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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Go here and have look The Regenerative Acceleration Effect from Thane C. Heins

    Then start searching everything listed on that site. Plenty of info out there.



    • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
      Go here and have look The Regenerative Acceleration Effect from Thane C. Heins

      Then start searching everything listed on that site. Plenty of info out there.

      Ah....ok...Thane's regenerative acceleration.....gotcha...

      One more thing....

      Matt someone somewhere is going to be pissed at you for giving away this geometry....I've been looking at this geometry for about 2 years but never found the right moment to test it.

      I don't think you will need Thane's regenerative acceleration mechanism when you properly configure this coil geometry you are using in a generator. I get the feeling that it would be a pulsed generator, the load being applied when the magnets are aligned with the equatorial poles... Not sure if anyone's scoped that motor yet (independent of attached load or circuits and associated systems), I think those phantom like transients are related to those equatorial poles.....I've seen transients like those off the chart phantom transients in some of my orthogonal configured pulse motors.

      Last edited by erfinder; 04-23-2013, 02:51 PM.


      • Starting to enjoy this feast!!

        @ Matthew
        Thanks for the link. Looks like a challenge.

        Wow a 12 coil lenz free generator. I've got several old alternators and car generators, but it takes some torque to move them.

        I'm now learning with the MY1016 motor. The balancing is really bending and warping my reasoning. Got 75 watt 12v dc light on #3 and a flywheel on motor. Letting it run for a while. Still not seen any raise in voltage yet. I'm sure the system isn't balanced yet. And the load on the motor keeps the casing heat low.

        Well that's it. Just reading through last new post and wanted to leave update.

        Thanks to you all,


        • erfinder,

          You are probably right about someone being pissed at Matt over this motor. He has had it for quite a while and has been working with it for a long time. It is so simple, but has potential that most people will never recognize. Even though we showed how to rewind the motor here, Matt didn't give away ALL its secrets. There are still some things you need to do to unlock its full potential. But this thread isn't about the motor and its potential, it's about the 3BGS, and the BASIC motor is a good fit for that setup. I know Matt has had his scope all over this motor, and I have played around with it a good bit too. If and when Matt shares everything about this motor and how to use it's potential, I think you will remember the statement you just made. LOL.



          If you have a meter, measure the voltage going into the motor and the voltage coming out and compare them. Go from the ground of battery 2 to one side of the motor and from the ground of that same battery to the other side of the motor and see what you get.
          Last edited by Turion; 04-24-2013, 05:47 AM.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • Originally posted by Turion View Post

            You are probably right about someone being pissed at Matt over this motor. He has had it for quite a while and has been working with it for a long time. It is so simple, but has potential that most people will never recognize. Even though we showed how to rewind the motor here, Matt didn't give away ALL its secrets. There are still some things you need to do to unlock its full potential. But this thread isn't about the motor and its potential, it's about the 3BGS, and the BASIC motor is a good fit for that setup. I know Matt has had his scope all over this motor, and I have played around with it a good bit too. If and when Matt shares everything about this motor and how to use it's potential, I think you will remember the statement you just made. LOL.


            Hi Dave,

            The 3BGS is cool, but, as far as I can tell, things got way way cooler when the new motor winding was introduced. That being would be really awesome to see a thread started where the motor is the middle point... And yes I am positive that there is more to this winding geometry than Matt has made public!

            Sorry for interrupting the 3BGS flow....



            • Originally posted by erfinder View Post
              Ah....ok...Thane's regenerative acceleration.....gotcha...

              One more thing....

              Matt someone somewhere is going to be pissed at you for giving away this geometry....I've been looking at this geometry for about 2 years but never found the right moment to test it.

              I don't think you will need Thane's regenerative acceleration mechanism when you properly configure this coil geometry you are using in a generator. I get the feeling that it would be a pulsed generator, the load being applied when the magnets are aligned with the equatorial poles... Not sure if anyone's scoped that motor yet (independent of attached load or circuits and associated systems), I think those phantom like transients are related to those equatorial poles.....I've seen transients like those off the chart phantom transients in some of my orthogonal configured pulse motors.


              I originally used it on a Tesla Switch type setup. It was published in My PDF

              The spikes are not transient they are Scalars as defined by Tom Bearden. You can detect them on a radio with scope and an antenna. They have alot of power and you can make them several different way.
              In this motor the are released from the 2 coils compressing the iron in the center of the motor. Then we switch directions on the coils and out comes the scalar. It does not show up without switching the direction of the coil. Lots of things can make them but they are only made under AC type conditions.

              So I won't divert any longer.

              If you guys are using or need anything I have posted this thread go ahead and get it. Tomorrow I am pulling all my images down. There are too many idiots on this site and I have lost patience for it.
              We'll have some stuff coming soon that will brighten things up around here and we can just keep the fervor to minimum then we might be able to get some good stuff going.



              • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                I originally used it on a Tesla Switch type setup. It was published in My PDF

                The spikes are not transient they are Scalars as defined by Tom Bearden. You can detect them on a radio with scope and an antenna. They have alot of power and you can make them several different way.
                In this motor the are released from the 2 coils compressing the iron in the center of the motor. Then we switch directions on the coils and out comes the scalar. It does not show up without switching the direction of the coil. Lots of things can make them but they are only made under AC type conditions.

                So I won't divert any longer.

                If you guys are using or need anything I have posted this thread go ahead and get it. Tomorrow I am pulling all my images down. There are too many idiots on this site and I have lost patience for it.
                We'll have some stuff coming soon that will brighten things up around here and we can just keep the fervor to minimum then we might be able to get some good stuff going.


                I hope I didn't have a part to play in this decision you made to remove your work.....I Just recently became aware of your effort, I never had an interest in the Tesla switch and thus knew very little if anything about your efforts.

                After reviewing that PDF you linked to, I am starting to see where you are coming from, and where you are going... I have a lot of catching up to do...

                For what its worth, I truly appreciate your effort.



                • To help is our mission

                  To All,

                  I thought the mission here was to share and build a FREE energy device to help our planet, be set free from the cartels, help the poor and uneducated live better.

                  Is this not why these threads and this forum started in the first place? I've traveled this world, been a missionary for many years, dealt with all types of peoples and cultures. No one is above any one else. In knowledge, skills, training, or degrees; how do you measure if someone is smarter or less intelligent than another ?

                  By wisdom. The wisdom to use knowledge is the answer. Yahvey God has humbled me many times when I lift myself above others for any, any, reason.

                  I pray we stay true to this mission,


                  • wantomake,
                    We HAVE been sharing what we know WORKS. We don't come on here with a theory about why or how something should work and then have folks like YOU spend all the money to build it and prove or disprove our theory. So when we are working on something but not disclosing it, it is because it hasn't been tested enough for us to feel confident that you will see the success we have seen.

                    When I originally posted on the 3BGS at, a bunch of people came on that site and told me I didn't know what I was talking about, and that I was full of crap. Not a SINGLE PERSON told me they saw what I saw. So I quit. I gave up. I would mess with it once in a while, but that was it. It wasn't until Luther contacted me personally and told me he saw the same thing that I saw, that I really went after it. And now LOTS of people have seen what I saw at different times, in different ways.

                    There are so many naysayers and detractors that sometimes it makes it impossible to move forward with something, and we all get fed up and frustrated with that.

                    Matt has worked hard on this stuff for a long time, and he builds and builds and builds and BUILDS. He has had his site (and computer) hacked and all his files stolen. He has put up with people who do not have a clue telling him that things can't possibly work when he can see on the scope in front of him that they DO work and all the naysayer has to support his belief is his opinion, which he intends to ram down our throats.

                    Matt didn't take anything away from us by removing his stuff. It is all on his site that he just posted a LINK to. All he did is remove the opportunity for people to negatively comment on it by removing it from this site where they can post crap about it. On his site they can see it but can't comment.

                    Now if someone whats to open a new thread dedicated to Matt's motor or his Tesla switch (which I have built 3 of and have all the parts for the 4th BIG one)
                    they are welcome to do that (although there is massive amounts of info about the tesla switch on the "Use for the Tesla Switch" thread) and Matt can comment or refrain from commenting as he choses.

                    When I tried to take the 3BGS to Peswiki a couple months ago, every single person who came on that site attacked me and said I didn't know what I was talking about. Their entire goal was NOT to further the research into this stuff, their goal was to convince everyone who came there that I don't know what I'm talking about and people shouldn't wast their time with the 3BGS. Go read about it at:
                    Bowling Effect: Two good and one bad battery power a motor while recharging

                    You will see what we are talking about. Matt and I were spending all our time defending the 3BGS instead of researching, and we just gave up, which is their GOAL. There are way too many people who are on these sites for NO OTHER PURPOSE than to KEEP the research from going forward. But as Matt said, "We'll have some stuff coming soon that will brighten things up around here and we can just keep the fervor to minimum then we might be able to get some good stuff going." Does that sound like someone who isn't interested in sharing or seeing the research go forward? I think not. So hang in there. We all (or at least SOME of us) want the same thing...for this research to go forward.

                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • No none of ya'll have anything to do with it. I took all my stuff a year ago and then cam and put more up. Now thats all coming down. There is just alot people on the whole site who would rather not work, just make a big deal over nothing, little comments. Then we've got all philosophy and opinion crap that really doesn't do any good.

                      I have been here 8+ years or so and it just is getting more worthless by the day on EF. Nothing to do with the owner per say just alot of people who lerk around.



                      • diversity...

                        Yes there is many idiot in the world.. in every country and also in every family... That also mean there is many cleaver and enthusiast one around us...! That's the beauty of the diversity.
                        For sure there is so many good fellow how read and never reply the post and realy apreciate to follow and try to replicate on their own... And some time wen they acheive in someting they talk... Just cause they so happy and want to give at their turn.
                        I am one of them"replicating in silence people". And i just want to say a huge thank you to people like John,Dave, Mathieu, Ufo and oder how share with us!

                        Dont give power to idiot by reply to them... think to the so many other how REALY apreciate your works.


                        • Wow. Sorry.

                          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          No none of ya'll have anything to do with it. I took all my stuff a year ago and then cam and put more up. Now thats all coming down. There is just alot people on the whole site who would rather not work, just make a big deal over nothing, little comments. Then we've got all philosophy and opinion crap that really doesn't do any good.

                          I have been here 8+ years or so and it just is getting more worthless by the day on EF. Nothing to do with the owner per say just alot of people who lerk around.

                          Let me start with an apology first. I took that you had directed the "idiot" word at me for some reason. But I guess that word is for me now. So much for wisdom. You sure are a well appreciated person judging from all that came to your defense. If I had stopped and put myself in your shoes then I would be angry too.

                          I spoke out of place not knowing the background of the post and Matthews history. I support this effort very much and hope I haven't hurt our relationship by my misguided thoughts. I'm only a novice and hobbyist in this field. So I'll stick to technical questions/comments from now on.

                          still want-to-make,


                          • After 12+ years of investigating free energy problem I found that the problem is simple : ... nobody tells the truth
                            Truth is always simple and straightforward .
                            You have to combine many theories of various persons to see what is hidden behind...and it's only the starting point
                            Do you think Bedini is telling the truth ? Well... not really ....
                            Do you think Bearden has complete answer ? No, just small part of it, and the rest is concealed with total crap 4 dimensional theory.... (my personal opinion)
                            Do you think Eric Dollard is the master of free energy ? hmm....he is maybe next Einstein but free energy is far simpler the he is trying to teach us...

                            ask yourself one simple question : why does Earth rotate ?


                            • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                              Let me start with an apology first. I took that you had directed the "idiot" word at me for some reason. But I guess that word is for me now. So much for wisdom. You sure are a well appreciated person judging from all that came to your defense. If I had stopped and put myself in your shoes then I would be angry too.

                              I am NOT addressing you when I say those things. LOL There are countless others though and they know who they are, but your not one of them. In fact It never even dawned on me to call you anything. LOL And if it had there would be no mistaking it.



                              • Telluric Currents

                                National Academy of Sciences
                                The National Academies Press
                                The name of the book is, The Earth's Electrical Environment

                                My reason for sending this out is to inform people with my findings. I put together a simple pulse motor, that has one pulse coil, one microwave oven transformer and one home made pulse switch from a relay and one 12VDC car battery that was bad. The secondary side of the transformer did not use at all.
                                It didn’t make any difference if my pulse motor was running or not. This energy flied that I was in cause these anomaly of skin effect on transformers and other related objects. There are only two type of skin effect, one is man made and the other is earth electromagnetic induction or telluric currents or combination of both energy fields. I am astonished that not one person hived seen this connection and if they did, nobody is talking.
                                This is the break, which we been waiting for. I would like people to be more aware of there environment and take this findings of mine seriously. This is what you need to look for, skin effect on transformers,coils of wire-
                                Electric motors and take notes on wire sizes and there wire configurations, and there induction core too.
                                From reading scientific papers on magnetism and telluric currents, I fine that this is the best evidence so far, for now. We need to do a mapping of these OU devise’s with out revealing the inventors location. This could help in understanding these electromagnetic energy fields’ structures, pervading that we can get people to give out there information that they have, too the best of there understanding of what they have found. We need some body with good computer skills in mapping and in earth geology.
                                Especially on simple systems, that don’t use any electronic
                                Devises or capacitors.
                                I think most if not all energy devises are tapping in too Earth energy fields.

                                My pulse motor
                                David Bowling’s Continuous Charging Devise
                                Motor-Generator Self-Looped
                                The Hubbard Energy Transformer
                                The list go’s on with simple devises.
                                Attached Files

