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3 Battery Generating System

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  • FLA batteries?

    Originally posted by shylo View Post
    Dave , put them in position 3 ,run the + lead of them into a Tesla bi-filiar (not to the motor),exit the bifiliar ,to the casing of a pulse motor ( Matts).
    Run that to one side of a diode bridge, feed the other side of the bridge with the negative of the pulse motor.
    Now feed that new dead bat with the output of the bridge, using blocking diodes.
    Just something to try.
    I have no experence with AGMs'
    Are you using FLA batteries? That's what I'm testing with. Don't have any AGM ones.

    Happy experimenting,


    • Originally posted by Turion View Post
      I have to report a failure on the first part of my measurements. Apparently the meter requires a specific amount of minimum voltage to operate, and when you drop below that it shuts off. Since I was running a pulse motor, when the battery voltage on the primaries got down to around 3 volts, and the motor continued to rotate or pulse the circuit, the meter saw this as being turned off and then back on, which erases the data from the previous run. Sooooo... after running for over 24 hours, I lost all my data as to output from fully charged primary batteries. I will have to begin again, and this time will not use a pulse motor, but the damage to the primary batteries may already be done, since they are down to 3 volts each.

      This testing can get quite expensive!


      • Well, SOME good did come of what I tried. Here is the video:
        Test of primary batteries - YouTube

        What is important is that it shows 4.827 amp hours of power provided from the five batteries when the primaries were discharged down to 6 volts, which is WAY BELOW what they should have been discharged to, and that is ALL that was available out of the system...which was 5 batteries connected in parallel to my pulse motor.
        2 fully charged good batteries
        1 discharged good battery
        2 bad batteries

        Pause the video at 3:21 and you can see average of .13 amps at an average of 5.38 volts and 4.826 Ahh which is the difference in amp hours from when the run started to the present moment. That's what that measurement is.

        It also shows 52.9 Wh, which is one watt per hour for 52 hours.
        These batteries are 12 volt 2.3 amp hours so I got more out of them than they were rated for. Mainly because their rating is at 80% of their capacity, because that's as low as your supposed to discharge them. The whole point here was to prove there are NO "hidden reserves" in the bad batteries as some folks have claimed that could be altering our results. What you see when you add two bad batteries is what you get...BAD BATTERIES that hold no "secret power" that adds to what we are getting out of the system

        Now, these batteries were not COMPLETELY discharged at the point I made this video. They ran the pulse motor for perhaps 20 minutes longer until their voltage dropped down to 3 volts and then quit, but I doubt there was a significant difference in the amp hours of power they provided as it took over 24 hours to get to the point they were at and another 20 minutes wouldn't have made a whole lot of difference.

        I am in the process of charging the two good batteries right now, and as soon as I am finished, I will begin a run with the 3BGS. I will video the voltages on each of the batteries before the run begins, just like I did for the run I just completed.

        Oh, and in the interest of complete disclosure, here are the readings that meter takes

        A average current
        V average volts
        W average watts
        Ah Total change in amp hours
        Wh Watt hours used
        Ap peak amps
        Vm minimum volts
        Wp Peak watt load

        Last edited by Turion; 09-12-2013, 09:05 PM.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • *************************

          We need a summary of what is learned so far.


          Can someone write a summary for newcomers of what is the "State of the Art" for the 3BGS ? Including up-to-date plans etc. (or links to them).



          • Paul,
            Maybe someone could, but it won't be me. I don't mean to be an ass, but every three or four pages someone comes on here and asks for us to "summarize what we have done and post the latest schematic."

            Thousands of hours of work have gone into this project and they just can't be summarized in one post. Some folks are using AGM batteries, some folks are working with Flooded lead acid, and some people are trying this with caps. We have tried it with three batteries (Which I KNOW works) but have moved on to 5 batteries to make it easier. We have configurations using caps and coils and transistors.

            If you are SERIOUS about experimenting you NEED to know what has been tried and what has not been tried. What has worked well and what has worked for some but not for others. Why some believe this works only with AGM batteries and why others believe it works with Flooded Lead Acid or even with caps. Why some believe a standard motor is essential because of the amazing torque and power it produces with this system, and why some swear by a pulse motor.

            I realize most people read the first post on the thread and then skip to the end to see if there is a "working device" but that is NOT what we are about. We have a working device. We have MANY of them in different configurations. The basic device shown in the first post "works." (If only for a short time) What we are trying to do now is make it simpler and more efficient. Make it replicable by anyone with off the shelf stuff. That has taken us in MANY different directions. I read nearly every post on every thread of interest on this forum because it is important to pick up clues and information from others who are experimenting with different things. I have read every post on THIS thread a number of times.

            At the bottom of post one I referenced the "current schematic" but I promise you there are folks, including myself, that are already working with a different version of THAT. There is one other promise I can make you. THIS project is WORTH that investment of time. We have something here, and we will not stop until we have a final solution

            One other thing I want to mention before I shut up. My original device worked BEST and charged my primaries up to SCARY VOLTAGES when I had HUGE LOADS on battery 3 and HUGE LOADS on my motor. We need to take a look at running this with BIG stock motors with HUGE LOADS and see if we can't get a balanced system with a LOT of power output. That is what I am going to begin looking at. I won't be buying any more razor scooter motors. I think 12 of them is enough.

            You took the time to check out this thread, and I really, sincerely appreciate that. But take the time to read the whole thing. I KNOW it is a pain in the butt, an INCREDIBLE pain in the butt, but if someone told you to read a book and you would learn the secret to free energy, would you do it? We are THAT close. I can't tell you the number of folks who PM me or email me about this project who NEVER contribute a word here on the forum, but keep me updated as to their progress. For whatever reason they don't want to share or have their presence known. But this thing is bigger than you might imagine.

            Last edited by Turion; 09-13-2013, 01:55 PM.
            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Turion: In summary can we say that the total amount of power available to you is 53 watt hours with the primary batteries fully charged and the bad batteries at a negative charge?

              Secondly, you are going to do a run (with the Randy mod 5 battery system) to "death" to see how many watt hours the system produces.
              Obviously with the primary batteries fully charged and the bad batts at a negative charge.


              • Originally posted by wrtner View Post

                We need a summary of what is learned so far.


                Can someone write a summary for newcomers of what is the "State of the Art" for the 3BGS ? Including up-to-date plans etc. (or links to them).

                Here's the modified schematic:


                If you read a few pages before and from the link onwards - (plus the first few pages), you should get a feel for what is being experimented with here.


                • a.king21,

                  That was my intention, but I have not been able to get the system to balance in order to do a good run. You are correct about the watt hours. And for those who want to argue that my meter is no good, I have TWO of them, and they basically showed the same, which is MORE than the rated performance of the batteries.

                  I may be forced to run my motor connected to my generator, which I did not want to do with these small batteries, as I know the motor draws 6 amps with that load and if I don't balance it quick, I'm a goner, but at least I have a really GOOD idea what it takes to balance, since that is what I usually work with, (using much larger batteries) but then I don't know if that is what will balance with these small batteries. I have never tested to see if size makes a difference. (Some people say it does I hear.)

                  I tried today with a razor scooter motor running another razor scooter motor as a gen, with a third motor as the load on battery 3, and could not get it to work It just drained the primaries. But I haven't given up. Tomorrow is another day, and I will hit it again. Now that I have that baseline, I will keep playing with the setup until I find what a balanced load is, then charge the batteries up and do a real run. It may take a bit, but I'll get there. I have figured out how to mount small bicycle pulleys on my Razor Scooter motors so I can use old lengths of bike chain to get one motor to run another. And I could actually pedal my bike and use the motors as generators if I had to. LOL Hope it NEVER comes to that!!

                  Last edited by Turion; 09-14-2013, 05:21 AM.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Don't waste our time on this thread!


                    If you have something to say then say it. This thread is for those of us seriously working on this project. It is not a place for you to post your guessing games. You can start your own thread for that. It is easy to start your own thread. You just click on the little button that says "New Thread".

                    As far as charging a battery without any solid state devices, that is not some kind of big secret. You just use a generator. The old fashioned kind with brushes. So what? We have said over and over on this thread that this works best with a brushed type motor.

                    This is not my thread so you can feel free to ignore my comments. But I suspect I am not the only one that feels this way. If you really have something to offer then please share what you have without the guessing games and vague hints.

                    Respectfully, Carroll
                    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                    • Turion: It is possible that you have damaged your primaries after your test run. If you drained them to 6 volts after the first run it is possible that the plates are warped, and maybe that is why you can not repeat the 3 BS run. Do you have some new replacement primary batteries?
                      At least you have a bench mark of 53 watt hours on that type of battery set up and you can maybe use those figures pro rata as a bench mark for other set ups. For myself it would have been good enough if you had allowed the primaries to drain to 11.5 volts in your bench mark run.


                      • Stupify:
                        Prove what you say with a video showing us your set up.


                        • a.king21,
                          I knew killing the batteries was a risk, but I can always buy some new ones. I want to see the setup holding the voltage steady in the buffer battery. That is the test of whether it is working or not, and it is a matter of balancing the loads to get that to happen. It can be really tricky, but I have done it many, many times, so I will get there.

                          I PROMISED my wife the house would get a spring cleaning and sprucing up this weekend since my daughter and new baby are coming, so I may not have much time today and tomorrow, but I will get back to it as fast as I can. Like you said, at least I have the benchmark and will use the same buffer battery and the same bad batteries.

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Primaries to match the razor motor amp draw without load

                            Hi Dave, maybe you should use larger batteries. If the razor scooter motor is using 500 ma on 12v you multiply this by 20 and you get the AH rate of each of your primaries. 500ma X 20 = 10AH battery capacity. You should use the largest transducer AGM batteries that you can find (bigger dipole effect, bigger environment energy input into the system). Seems logical to me tho.

                            I have the razor scooter motor my1016 350w 24vdc. I'm standby to further testing. Good luck!


                            • the answer

                              I can't believe people can’t figure this out yet!
                              the answer to free energy is in front of your eye....
                              Last edited by juan_86; 09-15-2013, 09:13 PM.


                              • People are blind. Let them be.

                                Nationality Juan? I think we are same nationality?

                                Originally posted by juan_86 View Post
                                I can't believe people can’t figure this out yet!
                                the answer to free energy is in front of your eye....

