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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Originally posted by citfta View Post
    You have way more patience than I have. I doubt even these results will convince the skeptical. I really don't care if they believe in this system or not. Those of us that have built it and adjusted it according your directions know what it can do. As far as the skeptics who still doubt I don't care what they think. Thanks for all your efforts.

    Respectfully, Carroll

    I hope you were not referring to me as:

    1. Dave did exactly what I asked despite the cost, frustration and effort.
    2. I believe in Dave's results (I think Dave knew that I would by now).
    3. It performed as many of you believed it would - showing what everyone suspected, but also putting a number on approximately how much work that was done by the pump was increased by 3BGS itself. If you want to say "I told you so", you certainly have earned it!

    It has shown that there is (another) good reason to conclude that additional energy is entering the system from an undiscovered source.

    I realize that many people that think they are skeptics, are really people that have decided ahead of time what the outcome should be and won't listen to reason. How annoying that is! A real (unbiased) skeptic will be open minded enough to believe the results of a fair test, which has been done here.

    Perhaps now that we have a measure of work done, we can tell if future system tweaks really improve efficiency. I believe that with further refinement, the test could be much less of a pain to run, and even be routine and standardized. That way, it could settle the old My System is Better (Bigger?) than Your System Perhaps the test could show multiple small increases that as a whole could lead to a bigger breakthrough. But that is up to you if you think that there is value in it.

    I will continue to follow with much interest - "Where is that Damned energy coming from, anyway????"


    • Carroll,
      Some people will NEVER believe it until they see if for themselves, yet they REFUSE to build the silly thing. For the life of me, I cannot figure that out! And we KNOW that Randy's schematic works BETTER, is FAR easier to tune (just watch the voltage on the buffer battery) and is going to take us to a final solution in the long run, now that we now how important that reversed magnetic polarity is. We are living in VERY interesting times where free energy is concerned. I see all the things that are up for sale and it's almost like the folks who are making a living off the free energy crowd are trying to sell everything they possibly can to make a few bucks before someone who is willing to share finally dumps the secrets and schematics here on the forums for all to see. Or until WE (meaning the folks on THIS thread) finally solve the last few little issues and share it with the world. I don't begrudge anyone trying to make a living off the knowledge they have gained through years of hard work, but I still feel like free energy is the ONE area where we all need to share everything we know. OK, not EVERYTHING we know, because some folks on some of the threads would just talk forever, but we do need to share the important stuff.

      And if you people don't believe that mainstream is watching what we are doing, you couldn't be farther from the truth. Mainstream has been in my basement. They have seen some of my stuff working. They have signed an NDA. They are providing me with magnets and wire and test equipment and all kinds of stuff. They may well steal me blind in the long run, but I am less concerned about that than I am the opportunity to get some of this stuff out there to people who really have the background, can get their mind around some new concepts because a working model is RIGHT IN FRONT of them, and have some discussions about what this could mean to their company as well as to the future of research in this area. And now that they have signed an NDA, I am going to meet with the chief electrical engineer for research and development. Don't know when that's going to happen, but I'm not pushing for it. I'll just keep taking all the free stuff they are giving me until that happens.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Skeptic,
        One thing this test did for sure, is show me that the water pump motor is a brushed DC motor, or it would never have worked. This means that it should be able to run on Randy's schematic if I have two good "Transducers (bad batteries). So when locate a couple, I will be trying the water pump test on it, since everything is all set up anyway. And I will KEEP mine set up to run tests with it in the future. I WAS going to take it apart and use the pump and flow meter up at my property, but I think I will just keep them for a test setup. They aren't that much in the way as long as I drain the water out of the bucket.

        I do want to get some off the shelf brand new batteries, charge them up, and then run them down to 12.2 until I have done this with several batteries to establish a solid baseline. The more data we get, the more precisely we should be able to break this down. It's all about the data.

        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Not you personally

          Hi Skeptic, no I was not referring to you personally although you are the one who gave yourself that username. LOL I feel you have been fair in asking for some kind of verification of this system. When I have tried to ask the same thing of other devices on this forum I have been called a naysayer and much worse even though they have never shown anything to lead me to believe they have something.

          I was referring to the ones that keep telling us we don't understand batteries or we don't really have the power we say we have and on and on. And they just keep insisting it doesn't work without even trying it as Dave has said. I had my doubts about this system too until I tried it and it did everything Dave said it would. Being a healthy respectful skeptic is a good thing. Having a closed mind to something just because you don't understand it is a sign of a serious handicap to learning.

          Originally posted by Skeptic View Post

          I hope you were not referring to me as:

          1. Dave did exactly what I asked despite the cost, frustration and effort.
          2. I believe in Dave's results (I think Dave knew that I would by now).
          3. It performed as many of you believed it would - showing what everyone suspected, but also putting a number on approximately how much work that was done by the pump was increased by 3BGS itself. If you want to say "I told you so", you certainly have earned it!

          It has shown that there is (another) good reason to conclude that additional energy is entering the system from an undiscovered source.

          I realize that many people that think they are skeptics, are really people that have decided ahead of time what the outcome should be and won't listen to reason. How annoying that is! A real (unbiased) skeptic will be open minded enough to believe the results of a fair test, which has been done here.

          Perhaps now that we have a measure of work done, we can tell if future system tweaks really improve efficiency. I believe that with further refinement, the test could be much less of a pain to run, and even be routine and standardized. That way, it could settle the old My System is Better (Bigger?) than Your System Perhaps the test could show multiple small increases that as a whole could lead to a bigger breakthrough. But that is up to you if you think that there is value in it.

          I will continue to follow with much interest - "Where is that Damned energy coming from, anyway????"
          Respectfully, Carroll
          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


          • Turion: I think it's important to keep running tests as that adds to the scientific data. One test can be dismissed as a fluke, but repeated tests cannot. It might also show up the increasing energy in batteries using this system. ie just running the system down should show an increase in water pumped each time.
            When I first tried the 3bgs I was startled to see how well my gell cells charged afterwards, despite the fact that they were already conditioned to radiant energy.


            • Hi Dave. Just a simple question from a skeptical point of view: How can you think convincing peoples with some 15 second videos ?? It's just non-sense to me. Just a lot of words. Dust in the wind. All you people are talking WAYYY too much. If this technology is so important, why not then just put some explanations in a long video ? Making a team with some funding and finding a good camera to film the technology. It's getting harder for me to thrust peoples these days. 103 pages for 15 seconds videos ? I was curious at first then things started to smell rotten in here like bedini ''free energy generator''. It was just a poor battery rejuvenator and that's it. Simple science, nothing more. I'm an another quiter. Good bye guys and hope that some day, we will have some REAL proof. God exist too you know....I'm so pissed of you know. I'm calling it: Bull****.
              I'm quit this b###h!


              • CrystalDipoleMatrix,

                A 15 second video or a 45 minute one watching water pump. Either could be faked. That is the point I have been making all along. Why is it MY responsibility to prove ANYTHING to you? Prove it to YOURSELF. Or don't. It's YOUR loss, not mine. I have done my best to provide everyone with the opportunity and the information to be successful. If that's not enough for you, I feel sorry for you. I don't OWE you anything. Adios
                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                  Turion: I think it's important to keep running tests as that adds to the scientific data. One test can be dismissed as a fluke, but repeated tests cannot. It might also show up the increasing energy in batteries using this system. ie just running the system down should show an increase in water pumped each time.
                  Thats why he has included you guys....

                  Funny how very few get that.



                  • Matt is Correct.... AGAINq

                    Matt is right. I brought this to the forum in the first place so we would have hundreds of people replicating it, comparing test results, trying different variations, and working TOGETHER to come up with a solution. Instead, we have about twenty people who have actually built it according to the directions we have posted here and actually SEEN it work. They are convinced and are constantly building and experimenting, while the rest of you stand around with your d&%k in your hand and whine that we haven't proved to you it works. Matt, I really think it's time we moved this completely to your private forum and let those that are not building play with themselves or each other on this thread, because playing is what they seem to be about. They are certainly not serious about contributing.

                    We are close enough to a solution that we are going to find it whether we have the active participation of ten people or a thousand. Right now I feel like posting here on research is a total waste of time because of the idiots we have to contend with. I'd rather just go away, figure it out, and then dump a schematic here when we are done. Those of us who ARE building are in communication by phone, email, text and PM anyway.

                    Last edited by Turion; 11-02-2013, 12:35 PM.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Deleted due to inappropriate rant
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Originally posted by Turion View Post

                        A 15 second video or a 45 minute one watching water pump. Either could be faked. That is the point I have been making all along. Why is it MY responsibility to prove ANYTHING to you? Prove it to YOURSELF. Or don't. It's YOUR loss, not mine. I have done my best to provide everyone with the opportunity and the information to be successful. If that's not enough for you, I feel sorry for you. I don't OWE you anything. Adios
                        Hi Dave and all, I couldn't agree more. You CAN'T prove anything to anyone! Even if you make a perfect video and schematics, it could still be fake for some... This is why I didn't agree with you so much at first putting in the money and time for the pump test, but you did a great job, thanks for that.
                        If someone wants proof he has to build it and check for himself, period.



                        • For most of us it's not about proof, but about good science. The cop of this setup is useful science.
                          The mystery still to solve or the beast to tame is the "dancing voltage" syndrome.
                          Therefore any good science is useful.
                          Try to keep emotions out of it.
                          You guys do- after all - look into other forums for guidance.
                          From what I can gather, Turion is being looked after, because the mainstream is interested, so no point in getting emotional.


                          • Validation

                            Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                            Turion is being looked after, because the mainstream is interested, so no point in getting emotional.
                            There we go! Validation! How many of these threads have mainstream openly interested? Nuff said. Stuff to build. After all, it's the builds that show us results, not words.
                            Good luck with your Builds,


                            • For the bifilar pancake coil. Do you mean literally the coil is under one of the transducer batteries?

                              Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
                              I use 5 batteries. All AGM 12v 7Ah. They are as follows:
                              • 2 source batteries, full charge, radiant conditioned. Charged with a SSG.
                              • 2 transducer batteries (3rd position), DEAD, no conditioning to start with. The ones I have been using with this setup have 0.1v and 6v. These charges have moved around about a volt during testing. Nothing significant.
                              • 1 Buffer battery, drained charge (11.5v to 12v), radiant conditioned. This I use for my loads.

                              I always use a load. After all, if it can't stand up to that what use is it? This is my test setup. My load is usually a 2000w msw inverter with a resistive load. Light bulb, 40-200w incandescent. I follow Turion's schematic except for:
                              My motor is on the positive side of the source. My buffer battery is connected to the transducer(3rd batteries) as Turion shows a load, my inverter is connected in parallel with the buffer battery. No resistors or diodes. This is my setup today. It changes with the wind.

                              Good Luck,


                              • 110 Percent

                                JUST BUILD IT and see for yourself ,I did ,very simple, The 3BGS,..
                                And out of all the dead batteries I tried , only 2 didn't work.
                                So no excuses , and no arguments.
                                You will get longer run times with this set-up ,than you will with just series batteries. Period.

