopefully everyone has not given up on this concept of Turions. I just wanted to share what I did last night. I had several bad batteries I've been trying to recover. One was a large Marine battery I picked up at the dump last week. I tried several times recharging it with a regular deep cycle battery charger but it always wanted to fall back to around 11 volts. Last night I used turions basic setup trying two different motors. One was a new 4 brush radiator fan motor while the other was a drill motor. With only a few minutes of running it the voltage was getting into the high 13's once stopped. I checked it this morning after it's been sitting ten hours and it reads 12.91 volts! So it seems to be recovered. I also was hitting a couple other batteries with this including a mower battery that seems to be now saved. Sometimes for the 'bad' battery I was using a very dead high internal resistance small SLA (I think a glass mat type) and sometimes I just used a somewhat depleted SLA. I also was putting a charger across one of the better batteries as none of them was in very good shape. While I know this is not exactly the direction turion is going I found it does really work great for charging up a stubborn battery too. Thanks also to 'hello_all' for reminding me of this concept.
          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


          • ewizard,
            That has been one of the most interesting (and frustrating) things about this setup. It just keeps turning no good piece of junk batteries into perfectly fine working batteries. It's really hard to keep a "bad" battery in the third position when it restores them to good as new.

            Our work on this goes on. We haven't been sharing with folks here as no one seems to be posting here anymore, and this is no longer a group effort as it was designed to be, so we have felt no need to share our results. I WILL say that we will probably post a video within the next few weeks, just to show what we have accomplished, but whether we show HOW it was accomplished is another story! LOL

            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Dave, you've changed!



              • penno64,
                I think frustration has a lot to do with that. Everybody who tried this thing has had SOME measure of success, and yet there's nobody posting here and helping with this. It's the story of The Little Red Hen all over again, and if you read that as a child, you know how it ended. ;-)

                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • Hi Dave,

                  I was only having a "dig" at you.

                  I certainly realize that you are the most ardent of experimenters.

                  Fingers in any pie that shows promise.

                  I wish for you, only success in your endeavour.

                  Just for the record, I have spent countless hours trialing & testing different ideas, only to end up with rejuvenated batteries from #3 position.

                  I tested, but did not disclose, that the simplest way to create a switch was
                  to short two commutator sections at 180 degrees. This slight mod proved
                  only to hasten the rejuvenation process.

                  As you may imagine, every 180 degrees, I was pumping most of the 24v
                  straight into the "dead" cell. The motor of choice for me was the ex-vacuum
                  cleaner motor. I believe these are considered universal. Simply use 24vDC instead of 240vAC and the thing screams anyway.

                  If I can get my hands on some GLASS MAT batteries, I will certainly put the
                  rig back on the bench.

                  I did not disclose my idea cause, I did not want to send everyone on a wild
                  goose chase.

                  Kindest Regards, Penno


                  • you aint alone !

                    Wow David your sounding a bit pissed just at the moment, I know you’ve wrestled with the operation for years now! I also remember a time when you despaired of ever seeing the effect again!
                    You have managed that! Others have also managed to reproduce what you discovered.
                    Some folks simply cant build for different reasons in my case the workshop is knocked down to make way for an extension which is on going. Others perhaps have their backs to the wall … Its hard times Bud and I know you’ve had your share of that too!
                    Its well known that R+D is by far and away the most expensive and time consuming part of any project and in this case it must seem .. endless
                    I often drop by your thread and often wonder how your getting on! I don't bother posting “more of the same” and I'd make a fair bet that lots of guys following your thread see no point in posting “yeah my bloody batteries rejuvenated too”
                    It may not seem that there is progress but of course … there's a huge amount, just one more bit of the jigsaw left me thinks !
                    I'm sure everyone on this thread is rooting for you and this system. I know I spend quite a lot of time considering alternative ways to “be at” the battery situation. Anyway I feel sure in due course a repeatable understandable tunable system is going to come your way Best wishes Duncan
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • Duncan,

                      Thanks my friend. I'm not pissed. Just frustrated that more folks aren't working on this.

                      In the research off site, we've gone down a path that diverges from the basic system and are making amazing progress. So much so that we CAN produce excess energy.

                      BUT, I still believe...check that...belief has NOTHING to do with it. I KNOW the original system holds the answer to a simple process that is capable of creating MORE energy than what we now have in what we've come up with.

                      Simple is better. (To quote Matt!!)


                      I still think the answer lies in preventing battery 3 from charging while still keeping it in the circuit to give you the potential difference. Whether this means putting a resistor of some kind between it and the power flow, or doing something else remains to be seen.

                      Very glad to see you are still working on this. I will never stop again.

                      Last edited by Turion; 10-31-2012, 08:38 PM.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Its a horrible Thought David and consider me paranoid if you wish but the very fact your system does work may be the reason few appear to be joining in the jamboree.
                        The logic runs thus

                        A/ is an Aetheric system running COP>+1 possible ? Well we both know without doubt that it is.

                        B/has such a system been described on forum before ? Yeah well you know the answer to that

                        I'm afraid you now have to consider why after all this time at least one of these systems hasn't made it into great big world on a huge scale .
                        If there are forces watching over and crushing free energy technology they are certain to take an extra special interest in sites …. exactly like this one.
                        It has been suggested by another researcher Instantly known by anyone reading this (although I wont name him without his permission) that figures perhaps in excess of 80% (he thought) of members on forum are actually false flag plants,
                        He also pointed out several tracts of quite complex diatribe between three “members” with the same simple spelling error, It became quite obvious that the three members writing the confusing and miss leading “fluff and fog” were in fact one and the same person.
                        He also pointed out that systems which had merit were by enlarge left alone in the hope that they would die out naturally. Having taken all that on board David I wouldn't blame you if you stopped posting, providing you are still convinced and focused that's really what matters. after all you probably know who's who and how to reach them.
                        I also agree with Matt simple has got to be better … eventually one way or another the “average Joe” needs to be able to build this thing or else it won't get out there.
                        Best wishes David and Regards to Matt
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • Dead battery

                          Hi Dave, "prevent the dead battery from charging"
                          I tried the, coil around a battery(idea) today ,and the dead battery increased the output by 30 o/o
                          Have you ever tried a coil wrapped around the outside of a batttery?
                          I'm not using 2 primaries ,just a homemade pmg as my power source.I just spin it by hand
                          The battery pack is actually below the coil, it's just the leads that are ,inclosed in the coil
                          Last edited by shylo; 01-25-2014, 11:44 AM.


                          • shylo,
                            I'll have to play around with that idea a bit and see what happens. Did you do anything with the ends of the coil to see if there was any power coming out of it?
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Well my puter just shut down half way through my reply
                              Short version take the coil so its' leads are parallel to the battery postes, connect the pos of cap to one side of coil and hook its' neg to opposite side on battery, take another cap hook its' pos to the other side of coil and its' neg to the other ,right goes with left and vice versa.
                              Sorry no time gotta get ready for work


                              • Ready to join in...

                                Hi Dave,

                                Hopefully it's not too late to join in! I've got 2 if not 3 dead batteries now so intend to get working on the other components soon. Does your first post on this thread still contain the most relevant and up to date information required? Would you be able to provide a summary of current thinking so that I can start from a viable position? I'd prefer to start with something that works and develop from there rather than head off down blind alleys that are already tried and tested.



