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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Skeptic,
    I will test them first thing in the morning. They are on the charger right now. I have been looking for another "bad" battery to use since the last one I had is now fixed and holding 13.4 volts under load.

    Will duplicate your setup as closely as possible. Will have to use a little larger batteries for my primaries as that is all I have at the moment. Only difference will be I am running a stock motor. Am also going to split positives and negatives with motors to see what happens. But that will be a separate run.

    Last edited by Turion; 07-23-2013, 11:00 PM.
    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Tachyoncatcher: That's very useful info which I've logged.


      • Functional

        Originally posted by garrypm View Post
        Hey Randy,

        Impressive video. Wish I had better luck with good "bad" batteries.

        I also took the liberty to watch your other videos - Super charger. Would you happen to know the current draw for your Bedini?

        Cheers, Garry
        I built that when I was first learning. Not the most efficient. I would do it totally different today. Actually, the 3BGS is far better at charging batts, but I am using it for other tests. So I use my old Bedini to charge/condition my test batteries. To answer your question, 20v 660 mA. It pounds those batteries with around a 420v, collapsing field spike.


        • Looking good so far.

          Randy your setup with the two batteries back to back with the positives connected together and an earth ground seems to be doing something I haven't been able to do before. I could get real long runs if I got everything balanced just right but I never got the primaries to go up in charge. I ran your setup all afternoon. About 5 hours and the primaries stayed the same. I only had small loads on the circuit but they still should have gone down some.

          I had had them on my SSG for a couple of days reconditioning them since they had been sitting for a while. I then let them sit for a day to let them stabilize. Then I ran them today and they only dropped a few hundredths of a volt to start and then hung right there the rest of the afternoon. I then shut the system down to see what kind of shape the primaries were really in without the bouncing around on the meters. In just a few minutes they were back to the same voltage they had been before starting the test. Now a couple of hours later they are about .1 volt higher on each than before the test!

          One of my transducer batteries had flipped charge but I see now it is back to what it was before. Verrry interesssting as someone used to say on the old Laugh-In show. I hope to get to run it some more tomorrow if I can.

          Later, Carroll
          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


          • Carroll,
            Try the bifilar pancake coil 9" ...2 strands of #12 wire (House electrical wire) The end of one coil connected to the beginning of the other so you have one center tap wire and one perimeter wire to connect to. Sit your transducer batteries on this. then rotate it until North on the compass is aligned with the corner of the transducer battery and runs through the transducer battery on a diagonal. (Randy shows this on the video) Connect it according to the modified schematic in Randy's signature. Alignment of the transducer batteries makes a difference in performance. Both transducers need to be aligned this way.

            I had a nice 8 hour run today with charging on primaries. I've got two setups working now. Going to add a second motor splitting the positives tomorrow.

            I have a third setup I am running for skeptic. Don't know why I am doing THAT, since this other is working so much better than the original! LOL

            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Tried that

              Originally posted by Turion View Post
              Will duplicate your setup as closely as possible. Will have to use a little larger batteries for my primaries as that is all I have at the moment. Only difference will be I am running a stock motor. Am also going to split positives and negatives with motors to see what happens. But that will be a separate run.
              Hey Dave,
              Did that test. I couldn't get them to run simultaneously. You probably could if you coupled the shafts so you could control the timing between the two commutators.
              If the motors were acting as some kind of generator, this would be useful. I don't believe that to be the case. I think they simply setup the environment in the transducers or "bad battery" and are sending transients that the conditioned batteries respond to.

              A few details/numbers on my current setup. All bad batteries I salvaged from the trash. The good batteries were reconditioned by either the 3BGS or my Bedini. The transducer batteries were never conditioned or attempted to charge. I am using a pulse motor made from the MY1016 motor chassis. I am running, what seems to be a balance load at the moment. My primaries are holding and my buffer is sloooowly climbing. The buffer started at a drained (12.0v) and is conditioned. The inverter and load is consuming 2.2A, my motor is a hog at 3A. The motor temperature is a running 120ºF. I have had a 3 hour run without rest and multiple 1-2 hour runs. Conditioned batteries seem to be a key component in this mix. I can take the exact same setup and get different results with different source batteries.

              For those mathematically inclined. I have 2 fully charged 12v 7Ah batteries with a somewhat diminished capacity (from the trash, remember), in series and one flat, 12v 7Ah. The other two batteries (transducers), have no capacity and very high resistance or impedance, if you prefer. How long do you think I could run my poorly efficient motor (3A) @ 120ºF and a whopping 484 rpm and the inverter load, 2.2A on those 2- 7Ah batteries?
              This is a simple construction. You will have fun.


              • Cool!

                Originally posted by citfta View Post
                Randy your setup with the two batteries back to back with the positives connected together and an earth ground seems to be doing something I haven't been able to do before. I could get real long runs if I got everything balanced just right but I never got the primaries to go up in charge. I ran your setup all afternoon. About 5 hours and the primaries stayed the same. I only had small loads on the circuit but they still should have gone down some.
                I had had them on my SSG for a couple of days reconditioning them since they had been sitting for a while. I then let them sit for a day to let them stabilize. Then I ran them today and they only dropped a few hundredths of a volt to start and then hung right there the rest of the afternoon. I then shut the system down to see what kind of shape the primaries were really in without the bouncing around on the meters. In just a few minutes they were back to the same voltage they had been before starting the test. Now a couple of hours later they are about .1 volt higher on each than before the test!

                One of my transducer batteries had flipped charge but I see now it is back to what it was before. Verrry interesssting as someone used to say on the old Laugh-In show. I hope to get to run it some more tomorrow if I can.

                Later, Carroll
                That is exactly the results I'm getting. The source batteries will drop from a fully charged state to a more natural state for a used battery. Then hold there. After some time though, they will start to creep up. All the time you are running a load. The transducers flip back and forth. Sounds like you are using some type of pulse motor too. You mentioned your meters bouncing.

                I think we could replace the buffer battery with a 1 to 1 transformer, but why not take advantage of the added translation? Every bit counts. My buffer battery is climbing faster than the source batteries. Even with the load. This is also why I use a receiver coil on the negative. I noticed my #2 primary on the negative side was not charging as well as the positive side. This was consistent with multiple source battery tests. So I added the TBPC (Tesla Bifilar Pancake Coil) to see if I could accomplish two things at once. Gain from the outside of the transducers and increase/even the charge on the negative side of the source. It worked. Those coils are good for more than just the GEGENE! Interesting, a power gain from a couple dead batteries. A magnetic coupling from a couple of dead, lead filled boxes. What?
                This is fun.
                Last edited by tachyoncatcher; 07-25-2013, 03:15 AM.


                • Circuit diagram?

                  Randy, things are moving so fast we could do with an updated circuit diagram as we seem to have moved beyond Turion's original discovery.
                  Is your diagram still post 2335?
                  If you put a 1:1 transformer in parallel you could create a dead short across the battery, if my reading of your circuit is correct.
                  Also your use of initials is leaving me bemused somewhat.
                  To use a transformer you will have to put it in series, assuming it is spiked DC or AC.
                  Great results by the way.
                  Last edited by a.king21; 07-24-2013, 05:05 AM.


                  • Randy,

                    I've had a good look at your circuit diagram and the inclusion of a 1:1 transformer gets you perilously close to one of Kapanadze's patents.
                    The difference seems to be that he used AC .
                    Instead of the motor he has a high frequency generator.
                    I am some way behind you guys as I am struggling to make a motor generator, because I want to loop the thing.


                    • a.king21,
                      Randy has been updating the original schematic and the link to it is in his signature a couple posts above. Click on the link, and scroll down that page and you will see it. On the bifilar pancake coil, the end of one wire is connected to the beginning of the other, so you tap off one center wire and one outside end. Hope that makes sense. 9' coil of #12 house electrical wire. Watch his video to see the magnetic alignment of the transducers. It makes a difference.

                      I'm going to test running the modified 3BGS to run my generator over the next couple days. Don't NEED to loop it, hopefully!!!

                      I can only say one thing guys:Replicate, replicate, replicate. The more people who have seen a working device, the faster we can bring this into the light. Some folks are never going to believe it until we shove it down their throats.

                      Last edited by Turion; 07-24-2013, 05:44 AM.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Pancake coil

                        Hi Guys,

                        From the original talk about the pancake coil I though Randy had it sitting on edge at one end of the transducer batteries and that is what i ran yesterday. Now that I have had time to watch the video and also gotten my computer repaired I so that I could watch it I will try it today with the coil underneath the transducer batts. I did have the transducer batteries oriented to N & S. I will also try some larger loads today as I had everything very lightly loaded yesterday.

                        Later, Carroll

                        PS: My motor was not a pulse motor I used yesterday. I will try a pulse motor today.
                        Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                        • Changes

                          I am not using a pulse motor, and I had my coil on end also. I was successful with that run. Randy said putting the coil flat and sitting the transducers on it is better, so I tried that and it does seem to be a little better. I haven't tried using a pulse motor since mine is messed up and needs some attention. Going to wind a new one. So apparently, this has some flexibility, which is nice.

                          Now we need to figure out a method of balancing so we can run LARGER loads. The most I was ever able to get the 3BGS to run was 800 watts on the inverter (which was the limit of my light bank) plus the motor loaded down on the DC side running a gen with 200 watts of lights hooked to it. Balancing was ALWAYS a problem with the original configuration, At least here it is a little easier to see, because if it is NOT balanced the voltage in one of the transducers begins to creep up higher than the other one. I was thinking of a fixed load on the motor side, like a motor running a gen putting out power to a storage system like a battery bank, and a variable load on the AC side that could be controlled with a rheostat setup of some kind, just so we can establish if there are limits to the setup, and then move on to BIGGER motors and see if the limits go up.

                          See how quickly I get ahead of myself? Sorry about that guys. Just excited that after five years of beating my head against a wall and having people say this doesn't work, we've got something STABLE and replicable. Before it was like pointing to a shadow and hoping someone turned their head fast enough to see it. Only a few turned fast enough, and not all of them believed what they saw. I know you guys pretty much always believed, but there was a stretch when I was the Lone Ranger.

                          What I can see now is that even THIS setup MIGHT run my gen, which would be absolutely incredible.

                          Last edited by Turion; 07-24-2013, 12:41 PM.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42

                            Do try and keep it wide open and on forum , The entity we deal with is really a lynch pin of evil that’s been carried out in secret and darkness, anyone who starts doing the same thing simply becomes part of the problem of evil and greed.
                            Here I again dwell on Telluric current AKA magnetic current, the pancake coil, bifilar winding et al .. and why
                            and expand on the PMH and relate it directly to the Impedance arm's and their all important balance . In other words I am going to try and put some key bits into this jigsaw .. can I pass the test of Babel .. we'll see , Randy thinks I may be considering the wrong force with magnetic current., I don't know neither do I care I can happily work with either in a balanced state … the difference is only that of
                            series resonance or parallel resonance … at balance it simply doesn’t concern us which is which, On this PDF there is the equivalent circuit of a lead acid battery you will straight away see it could easily be a resonant circuit in its own right. Or part of a resonant series or parallel circuit.
                            with a bridge and variable frequency it simply doesn't need to concern us .. Only that the bridge is balanced . you remember the bridge? most important IMHO.


                            If as I suggested and drew out earlier Its Telluric /Magnetic current then lets rely of the Magnetic current Magician Edward Leedskalnin to show us the way , then please allow me to cross reference it to your impedance bridge first this is magnetic current. As described by Edward Leedskalanin in that seminal book “Magnetic current” which although encrypted does tell us much.

                            Here is the book paraphrased and drawn . It is the PMH circa page 25 I would like you to glance at


                            consider those two coils to be two arms of the resonant bridge , equal impedance and wound clockwise and counter clockwise (which of course they are) Those of you that have built the PMH and I know David has, will know the thing works . It is the conversion to motive power that has foiled everyone.
                            There is of course no rhyme or reason why those coils should not be wound to be equal and resonant to a supply frequency … well is there? It is only simple maths and engineering.
                            If in the centre of that PMH a bifilar winding was constructed instead of counter windings on each leg can you see the effect would be the same ?
                            In fact this drawing I submitted for your inspection earlier I have realised it is exactly that a resonant PMH in another suit of clothes

                            so the two counter wound or alternatively bifilar wound coils are two arms of the bridge.
                            The winding I have drawn on the cross piece or “Keeper” as described by Edward is also resonant and impedance matched with the existing arms.
                            What of the other arm? … OK so we need a basic understanding of “ the universe and everything”

                            Douglas Adams wrote The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, he added a central joke which has become more famous over the years than the novel itself: "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42." Greeks have since wasted years and massive effort trying to ascribe some deep, symbolic significance to the number and its occurrences.

                            Ah well here we go... If the PMH could be made resonant .. that is if each arm pairs equal when oscillating .. which is what I have drawn and which you guys get nearer to with compass and pancake.
                            So now I have pointed out three of the four resonant arms (if it were) applied to the Leedskalanin PMH but of course if you have grasped the concept of the bridge … Impedance matching … resonance .. the AC bridge then you know there must be a forth arm … the fourth arm must of course be resonant and equal also … obviously …. the air gaps I have drawn on the toroid present a huge impedance to the load battery whilst transferring the resonant frequencies. this is exactly whats required.
                            So of course now you wish to know where the fourth arm is ? Where is the arm that can produce rapid flux change in the keeper …. or the load winding .. in the toroid drawing I did for you ... here is the answer's in this video the PMH in a bridge becomes "dynamic" (and if you can spare the time I would suggest you watch all this guys video's an interesting compilation)


                            I surmise the fourth leg (just for explanation) purposes can be viewed as an electromagnet doing exactly what whyme2be is demonstrating here with a neo magnet
                            The fourth arm obviously causes flux change in “the keeper” the way is now open to engineer and balance the bridge. Leedskalanin's PMH now becomes a dynamic resonant power producing machine.
                            For reasons that should be obvious considering the frequencies and dependence of hysteresis response of the core .. that magnetically soft Iron is going to have to be very special . And for reasons I don’t want to enlarge on I doubt there is Iron available on the surface of the globe since 1945 that has the characterises that are required.
                            Iron on ships sunk pre 1945 .. yes. I am having difficulty obtaining ferrite in anything like the size I need to give this even a half decent trial .. and quite frankly anything that has a resource at it core that tptb can control is going no where, still thats the way of it.
                            Just to remind you .. this is the filth and evil we are contesting , founded on insider trading , lies deception and evil, working in secrecy in the darkness with satanic intent. If you intend anything but total open disclosure guess what these nice guys will do.

                            EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube

                            Part two ...
                            you are obviously putting big store upon the effect of “dancing meters” so for you interest I'll go into that effect a little (as far as I may) first there are various types of electricity one we have just partially begun to understand (transverse) another we start to glimpse dimly through this machine.
                            (longitudinal) obviously at resonance both of these waves change dimension and type. Consider a radio transmitter or receiver at resonance the antenna becomes a transmitter or a receiver. volts and amps become an electro magnetic wave
                            Is it so much of a leap of faith to understand that the telluric wave should do and does the same thing?
                            So what kind of feel can we get of this other very different type of electricity.? I think
                            a.king is nearly right with his --- every frequency observation but it goes deeper than that . There are two distinct types of resonance being generated here .. if not three if you count ferro magnetic resonance.
                            One is series resonance and the other parallel resonance … you can view the parallel resonance on an oscilloscope a recurring waveform will transform into a sine wave. Series resonance however you cant see .. its maximum current and zero voltage , I did several tests > approaching> series resonance and indeed you can see the wideband of frequencies turning into a sine wave whilst on the cusp of disappearing.
                            So what difference between a sine wave and a cosine wave ? Your oscilloscope shows the same thing, or nothing ?
                            The sine wave you see is of course just a very poor representation of electricity, electricity certainly isn’t a squiggly line in one dimension . The question then is what is the make up of a sine wave .. or what is filling the space under the curve ?
                            And how does the sine wave & cosine wave differ at the same instant ?
                            If you have ever been poor enough to have to make a signal generator ..I still am .. you'll quickly discover that the first requirement is a stable clean sine wave .. all other waves can be made from that .. square sawtooth .. whatever .Its pointed out here .. Fourier’s the Man ..

                            Sine wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            What it fails to say is Fourier had a different agenda and was part of certain sects .. there are huge pieces of the theory obfuscated or simply missing.
                            All that Fourier represents are harmonics, the interaction of overtones is entirely omitted.

                            To put this as simply as I may a sine wave or cosine wave may be constructed from a circle . Pi is an irregular number in other words there is no resolve . This of course then extends to the sine wave and cosine wave .. one made of an infinite amount of the infinitesimal and the other visa verse.
                            An infinitesimal amount of the infinite. In practice this would mean one wave form is made up of odds .. 3,5,7,9, the overtones whilst the other is made up of evens that is harmonics 2,4, 6
                            they are essentially very different sorts of electricity .. one you can see on your instruments and one which makes them (and you) dance.
                            This post ....

                            Sine and the cosine amplitudes become equal at an angle of pi/4. Both sine waves and cosine wave start at Infinity hence both waves are infinite. the Difference between them is that they are 45 degrees out of phase.
                            The Equation of the sine = cosine(wt + pi/4)
                            where w =omega =angular velocity in radians per second
                            t is time in seconds.

                            Is taken From this forum
                            Difference between sine wave and cos wave and which is the continuous wave? - Yahoo! Answers India

                            There is no absolute scale of size in the Universe, for it is boundless towards the great and also boundless towards the small. Oliver Heaviside

                            We are girls and boys to put it bluntly in a different dimension which we are not familiar with because the information has been obfuscated and hidden from us by tptb and the entire **** heap that is academia. Well paid by unemployed people eating dog food across Europe to piss about inside a mountain in order to discover things that have been known for hundreds of years. whilst your instruments do not detect magnetic current ... it is there driving your machine. effecting all of you .. and it .. and me .. and very soon the world .. for the good . Imagine opposing poles of a magnet facing each other .. one suspended as a pendulum .. can it ever remain static?
                            this then is the nature of magnetic current a dynamic spiral in two directions
                            which appears chaotic. It is not chaotic at series resonance however it is formed into a practical cosine wave in every sense of the word ... and its very different from a sine wave.
                            as to which specific frequencies a.king your very close again but they are.. it seems to me the overtone relationship 3,5,7,9 Starting the cumulative progression .. these frequencies can rise through the scale ad infinitum as can their inverse sine x6 frequency separation, it is the only set of frequencies I know which can . The principle overtones being 3, 5, 7, 9 the majors being 3 and 9 cumulative on the centre which of course gives 3 and 6 and 9,
                            “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." Nikola Tesla

                            the progression as orion says "tweaks the Aether" .. "perhaps"..not 42 .. 369
                            Last edited by Duncan; 07-24-2013, 03:01 PM.
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • Duncan, one of the things I have ALWAYS wanted to try, and never got around to, was a PMH that was configured in the following manner...

                              On one side of the PMH, remove a section of the solid steel bar and replace it with a resistor. Will the PMH still work? Will the current still circulate to induce the magnetic field?? I have always wondered about this. Now, in parallel with that resistor, add a brushed DC motor, offering a path of LESS resistance, but also breaking the connection when the brushes turn on the commutator.

                              Hopefully three things would happen.
                              1. The current flowing through the resistor would maintain the circuit.
                              2. The motor would take the current in that it receives and increase it on the output side as we have seen with the 3BGS
                              3, The increased current would circulate and increase again, and again, and again (you get the picture)

                              Yes, I am off in Neverland, but these are the kinds of things I lay awake at night thinking about.

                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • turion instead dc motor or modified motor can i use transistor or fet switched pulse motor? or work only with mechanical switching?
                                Ah of battery make difference? im asking because i have 2 2,8Ah 12 volt valve regulated lead acid battery.
                                with motor and b3 loaded wich voltage i need to see on b3 when the system is balanced

                                again sorry for my english i hope is clear and my question useful for many other

                                by Luca

