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3 Battery Generating System

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  • So as far as testing goes you gotta do a couple of things.

    If you measure the time and voltage of 3 batteries in parallel that will give you a HIGH baseline. AGM's are rated at 80% capacity. so a 7 amp hour has 5.6 amp hours available.
    7 x .80 = 5.6.

    3 in parallel 16.8 amp hours available. So if you discharge at 2 amps you should reasonably get 8.4 hours of running.

    But we have something different in the 3bgs. You have a battery that is 24v 7 amp hour in parallel with a battery that is 12 volt at 7 amp hour.
    This gives you the effective voltage of 18v. So that give rise to the amp hour in the 24 volt bank and reduces the amp hour in the 12 volt, Technically Speaking .

    So we can figure out the supposed amp hours or we can just settle on the parallel and if we beat it then you have proven the case. But you are shooting yourself in the foot by setting the goal almost 3+ times higher than it really is. So lets look at it.

    From 24 volt to 18 volt is a 25% reduction in voltage so it gives you a 25% increase in amperage. At 5.6 amp hour in 24v to start and at 18v you'll be at (.25 * 5.6 = 1.4 + 5.6 = 7) 7 amp hour.

    Now we have to do the opposite for the 12 volt but it looses 33.3%. In amp hour so 5.6 ah at 12v is now at 18v 3.375 ah (.333 x 5.6 = 1.865...5.6 - 1.865 = 3.375)

    So now the total of the battery is around 10.375 amps. Discharging at 2 amps we should run somewhere around 5 hours.

    But because this is a potential based system and we are also storing energy this all changes for the worse. Because we actually have to calculate the amp hours of the battery and every voltage change and subtract the time it has run then do just the opposite for the charged batteries.

    All that is real possible with a good scope and some programmable math functions maybe on a PC that records.

    I only bring this up to show you how ridiculous it can get if you are trying to prove anything to someone who is a true test engineer. They actually have no MATH to accommodate this situation and the above is the most effective way of telling how it all works out. I have been through it I know.

    If anybody is actually willing to do the testing in the above manner or maybe has a better perspective on the math needed for the test speak up. I would be happy to help you set it up.



    • Matt,
      I am going to put 5 batteries in parallel.
      2 good batteries
      1 drained good (buffer battery)
      2 bad batteries.

      I will hook my meter to these and run my motor for as long as it will run. Yes, I know this is hard on the good batteries, but I'll risk it this one and only time to prove the point. This will give me TOTAL WATTS put out by the 5 batteries during a run.
      I will keep track of the amount of TIME the motor ran and at what least at the beginning because it will slow down as the batteries lose power.


      Then I will recharge the two good batteries and run the 3BGS system with the same five batteries. (Three of the batteries will remain discharged)
      Since we cannot measure the TOTAL WATTS put out by the system when it is in the 3BGS (5BGS?? LOL) configuration, I will measure the TOTAL WATTS output by battery 3 to a load. I will run the setup for as long as I can.

      So the load will consume some power that we can measure. What we CAN'T measure is how much power is consumed by the motor during the run since it is running between two positives, and if someone has a way to measure THAT, I am all ears. All we can do is compare. If the motor is running the same load at the same speed for the same amount of time, is it fair to say it "used" the same amount of power as it did during our baseline run?

      Those of us who have worked with the 3BGS know it is not a fair comparison, because the motors don't act the same way in the two setups. In the baseline setup, the motor is what uses up the power. In the 3BGS setup the power goes through the motor and the generated power created by the motor as a generator is added to that power so that MORE comes out than went in. So when you compare the two "motors" it is an unequal comparison. Where the power gets used up in the 3BGS is running the load on battery three and charging up battery 3. (As well as the buffer batteries in some cases)

      But since what we are trying to compare is the output of one "system with five batteries and a motor" to another "system with five batteries and a motor" we need to include the power used to run the motor as part of what the system was capable of producing. How we get an accurate measure of that is, and always has been, the problem with this setup.

      Again, I will record total run time of the motor and the rpm. Then we can talk about the results and what they mean.

      This is by no means a TEST. It is just a demonstration of what our setup of 5 batteries and a motor can do compared to five batteries in parallel hooked to a motor. I know this probably won't convince a true scientist. But maybe it will be interesting enough to get a couple of them to do their OWN tests, and that is my only real goal with this "demonstration" in the first place.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • There goes that Tesla guy again, trying to take credit for all our hard work! Next thing you know he'll be saying he invented A.C. motors!
        Last edited by Turion; 09-10-2013, 04:45 PM.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Originally posted by stupify12
          "The circuit, including the motor is of relatively high self-induction, and this property is imparted to it by the coils of the motor, so that at each break of the motor-circuit a current of high electromotive force will be developed for charging the condenser." Nikola Tesla
          Came across nrgfromthevacuum's youtube years ago - no longer there.

          Here is a replication by xem -

          Relay Switch Capacitor Experiment - YouTube

          Cheers, Garry


          • What about the magnet?

            Originally posted by garrypm View Post
            Came across nrgfromthevacuum's youtube years ago - no longer there.

            Here is a replication by xem -

            Relay Switch Capacitor Experiment - YouTube

            Cheers, Garry
            Thanks Gary,

            Something this video left out was switching the leads across a neodymium magnet. That was part of the point nrgfromthevacuum was making - was how much higher the voltage in the cap rose when switched across a magnet... Anyways, just thought I'd mention it.

            Best regards,

            Electrostatic charges manipulating magneto-gravitic streams...


            • No results to post until in the morning. It takes forever to drain the batteries when you are running a little pulse motor as the load. THe thing has been running all day and is shut up in the basement for the night, still running. The good thing about that meter is it holds the readings internally so I cancheck it in the morning.

              So tomorrow I recharge two primaries and run the 3BGS.

              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • I have to report a failure on the first part of my measurements. Apparently the meter requires a specific amount of minimum voltage to operate, and when you drop below that it shuts off. Since I was running a pulse motor, when the battery voltage on the primaries got down to around 3 volts, and the motor continued to rotate or pulse the circuit, the meter saw this as being turned off and then back on, which erases the data from the previous run. Sooooo... after running for over 24 hours, I lost all my data as to output from fully charged primary batteries. I will have to begin again, and this time will not use a pulse motor, but the damage to the primary batteries may already be done, since they are down to 3 volts each.

                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • LOL New batteries and he dumps them to 3 volts. LOL. I wish I sold batteries right now...



                  • LOL. YOu would make money off me for sure! But they are the really small amp hour batteries, so not TOO big a waste of money. I can always use them for door stops!

                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • 3bgs

                      Dave , put them in position 3 ,run the + lead of them into a Tesla bi-filiar (not to the motor),exit the bifiliar ,to the casing of a pulse motor ( Matts).
                      Run that to one side of a diode bridge, feed the other side of the bridge with the negative of the pulse motor.
                      Now feed that new dead bat with the output of the bridge, using blocking diodes.
                      Just something to try.
                      I have no experence with AGMs'


                      • Can I ask anyone?

                        What do you really think of a BATTERY?
                        No matter how i look at the schematic of Battery it always show me almost the same as a CAPACITOR which composed of separated plates and a dielectric solution ( Electrolytes).

                        What do you think of a Motor?

                        On my on description motor is a coil powered through the brushes, making a close and open circuit. What happen to the coil coiled in a lamination/ core when induce with a power supply? =Magnetic Flux, What happen when the Magnetic Flux collapse? = The so called C EMF or B EMF . What happen when you combine the COIL and CAPACITOR = RESONANCE.

                        I think this thread is almost there to the peak. any modification and understanding of what people are doing , it is near in perfection.

                        Its all related to Tesla's work, dont be upset when i told you that He is the first to do it and even much better than any floating schematic all over the net. Actually what you have re discovered is the MISSING PIECE OF TESLA OSCILLATOR

                        Just a hint from a lurker newbie. Keep up the good work.


                        • I think we would all probably agree that Tesla had this all figured out. And if we could rediscover what he knew, we would all be very happy. How to put what we have learned all together into a working system that others can replicate every time and produce usable significant energy is where we are struggling. If you believe you have the answer to that, we're willing to listen. And no offense taken with the Tesla remark. We know all this has been discovered and lost, probably a number of times throughout history.

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • DC capacitor into AC capacitor

                            A polarised dc capacitor can be transformed into a non polarised ac capacitor by doing the same thing you have found out that me myself is very thankful to you that lead me understand much of Tesla's working system.

                            A polarised dc capacitor can be turn by 2 polarised capacitor and connecting the same polarity. Like Positive of 1st polarised capacitor and Positive of 2nd polarised capacitor- in that configuration we have transformed the dc capacitor into an ordinary ac capacitor or non polarised.

                            As we look at the working system on this thread that is what people were doing on the battery . Let us consider that a battery is also a capacitor ( separated charged plates and dielectric of electrolytes).

                            The more coil the motor is made of the more energy is being charge funnel to the Bad Battery which function as a Capacitor.

                            Let me explain what i understand on your fame system and also what i fully understand on Tesla system. The B EMF or CEMF is created on the Motor , which is we fully understand from Bedini that it is a High Voltage Surge/spike with almost no amperage at all. Tesla found a way to recombine or re process the B EMF or C EMF that we can produce voltage and amperage at the same time by the Famouse Tesla Oscillator- Resonance maybe we already know that the voltage and amperage rise created by the Capacitor and Coil combination/ Tank Circuit.

                            The motor function as a Disruptive Discharge and also The B EMF or C EMF producer. Let me tell you the 4 Battery Switch of Tesla will only Work and being keep charged When you Put a MOTOR as a Load and Also a capacitor as the accumulator of B EMF.

                            Originally posted by Turion View Post
                            I think we would all probably agree that Tesla had this all figured out. And if we could rediscover what he knew, we would all be very happy. How to put what we have learned all together into a working system that others can replicate every time and produce usable significant energy is where we are struggling. If you believe you have the answer to that, we're willing to listen. And no offense taken with the Tesla remark. We know all this has been discovered and lost, probably a number of times throughout history.



                            • You have already Re Discovered two Lost Technology.

                              First. You guys have already re discovered the way Tesla charged capacitor and Battery with no Semi Conductor/ Silicon diode.
                              Well maybe we should not mix the Long Lost Technology Parts with the Silicon and Integrated Parts because it will not blend really well.
                              Try to focus only on COILS, CAPACITOR, BATTERY and Generator.

                              Try to Study and Experiment how to charge capacitor and battery with no diode at all from a DC Source Supply.

                              Secondly, You guys have also re discovered the way Tesla made his Tesla Oscillator Self Charging or Self Running Set up.


                              • We know our circuit works, and that we can keep the motor running with a load on it for an indeterminate amount of time, as long as we keep the voltage on the buffer battery level by adjusting the two loads.

                                We also know that when the load on battery 3 is a MOTOR also, it is even more efficient.

                                Someone reported to me that by pulsing the circuit through a magnet they were able to get considerable voltage increases, but I have not tried that yet.

                                Randy and others have reported that setting the batteries on a Tesla coil increases performance.

                                Others have reported that turning the Tesla coil on its end and using other coils increases performance.

                                We have lots of ideas that need to be tested and explored.

                                What we NEED is a circuit schematic with a parts list of parts from Digikey or somewhere else that everyone can put together and get the same results. And those results need to be the same and SIGNIFICANT for everybody. We are a ways from that yet.

                                Last edited by Turion; 09-12-2013, 01:36 PM.
                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

