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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Gosh guys, looks like someone beat us to the patent office!

    Patent US20080030165 - Method and Device for Supplying a Charge with Electric Energy Recovery - Google Patents

    This sure does look familiar doesn't it??

    The business of charging in parallel and discharging in series is pure Benitez.

    Bedini 1984 Generator - Page 2
    Bearden in disguise as Bedini gives explanations re battery anomalies - some of which are encountered in the 3 BS here.
    Originally Posted by John_Bedini
    So you can resonate the ionic current, or the "coordinated" currents. Relatively speaking — that is a coordinated current dominated by massive ions with lots of inertia and overshoot when the current tries to change intensity or reverse direction, due to Lenz's law (an induced emf in a conductor is always polarized in a direction so as to oppose the change that causes the induced emf). In this case we have a multiplicity of Lenz's law effects induced when we try to change the ionic current. Some of the accompanying currents can be affected quite differently from the ion current. Because of this Lenz law complex dynamics, a simple "back pop" to oppose the ion current, or to accelerate it, is not a simple current and voltage matter at all. Indeed, the exact relationships in such are a quite worthy study for some exotic physical chemistry.

    So we just grossly summarize, with rules-of-thumb, and delay the precision to future detailed studies by very fine laboratory teams.

    Here's the rough secret: the chemistry of the battery is largely dominated and affected by the ion current in the absence of overriding electron current, while the external load is dominated and affected by the electron current alone. You can easily pick a point in the ion current resonance cycle (say, when the ionic current in resonance is in the battery-charging half cycle), and just instantly switch the electron current to oppose it.

    That's a bit of an oversimplification; you actually must get the phasing correct to properly form new and increased overpotentials, precisely at the proper times so as to charge the battery and/or powering the load. Note that with currents moving in opposite directions, the intention is for one current to predominate in the battery in charging mode, while another current or group predominates in the load in discharging mode. If you powerfully oppose the ion current, Lenz's law is evoked powerfully, so that the ion current actually increases its charge capability for a moment, due to its massivity. The Lenz law emf and the back-popped emf also produce a tremendous stress potential (a scalar potential by another name), energetically lifting the ions and particles to a higher potential state.

    That is, you momentarily increased the reaction cross section of those ions and electrons etc., and so you increased the collector systems' dipolarity. Thus they momentarily receive and collect excess energy from their increased asymmetry in their active vacuum exchange. In short, they momentarily asymmetrically self-regauge, which is taking on free excess energy from the vacuum. We note that the generation of the Lenz law emf effect actually comes from the atomic nuclei, but do not further explain it.

    The point is, you just legitimately extracted excess energy from legitimate environmental sources. You converted the system into an open dissipative system, removing any necessity for it to conform to classical thermodynamics because it momentarily is far from equilibrium with its active vacuum environment.

    Further, the inertia of the ions together with the Lenz law effects, causes the ions to continue in charging mode. This in turn "volumetrically squeezes" the opposing charges into a smaller volume, further increasing the charge density and thereby the potential magnitude (i. e. , further increasing the asymmetry of all those charges in the vacuum exchange, and thereby absorbing more energy from the vacuum). The production of that "charge density squeeze" produces a new kind of overpotential that we can use to power the load (i. e. , in electron discharge mode) at the same time that the ion current continues to charge the battery.

    You've just got yourself a true free energy or negative resistor effect, if you can master it and use it with proper timing. Note that by simple switching (very sharply, in 5 nanoseconds or less) and phase relationships, you can take power electron current in the external circuit in the discharge mode, by simply letting this overpotential be connected to the external circuit to energize the Drude electrons. And you are momentarily doing that while you are still charging the battery.

    Since you are going to be producing "discharge pulses of Poynting energy flow from the overpotentials" onto the external circuit in brief spurts, it is wise to use the "pulse discharging" to also charge a "current smoothing" capacitor of proper capacitance. Therefore you convert your "overpotential pulses" in the external circuit into smoothed rippling current through the load.

    If you elaborate on these processes and play with them for awhile (like several months!), you can also see how to phase things in either "DC" through the load fashion, or "AC" through the load fashion.

    But the point is, you really can induce one or more processes that allow simultaneously charging the battery (changing the chemistry in the charging mode) while discharging energy onto the Drude electron gas in the external circuit, powering them up and thereby powering the load.

    And you have not violated any laws of physics or thermodynamics, and the conservation of energy law is enforced at all times.

    Presently I know of no other book or paper that has such as its stated goal. The books and current research seem to all try to "coherently organize and synchronize" the various battery processes and currents to maximize charging and maximize discharging efficiency, while keeping the two completely separate. On the other hand, our purpose is to "decoherently organize and synchronize" the various battery processes and currents, to accomplish charging of the battery and discharging through the load to power it, simultaneously. In short, we seek to convert the battery and its processes into an open dissipative system capable of overunity operation, and all the way to self-powering operation while powering a load also.

    The ion current can only sluggishly slow to a stop for its reversal; it requires it a finite amount of time to do that. So it continues right on charging the battery for awhile. During that ion current hysteresis or overshoot time, you have a tremendous "charge density squeeze" occurring. This gives you an overpotential to use, and you can use it in dramatically different manners, simultaneously, on differing current types.


    • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
      The business of charging in parallel and discharging in series is pure Benitez.

      Bedini 1984 Generator - Page 2
      Bearden in disguise as Bedini gives explanations re battery anomalies - some of which are encountered in the 3 BS here.
      Originally Posted by John_Bedini
      So you can resonate the ionic current, or the "coordinated" currents. Relatively speaking — that is a coordinated current dominated by massive ions with lots of inertia and overshoot when the current tries to change intensity or reverse direction, due to Lenz's law (an induced emf in a conductor is always polarized in a direction so as to oppose the change that causes the induced emf). In this case we have a multiplicity of Lenz's law effects induced when we try to change the ionic current. Some of the accompanying currents can be affected quite differently from the ion current. Because of this Lenz law complex dynamics, a simple "back pop" to oppose the ion current, or to accelerate it, is not a simple current and voltage matter at all. Indeed, the exact relationships in such are a quite worthy study for some exotic physical chemistry.

      So we just grossly summarize, with rules-of-thumb, and delay the precision to future detailed studies by very fine laboratory teams.

      Here's the rough secret: the chemistry of the battery is largely dominated and affected by the ion current in the absence of overriding electron current, while the external load is dominated and affected by the electron current alone. You can easily pick a point in the ion current resonance cycle (say, when the ionic current in resonance is in the battery-charging half cycle), and just instantly switch the electron current to oppose it.

      That's a bit of an oversimplification; you actually must get the phasing correct to properly form new and increased overpotentials, precisely at the proper times so as to charge the battery and/or powering the load. Note that with currents moving in opposite directions, the intention is for one current to predominate in the battery in charging mode, while another current or group predominates in the load in discharging mode. If you powerfully oppose the ion current, Lenz's law is evoked powerfully, so that the ion current actually increases its charge capability for a moment, due to its massivity. The Lenz law emf and the back-popped emf also produce a tremendous stress potential (a scalar potential by another name), energetically lifting the ions and particles to a higher potential state.

      That is, you momentarily increased the reaction cross section of those ions and electrons etc., and so you increased the collector systems' dipolarity. Thus they momentarily receive and collect excess energy from their increased asymmetry in their active vacuum exchange. In short, they momentarily asymmetrically self-regauge, which is taking on free excess energy from the vacuum. We note that the generation of the Lenz law emf effect actually comes from the atomic nuclei, but do not further explain it.

      The point is, you just legitimately extracted excess energy from legitimate environmental sources. You converted the system into an open dissipative system, removing any necessity for it to conform to classical thermodynamics because it momentarily is far from equilibrium with its active vacuum environment.

      Further, the inertia of the ions together with the Lenz law effects, causes the ions to continue in charging mode. This in turn "volumetrically squeezes" the opposing charges into a smaller volume, further increasing the charge density and thereby the potential magnitude (i. e. , further increasing the asymmetry of all those charges in the vacuum exchange, and thereby absorbing more energy from the vacuum). The production of that "charge density squeeze" produces a new kind of overpotential that we can use to power the load (i. e. , in electron discharge mode) at the same time that the ion current continues to charge the battery.

      You've just got yourself a true free energy or negative resistor effect, if you can master it and use it with proper timing. Note that by simple switching (very sharply, in 5 nanoseconds or less) and phase relationships, you can take power electron current in the external circuit in the discharge mode, by simply letting this overpotential be connected to the external circuit to energize the Drude electrons. And you are momentarily doing that while you are still charging the battery.

      Since you are going to be producing "discharge pulses of Poynting energy flow from the overpotentials" onto the external circuit in brief spurts, it is wise to use the "pulse discharging" to also charge a "current smoothing" capacitor of proper capacitance. Therefore you convert your "overpotential pulses" in the external circuit into smoothed rippling current through the load.

      If you elaborate on these processes and play with them for awhile (like several months!), you can also see how to phase things in either "DC" through the load fashion, or "AC" through the load fashion.

      But the point is, you really can induce one or more processes that allow simultaneously charging the battery (changing the chemistry in the charging mode) while discharging energy onto the Drude electron gas in the external circuit, powering them up and thereby powering the load.

      And you have not violated any laws of physics or thermodynamics, and the conservation of energy law is enforced at all times.

      Presently I know of no other book or paper that has such as its stated goal. The books and current research seem to all try to "coherently organize and synchronize" the various battery processes and currents to maximize charging and maximize discharging efficiency, while keeping the two completely separate. On the other hand, our purpose is to "decoherently organize and synchronize" the various battery processes and currents, to accomplish charging of the battery and discharging through the load to power it, simultaneously. In short, we seek to convert the battery and its processes into an open dissipative system capable of overunity operation, and all the way to self-powering operation while powering a load also.

      The ion current can only sluggishly slow to a stop for its reversal; it requires it a finite amount of time to do that. So it continues right on charging the battery for awhile. During that ion current hysteresis or overshoot time, you have a tremendous "charge density squeeze" occurring. This gives you an overpotential to use, and you can use it in dramatically different manners, simultaneously, on differing current types.

      I really enjoy reading this information that Tom Bearden put out. There is so much to be learned from it. Now the thing that I have found that I haven't seen discussed in light of this text here is that it doesn't apply to anything that we are being told! There are battery chargers being sold which have very little relation to the mechanism that's being discussed in this text! I find it even more interesting that its suggested that we focus our attention on the chemistry of the battery as if the battery is charging itself, I find that strange, because isn't it the discharge current from the inductor which makes the change in battery chemistry possible? Why are we being instructed to focus on the battery, shouldn't we be focusing on the inductor? Speaking for myself...I am focusing on the inductor. Thanks again for posting this text, the future will show that this was Tom Bearden's best work when we finally apply it, specifically the increase in "reactive cross section".

      The play on words is also awesome, we are told that the battery "capacity" increases....hint...hint....maybe we should be focusing on capacity in the general sense and not the capacity of slow moving ions....capacity of what.....that's the question.



      • What's funny is that Bearden always says that the electron current to power the external load is to be taken from the batt while the back-pop happens. Or in other words, the back-pop overpotentialises the battery AND the load simultaneously. While Bedini always said the battery has to be disconnected from anything while being back popped....???



        • Originally posted by Mario View Post
          What's funny is that Bearden always says that the electron current to power the external load is to be taken from the batt while the back-pop happens. Or in other words, the back-pop overpotentialises the battery AND the load simultaneously. While Bedini always said the battery has to be disconnected from anything while being back popped....???

          I have found that we have to pay more attention to that which has been demonstrated more so than whats being said, and relate the demonstrations to that which has been patented. We have been shown many things, back popping was attempted by Rick however, his effort was a miserable piss poor interpretation of what I believe John Bedini really had in mind (would love to hear what he has to say about back popping).

          In my opinion, the ferris wheel embodies the true principles governing back popping, speculation can only get you so far..... I think parameter variation is a must, and that reactive cross section aspect that Tom Bearden suggest is the key, well it is to me...

          Almost forgot, its been my experience that the over-potentializing is nothing more than allowing the generator action to exceed the supply potential. This can been engineered to take place in a number of different ways. Cool thing is the generated potential is always higher than the applied when the supply isn't supplying! This doesn't mean that the supply has to be physically disconnected! There is not need for disconnecting! We must comprehend the generator action in the motor. Once we understand it, we can put it to use, we can manipulate it to work for us in ways we have not yet even begun to contemplate.

          Last edited by erfinder; 09-23-2013, 05:01 PM.


          • PMBO Submission

            Originally posted by erfinder View Post
            I have found that we have to pay more attention to that which has been demonstrated more so than whats being said, and relate the demonstrations to that which has been patented. We have been shown many things, back popping was attempted by Rick however, his effort was a miserable piss poor interpretation of what I believe John Bedini really had in mind (would love to hear what he has to say about back popping).

            In my opinion, the ferris wheel embodies the true principles governing back popping, speculation can only get you so far..... I think parameter variation is a must, and that reactive cross section aspect that Tom Bearden suggest is the key, well it is to me...

            Almost forgot, its been my experience that the over-potentializing is nothing more than allowing the generator action to exceed the supply potential. This can been engineered to take place in a number of different ways. Cool thing is the generated potential is always higher than the applied when the supply isn't supplying! This doesn't mean that the supply has to be physically disconnected! There is not need for disconnecting! We must comprehend the generator action in the motor. Once we understand it, we can put it to use, we can manipulate it to work for us in ways we have not yet even begun to contemplate.


            I came across your PMBO (Pulse Motor Build Off 2013) and just wanted to say as always - your work is top-notch!!! KUDOS!!! Let us know how this pans out for you!

            With respect,

            Electrostatic charges manipulating magneto-gravitic streams...


            • Back to work

              Hi Matt
              I think that you have mention in your previous post that if one shake the sealed Led Acid battery and don't hear the sound of the liquid inside it then this battery is AGM battery is that correct ?
              Because I have only SLA battery and when I shake them I don't feel there is any thing inside it as if it's solid and I have five of them 7.2Ah 12v .and since I don't have bad battery and you have mention to Dave how to kill a good battery and make it good bad battery by the the circuit you post but I want to make the control by either basic stamp 2 or Arduino since I have them both but I don't know the program and hoe to hook them to control Transistor or MOSFET and I have a lot of power Transistor and MOSFET I hope you can help me with the circuit so I can start working on the modified 3BGS now I have different 24v DC motor two 120w, two 200w,one 80w and one 300w I want to play with this week if just find good coupling for my motor or a good belt because I want to use two motor one as it in the circuit and the other one as a generator to charge another battery ,but it all depend on a good bad battery when I will get it with your help thanks in advance .

              Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


              • ehsanco1062,
                Do you have a power supply that puts out a minimum of 14 -18 volts that you can use? Lots of old computer power cords that plug into the wall convert from the wall voltage to 14-18 volts. You need SOMETHING to pulse the battery you want to make "BAD" with. You can, of course, use a couple other batteries in series, but it will be a long process and you will have to recharge those good batteries a couple times to make a "bad" one. It would be a simple pulse circuit through a transistor for the Arduino. I have one set up on mine to do that right now, so could do a little video if you need it, or you can use the circuit Matt posted that you were talking about. I don't remember him posting that, but if he did, and you got it, that's great.

                I had to put just about everything on the shelf for a little while except one experiment I am running day and night on a single battery. Chances are good I will be getting an old Land Cruiser to rebuild for my Get Out of Dodge (GOOD) vehicle in case of an Earthquake or other disaster here in California, so working on making that happen, and have my new grandson coming for a visit in two days so MUCH cleaning is in order!!!

                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • Battery Switch

                  People have asked which was already been answered so many times, Read the patent of Carlos Benitez so that you will have a better picture of what is happening on the battery.

                  All speculation's about powering from a battery is no impossible,we just need a common sense and imagination. We don't need to refer those being said flawed design or comments which really don't tell us the direct answer.

                  Why don't we find it by ourselves, that is the real answer that will stop so many speculation, For me I'm very much satisfied knowing that battery tend to level there voltage when 24volts is connected to 12volts.

                  Let me ask you question people, Why did Tesla use 4 batteries on his submarine boat? Why not use 1 battery for light weight?

                  Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                  I have found that we have to pay more attention to that which has been demonstrated more so than whats being said, and relate the demonstrations to that which has been patented. We have been shown many things, back popping was attempted by Rick however, his effort was a miserable piss poor interpretation of what I believe John Bedini really had in mind (would love to hear what he has to say about back popping).

                  In my opinion, the ferris wheel embodies the true principles governing back popping, speculation can only get you so far..... I think parameter variation is a must, and that reactive cross section aspect that Tom Bearden suggest is the key, well it is to me...

                  Almost forgot, its been my experience that the over-potentializing is nothing more than allowing the generator action to exceed the supply potential. This can been engineered to take place in a number of different ways. Cool thing is the generated potential is always higher than the applied when the supply isn't supplying! This doesn't mean that the supply has to be physically disconnected! There is not need for disconnecting! We must comprehend the generator action in the motor. Once we understand it, we can put it to use, we can manipulate it to work for us in ways we have not yet even begun to contemplate.



                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    Do you have a power supply that puts out a minimum of 14 -18 volts that you can use? Lots of old computer power cords that plug into the wall convert from the wall voltage to 14-18 volts. You need SOMETHING to pulse the battery you want to make "BAD" with. You can, of course, use a couple other batteries in series, but it will be a long process and you will have to recharge those good batteries a couple times to make a "bad" one. It would be a simple pulse circuit through a transistor for the Arduino. I have one set up on mine to do that right now, so could do a little video if you need it, or you can use the circuit Matt posted that you were talking about. I don't remember him posting that, but if he did, and you got it, that's great.

                    Hi Dave ,

                    Yes I have power supply from( 0-30)v 5A and Matt post a block diagram and he refer for the control box and he said that this control box could be Arduino or basic stamp or even me I can switch on and of and I did that for switching but this switching need a long time to complete the process so I need automatic switching since I have all the components to do it I just need the circuit and the program ,the most important thing is my question about the battery whether the SLA battery are AGM battery or not .if it's not then I have to buy two AGM batteries and kill it and make it good bad battery .

                    Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                    • SLA batteries can be either AGM or Gel Cell from what I understand, but chances ARE, they are AGM. Who makes the battery? Any information on it at all? You can research the manufacturer on the internet and find out for sure.

                      I will send you the circuit and code for the Arduino in the morning that I am using to pulse the batteries. From my experience, here is what you need to do. Pulse it for several hours, then let it rest over night. Pulse it again and let it rest over night. Do this until it shows no positive voltage or even negative voltage. If you put it on a continuous pulse, and do not let it rest and recover, it will stick at a certain voltage and never move lower than that voltage.... at least not for a looooong time.

                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Motor

                        The motor is a universal motor, has a coil on its field/stator and also coil on its rotor.

                        The drawing here as you can see it, the Positive is connected to the one side field/stator of the motor,the other end connection of the lower field or stator will connect to the one of commutator to supply the series/ asymmetric wound coil on the rotor(Violet). The upper brush connection will now supply the upper field stator, the other end is connected to the Interupter(Yellow Commutator) Make and Break. Negative is connected to the Interupter, when Make(ON) the Negative is connected to the end connection of the upper field/stator coil the motor will turn on shorting the rotor coil thru the field/stator coil energizing and building magnetic flux, When the Interupter Break(OFF) the motor is off, the magnetic flux collapse is re direct to the Capacity/Capacitor(Pink Battery) through Low self induction/Low Resistance coil(Yellow Green)/primary coil for the transformer.

                        Again when the process repeat, the voltage stored on the capacity will be discharge to the Low Resistance Coil when the Interupter Make(On), then when the Interupter Break(Off) the magnetic flux of the motor coils will charge the capacity.

                        As for the secondary of the transformer, wind bifilar/trifilar coil as a secondary, the first coil is for free load, the 2nd coil put a FWBR and return the output to the supply battery as a re charging coil. You can also add another coil on as secondary to recharge(Benitez Technique) the Pink Battery or Capacity but don't forget to use diode because we are already on the Secondary side.

                        It is the same concept with the Battery Switch, Tesla Oscillator, 3BGS. The output of the Secondary is high frequency hi Voltage - if it is a capacitor discharge. Remember to be very fast, very sharp, very short Make and Break as possible- so we can vibrate and imbalance the electrons around.


                        Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        SLA batteries can be either AGM or Gel Cell from what I understand, but chances ARE, they are AGM. Who makes the battery? Any information on it at all? You can research the manufacturer on the internet and find out for sure.

                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by stupify12 View Post
                          Let me ask you question people, Why did Tesla use 4 batteries on his submarine boat? Why not use 1 battery for light weight?
                          He has four separate batteries in a bank of series. Since the batteries were not made of the same materials as a lead acid the voltage was lower, like an iron nickel or something. 8 cells per battery probably delivered 1.5 volt per cell.

                          And as far as the Benitez patents go I have read them and used the math from them.

                          I am not sure I even understand what it is you are going on about. Can you tell us without adding in too many detail. Whats your point?

                          @ Ehsanco

                          If you need more help after dave sends you that let me know.

                          Last edited by Matthew Jones; 09-24-2013, 12:06 PM.


                          • @ Ehsanco

                            If you need more help after dave sends you that let me know.


                            Hi Matt

                            Dave said that he will send the circuit and codes for Arduino I appreciate if you can send me circuit for basic stamp 2 and codes because I am more familiar with be sic stamp than Arduino .

                            Thank you for your help.
                            I have send an email to the company manufacture the battery and ask them whether this battery gel cell or AGM .

                            Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                            • Not much detail

                              I think you have it wrong, Four separate batteries in a bank of series? If it is Tesla do you think that he will arrange it just like that?, but there are mention people use that 4 Battery Switch from the true master with great detail which is not a bank of series?.

                              Two batteries in series=24volts, Two batteries in parallel =12volts . He connect the 24volts to the 12volts on a parallel as I can see on his illustration( Benitez). There voltaic cell/batteries are the same on what we have now still the same batteries with 12volts and 8 cells, 1.5volts per cell but not the same material as we have now. Everything is the same batteries.

                              May I ask you did you combine the Tesla Oscillator on the Benitez 4 Battery Switch, wherever I look at on the 4 patents there is always the Tesla Oscillator with different combination. And please look at closely on the wire going to the ground as in Earth ground not batteries negative terminal but Earthened ground of rod. This is all I can say, Benitez device are all the same from Tesla but this guy combine it all on his set up.

                              Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                              He has four separate batteries in a bank of series. Since the batteries were not made of the same materials as a lead acid the voltage was lower, like an iron nickel or something. 8 cells per battery probably delivered 1.5 volt per cell.

                              And as far as the Benitez patents go I have read them and used the math from them.

                              I am not sure I even understand what it is you are going on about. Can you tell us without adding in too many detail. Whats your point?

                              @ Ehsanco

                              If you need more help after dave sends you that let me know.

                              Last edited by stupify12; 09-24-2013, 02:25 PM.


                              • Originally posted by LutherG View Post

                                I came across your PMBO (Pulse Motor Build Off 2013) and just wanted to say as always - your work is top-notch!!! KUDOS!!! Let us know how this pans out for you!

                                With respect,

                                Hey Luther,

                                Thanks for the compliment, I live for this stuff. Looking forward to the results of the judging...they like to take their time. I'll probably come in last, but its all in good fun.

                                Lets schedule another chat! Lots of new developments to discuss.


