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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Balance???

    What if the thing that makes this work is NOT a potential difference between the higher voltage in the source batteries and the lower voltage in the bad batteries, but a potential difference between "positive charged batteries" and "negative charged batteries." Think about that for just a minute.

    After all, I know for a fact, and so do many of you, that the bad battery actually flips polarity. and WHILE IT IS FLIPPED, that is when the magic happens. Now, that means that perhaps if we could get a battery to STAY flipped, we could run this thing forever. And maybe a lower voltage bad battery has a greater potential difference than a higher voltage bad battery (when they flip polarity) in relation to the two fully charged good batteries

    So lets talk about that for a minute. OBVIOUSLY there is a source of reversed or negative energy hitting that bad battery that causes it to flip, but once it does there is also a source of energy that is great enough to get it to flip BACK to the original. What if those two sources of energy could be isolated from each other and/or isolated from the bad battery? If it is the motor that causes the battery to flip, then we need a different circuit when that happens. Maybe we run it off one bad battery until it flips negative and keep it running there, but the minute it flips positive again, we switch to a second bad battery. Something like that. Alternating between the two.

    I have had a battery hooked up to a motor as generator for four days now, trying to create a negative transducer. It reads just short of -12 volts, but as soon as I disconnect the motor, the negative voltage in the battery starts dropping. Why is that? What makes that battery WANT to go positive, and where does that energy go that is showing up as almost -12 volts in the battery right now? It seems to want to settle at about -7 volts, and I can't get it to go any higher than about -11.78 on the negative side.

    Last edited by Turion; 09-18-2013, 04:34 AM.
    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Your almost there

      My own opinion,
      This is what happen when close ( Make) the motor rotor/field coils is induced by the supply energy and build up magnetic field because they are short circuited. And then when the motor (Break) the magnetic field collapse, discharging the MagneticFeedback as a High Electromotive Force ( CEMF and F EMF) are captured by the brushes you perfectly made modification on your motor shylo, they run both sides( forward and opposite side) its not just CEMF are captured on this system but both to have a Energy stablility, The energy amplication is the repetition of the MagneticFeedback in the system, the faster the frequency the higher energy gain. It just a matter of On and Off. Let everybody replicate the commutator you made and also the commutator interdesign1 at Clemente Figuera Thread its one of the key to perfectly amplifying the energy created by the MagneticFeedback.

      Actually the commutator design of interdesign1 at Clemente Figuera Thread is the real thing except WITHOUT the RESISTOR,just put a connection of wires instead of the resistors,then add the modified MAKE and BREAK commutator on the motor for normal motor its the 2nd Commutator(Interupter), for Asymmetric Motor its the THIRD commutator(Interupter) to be added. The schematic diagram of how to wired the system is already been given to DAVE, he is on his way to making such system and adding it to the 3BGS, what makes me amaze on this system(The 3BGS) is we can really get direct power from the capacity with out killing the dipole. That's all for now guys. If you understand what Im talking on here, you will be amaze that everything is not just under your noses but its already inside your noses. LOL . Boguslaw has already found this everything maybe he found out this way back 2010, and keeping all the mysteries to oneself.

      The real trick of free Energy is the another way of using the High Self Inductance Coil on the system. e.g. Bedini High Self Inductance Coiling, Stanley Meyer Coiling, UFO Radiant Coil,The set up on your 3BGS system is ONE. and a lot more people who knows how to wire the system with out using the power source, all we need is to give a kick at start and stabilize the energy stored on the Capacity and let the capacity do all the trick.

      The Energy( High Electromotive Force) created by the motor coil thus charge the battery or any means of capacity like you did is the correct one. But this system is only limited only to this cause it is not perfect.

      How did Bedini discharge the cap to the battery, no diodes right? Ev gra charged his battery no diodes right? This are all example that i always tell to you people battery can be charge as a capacitor.Because battery is built like a capacitor. Polarize capacitor if you connect the same POSITIVE TERMINAL it will convert it to non-Polarized capacitor, Energy on capacitor is can be Flipped in any way( both sides) you know it right?

      Try to pick a Bedini type coil of coiled in spool with wielding rod on the core, then connect both terminal of coil to the battery supply and put a metallic object on the wielding rod core and tells me what you observe?Switch it on and off as faster as you can, what do you feel on the metallic object you are holding? Imagine the coil your holding is the coils of Your motor in the 3BGS!

      Did you Light a 12Volt BULB very bright in a 1:1 ratio Transformer with out draining the batteries, also feeding the 555 driver to Make and Break the system with just only 1 12volt 7AH battery for 24hours, the battery never goes down even 1 milivolt after the system stabilize, but once you measure the Voltage accumulated on the capacity is much bigger like 200v to 400v and keep on rising ringing the coils and the battery. I never extracted yet the ElectromagneticFeedback on the input, Im just using the OUTPUT, YES you heard me We can used the Energy of EletromagneticFeedback of the input at the same time Using the High Frequency Output. I must admit the semi conductor switching cant really attain the efficiency I am looking for. Once the system is turn off the voltage on the Battery will keep on charging itself.
      If nobody listen on this on this ill deleted this post in anytime.

      Originally posted by shylo View Post
      I'm still testing ,but some things show charge , others show drain, ...?
      What I found interesting is with the difference in potential...
      When it's close , nothing happens.
      The more gap between the two ,is when the magic happens.
      With a bigger back-up, (that doesn't drain) , the more it charges.

      Why do 2 dead batteries in series , that are less than 11 volts , charge cap banks , and a good battery ,above and beyond 13 volts.? The whole time running the motor, with a load on it??

      Last edited by stupify12; 09-18-2013, 05:04 AM. Reason: Nobody listen


      • stupify12,
        Do you have any video, or can you make one of your setup running sowe can all see it?


        My motor should be here any day now, and then I can get that schematic put together.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Nikola Tesla , The man i believe the most Genius person ever live

          Man, I already told you that I just recently understand how Tesla's design and how did he attain great efficiency. In our country people are poor like myself and the greatest dream of each of us in this country is to attain free energy. Maybe you already know what country it is cause there are already many person in here that attain that dream. We are a third world country on the East, resources and materials are not good, we work and design set up from scratch and junks.

          My first set up I made was a self oscillating relay to test that ideas Tesla was talking if it is really a high efficient circuit the Tesla circuit he was talking about that will make the future acknowledge him, I just tested and it works It charges the capacitor and at same time the battery is not draining even 1 milivolt but the efficiency of the relay switching was not good enough to deliver Controlled Amplifying Resonance on the Secondary side I can dimly Light the bulb, and Very bright Leds on the other side.

          Actually I never thought that circuit will work like that, so i actually tried powering the relay direct to the battery if it cant actually drain the batteries but the relay drained the battery very fast. So that made me read more of Tesla's articles and patent and looking for the so called Free Energy Accumulator. Now that i Perfectly understand how did Tesla attain great efficiency of not draining the battery but only using the kick to start the relay, charging both the capacitor and battery at the same time. As I look this circuit was not under your noses but it is already inside your noses.LOL

          The second set up I made is still Tesla's circuit but tried to make it solid state using the 555 driver and mosfet to switch the system, I know that solid state switching is not good for this set up cause I know it myself and believe that SEMI- Conductor cant do the switch Tesla made, The 555 has a 103 code on its charging cap, it is the 555 driver of UFO Politics on his thread, The mosfet IRFP 250 even it is not gated the current still pass on its material that is why they call it Semi Conductor, when OFF not totally off, when On not totally ON so its kinda SEMI. Even knowing that i still tried to test if will work. and dialed up the potentiometer to almost half and Viola the Bulb on the 1:1 ratio small transformer of approx 10 turns Light the bulb so very bright and my meter always connecting to the battery and watching if it really drains the battery, it only drains 3 milivolt to start the system and charging cap then it stabilize until it will run self sustaining the system, I powered the 555 driver on the same battery. The voltage on the cap reach 200v to 400v and rising, ringing the primary coil and the High Self Inductance Coil and also the junk yard battery.

          It was indeed I so called Controlled Amplifying Resonance, Nothing is heating on the system. But as a experimenter we need to check if that can actually drains the voltage of the battery or not, so i switch it off and connect the BULB directly to the battery but the BULB light not so bright and draining the battery every 2 sec it drains the battery so fast than I expected. I accidentally damage my Mosfet when trying to hook back the bulb and disconnect the Drain of the mosfet from the capacitor the sudden discharge stored energy in the capacitor damage my only mosfet lol.

          When im not very busy, Ill try to re set up the thing and even think for another solid state switching like they do in the Induction Heater but wired in a different way it was TESLA'S way.

          Im thinking of looking for a many segment commutator to convert it for make and break and hook it in a SSG and wired the same set up Tesla wire his motor and circuit. Nothing can break the switching of Solid Contact Switch or Brush. I already give you the schematic , try to understand how each components work on TESLA'S circuit. It is just a matter of ON and OFF. Im still studying how this so called free energy works and looking for schematic of famous people on free energy to replicate it . I have already told you how it works, But nobody listen. Does it really needs a proof of schematics , pictures, and videos why don't you try explore it yourself . Pm me if you want a better understanding maybe we could chat and teach you every detail i know.

          I dont claim it a free energy yet just high efficiency, don't have such device that can power our homes yet.

          Originally posted by Turion View Post
          Do you have any video, or can you make one of your setup running sowe can all see it?


          My motor should be here any day now, and then I can get that schematic put together.


          • Originally posted by stupify12 View Post
            My own opinion,
            This is what happen when close ( Make) the motor rotor/field coils is induced by the supply energy and build up magnetic field because they are short circuited. And then when the motor (Break) the magnetic field collapse, discharging the MagneticFeedback as a High Electromotive Force ( CEMF and F EMF) are captured by the brushes you perfectly made modification on your motor shylo, they run both sides( forward and opposite side) its not just CEMF are captured on this system but both to have a Energy stablility, The energy amplication is the repetition of the MagneticFeedback in the system, the faster the frequency the higher energy gain. It just a matter of On and Off. Let everybody replicate the commutator you made and also the commutator interdesign1 at Clemente Figuera Thread its one of the key to perfectly amplifying the energy created by the MagneticFeedback.

            Actually the commutator design of interdesign1 at Clemente Figuera Thread is the real thing except WITHOUT the RESISTOR,just put a connection of wires instead of the resistors,then add the modified MAKE and BREAK commutator on the motor for normal motor its the 2nd Commutator(Interupter), for Asymmetric Motor its the THIRD commutator(Interupter) to be added. The schematic diagram of how to wired the system is already been given to DAVE, he is on his way to making such system and adding it to the 3BGS, what makes me amaze on this system(The 3BGS) is we can really get direct power from the capacity with out killing the dipole. That's all for now guys. If you understand what Im talking on here, you will be amaze that everything is not just under your noses but its already inside your noses. LOL . Boguslaw has already found this everything maybe he found out this way back 2010, and keeping all the mysteries to oneself.

            The real trick of free Energy is the another way of using the High Self Inductance Coil on the system. e.g. Bedini High Self Inductance Coiling, Stanley Meyer Coiling, UFO Radiant Coil,The set up on your 3BGS system is ONE. and a lot more people who knows how to wire the system with out using the power source, all we need is to give a kick at start and stabilize the energy stored on the Capacity and let the capacity do all the trick.

            The Energy( High Electromotive Force) created by the motor coil thus charge the battery or any means of capacity like you did is the correct one. But this system is only limited only to this cause it is not perfect.

            How did Bedini discharge the cap to the battery, no diodes right? Ev gra charged his battery no diodes right? This are all example that i always tell to you people battery can be charge as a capacitor.Because battery is built like a capacitor. Polarize capacitor if you connect the same POSITIVE TERMINAL it will convert it to non-Polarized capacitor, Energy on capacitor is can be Flipped in any way( both sides) you know it right?

            Try to pick a Bedini type coil of coiled in spool with wielding rod on the core, then connect both terminal of coil to the battery supply and put a metallic object on the wielding rod core and tells me what you observe?Switch it on and off as faster as you can, what do you feel on the metallic object you are holding? Imagine the coil your holding is the coils of Your motor in the 3BGS!

            Did you Light a 12Volt BULB very bright in a 1:1 ratio Transformer with out draining the batteries, also feeding the 555 driver to Make and Break the system with just only 1 12volt 7AH battery for 24hours, the battery never goes down even 1 milivolt after the system stabilize, but once you measure the Voltage accumulated on the capacity is much bigger like 200v to 400v and keep on rising ringing the coils and the battery. I never extracted yet the ElectromagneticFeedback on the input, Im just using the OUTPUT, YES you heard me We can used the Energy of EletromagneticFeedback of the input at the same time Using the High Frequency Output. I must admit the semi conductor switching cant really attain the efficiency I am looking for. Once the system is turn off the voltage on the Battery will keep on charging itself.
            If nobody listen on this on this ill deleted this post in anytime.
            You sound like I did back when I first started, throwing quotes at people from Tesla's patents. You are clever though, you have your eye in the right spot, however, I must ask, do you really understand what's being stated in those patents? Do you really comprehend what's being demonstrated in those figures? The breaking of the motor circuit results in the production of a current of high electro-motive force, (everyone seems to be doing this or something similar..Bedini, Muller, Adams, Teal, Gray, basically anyone pulsing a motor) according to Tesla this force is developed for charging the capacitor, you say without diodes, however rectification is still necessary, do you know how Tesla was able to rectify without diodes?

            Counter electromotive force and High electromotive force aren't the same thing, however, their origins are common. They both come into being via a change in what we term the magnetic field. How are we justified in labeling the preexisting counter? That which we call counter EMF is there prior to our applying an EMF from our supply. This EMF will manifest even if we don't connect our device to a power supply. What then is counter EMF and where does it come from? Why do we design systems which destroy this CEMF, or decide to do stupid stuff as has been suggested elsewhere and attempt to control this CEMF with diodes? Showing us how to charge a cap using this "high electromotive force" is the reason (in my opinion) for getting this patent! What is he trying to tell us about the relation of the force developed at switch break, the inductor that the force is developed in, and the capacitor that the force is moving towards? What is the lesson?

            I am of the opinion that the mechanism which enables us to manifest a CEMF is the secret! I find it interesting how the ignorant focus their hate towards CEMF, trying to excommunicate it from motors, while at the same time worshiping it in generators. Talk about a conflict of ideas, double think.....Separation of the two (applied EMF, CEMF) EMF is impossible, as far as I can tell, the two share a common fulcrum, this fulcrum is designed and constructed based on a false understanding of how the fields move about the (fulcrum) conductor (I don't claim to have the proper understanding, however, as a thinking individual I have the right and obligation to question dogma.) Isolation becomes possible when we establish a condition which is similar to a junction (field interaction based) found in semiconductors within the conductor, however deeper understanding of how the forces move in and around systems we develop are required. The 3BGS is working with a junction of sorts, but there are alternatives which should be investigated, for when the circuit is really doing what it should, the battery could become something very dangerous to one's health.

            A circuit of high self induction is important in my opinion. What is the significance of making it high? Don't forget we were instructed to keep the resistance low, why is that important? At what frequency did Tesla suggest operating circuits such as those that you mention? What happens to your high inductance when the device is operated at a high frequency? What happens to the capacitance? Why does Tesla make no mention of coil capacitance? Make no mistake, there is more taking place in that circuit than you may get out of a casual once over.

            Resonance is overrated, isolating a single sine wave function out of an ocean of complex standing wave patterns and saying that Tesla taught you that is an insult on that mans intelligence! Keep digging, there is a lesson to be learned, and I don't think anyone is talking about it. When you find it, and you will if you keep looking, you will realize that what you are trying to share right now isn't it, at that time you will also know why. That which I seek is that which we ignorantly call into existence to destroy.

            Dave, please forgive me for making this post, I just couldn't resist...hopefully it won't happen again.



            • Originally posted by erfinder View Post
              , I must ask, do you really understand what's being stated in those patents? ( I must say I understand it as much I read those patents, its all in the patent as Tesla intended to leave it for the future, there is nothing hidden on it, Only it is your way of thinking that you cant really get what was being taught to you. )

              Counter electromotive force and High electromotive force aren't the same thing( When i say High Electromotive Force we are talking on the same thing ; it is the combination of C EMF and EMF( Forward EMF)

              I am of the opinion that the mechanism which enables us to manifest a CEMF is the secret!( I believe you have your own understanding how your motor works, and I have my own understanding of how did Tesla produce high frequency; I think we are talking different set up).

              ....Separation of the two (applied EMF, CEMF) EMF is impossible, as far as I can tell, the two share a common fulcrum, this fulcrum is designed and constructed based on a false understanding of how the fields move about the (fulcrum) conductor (I don't claim to have the proper understanding, however, as a thinking individual I have the right and obligation to question dogma.)=( Did i told you separation of EMF and CEMF , I did clear on my posting that both are captured on the system, I think you already knows that C EMF or B EMF move opposite on our applied EMF, I think of the High Electromotive Force as a charged with different electron spin like left and right)

              A circuit of high self induction is important in my opinion. What is the significance of making it high?( That question is a very good one, that is the thing that is missing on all the people researching free energy, what and why did Tesla talk and pin point clearly that it is a must, maybe you should research and study Tesla how did he attain high frequency, the articles tell that when his generators reach 20khz it start to fly apart.)

              Don't forget we were instructed to keep the resistance low, why is that important?( I think you really dont know what is a Tesla Coil)
              At what frequency did Tesla suggest operating circuits such as those that you mention? ( Tesla clearly cited it on his books and patent, the high frequency is produced on the secondary of Tesla transformer; If we are talking about Make and Break he suggested that 10,000 to 20,000 is the best on his time.)

              What happens to your high inductance when the device is operated at a high frequency?( It amplifies the energy every make and break, this is the missing part people take for granted, in my set up a 12volt input, I can take RMS reading on my capacity about 200v and rising. Tesla's Resonance is Ampliying Resonance as Vladimir cited on his papers, It is indeed Ampliying the energy is never decaying even I shorted the Capacity to the Low Self Inductance Coil or Primary the Voltage on the Capacity will remain the same.

              What happens to the capacitance? Why does Tesla make no mention of coil capacitance?( He was talking about the old set up to produce high frequency on the so called coil capacitance)

              Resonance is overrated, isolating a single sine wave function out of an ocean of complex standing wave patterns and saying that Tesla taught you that is an insult on that mans intelligence! ( I already double check every schematic and circuit design on this forum, that is why people cant attain great efficiency like the true master Nikola Tesla was because people dont listen and follow instruction as he was writing very clearly on his papers and patents.)( Tesla's Resonance is not the same you have known from classical idea. It is a Resonance in a controlled manner by switching On and Off thus produce the Amplifying effect of the system.

              P.S When On time it is a Parallel Resonance on Off time it is a Series Resonance in a controlled manner, I may not have answer all your question, Im just a newbie and willing to accept ideas, one thing I have is I believe and have faith on the True Master Nikola Tesla , Sorry Im if I cant convey well my message, English is not my native tongue.

              Dave, please forgive me for making this post, I just couldn't resist...hopefully it won't happen again.( Lesson are learned when people communicate to each other.)

              Respectfully yours,


              • Stupify ...

                Stupify12 I am still digesting parts of what you write … all very important though, I had assumed the open circuit at the commutator was taken for granted I seem to have written about the wave forms over and over again .. and their relationship still who knows my bat might be crooked also
                as for Diodes and what not … I reckon at various stages I've put everything imaginable into experimental circuits .. if fact probably and old pair of socks at some stage.
                Here's Hutchinson driving a motor from a tree … don't know if there's a diode or two involved I also wonder what the circuit schematic is for a tree.

                Tesla s radiant energy device works great! woo hoo - YouTube

                The simple fact is you seem to have gone COP +1 and so of course we are interested .
                As for Boguslaw yes I have followed his threads and I have to agree with you. Regarding your question re Bedini and all the rest you ask, let me show a really angry man writing.


                And how about this as one really pissed off guy who knows how rotten it is one very upset man who knows he's onto plumbs. . As he stamps around its obvious He knows the score

                1993 Speech Stan Meyer Exposes One World Government - YouTube

                This then is the problem .. Its not “free energy” That's been done time and time again its getting
                Past the 200 horrible bastards that run the world. For what its worth I hope everyone erfinder .. you , JKH in fact anyone pushing the status quo keeps pushing and posting right or wrong as long as the intension is good.
                regards Duncan
                Last edited by Duncan; 09-18-2013, 04:24 PM.
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • Hi folks, Hi stupify12, based on your words, sounds like you are describing the tesla ozone circuit patent.
                  Hi duncan, my observations and experience thus far in this world, show me that these 200 beings you speak of, are masters at the divide and conquer method.
                  They use various human systems to instigate people to do this to themselves, relying on the primitive human consciousness state of fight or flight.
                  In human relationships, this is seen as massive numbers of divorce and family and friends feuding.
                  Human relationships are everything, when those are not in balance, it results in the human world that we see, a lack of balance and unity.
                  We pray this imbalance is healed now.
                  peace love light


                  • A good listener is a good learner

                    Your'e the second one that listen. Dun, I am a good reader of all your posted, In fact I cant seem to ignore your posting cause you postings are so long.

                    This are my explanations on simplest terms and relating all this detail in those working free energy devices. Do this simple experiments that Im going to tell you, this might help you in the future as a reference.

                    First. Get a12v battery, a polarized capacitor, a small dc motor, hook the 3 components in a series configuration observing the correct polarity, Take a meter and read the voltage on the capacitor, read it before you hook everything that will give you 0voltage, hook and read both the capacitor voltage and the battery voltage at same time. You will observe in this configuration that you can run the motor until the capacitor reach the voltage the same as the battery voltage, On my own observation I did run the motor only spending 50percent energy, and the 50 percent are recovered on the capacitor, but the motor stop run when it level on battery voltage cause I really dont know the reason. This is the experiment that lead me to the answer charging capacitor with out diode. Tell me how did you experiment turn out>.

                    Second. Get a 12v battery, a solenoid coil like a Bedini coil wound on a spool with a wielding rod as a core, any metallic object. Then I connect the one terminal of the coil on 1 terminal of battery, then I hold a metallic object in my other hand and holding it near the core of the coil, then I switch On(MAKE) and Off(BREAK) as fast as I can the other terminal of coil to the battery. Observe the magnetic flux and magnetic pole on the coil with a compass or a magnet. This experiment lead me to understand what is solenoid, a high self inductance coil, magnetic flux, electromagnet, the working principles of any motor rotor/field stator coils, tunable coils, Secondary coil of transformer, magnetic pole electron spin. Tell me your observations too.

                    Third. Switch Make and Break.... I get this idea in the First experiment, what if I can switch the capacitor to discharge its energy to the motor to run it again using the 50percent energy. So i research anything possible to switch that stupid idea of mine that lead me to other forum on the ENERGY AMPLIFICATION Thread that thread will tell you that is nonsense topic are being discussed and lots of hints and clues are being posted there. People that had successfully made a so called free energy device always talk about the person name NIKOLA TESLA. Then i dig out all schematic and illustration this man can show me how did he switch his system that make him the famous genius. Then It came to me like a lightning strike after I have read all his patent about high frequency set up, He has answered my question how to SWITCH such set up of my experiment 1 and experiment 2. It is in the arrangement of circuits that we all know series and parallel configuration He has combined it on Tesla Circuit only using 1 Simple Switch. This lead me to the answer of MAKE AND BREAK Solid Contact Switch and Commutator Brush Switching that brought me to this thread which is almost the same on the stupid idea that I came to think. Tell me your results and findings on your research on Tesla's papers and findings. Answer me immediately then I will post the schematic of my Tesla 555 driven circuit after you have done those experiments and research.

                    Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                    Stupify12 I am still digesting parts of what you write … all very important though, I had assumed the open circuit at the commutator was taken for granted I seem to have written about the wave forms over and over again .. and their relationship still who knows my bat might be crooked also
                    as for Diodes and what not … I reckon at various stages I've put everything imaginable into experimental circuits .. if fact probably and old pair of socks at some stage.


                    • Gosh guys, looks like someone beat us to the patent office!

                      Patent US20080030165 - Method and Device for Supplying a Charge with Electric Energy Recovery - Google Patents

                      This sure does look familiar doesn't it??

                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Endless

                        Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        Gosh guys, looks like someone beat us to the patent office!

                        Patent US20080030165 - Method and Device for Supplying a Charge with Electric Energy Recovery - Google Patents

                        This sure does look familiar doesn't it??

                        Wow! How many ways can the Tesla Switch be re-invented. It's endless and immaterial. Without understanding of the fundamentals, we go round and round. Until one can explain the process of how to transfer aether energy from one form (the kind we can't measure) to the form we currently use, we are but blind monkeys poking sticks at termites in the dark. I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting darn hungry for answers we can use in a practical way. Riddles do little for my sense of scientific attainment or understanding. This 3BGS conversation needs a refresher of what brought us here in the first place. Go back to post one. Lots of unexplained, translated power from somewhere other than the good batteries. Everthing else, is just a diversion or belongs on another thread.



                        • I had one of those "explosion" incidents with one of my DVMs and so until the replacement arrive I wont be trying anything much ... still I'll try your idea in due course .
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • every man and his dog

                            Originally posted by Turion View Post
                            Gosh guys, looks like someone beat us to the patent office!

                            Patent US20080030165 - Method and Device for Supplying a Charge with Electric Energy Recovery - Google Patents

                            This sure does look familiar doesn't it??

                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              Gosh guys, looks like someone beat us to the patent office!

                              Patent US20080030165 - Method and Device for Supplying a Charge with Electric Energy Recovery - Google Patents

                              This sure does look familiar doesn't it??

                              It is only an application.

                              Maybe someone should write in and challenge it in case it gets granted.


                              • Sulfated lead-acid battery and ringing/resonnance/vacuum energy converter

                                The main focus here should be to preserve as long as possible the sulphation state in the ''bad'' battery. We know that a sulphated lead-acid battery act like an vacuum energy converter when stressed out with the right frequency (motor/load configuration). The other thing could be to know exactly how the sulphated battery is REACTING in a CHEMICAL sense when the setup is in the zone. We need time, intelligence and big money here. Some chemist guys and engeniers to help us understand. But we are almost there. As long as we all agree on the current REALITY of the OU effect, it's all good!


