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3 Battery Generating System

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  • the zone

    Hi Dave and All,
    Just to let you know am still testing
    I have replaced the motor with transformers and am running a 300 watt inverter ,off of a bank of super capacitors (dead battery replacement)
    The inverter in turn runs a battery charger, which replenishes 1 good battery .
    Battery #2 which is parallel, never changes in its' charge, regardless of drain I put on the setup
    I can kill it with too big of a load
    I've noticed in test runs there seems to be a certian point of balance,..
    Go to far one way it dies, or go to far the other way it dies.
    I found by disconnecting at just the right time , during charging, the circut seems to sustain itself
    It seems the zone only lets you have so much,when you reach its' limit ,it shuts you down, then when you drop below its' lower limit ,It opens back up.
    Once shut down you have to restart by distorting the input to get it going again.
    more tests yet...shylo


    • Transformers


      I have always thought that we would eventually get to the point where we used transformers in this setup somehow. The idea of being able to put one in line and pull power off the secondary while the motor pulsed the primary is something I have talked to Matt about in the past. He has done significant work with the Tesla switch and has built and tested a whole bunch of them, so I can't wait to see what he has to say about this idea. Sounds like you are having some fun and exploring some new things, and that's what it's all about. Thanks for the update.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • battery voltage climbing by itself

        Hi Dave
        Next time you do your experiment, turn the battery 90 degrees and see if it changes the rate of climb? If the battery is acting as an antenna and/or crystal detector, maybe position relative to magnetic north makes a difference?


        • Tishatang
          That's an idea. I'll give it a shot tomorrow and let you know.

          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • Originally posted by Turion View Post
            Thanks for posting that information. I doubt that someone is going to come on here and post the answer for all of us, unless of course it is someone who has built this thing, experimented, and discovered the secret. All we can hope for is that people like you will post things that they find and we can pull pieces out and give them a try to see what works.

            Currently I have a couple things going with this. I am in the process of taking a LAB and killing it to make a workable bad battery. I'm following the process Matt used to see if I can replicate his results.

            Secondly, I am working on something Carroll suggested to verify some of the results he got.

            And outside of those two projects, I keep testing bad batteries in a third setup to see if I can discover a battery that will duplicate the results of my original experiment.

            The folks at
            Bowling Effect: Two good and one bad battery power a motor while recharging
            all think this is a lot of crap because we haven't done "adequate testing" and provided them with "data" to prove this thing works. I don't have the time to keep arguing with them, so the thread there will probably die out. A shame really, because they get thousands of hits there from all over the world, and it might have led to some pretty sharp folks getting involved in this. So that means it is going to be up to those who have seen this thing work to come up with a solution. It is kinda evolving into my life's work. And my wife is ok with that. We have been shopping for property up in the mountains where we can move off the grid, and I'm pretty excited about making that move.

            That means I will need a system to provide me with power, and I know what is available. It's gonna be fun.

            Your posting at PESN was not a failure... I'm over here after reading your article there and I'm in the process of replicating your setup. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has come over and hopefully start testing. We will find the key I can guarantee it.


            • duranza,
              Great to see you here. The most important thing you have to know is that not every bad battery is a GOOD bad battery, and finding one that will work is the hardest thing about this setup. But keep draining a battery and keeping a load on it all the time will eventually convert a battery to one that you can see results with. All three batteries need to be the same type, either AGM or FLA.

              ANYTHING I can do to help, let me know. I am committed to this and to seeing people get results. If you've read this thread, you know many, many people here have seen what I have seen, so I don't feel so much like I'm all alone
              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • Hello, I just finished a modified UFO scooter motor 16 pole...Is there a schematic I can follow to replicate your setup?


                • first post

                  Hi warrensk,

                  Please go to the first post of this thread and follow the directions exactly as Dave has posted them. Also you need to be aware that not every dead battery will work. One of the main purposes of this thread is to try and figure out what it is about certain batteries that causes them to work like we want them to.

                  Originally posted by warrensk View Post
                  Hello, I just finished a modified UFO scooter motor 16 pole...Is there a schematic I can follow to replicate your setup?
                  Good luck,
                  Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                  • okay....

                    So, please forgive my ignorance if this has already been explained but wouldnt a load across battery 3 allow a lower path of resistance for the juice from batteries 1&2 to go to the motor thus increasing rpm?

                    I think the time allowed for the system is for bat 3 to slowly switch polarity and allow current to pass opposite the way it usually would....thus if you have a completely dead battery it should start up faster....theres no charge that needs to be opposed by the 2 primary batteries.

                    Battery 3 would stay charged or receive a charge from the back EMF spikes due to the oscillating properties of the motor brushes. I would try putting a big coil between bat 3 and the motor and see if you get improvements with charging...a nice bifilar wound parallel one. The neat thing with this setup is bat 3 is getting pushed around back and forth...maybe crystallizing the cell...same with bendini motor outputs.

                    IF there was a coil between bat 3 and motor, the motor would act as an oscillator and bat 3 would be first in line to receive the back EMF or Radiant side of things from the coil.

                    Please correct me if you think differently.




                    • I am not sure I understand what you are thinking. We are not trying to get batt 3 to charge. In fact we don't really want it to although most of them do eventually start charging and then we lose the effect we are looking for. Yes you are correct that adding a load across batt 3 makes the motor run faster. If you have a "good" bad batt 3 then after a few minutes the motor will speed up again when you get the load on batt 3 to match the load of the motor. This is when you see the magic start to happen. The magic is that you can keep increasing the load on the motor and balance that with more load on batt 3 and the primary batteries hold their charge or even in a couple of cases have gone up in charge. But this only works with a very few bad batteries in the position of batt 3. As I said before finding out what there is about those special batteries is one of the main purposes of this thread.

                      The time delay before the motor starts is one of the clues that you have a good candidate for the bad battery. If you just put a discharged battery in place of batt 3 it will allow the motor to start immediately just like you would expect. And we have found if you want to restore a badly sulfated battery just put it in place of batt 3 and let the other batteries and motor run and the system will do a great job of desulfating your old battery.

                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • Carroll is right. The LAST thing we want is for battery 3 to charge, although eventually that is what usually happens. If you can KEEP it from charging, what you get is the ability to run loads on battery 3 PLUS you get the mechanical power of the motor for free, without discharging the primaries. That is the exceptional part about this simple circuit. But it only works with the "right" bad battery in the third position. This is NOT a battery charging circuit, or at least we don't WANT it to be.

                        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                        • Hi Turion,

                          Very interesting discovery. Anyone try with small rechargeable 1.5 volt batteries ? I will give it a try since I dont have cash on hand to get 12volt B.
                          Have you done long term run on this to see how long the input batteries last ?

                          Last edited by Johnytest; 02-21-2013, 07:37 PM.


                          • Johny,
                            Those batteries have not been successful to my knowledge, but worth a try. My original ran for a few weeks. Since then my longest personal successful run has been just over 7 days with constant 300 watt load and NO drawdown on primaries. Others have gone two weeks under load ( not sure how much) without losing voltage on primaries.

                            Good luck!!

                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • the bad battery

                              I've run lots of tests ,I've been in that zone ,where the motor speeds up and slows down...I've used many different dead battaries, No matter what I do that dead battery wants to take a charge
                              So I replaced the dead bat with a bank of super caps ,store it and use it
                              I think it was the shorting in the brush connections ,that let you collect the free spikes but you have to add a connection through a transformer..
                              As soon as you create flow you create a spike,..but is hard to catch.
                              The transformers act very strange . It's able to catch that spike


                              • shylo,
                                One of the setups I have thought about is the following....
                                Between the motor and battery 3 a resistor. In parallel with battery three a cap without a resistor between it and the motor. It might be a combination that would work. Battery three would still provide the path, but slowed because of the resistor, while the cap provides a storage potential. Battery three is still able to receive a pulse and switch the polarity, so you might get primaries to keep from draining. Don't know. Just thinking out loud.I will have to give it a shot tomorrow and see what happens. Might make a cap go boom though.
                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

