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3 Battery Generating System

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  • The sidetracking

    It's funny ,I read lots of good topics ,Just when a thread gets going ,This bull**** happens
    And it works evey time
    I gonna try adding more coils to Matts' motor ,Oh and by the way Matthew; Thank-You


    • Originally posted by shylo View Post
      It's funny ,I read lots of good topics ,Just when a thread gets going ,This bull**** happens
      And it works evey time
      I gonna try adding more coils to Matts' motor ,Oh and by the way Matthew; Thank-You
      I am working on that myself right now.



      • Thanks

        Thanks for the kind words. The motor is working really well. The 3BGS is working better with the modified motor.

        Still trying to get it balanced better. But the voltage drain has slowed greatly. Drops .01 volt every 10 to 15 minutes. So back to the shop.



        • The investigagtion goes on!

          Wanttomake … join the club of the many that have seen the truth of what David initially pointed out. There are many now who have felt and seen this mysterious effect and are still striving behind the scenes to make “heads or tails of it” as you seem to have discovered it leaves a lasting impression !
          Let me wish you luck as another of the searcher's trying to identify and stabilise the effect
          Best regards Duncan
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • Duncan,

            Glad to see you are still about and the men in black haven't removed you from the mix. The search does indeed go on. We get closer all the time. The more folks we can get involved the better our chances of finding that unique combination that will work for us.

            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Mib ??

              Hi Dave yeah we jest of them at our peril I think !As you have seen your own machine working It of course has already propelled you over that mental blockage that most either won't or cant contend with. It also of course makes you well aware that many before you have in all likely hood sucked on the lemon that is “free energy”
              The Inescapable fact is none of the systems or schemes is out there in huge numbers … each and every one remains …. silenced.
              research tells us the inventors and developers have paid a heavy price, It seems to me that the much fabled “freedom of the internet” is also becoming a suspicious area … I find files and information mysteriously .. missing (although of course I could be getting paranoid and my hard drives cracking up)
              I ponder if there isn't bots launched which detect a pre-determined binary string and then wipe out the files to order.
              Randy was extremely suspicious of digital storage and I start to find myself agreeing with his observations. In fact now I think about it. It would explain the disappearance over the whole platform of the document Matt was seeking quite nicely.
              Anyway I'm sure like you Dave all the others “who have seen” are only to aware of the huge implications I just hope the key can be discovered stabilized and the information broadcast beyond arrest … with no injuries . I'm acutely aware that no ones bucked the control system yet . With Its simple basic set up the 3BS could be the first crack in the dam wall (I hope)
              Best wishes Duncan
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Uh... No!

                Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                suspicious of digital storage
                Suspicious I am not. I KNOW if certain someones want what's on your computer, and you use the Internet. Your information is HAD and you won't be the wiser. That's all I'm saying about that. Backup, and don't worry about it.
                Do the good work and don't worry about the evil that would silence through intimidation. Give them NO POWER through fear.


                • There are too many weird things that happen when you research free energy.
                  Last edited by Turion; 04-26-2013, 03:29 AM.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Everything that I value is kept on my MAC G5, which has no internet connection. That does not mean it could not be targeted with a virus I infect it with when I download data to it, but I am as careful as I can be. I do not care if people have copies of things I have. I just don't want the originals destroyed by a virus. And of course it is all backed up...twice. Believe it or not, I had my one terra bite drive go down AND the backup on the exact same day! SO now I have two backups.

                    And then when I took it in to be "recovered" they wanted $1,500.00 to get the data off my drive. I have documented the whole story, which I am turning over to the state attorney general's office because I believe fraud was committed by the company that I gave my drive to. Luckily, I got them back, got the data off them MYSELF (Which took about five minutes of real work and then 28 hours of downloading the data to a new drive.) and will NEVER deal with that company again
                    Last edited by Turion; 04-26-2013, 03:28 AM.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Dead Batteries

                      Through excessive expierimenting ,I killed one of my primaries.
                      After 48 hours of trickle charge it only reads 10.5volts
                      I got a replacement , and put the damaged battery in the #3 position.
                      A battery that has the ability to hold any kind of charge dose'nt work.
                      I tried using the generating coils that I added to Matts motor ,but they won't feed back to the supply .They will feed a seprate circut though.
                      Some kind of cascading feed I think?
                      When you take a battery ,off charge ,it willl read a certian voltage, ..with rest it will settle to a lesser value,..correct, if you put a load on it , will drop to an even lesser value, right?
                      When I first connected it up with the generating coils , there was alot of shorting( sparks), The voltage rose by .5 and stayed there ,all after about 1 hour of trying,..then the wires burnt off
                      Point is the batteries after coming off charge should drop or atleast stay the same,...not charge espicially with a load on them
                      Last edited by shylo; 04-28-2013, 11:03 PM. Reason: I forgot


                      • Originally posted by shylo View Post
                        after about 1 hour of trying,..then the wires burnt off
                        Your cooking now! Control it!!! Harness that bad boy.


                        • If you have a battery 3 that WILL NOT TAKE A CHARGE, but still allows the setup to work. Try this. Run the little motor on 72 volts or HIGHER in the 3BGS setup. It can take it. Use it to run a generator. The output of the motor is the same in amps as the input, but is higher in voltage. (If you don't believe this, put a meter on it.) Pulse the input using some kind of timer circuit so there is a definite off time. The output goes to the third battery (normal 3BGS setup), which you run loads off of to keep it discharged so you always have that potential difference that keeps the thing working. You have a high voltage cap in parallel with battery 3 so it can absorb the voltage output from the motor that battery 3 can't handle. During the off time you pulse the primaries with the voltage stored in the cap to keep them charged up... A timing wheel on the motor and a reed switch. This is what I am working on now.

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • 72 volts

                            Hi Dave, so your saying get atleast 6 batteries as primaries? Is that still with just 1 dead battery?
                            I've been trying to duplicate the initial start-up,but the one thing I noticed is the sparking that I seen is not there.
                            I had a seprate com for the generating coils.
                            Maybe it was just bad meter readings, I don't think so


                            • Shylo,
                              You can use ONE dead battery if you have one that won't take a charge but still completes the circuit. I have a coupe like that. If it TAKES a charge, it may go "BOOM!" , so be careful. May take you a while to find one, but they are out there.

                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • More the merrier?

                                Originally posted by shylo View Post
                                Hi Dave, so your saying get atleast 6 batteries as primaries? Is that still with just 1 dead battery?
                                I've been trying to duplicate the initial start-up,but the one thing I noticed is the sparking that I seen is not there.
                                I had a seprate com for the generating coils.
                                Maybe it was just bad meter readings, I don't think so
                                Hi Shylo when you say 72 volts “It ain’t necessarily so” I also think because these these things look a bit like a battery these crystallised boxes have probably got much more in common with a crystal cell.
                                The technique of “bad batteries” isn't just used with the 3BS if you take a look at Ossie Callanan's


                                although the pulse arrangement is very different you will see he also uses “Bad Batteries” which he calls a “Reac” … A rose by any other name … anyway Ossie portrays his batteries in series .. I would suggest its rather more Impedance matching and getting a standing wave in the right position .
                                Best wishes Duncan
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

