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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Has anyone had one of the "Bad" batteries dissected?

    Finding the shape the size positioning and the qualities of the crystals themselves may be key.

    Thinking of this as it comes to me, would it be possible to preserve the crystals if you replaced the batteries acid with a different electrolyte that won't combine with the crystals? after all the acid is only needed to charge a battery. You aren't trying to charge a battery, far from it.


    • That is one of the possible avenues of exploration....different kinds of "bad" batteries. In some of the early posts you will see that Matt had some great results with large resistors in parallel with the bad battery. We are trying lots of things and don't spend a lot of time here on the thread. Too busy doing stuff to try and make this work.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • We need alchemist who is an expert on crystals

        Errr, I meant to type "a chemist" but I'll leave that as it stands.
        Last edited by Turion; 06-07-2013, 01:34 AM.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Some answers

          I think I can shed some light on this problem.
          The brushed motor has something you appear to be overlooking.
          A SPARK GAP!
          Now a correct spark gap will oscillate in the mhz range. A conditioned "bad battery" acts like a capacitor. When you pulse this "capacitor" in the mhz range you get ou. This info re capacitor pulsing is from a patent by Carlos Benitez.
          The battery remains "conditioned" for a couple of days. Then the effects wear off. It also explains the weird voltage effects.
          A charged battery no longer behaves like a capacitor.

          Hope this helps.


          • Believe me, we have NOT overlooked the spark gap. We realize it is essential to making this setup work. And it is the reason that pulsed DC motors work better than standard DC motors as we have discussed many times on this thread.

            We also believe the Bad Battery acts like a Capacitor, BUT a capacitor in place of battery 3 will NOT work, so it is more than "acting like a capacitor". We too have read the Benitez patents and built Benitez devices (which work by the way). But there is more to this than that. When you get the right setup, it is as if a gate has been opened letting in all the energy in the world, and you can run an inverter off battery three and run HUGE loads without affecting the voltage in the primaries at ALL. In fact, with the right load on the motor the two primaries will climb in voltage.

            You shed some light, but there is still a lot to this that is in the shadows and more in the dark.

            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Hi Turion and all,

              up to how much capacity size caps have you tried instead of batt 3?



              • Originally posted by Turion View Post

                If you are in the US, Radio Shack has brushed DC motors for a couple dollars. Also Razor Scooter motors are brushed DC motors
                Are these not magnet field motors which will cause the rotor to
                "click" over and cause resistance? - an issue with the Bedini/Watson

                Should the motor be a wound field motor?

                Also, since the voltage of B1 and B2 add up to 24v and B3 will be
                around 6 - 8 v, should the motor to be able to handle 16v up to
                a possible 24v ?

                You mention a pulse dmotor. There are many designs. Is there a
                recommended design?


                • Turion

                  I personally have only used smaller caps 200 volt 680 uf (3 in parallel). Others may or may not have used larger. They would have to comment, and a LOT of folks have tried that I believe.

                  12 volt brushed DC motors have worked, even though the potential difference is between 16-24 volts, simply because of the way we have it wired. Not as much heat in the motor in this configuration. In fact, Duncan posted that the batteries developed frost on them during one of his runs, which is what convinced HIM that there was something special about this.

                  As to the pulse motor...we are using one designed by Matt Jones because it is very SIMPLE in design. It is a rewind of the 16 pole Razor Scooter motor. I have also used UFO's 16 pole motor design on this with some amazing results (see the link at the bottom of this post) Info on Matt's motor is in a pdf posted here by Tacheoncatcher (sp) somewhere. I don't have time to look for it, but it's on this thread.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    Duncan posted that the batteries developed frost on them during one of his runs, which is what convinced HIM that there was something special about this.
                    I think the frost is associated with "cold electricity". Maybe Peter L.
                    would comment on this.

                    It may be important.


                    • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                      Info on Matt's motor is in a pdf posted here by Tacheoncatcher (sp) somewhere. I don't have time to look for it, but it's on this thread.
                      Tachyoncatcher's post may be this one:

                      Page 60.
                      Post 1784.


                      • That's definitely the right post for the info on the modified pulse motor. I should point out that those of us who have put a scope and meters on the motor have seen that when you have a certain voltage going into the motor, you can see a couple volts higher than that coming OUT of the motor. Because of the spark gap, it acts as a generator. I have NOT done that same test with a standard motor. I just realized that, and it is something I need to do. Just too many things going on in the things I am working on right now to mess with those kinds of tests. I have 12 coils I need to wind today, among other things.

                        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                        • for consideration

                          just a few off the cuff observations and gut feeling response to the use of Pulse technology. And the frosting battery … yes Davids quite right I watched the corner of the battery with the post freeze up .. could have knocked me over with a feather … one of those things you read of .. anyway a few odds and sods regarding pulse … you are actually expecting a magnetic material material to change state .. very quickly .. there is a “red book” with materials and their response times … these in turn are derived from a thing called a B/H curve … B is magnetic flux density measured in Tesla's
                          or wb/m2 and H being Ampere /Turns .. a typical curve looks rather like this

                          So what's displayed here? … the sample steel bolt or whatever wound with wire starts off at position 0 (no magnatisum) current is gradually increased through the coil magnatisum increases to point a … saturation .. the material can get no more magnetic. At point a the current is reversed gradually to point c again .. no magnatisum … the reverse current is continued to to point d saturation in the reverse direction … again a change of current direction and back to zero magnatisum … the shape of the curve then tells us quite a lot .. each time you “pulse” the material has to go through part or all of this curve. The area under the curve is then directly proportional to wasted power …. In other words rather than the example above .. this is a much better candidit for the job of a pulse motor

                          To see how this fits into a practical situation a brief inspection of a practical huge 700% COP+ that rocked tptb and culminated in this joint British Patent issued in 1992
                          Robert Adams & Harold Aspden --- Free Energy / Over-Unity Motor-Generator It proved extreamly difficult to pull the usual smear tactics with shouts of scam and fraud with these particular gentlemen Adams was head of the IEEE with a doctorate in electrical engineering and Aspen was of the same caliber with several Docterats and head of a univercity department . The label of scam artist with some grubby plan to get a few coppers beer money would not fit. To add insult to injury Adams had written a series of constructional details and plans in a hobby magazene called Nexus .
                          Robert Adams & Harold Aspden --- Free Energy / Over-Unity Motor-Generator
                          Tptb went into overdrive .. it still took a lot of shutting down . Now and again .. this system or one of its cousins (like the Muller) rears its head again, and fire brigade MIB go into damage limitation mode. Here for Instance is a very sudden end to a thread on this forum by Toranarod I suggest you don't need to much vision to work out what happened here .. particulary if you have a look at the RomeroUKs thread (or whats left of it) where the same principles were being used … particularly as he closed the loop .. and owned up to it ! … the firemen gave them a hoseing down.
                          Romero was induced to post .. to the effect he had taken false readings .. and such like .. palpable crap and a sudden halt on that thread also !
                          Still the thing I want to point out is the B/H curve is critical in these motors and regarding the material for the nexus construction project Adams recommended the core from GPO (telephone) relays an extreamly fast stalloy requiring little power. These were canibalised for their cores

                          … also of memory serves there was a masonary anchor bolt which was found to have very similar properties .. but that would have to be researched
                          worth consideration ? mild steel is not much good in this situation
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • Question?

                            Has anyone tried a Leyden jar instead of the bad battery?
                            My experience is that "dead" batteries charge up like a small uf cap - say about .2 micro farads - which is getting into the leyden jar region.
                            The temptation is to use big caps (me too), but I am reminded that the Wardencliffe huge transmitter had a capacitor of .2 micro farads.
                            Anyway, I am intrigued by this thread and will be investigating further.
                            The frosting up of the battery is obviously cold electricity and a good sign.


                            • Here are my thoughts on some of this. The basic difference between a battery and a Cap (I hope I am not mistaken) is that the positive and negative on a cap are isolated from each other. In a battery the fluid acts as a conductor between the two. Resistance exists, and the positive "sees" a little of the negative while the negative "sees" a little of the positive. When a battery is sulfated that resistance becomes even higher. A motor connected to a highly sufated battery will not start to run for several minutes. Then as that resistance breaks down, the motor will begin to run going faster and faster. We need something that mimics this resistive connection, like a pot of some kind between the poles on a battery that has NO connection between the positive and negative poles except that controlled connection. I hope that makes some kind of sense.

                              Duncan, every time you post something it costs me hours of research time! LOL. But it is ALWAYS worth it!!! MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF THE ELEMENTS AND INORGANIC COMPOUNDS:
                              Last edited by Turion; 06-08-2013, 03:19 AM.
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Thank you David ... It does fit!

                                I guess David its the same obsession in a different mantle, I'll explain a little the barrier nearly everyone faces regarding COP+1 is they don't,won't or can't believe it. The evil filth that is in control of the world right now amplify that, they stress it and inject it onto every thread with paid agents at every opportunity. Well you know it … you’ve been on forums as long as I , like me you can probably name most of then and recognise their pen “hand” even when it has a different name.
                                It is actually a very real fight in terms which are frightening for “the hearts and minds” of the whole of humanity .. forever.... The actual machine (any machine) that can free a mass from a system that has been founded on a lie,insider trading, and the doings of money lenders gets my support! .. Indeed anyone who develops a system and the courage to share it and spit the details out gets every support I can possibly offer.
                                Evil intent runs deep its inherent in each of us as is good of course, each time we advance even a tiny bit …. can I profit? Is it my interlectual property? Shall I share it privately with just one or two others? What about development investment ?
                                All things each of us has considered and done at one level or another ..” The Gollum effect” we none of us can help it... Its part of human nature but we can contest it and try to do “the right thing”
                                probably David you just consider yourself lucky your thread isn't inundated by the pessimistic unpleasant paid naysayers most of the other threads have the pleasure of … The answers easy, not being particularly religious I hesitate to inject biblical terms but in this case ..far to many of the congregation have “seen the glory” any effort they expended here would be totally counter productive the backlash would be far greater than any scorn they could inject .. other more subtle or radical techniques are going to have to be employed in order to halt the 3BS.
                                Knowing what you do now David (and I guess this holds good for all of you) what would be the odds of you picking up a couple of batteries slapping them together and getting that response again ?
                                Astronomical …. I didn't really believe you when you told me about it all those years ago … indeed you had started to doubt it yourself, the fact that I tried it myself was really only because by chance I had some of the odds and sods around the place . The odds of it working first time .. again astronomical …as for icing up the second time I don’t even like to think about it. "astronomical squared" must be a “fair big lump”
                                so I'm actually a trained electrical guy …in quite a few different sectors .. what I was looking at shouldn't happen .. Its a vexation and very inconvenient but it can't be denied and like Sherlock

                                When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - by Doyle, Sir Arthur*...

                                Like David (and all of you I guess) I seek the explanations and answers through the fine mesh that has been woven with smoke and mirrors across this forum and others and the teasing of tit bits that are all that's left of other giants who's life’s work has been altered deformed and buried by tptb.
                                In every case their life and the right to live it in peace and freedom has also been destroyed.
                                Well the bits do fit …. Its phenomenal odds but one machine does fit to another and another
                                Like Russian dolls .. one of which fits inside the next. However the brain sensing these things and joining them together is a very different proposition to engineering the situation to happen. The bits and shapes fit but the Maths and science won't fit the bits and shapes.
                                In fact I start to think the “Teleforce” Tesla refers to repeatedly has a part to play. But that just may be a bridge to far?.
                                some may have noticed another thread I opened and perhaps consider I detract from this thread … nothing could be further from the truth one has actually provoked the other .
                                I started contrasting infinity and the infinitesimal .. and trying to explain the relationship and the different dimension … off thread David sent details of the pulse system he was trying …. It didn't make any sense at all for a few days … then Robert Adams came to mind …. ( Its possibly four years since I read his stuff).... as I searched for the type of metal he was using and the timing, I was reading sections of text …. much to my amazement I found I was reading almost word for word exactly the same things I had been struggling to explain … (although done much better of course )
                                Why I should expand something as silly as the BH curve on this thread may not be immediately apparent after all a pulse is a pulse isn't it? No it is not … the shape and form of that pulse can challenge time and dimension, I stumble and splutter to explain all this through the Euclid thread… Robert Adams does it so much Better'er . Does it also tie to the other systems ?… Yes the million dollar question of course is can I see an adjustable method to keep and hold the situation .. certainly not easily … yet
                                Perhaps you have the view that breaking the shackles of free energy will remove the evil .. it is not the view I have , I have just been listening to “the news” it happens to be about the British spy listening posts (GCHQ) assessing Internet information using some American system (prisum or some such other horror) Randy was well aware months ago “if its on your computer they own it” …. of course where ever you are, you will have heard exactly the same news why? tptb own it. Of course they syndicate it.. you hear want tptb want you to hear, you react in the way they expect to to react
                                George Carlin ~ The American Dream - YouTube
                                you know this s hitty bit of crap because its what they want you to know. .. spoon feed the dumplings” its simply preparation for much much worse to come .
                                If you think otherwise your logic must be very flawed, surveillance and control is how these lying evil bastards roll, Just like Nazi Germany
                                In that respect as we work on the 3BS or any other system that works .. you may consider yourself to already have been herded into the huge string of trucks Steaming towards Auschwitz .. or some other hell
                                the guard has already noticed that one of the trucks contain particularly troublesome vermin are rocking their carriage … he is just considering if its worth while stopping the train in order to introduce the carriage to their nice shower a little bit early and fingering his MG42 machine gun speculatively..... that’s about how I see it.I can't help but wonder … when we get her done .. what's next?

                                Last edited by Duncan; 06-08-2013, 09:05 AM.
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

