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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Mixed Message

    I don't mean to leave with a mixed message.

    I have seen everything Rick showed in his presentation. WITH the exception of what is in the "black box" that is supposed to run loads and induce more charging. And I have some ideas on what that might have been. But that's what my bench is for.

    Until I have seen large loads run on my bench I have to reserve judgement. I do know the direction Matt and I are going is to use the concept found in this circuit to run a Basic Free Energy Device, so that's where I'm headed.

    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Hi Dave , I ran for a week with just 2 batteries in series, I lost .385 volts /24 hrs. That was turning the rotor and lighting 36 led's.
      I then hooked up the 3BGS, a set of super caps in the 3rd position, and ran another week ,I only lost .195 volts/24hrs, the rotor was slower and the led's were'nt as bright , but the super caps gained triple the voltage I lost in the original set-up.
      I Know the caps don't have the same capacity of the batteries, but there is still the less consumption on the batteries , plus the gained charge on the bank of super caps.
      Thank-you for all the efforts you put out there, just because we don't always post , doesn't mean it was in vain.


      • Turion I wanted to say

        thank you for this thread. I have always been interested in these things but higher math is not my strong suit and I don't really have money or space to experiment. Until you started this thread. Batteries are something I'm somewhat familiar with and have worked with.

        I followed the instructions and got the system to work. I also want to take the time to thank Matthew Jones. He knows how he helped me.

        Anyway I got it to work but basically I was working under a leaking and open porch limited space and subject to the weather and rain. I had to abandon it and cover it with a tarp after a certain level of progression because I needed a safer place and testing equipment to document what I was seeing.

        We are both disabled and money is tight but I have been able to save some towards that goal. In the meantime I have been kept busy with a sick parent and spouse while writing 2 novels, studying the stock market and developing my own health diet.

        So anyway I recently happened on some videos by Jim Murray and something he said, or something he attributed to Tesla and something someone said about batteries discharging having nothing to do with using electricity but just moving electrons in the same direction that discharges it.

        It triggered a question circuit in my brain because I've read the last couple of pages and the drawback with the 3 BS still seems to be the dead battery not remaining dead.

        I wonder has anyone tried a Tesla coil in conjunction with the third battery? Something Jim said about orientation and Tesla made me wonder. Made me wonder if the coil could/would interfere with electron flow in that third battery by its orientation and coil design.

        The older I get the more I trust my intuition and for me to check in here after 3 years and find this still on the front page surprised me. That was after viewing the vids by Jim Murray but only later did I vaguely connect his mechanical magnification and orientation lectures with the 3 BS.

        This maybe stupid but placing the battery on the coil or connecting it across one or both terminals or to one side or over it or suspend it in air to see what happens.

        I really do appreciate this thread for a lot of reasons.

        Originally posted by Turion View Post
        I don't mean to leave with a mixed message.

        I have seen everything Rick showed in his presentation. WITH the exception of what is in the "black box" that is supposed to run loads and induce more charging. And I have some ideas on what that might have been. But that's what my bench is for.

        Until I have seen large loads run on my bench I have to reserve judgement. I do know the direction Matt and I are going is to use the concept found in this circuit to run a Basic Free Energy Device, so that's where I'm headed.



        • We did some experiments with bifilar wound pancake coils, but never with the Tesla coil. If you look back a bit at the work done here with the boost circuit or at the link to the stuff Rick F has posted, you will come to realize that you do not need a bad battery. All you need is to rest the charging battery, rotate the batteries occasionally, and you can extend your run times long enough to power a generator with your motor that WILL produce excess power. I have a couple extra boost modules lying around if you want them to experiment with. PM me and I'll get them to you.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • WW,
            If you are out there watching, I finally figured out the magnetic polarity. It does everything you said it would do. AMAZING!!
            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • acronym anyone?

              Hi David - Et al – Just an opinion David and a few observations but I consider your works to be far from over. You rightly say 'until a sizable load is running gratis on your test bench' but it runs far deeper than that even .
              If I were to write 'until a suitable energy source sufficient to each and everyone’s needs were made available free of constraint' .. that would IMHO be nearer the goal, but we are far,far away from that .
              A lot of that distance is not only physiological but cyclic, allow me to expand on that the video you posted by Rick although nicely presented and perhaps done in all sincerity didn't really present anything new or unexpected . The capacitors (and batteries) charged in parallel and discharged in series has been demonstrated and shown to be COP>1 many times – indeed for decades by many different researchers. For your indulgence here are a few from the 'back pages' EPD explains the capacitor enigma (just as Rick does) 48M40s – 50M10s here -
              John Bedini unitizes the capacitors charging in parallel and dis-charging in series enigma long ago in this practical example described as 'a scalar battery charger' and attributed to Ron Cole
              THE TESLA SWITCH
              you of course will be very familiar with it David as the genesis of the 3BGS was the Tesla switch and you certainly will have avidly consumed any information available in the arena.
              I confess to be getting a bit 'pissed' at folks preaching the lord at me, placing emphasis on truth and disclosure along with sharing and then of course presenting ' A black box' In the equation. Might as well post nothing at all instead of a teaser !
              --- Gather around folks, lets all try and guess what's in the box and then try and guess what its not quite properly tuned to ? - that’s about as much use as tits on a Kipper! and as I say David there's many a crooked mile to travel yet.
              It is not very difficult to ascertain exactly what is being 'tuned to' its pointed out loud and clear again by two researchers in different ways, John Bedini tells us many years ago “ Its reactive current” he states it loud and clear in the first few lines here -
              John Bedini: Reactive Power is the clue to Monopole, Hendershot, Moray.. |
              Eric Dollard Tells us much the same thing in terms of SWR and huge circulating currents at 20M00 to
              23M00 here -
              there are of course two resonant states (electrically speaking) to wit series resonance and Parallel resonance It is clear that it is the series resonant state we are concerned with and the forgotten and neglected waveforms of Tesla which Eric talks of.
              Is it safe then to assume that the mysterious 'black box' then tunes the battery and circuit to series resonance regardless of changing battery conditions ? IMHO its a very good bet and consistent with all these researchers, In short its common ground!
              Series Resonance in a Series RLC Resonant Circuit
              Where then might the Tesla coil you mention fit into this hotch potch of 'Biblical goody two shoe's and black boxes David ?
              The Tesla coil itself is by definition a resonant device, more importantly it is a series resonant device. That in itself doesn’t help the cause very much, it does offer an explanation as to Clueless's instinctive interest though.
              We have all had to learn to our chagrin that the battery impedance rapidly changes and -- oh oh oh the magic disappears.
              Strangely the work of the maniacal groups of 'Coilers' who are generally considered just as insane as we 'free energy researchers' may come to our assistance as we consider - whats in the black box ?
              After all they have the same basic problem that is - trying to track series resonance despite wildly changing conditions.
              Their answers ? They are many and evolving all the time hence a big list of acronyms has evolved (when alas we just want something simple to share) For instance . P..P..L D.R.S.S.T.C
              I understand it means 'Phase locked loop controlled double resonant solid state Tesla coil'( oh yeah -
              well supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !!) anyway here's one of many hundreds of examples chosen because the schematics and intentions are pretty clear -


              now incorporate that or something similar (and preferably much simpler) to track resonance and alter impulse rate to suit and I suspect you'll be duplicating something of the 'black box' technology and much nearer your high power, reliable. Machine. As for the Chemistry , that's another facet of the diamond
              Last edited by Duncan; 05-01-2016, 12:39 PM.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Rick vs Gotoluc--Why the difference? Two part video




                • at Tishatang
                  At part two read the comments. Matt and David clearly explain why the difference.
                  Last edited by liber63; 05-03-2016, 11:02 AM.


                  • To sum it up.. all arrangements of batteries including a single battery, serial battery, and parallel battery or any combination of are measured based on the voltage difference between the highest point and the lowest point, which is usually the difference between GND and Positive poles, but not in this case.

                    Anything other than that is a false approach designed to show loss. Just plain ignorant stupidity from someone who should know better.

                    Its real let down when people concoct these things then in turn label anyone who knows better "ignorant". Its a real shame when you admire their work just to find out they are not capable of even rational thought and accurate experimentation.



                    • Perhaps if the people that insist this doesn't work and show us videos would invest several thousand dollars in a state of the art battery analyzer and take a look at the results from it, (as I have done) they would change their opinion. I don't OWN one...yet, but I have been able to test the 3BGS with one, and as I recall, Matt DOES own one. And I am not talking about a hand held meter, but a REAL analyzer that costs a few thousand dollars. The cost of running the load on the potential difference is minimal, and far FAR less than running a DC load any other way.

                      There are things about batteries that very few people really understand. I'm not claiming to understand them either, or I wouldn't have spent 8 years of my life putzing around with the 3BGS, but I can say that dismissing the 3BGS is a terrible error. I don't know if everything Rick shared is for real, but I know absolutely for sure that SOME of it is.

                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • @liber63
                        OK, got it! I guess I should learn to read comments section on youtube. So, my dream of an electric boat is still on.



                        • What I find unusual is how caps charge , and that are not connected, with a physical circuit, But you can draw off the power.
                          Cap A can be connected to point 1 & 2, Cap B can be connected to point 1 & 3, Cap C connected to2 & 3
                          But you can draw off A & B 1-3, 2-3, and 1-2
                          B and C the same way,
                          And A & C & B will all charge , when drawing off the others. (flyback I think)
                          Still looking


                          • shylo,
                            Can you draw a circuit and shows where these different "points" are that you are connecting caps to? You said they are not connected to a "physical circuit", so what ARE they connected to.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              Perhaps if the people that insist this doesn't work and show us videos would invest several thousand dollars in a state of the art battery analyzer and take a look at the results from it, (as I have done) they would change their opinion. I don't OWN one...yet, but I have been able to test the 3BGS with one, and as I recall, Matt DOES own one. And I am not talking about a hand held meter, but a REAL analyzer that costs a few thousand dollars. The cost of running the load on the potential difference is minimal, and far FAR less than running a DC load any other way.

                              There are things about batteries that very few people really understand. I'm not claiming to understand them either, or I wouldn't have spent 8 years of my life putzing around with the 3BGS, but I can say that dismissing the 3BGS is a terrible error. I don't know if everything Rick shared is for real, but I know absolutely for sure that SOME of it is.

                              Hi Dave,

                              Can you please post a link or name/model number for the analyzer. I have cheap $300 one and it works great for most things but shows the 3BGS batteries at 30% capacity when they out run a normal battery that shows 90%.

                              Thanks for the help!

                              Last edited by altrez; 05-05-2016, 09:28 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Tishatang View Post
                                OK, got it! I guess I should learn to read comments section on youtube. So, my dream of an electric boat is still on.

                                My dreams of electric bike then car are still alive as well. Mine would recharge as you drive. But no plans or designs yet.


