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3 Battery Generating System

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  • fixed ... maybe

    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Duncan, one of the things I have ALWAYS wanted to try, and never got around to, was a PMH that was configured in the following manner...

    On one side of the PMH, remove a section of the solid steel bar and replace it with a resistor. Will the PMH still work? Will the current still circulate to induce the magnetic field?? I have always wondered about this. Now, in parallel with that resistor, add a brushed DC motor, offering a path of LESS resistance, but also breaking the connection when the brushes turn on the commutator.

    Hopefully three things would happen.
    1. The current flowing through the resistor would maintain the circuit.
    2. The motor would take the current in that it receives and increase it on the output side as we have seen with the 3BGS
    3, The increased current would circulate and increase again, and again, and again (you get the picture)

    Yes, I am off in Neverland, but these are the kinds of things I lay awake at night thinking about.

    all that is required of the PMH is just as shown David .. all it has to do is react as whyme2be portrays with another magnetic field .. probably no bad batteries will be required …. the impedance match to the load battery can be huge . The motors job here is in theory at least just to supply a variable frequency supply. Unless In some way we don’t understand yet the magnetic core of the motor has a part to play. If it does pan out as I describe then its really very close to the end of this game …
    It is the bit Orion suggested "I fix" .. I think you'll find if not the fix, its very close, its got to be considered, tried , engineered but the bits seem to fit .. the impedance match to the bad batteries could be made huge or adjustable and perhaps the concept of “bad batteries” removed .. just very high impedance match with a good battery at resonance .. that would be my hope and I think its also possible the motor may be replaced with an H bridge .. we'll see soon David It'll have to be tried I'm sure Orion will grasp the concept pretty quickly if he's not in intensive care. It is going right outside the square .. go through it again and see if it starts to make a little more sense I have perhaps not described this well enough .. Its actually outlining a fully functional system based on this system .. and a few others ..the PMH .. I have simply included because it gives visual proof that the concept works …
    and I thought it would give most folks a solid known effect to work from
    Last edited by Duncan; 07-24-2013, 02:39 PM.
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • Originally posted by gnino View Post
      turion instead dc motor or modified motor can i use transistor or fet switched pulse motor? or work only with mechanical switching?
      Ah of battery make difference? im asking because i have 2 2,8Ah 12 volt valve regulated lead acid battery.
      with motor and b3 loaded wich voltage i need to see on b3 when the system is balanced

      again sorry for my english i hope is clear and my question useful for many other

      by Luca
      Hi Luca I don't recall David ever running on a transistor or FET oscillator . I have however and so I'll tell you what I can .. first I was simply running into a “bad battery” because I wanted to see if it would resonate. .. It did , I actually used this circuit from JLN labs
      The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin
      and put the Bad battery in the transformer centre tap, I wish Luca we had all the answers for you and everyone else .. the truth is we are all doing finding and determined to resolve this phenomena.
      My own next solid state transistor attempt will be a Royer like this
      Simple DIY Induction Heater - RMCybernetics
      and again here … actually showing what we are doing and going OU in this clip
      TROS vs SGG -- "alternative lighting" - YouTube
      so whilst there's much to be done .. lots that needs duplicating .. every ones at this pushing it every way .. if you wish to try solid state .. that's the way I think, Its all shifting sand Luca but we are working together and the ground is getting evermore solid .. help with reproductions, help with input do it solid state .. I'm struggling to even get the bits together .. but Luca join the pack and welcome .. we don’t have all the answers .. yet .. if we did we would not be here toe to toe slogging it out, add your weight .. the dam is breached we just have to collapse it …. add your weight where you can as regarding semiconductors that's the way IMHO
      best wishes and kind regards Duncan and as for your english .. its better than me in any other language .. and we all understand you
      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • Luca,

        I agree with Duncan, and will add that size of battery doesn't seem to matter. Make sure the primaries are matched in size and the transducers are matched in size and all are the same KIND, either FLA or AGM.

        Give it a shot. The more we learn, the more we grow.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Dancing meters

          Here are some more facts re dancing meters:
          During my experiments uncovering polarity reversal I attached a bulb across the batteries in parallel. The bulb accurately reflected the varying meter readings.
          When the bulb was off there was complete polarity reversal. When the bulb was on full brightness the batteries were on proper polarity and everything else in between.

          So here's the good news: Your meters are ACCURATELY telling you what's going on in the circuit!
          You might try putting a motor car bulb across each bad battery and observing the varying light intensity.

          Has anyone tried completely flattening a recovered battery and seeing if it worked for a while?
          Last edited by a.king21; 07-24-2013, 04:56 PM.


          • Oh wow

            Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
            Here are some more facts re dancing meters:
            During my experiments uncovering polarity reversal I attached a bulb across the batteries in parallel. The bulb accurately reflected the varying meter readings.
            When the bulb was off there was complete polarity reversal. When the bulb was on full brightness the batteries were on proper polarity and everything else in between.

            So here's the good news: Your meters are ACCURATELY telling you what's going on in the circuit!
            You might try putting a motor car bulb across each bad battery and observing the varying light intensity.

            Has anyone tried completely flattening a recovered battery and seeing if it worked for a while?
            a.king .. it sounds great .. the trouble is I dont undersatand .. do you indicate a battery charges in an instant? I'ts not that I doubt .. I dont understand .. and I think these guys have done everything they can with a battery ... rumour has it .. Davids had illicit sex with one .. I would not like to comment, however .. please amplify we have to see the pie before we can't get our munchers into it. PS having said that take a look how "transiant" voltage and current was taken care of this guy did it .. with a couple of lamps
            TROS vs SGG -- "alternative lighting" - YouTube
            across the bridge , but you'll have to go find, I just dont have it to hand and no time
            Last edited by Duncan; 07-24-2013, 05:29 PM.
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • a.king21,

              I'm not sure if I understand how you had this bulb wired. Was it across the transducers or the primaries? I'm thinking was it connected to the two negatives, since the positives are connected together?

              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • Doing a run right now with my off the shelf Razor Scooter MY1016 on the 3BGS setup. WAY more rpm's than I need for my generator and the primaries seem to be holding right now with a load of 21 1/2 watts on the inverter and the motor just running the gen with no coils on it. Looking really good so far. I am way excited to have my gen finally connected to a motor and running, especially when it is running without drawing down on the primaries!!!

                And when I put a load on it, it will speed up!!!

                If it runs this well with the coils mounted, which is the next step, I'm home free. Going to be winding coils right now. Will start with two sets of four, and gradually work up to 6 sets of 2.

                I really am excited guys. I am seeing some really strong runs with power and no draw down on the primaries.

                Here's my video:
                Motor/Gen/3BGS - YouTube

                Skeptic, you started watching this thread at JUST the right time! LOL
                Last edited by Turion; 07-24-2013, 08:22 PM.
                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • You got it

                  Yes the batteries charge in an instant.
                  I did the experiment on flash charging differently to this setup. It was in order to understand flash charging which is highly relevant here.
                  So where you've got dancing meters, attach the bulbs there.
                  If you are measuring 24 volts dancing then make sure you use 2 12 volt bulbs in series to prevent blowout.
                  repeat: The batteries charge in an instant.


                  • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                    Yes the batteries charge in an instant.
                    I did the experiment on flash charging differently to this setup. It was in order to understand flash charging which is highly relevant here.
                    So where you've got dancing meters, attach the bulbs there.
                    Attach the bulbs where? Which batteries will charge in an instant? Duncan may understand what you are saying but I don't. Please take me through this step by step so I understand what you are talking about. Sorry, I'm just dense, and I'm sure there are others who need more explanation also. I'm just not shy about saying so. And THANKS for contributing here. We are right there folks.

                    I finished an hour and 20 minute run, using the motor to run my generator with no coils on it. Primaries charged to higher than what I began with. Can't ask for more than that. Had a screw up in the middle where my inverter shut off and I didn't know it because I was upstairs playing with the new remote control (with camera) helicopter my wife got me for my birthday. By the time I realized there was a problem the primaries had dropped two tenths...but this led to the discovery that at 18 1/2 watts on the inverter, I am perfectly balanced and the primaries will climb just a little while the buffer battery holds steady. Transducer 2 still climbed up, but as long as my primaries are climbing, I'm good.

                    Motor/generator/3BGS - YouTube

                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Diagram

                      Hi all,
                      If I'm right you should see the bulb brightness dancing about in sync with your meters.
                      So place your meters exactly where the bulb is.

                      The transducer batteries charge in an instant. That's why this thread is so interesting.
                      When they stop "instant" charging you should lose the effect.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by a.king21; 07-25-2013, 01:21 AM.


                      • Ding Ding Ding

                        You nailed it.
                        Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                        .. if not three if you count ferro magnetic resonance.
                        The other two are distractions. Soon, my friend.


                        • How To Tune Your System

                          I was seeing something today, and I thought I should share so others can check it out also....

                          I kept a close eye on the voltage in the buffer battery today, especially after I was into my run about five minutes and things had stabilized a bit. If the voltage on the buffer started to climb, I increased the load on the inverter or decreased the load on the motor. If the voltage on the buffer was going down, I decreased the load on the inverter or increased the load on the motor. If you can get the buffer battery voltage to hold and stabilize, that's where everything works like we want it to. And when the buffer is stabilized, the meters DON'T seem to jump around as much. Look at the meters in the two videos I posted today. They are the same meters Randy was showing in his video and the meters in his were jumping all over the place. You might say that is because he is getting higher spikes out of his special motor than I am getting out of the off the shelf motor, which very well could be true....but my primaries were higher when I quit than when I started, so I was charging while running. And I have had those meters jumping all over the place on other runs I have done in the last few days.

                          Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                          Hi all,
                          If I'm right you should see the bulb brightness dancing about in sync with your meters.
                          So you haven't tried this yourself? You haven't seen the "instant charging" of the transducers? It's just a theory? I am only asking because I KNOW I could get some incredibly quick charging by hooking a battery bank in parallel with battery 3 on my original setup, but haven't tried that or seen it any time since. So was hoping you had actually seen it happen.

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • not a theory

                            I have seen this effect but not in the three battery setup because I am still looking for the right motor.
                            I had two sets of batteries in series and charged them with "spark gap" electricity. The meters danced all over the place. I put a light bulb across the batteries and that is when I discovered complete polarity reversal.
                            I also discovered that partial reversal occurred, so I was wondering if those who have meters jumping all over the place might put a bulb in place to verify that the meters were correct and that partial polarity reversal was also taking place.
                            If that is the case then it tells us that we are most likely dealing with gating of the vacuum and not some kind of battery effect.
                            The reason I say that is that is that I have seen the same effect using electrolytic capacitors which are polarity sensitive.
                            In any case Tachyon's modification seems to have stabilized everything.
                            Last edited by a.king21; 07-25-2013, 05:59 AM.


                            • a.king21,
                              Got it. Thanks for the clarification. This is a tricky little devil we are dealing with here. That's for sure. It has kept me guessing for five years now.

                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • 24 volt motor?

                                Hi, Dave,

                                I've found the Razor Scooter MY1016 in the UK but they have 2 models - a 24 volt one and a 36 volt one with the same model number.
                                Could you let me know what your voltage is please?

