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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Thanks for your help

    Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
    Hey @shylo,
    The spike occurs when the energized coil is disconnected, as seen here. As Mat and Dave said, different motors will give you different results with this setup. Most of it strange. However, if you wish to see the primaries charging, the easiest path is with the MJ pulse motor. This little motor sends a spike in both directions, off the scale on my scope, even at 10x, and in unmeasurable time. We had one experimenter who was able to read the spike on his scope while testing a grounded copper 4in ball. He did this from 30 feet away from the motor.

    @wantomake, Way to take action! If I can help, just PM me.

    May your experiments be blessed,
    Yes, I'll PM you as the build goes along. There seems to be so much more going on with this system and that is what attracted my attention.

    I really don't like joining this threads like this so late. Feels like you walked into some large family outdoor feast and everyone has already eaten and you're trying to catch up. All the food has been tasted, food highs all around the table, people laughing and enjoying themselves. But all the family still stops and offers a plate allowing you to join in.

    May you be blessed because you bless and share,


    • Oh my

      There are a few things which must be considered when looking at the spike on the scope shot. Not the least, being a study of Tesla. If you believe in the plausibility of FE, then you must shift your thinking regarding EE. One must differentiate between induction, magnetism, and electricity. All of which are different. All of which are affected by the others. That spike, without core saturation, would not be there. The motor has a massive amount of iron per coil. In essence, the motor has 2 coils. Nearly half of the armature iron is dedicate to one coil. Simply vibrating the contact on the commutator will lose the spike instead of creating more spikes. The compound coils of this motor has a large capacitance. This too plays a role in the spike. That spike is not a electron flow due to magnetic collapse. Connect an auto coil to a scope and see what the spike look like. Nothing like this. Matt has tagged this spike a scalar. That is probably the best description I have found, but the definition is a oxymoron in itself. Our laws of physics are definitely flawed so I choose to follow the direction Tesla gave. It seems more accurate. As you build more and more of these devices, you witness things that just don't follow physics.

      Personally, I don't believe in electron flow. I don't believe in the possibility of a negative charged particle bouncing around and making a trip through a conductor with other loose electrons. Heresy, I know. I would rather work from the Don Smith camp. Electricity is a movement of magnetism. Of which we really don't have a good understanding.
      Good Building,


      • Party

        Nah, the party has been waiting for YOU! Glad you made it. Now let's have fun.


        • wantomake,
          Don't worry about being late to the party. Those that come late sometimes see things others have overlooked. And new eyes are always welcome. We're all here to help and to learn.

          Last edited by Turion; 04-19-2013, 03:24 AM.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • The core

            " that core saturation is needed for the spike"?
            I've done many tests without cores at all ,the spike is still there
            The core adds to output ,but also causes the reflective result to be stronger,or maybe I should say negative?
            You don't need a steel core to get power to flow.
            I think were talking about 2 different kinds of spike
            Thanks for all the great info


            • Spikes

              We are definitely talking about different kinds of spikes. This is why I suggested looking at a car coil spike then the one on the scope shot I linked to. Seeing is believing.


              • I'm so humbled

                Thanks for the kind words so much,

                I'm learning so much and want to help reach that 3BGS goal.

                Still testing with the Ufo motor until the scooter motor and wire arrives.


                I read you had bulbs (first page or so) on #3 as load with switches to balance the two loads. I have different watt sized 12 vdc bulbs and want to build a testing board for them. Did you try wiring in series and parallel ? Cause this is a good way to balance the load on #3. At least for me at this point.

                will post as the fun happens,


                • load or load?

                  This system has two types of loads and the references can be confusing. When you have the right battery 3, you will want to add electric load by adding lights in parallel on battery 3. But, then you must add physical load (strain) to the motor to balance the system. Once this is achieved, you will find your primaries climbing or holding steady. Then the cycle starts again.
                  Good Luck,


                  • wantomake,
                    I have two sets of lights on my test board. One set is AC, and they are wired in parallel using regular wall switches. They can be connected to an inverter, to a generator, to a cap, etc. The lowest I have is 7 watt and the highest is 100 watt with different sizes in between for different arrangements. Next to them is a plug that is on the same circuit to run AC devices. There are two wires that input power to this section of the test board.

                    The other set of bulbs on my board are DC and are on toggle switches. The lowest I have here is 25 watt bulbs. They are also wired in parallel. The two wires that provide power to this section of the test board are usually connected to battery 3.

                    It is important to begin with a load on the motor. That can be something as simple as using a pulley to turn a flywheel, or run a generator (or motor as generator) that has a small load on it. Then add a small load to battery 3 and watch the motor speed up. Wait five minutes. If the motor speeds up a second time, the loads are balanced. If not, add another small load and wait five minutes again. YOU MUST balance the loads or battery three will climb and the primaries will DRAIN. If you can balance the loads you will get some amazing runs out of this setup. BUT UNTIL THEY ARE BALANCED you will lose power in your primaries. NO way around it.
                    Last edited by Turion; 09-24-2013, 07:50 PM.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • The motor

                      Hi folks, I've been trying to find the design of the MY1016 ,but no luck.
                      How many pm are there and is it 2 brushes or 4?
                      I have a motor stripped down , it has 4 permanent magnets and 4 brushes,16 com segments and 16 rotor segments, will this work even though it's not a scooter motor? Will Randys' instructions work on this motor?
                      Sorry for the questions but would like to try the modification.


                      • The Motor

                        Hey @shylo,
                        That is what the scooter motor has too. I say, give it a go.


                        • I agree with Randy. That should work.
                          The difference may be number of winds because it islarger or smaller than the Razor Scooter motor. Just wind it until it is"full" and keep track of the winds so bothsidesof are the same.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • You'll need to know the position of the magnets. The MY1016 has the north magnets on the side and the souths on top and bottom.
                            If yours is different you'll need to change the flow of power on the brush's accordingly.



                            • Commutator connection

                              Well I wound the wire on before seeing Daves' or Matts' postes.
                              hereis a pic,hope it loads.
                              Matt the magnets are 2 north 180 deg. apart and 2 south 180 deg. apart ,the magnets cover ~4 of the core segments.
                              I don't know the awg wire I just used what I stripped off of the motor.
                              In the pic where the pen is pointing ,is this considered #1 com segment,in relation to the windings (as per pdf), I'm not sure ,do I ove to the next one and count 2,3,4 for connection points?
                              Thanks for any help...shylo
                              Last edited by shylo; 01-25-2014, 11:44 AM.


                              • What matters is the position of the magnets in the case. I know they are 180 out but are the norths on the sides or the tops.

                                Also you have your PEN (in the picture) on #14 com slot. Go 2 to the left according to the picture and that is #1.Skip #1 Hook the wire to 2,3,4 skip #5 hook the the end of the wire to 6,7,8. Then repeat for the other side.


                                PS unless your magnets are opposite of the MY1016 position.

