Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix
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I wasn't trying to be arrogant. I am telling there is no need to assume everything is as it seems. If you try different thing to either eliminate and or confirm the need, THEN YOU KNOW.
Saying that this part or the other is crucial without knowing is just talk. Imagining whats going on even based on others work, is just speculation. Trying tells the truth.
I have a rig going together that produce several different wave forms in the system based on the way you drive it. So that we can look. You gotta look.
I am not getting into all what I think. I just wanna run down the list of things that need to be tested, Discuss them openly and do it without impedance from the onlookers.
I would like to be able to discuss those results without being told to compare it to everything else.
If you think that other people works explains it then I guess no one has the need to build anything. We can have discussion and all the theories can become Fact.
Or we can just do the best work we can and see what happens.